Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sarah Palin on The Factor talking about the Teabaggers and complaining that The Family Guy attacked her family.

Part One:

In this clip Sarah Palin claims not to have seen ANY extremism among the teabaggers, and blames the media for WANTING to see that. I found it particularly interesting that Sarah Palin made the point that the "birthers" should not have their 1st amendment rights taken away, especially after she had both Dennis Zaki and I escorted out of a public book signing event by the Wasilla police.

The part near the end where O'Reilly tries to get Palin to explain how a disorganized bunch of lunatics like the teabaggers can get organized to become a political force while Palin just keeps throwing out pathetically inadequate talking points should be proof positive to anybody looking toward Sister Sarah for leadership that she is simply an empty shell and has NOTHING of substance to offer anyone.

Part Two

Sarah Palin can see into the future? Then she must have known she was going to lose that last election. Gee I wonder why she seemed so surprised? (Did you see Piper race to rescue Trig from her mother's careless embrace?)

Sarah goes on to compound the lie that Bristol wrote the Facebook response to the Family Guy episode. (Oh I wish I could divulge who I talked to today that told me that there was NO way that Bristol wrote that post! Maybe soon.)

In her effort to make it seem that her condemnation of Rahm Emanuel's use of the word "retarded", and her defense of Rush Limbaugh's repeated use of the word "retards" is not hypocritical, she totally misrepresents BOTH of them. Palin claims that Emanuel called "a group of people he disagreed with effing retards". That is not true. What he DID was to say that the plan of progressives to place ads attacking Democrats for not supporting the Health Care bill was "fucking retarded". He did not call any person a retard.

And Palin's claim that Rush was using "satire" to bring to light what Emanuel said is also patently false. In fact Rush was making fun of the fact that people like Sarah Palin were getting their panties in a wad over the use of the word.

"Our political correct society is acting like some giant insult’s taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards," Limbaugh said on the show. "I mean these people, these liberal activists are kooks.

"They are loony tunes. And I’m not going to apologize for it, I’m just quoting Emanuel. It’s in the news," he continued.

"I think their big news is he’s out there calling Obama’s number one supporters f’ing retards. So now there’s going to be a meeting. There’s going to be a retard summit at the White House.

So in Sarah Palin's mind using the word "retarded" in a closed door session to describe an idea that Rahm Emanuel does not like, and having a Down Syndrome teenager on an animated show with a selfish attitude, is terribly wrong and must suffer a Palin style Facebook smackdown. But Rush Limbaugh calling people "retards", and broadcasting that there will be a "retard summit" on the public airwaves is perfectly okay?

You know lady, that logic is fucking retarded. I just thought somebody should point that out.


  1. Leave Sarah Aloooone!

  2. The scene where Piper takes Trig away from Sarah seemed like she wanted the attention getting "toy". I've seen that behavior before by Piper. I'm guessing in her mind she would like some attention and maybe by taking Trig she'll get it like it used to be when she was the beloved and adored youngest child. I think she's a little young to be carrying a toddler around like that but people will have different opinions on that.

  3. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I love Seth MacFarlane!

    The Times asked "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane for an interview regarding the matter. But he opted to send a statement via his publicist: "From its inception, 'Family Guy' has used biting satire as the foundation of its humor. The show is an "equal-opportunity offender."


  4. SaskCat8:03 PM

    I had to stop at 1:55.

    Why are her eyelids so thick?
    Why has Billo been muzzled?

    She said the opposite of what she meant to say twice during this time period. Clearly her thought processes have been retarded by something.

  5. SallynGarland,Tx8:10 PM

    She'll never convince most people that she isn't a hypocrit. Palin threw out the "million plus" facebook fans comment to brag, I assume. Well, Sarah, Chad Ocho Cinco has 753,000+ followers on twitter. Puts a different perspective on things, huh? Other people are popular also, too.

  6. Anonymous8:10 PM

    She looks a little drugged.

    Talking slow & droopy lids.

    (I could only watch a minute or two)

  7. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Easy there Big Guy. You know it's hard to have a battle of wits with someone who is in unarmed.
    Also too you can't have a logical conversation with an illogical person.
    Oh when is she going to crash & burn?
    BTW if you do see her please feel free to tell her she looks like shit.
    And a big eff you to Bristol. She couldn't put a sentence together on Oprah, there is no way she wrote on Facebook.
    Hillary wrote 'It takes a Village'
    Her next book will be ' it takes a retard to raise a Palin.

  8. Doesn't she look tired? Her eyes are drooping. This public life is wearing her down trying to keep all of her ducks in a row. I really can't comment on what she's saying as I always have the sound off when a clip of her is posted.

  9. Gasman8:13 PM

    If Palin hasn’t seen any extremism amongst the teabaggers, it certainly is not evidence of a lack of teabagger excess. It merely means that Palin has her head jammed so far up her own ass that she has no idea what takes place beyond her little sphere of ignorant bliss.

    I’ve started a small collection of images taken at teabagger rallies. I’ve grouped them and the top three categories are Huh? (inexplicably stupid), Kant Spel Rite, and Racist.

    Much extremism in the latter group, Mrs. Palin.

    Former partial governor Palin, if you object to being called a bitch, do you think it acceptable to depict the African American POTUS as a witch doctor with a bone in his nose? How about President Obama as a monkey? How about other such classy racist crap like watermelons and fried chicken? How about the cracks about Obama being Kenyan and all of the other idiotic birther bullshit? How about conflating teabagger idiot bleating about healthcare with the Jews gassed in Hitler’s ovens?

    Are these extreme enough for you Sarah, you bitch?

  10. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah! Yes, encourage first ammendent rights for birthers, teabaggers and conspiracy theorists but go after the Family Guy and David Letterman for a little bit of what you lovingly refer to as satire when Rush does it. You certainly seem to attack and go after people for speaking their minds more than anyone else who so graves the media spotlight. It seems very duplicitous when you advocate that 1st ammendment rights should be protected. Oh, I get it. People should only have their rights if they agree with your politics.

  11. Anonymous8:16 PM

    "You know lady, that LOGIC is fucking retarded"

    Hey, a philosophy lesson! May I use your blackboard?

    Do you understand that time is sequential? Do you understand that the present is shaped by the past?

    If a woman takes a gun and shoots her husband who is sitting eating dinner that is a crime and the woman will go to jail for murder.

    If a woman takes a gun and shoots her husband who just slashed at her face with a razor that is self-defense and she will be congratulated.

    The past creates a CONTEXT for the present.

    Rahm Emanuel made his “retard” comment in one context.

    Rush Limbaugh made his “retard” comments in another context. Rush was reacting to the events put in motion by Emanuel.

    Pretending two events are the same when in fact they’re defined by completely different preceding events—that is, when they have different contexts—happens all the time. It has a name. It is called CONTEXT DROPPING. Dense people do it all the time because they don’t know any better. Vicious, devious people do it all the time because they think their empty words can manipulate their listeners. And, of course, people who are dense AND vicious and devious kind of depend on such tricks.

  12. You said it, Gryphen. I am SO tired of watching this woman get up and go into one of her faux outrage spiels. We had Letterman's joke, we had Levi's revelations in his interviews, we had the desecration of the iconic photo, we had Emmanuel using a common figure of speech behind doors; now we have a cartoon. Jeez. Even if I liked her, but now I'd be thinking, What is with you, lady? But her followers obviously love this whole victim schtick. What a looser.

  13. GrainneKathleen8:30 PM

    i really have a hard time with that sucking ona sour lemon face that sarah makes whenever she is acting like she disapproves of it. the hate is visible when she drags obama into conversations that aren't even about him, just so she can sling some of her own verbal feces his way. ick.

  14. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Billo has sunk to his lowest by allowing her to evade his questions and let her get away with her incessant talking points. She did not answer ANY of his substantive questions (and yes, he did pose a few) by interrupting him and pulling out her usual talking points. I can't wait to see how the NYT or any intelligent conservative pundit will judge this "performance". Gak!!! I couldn't even watch the second part because frankly, I don't give a damn about her crazy hypocritical rants about the her perceived attacks on her and her family.

  15. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I just figured out why Fox hired "Governor" Palin!

    In contrast, Bill O. seems somewhat intelligent & coherent.

    Compared to the Quarter Gov. (I am giving the other 1/4 to Todd), the other people will seem 'coherent' & 'professional'.

    I don't buy it, but it was a good try Fox.

  16. Thought it was hilarious that O'Reilly pointed out the extremist groups in Sandpoint, Idaho...Ms. Palin's birthplace.

    Is it me or is she an unbearable bore? I couldn't listen to the 2nd clip.

  17. WakeUpAmerica8:55 PM

    And let us not forget when the half-a-gov hypocrite called Andrea McLeod "the falafel lady." Oooops!! My bad! Was that satire?

  18. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Great post, Gryphen! Keep hounding this miserable excuse of a politician,

    Palin is so unbelievably transparent in her "strategy" (the only thing she's transparent on, btw). Since she had already made a public laughingstock fool out of herself with the Limbaugh debacle, she gets the "great" idea to use Bristol as a shield and a tool to do her work for her. That way, her pointy little head reasons, she won't be called on the carpet for the Facebook nonsense. Do any other politicians exploit their kids the way this yahoo does? What a coward!

  19. Anonymous9:02 PM

    This woman keeps getting crazier!

  20. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I am with anon 8:13. If it's Freedom of Speech for Tea Baggers, Birthers, people who insult and degrade President Obama, it's Freedom of Speech for satire, swearing, and all forms of speech.

    There is always a line that can't be crossed. It is usually defined as "shouting fire in a crowded theater." If anyone ought to be considering where the limits of Freedom of Speech begin and end, hows that folksy hopey phoney snarky insulty thing workin' out for ya? Some of Sarah's campaign rhetoric resulted in threats of violence against Obama. Careful, Sarah, that's inciting to violence.

    Instead of playing the victim, Sarah should be doing is working her butt off as the advocate for the National Association for Down Syndrome. She should not accept a speaking fee with the promise to return it to the cause; she should be proud to speak out for them for nothing. She should be addressing fund raisers for the disabled instead of cashing in with loggers, alcohol vendors, and anyone else willing to pay $100,000. for a look at her. Sarah is very good at talking the talk; now it's time to walk the walk.

    Attention, Sarah! Instead of playing the victim and being outraged, you should stop using Trig as a photo prop. His two years in the spotlight as your personal choice (when you would deny women the right to make that same choice) is not working to his benefit. He requires stability and therapy.

    By the way, I read over at Palingates that the gal who did the voice of the DS girl on Family Guy is actually a gal with DS. She surpassed everyone's expectations, went to school, drives, and is the result of what can be accomplished.

  21. Anonymous9:06 PM

    What do Sarah and radical muslims have in common? They both take extreme offense at, and declare fatwas against, cartoon characters!

    Can any of us bear to imagine how the First Amendment would be eviscerated if she were ever to become president?

  22. Anonymous9:14 PM

    So $arah, when will you be outraged and call for actions against old white men who fill their suitcases and fat bodies with Viagra and go to an island known mostly for catering to pedophiles and raping children many whom are legitimately retarded?

  23. I wonder if Sarah knows that Family Guy is a cartoon.

  24. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Hey, Anonymous @ 8:16:
    "Rahm Emanuel made his “retard” comment in one context."

    Emanuel didn't say "retard." He called an idea "retarded."

    Just because Sarah Palin wants to reframe the statement by continually mis-stating what was said, doesn't make her BIG LIE true.

    Neither does your re-stating of her lie make it any more true.

    To quote you: "people who are dense AND vicious and devious kind of depend on such tricks."

    Terrible, eh, to be hoisted by your own petard.

    Richard Cohen in the Washington Post: "...as far as anyone can tell, [Sarah Palin] has no ideas of her own. She's a validator, satisfying her audience's narcissistic urge to be told they are correct in their thinking. They look at her and see themselves."

    Best description I've heard.

  25. Huh. I actually liked Bill O'Reilly in this Pt 1 interview. He just asked reasonable questions, and then sat back and let her babble on until he could get a word in edgewise again. He pressed her on specifics (dangerous fringe teabaggers, should birthers be at the TP table, can the R party encompass the teapartiers) and she came back with irrelevant canned phrases, some of which made no sense: "reporters need to get a life, get out to these small towns" and "self-proclaimed elites" (??). BOR zinged her on the Sandpoint Nazis. Antecedents, pronouns, vocabulary mangled as usual.

  26. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Wow...WHAT drug is she on????Slow blinking, dialated eyes and a pissier than usual attitude? She is coming unhinged. Gotta love it....

  27. Gasman10:11 PM

    Anon @ 8:16,
    Your straw man argument is facile, dissembling, entirely self serving and entirely full of shit. Limbaugh was deriding people who OBJECTED to Emanuel's usage of the word, NOT TO EMANUEL. Limbaugh was effectively DEFENDING Emanuel's usage, not satirically mocking it.

    Emanuel used the word in private and was referring to verbs.

    Limbaugh used the word as a adjectival noun and was referring to SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS as "retards." Lord Lardass also used the word something like three DOZEN times on a national show broadcast to MILLIONS. Lardass was criticizing the ADVOCATES of people with DS who objected to the term, PEOPLE LIKE PALIN!

    No way to spin that one. Only a fool would try. But go ahead. Knock yourself out.

  28. Well, I'm certainly glad to learn that Tancredo's advocacy for literacy tests for "Obama voters" wasn't racist or extremist. I can stop being disgusted by his foulness now. Besides, I kind of admire the man for having the balls to stand up at a Teabag convention and suggest that people might should maybe be able to spell Vote before they get to vote. Surprising they didn't stone him for being such an elitist.
    Amazing how Palin's Teabag talking points are exactly the same as her Republican talking points. Both reflect her flo-thru intellect.
    Then again, maybe she's got a point. When the difference between the two distills down to being about equal to choosing between possum stew and squirrel meat soup, who the fuck cares.
    No central structure, definable purpose, or leadership needed within a political party? Palin, you really are a fucking retard. If you'd been paying attention at all, you'd realize the Democrats have just spent the past year proving that theory completely wrong.

  29. sunnyjane10:18 PM

    She's a moronic boor who is also extremely stupid. Her statement "those self-proclaimed elitists" is as brainless as it gets. SHE's the one who parrots the "those elitists" line. I've never heard anyone call themselves "elitists."

    I thought it very amusting when BO'R said, "Yes, there should be some standards..." in reference to what's shown on television. Standards? Since when was Fox interested in STANDARDS?

  30. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I have a cousin with Prader Willi syndrome. She was the sweetest child in the world. But kids grow up, and yes, disabled teenagers can be just as big of jerks as "normal" teenagers. Palin may be in for a shock in about a dozen years

    While I didn't think that the Family Guy clip was particularly funny, I certainly didn't take it as an attack on Trig Palin. It was just a mild zinger aimed at Sarah.

    She does so like to misconstrue doesn't she? Anne

  31. I think someone should post this link over at the Sea of P

    Sarah Palin Slashed Funding for Special Needs Kids 60% in One Year


  32. Anonymous11:03 PM

    "Pretending two events are the same when in fact they’re defined by completely different preceding events—that is, when they have different contexts—happens all the time. It has a name. It is called CONTEXT DROPPING. Dense people do it all the time because they don’t know any better. Vicious, devious people do it all the time because they think their empty words can manipulate their listeners. And, of course, people who are dense AND vicious and devious kind of depend on such tricks."

    Palin just read that and went "HUH?"

    Sarah your are much more retarded than Bristol's son.

  33. She's so adorable when she is struggling so hard to make her point. She's so special, and not in a good way.

  34. mommom11:49 PM

    She looks more like Ruth Buzzy and less like Tina Fey every day.

    Druggy eyes,furrows by her mouth that make it look like a marionette,some sort of nose job that makes us look straight up her enormous nostrils while she speaks,the messy bangs to hide the fact she has a huge receding hairline.

    She must have lost her Dorian Grey painting,the evil is catching up.

  35. Sharon in Florida11:54 PM

    I'm guessing she's on Oxyies. Gasping for air in some interviews, about to doze off in this one.

    I agree with Anon @ 9:45 - Sarah's coming unhinged. IMO it'll be the Faux folks who bring it about all for ratings! When Fox makes fun of her, she can't take it and that's why she used Bristol's name on FB for the Family Guy rant so she can switch to "leave my kids alone" if anybody criticizes what was said.

    No press at her speeches, Bristol's name on the FB notes...where's Sarah Barracuda? Where's the fearless big game hunter?

  36. I haven't watched the clips yet but O'Reilly needs to get his body language expert on to analyze Palin in some of these interviews.

    Since it appears that O'Reilly is reluctant to press Palin on any specifics, at least the body language expert can point out the obvious signs of Palin lying & otherwise being evasive.

    O'Reilly will still come out looking like the nice guy who was just asking questions and Palin will be the one who betrays herself.

  37. sunnyjane12:12 AM

    A nasty old sow with mouth paint.

  38. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Palin reminds me of Muslim extremists who take offense at harmless depictions of Allah.

    Same mindset.

  39. Anonymous1:32 AM

    The opiate toxicity is showing through.

  40. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Sarah get her Focus on The Family Guy 15 minutes.

    Yawn. Burp. Fart.

  41. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Im zipping back and forth between here and PalinGates :D so double post but:

    On the 2nd segment of Palin on Bill O ...she admitted SHE was behind the "Bristol" FB
    She said she had come down on the Pres for teasing the S. Olympics, for coming down on
    Rahm for calling people F'n Retards, and people were saying are you going to say anything about "Fox" ...and then says that is why I came down on that one, too

    "I" came down on that one too
    hrmm... I thought the reason she posted on FB was because Bristol was the one that came to her for her reaction (not "People") was so tender and "gracious" so she just HAD to post it

    And Patrick has a fascinating link about her Las Vegas Tea Baggy rant..where she butters them all up and then tells them they need to pick the Republican party ...has to pick a party.. Dem or Rep ..

    yikes.. I think the Tea People are loony but they don't deserve to be insulted like that.. let them have their cause..their voice (isn't that what Sarah says?)

  42. Thank God we have Republican Presidential candidates keeping our TV viewing moral. Old-timers amongst us will remember Dan Quayle's principled stand against Murphy Brown's decision to bear a child outside of wedlock. Heavens! What kind of fallen woman could ever do such a thing!!

  43. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Serror you are so yesterday.....
    Get off it...we're sick of your crap.
    you are not the first to adopt a downs syndrome baby......get over it....keep your childrens out of the spotlight...you faucking retard...
    You never chose to speak out on birth defects or other developmental disabilities prior to the adoption of Trig.......
    These things were around then, just because they now affect you you decide to pretend you are the chosen one......
    We don't believe you gradumacated from high school or college....show us!!!!

    She was paid $100,000 to ramble on /do the paegeant walk/paegeant question and answer session and write on her hand like a third grader for the teabaggers, of course she can't talk about them.....

    AND where is Tawd, shouldn't he be speaking up and defendin' the womanfolk and babies...What kind of man is Tawd?????


  44. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Billo came across as bored and slightly annoyed at Palin's continual interruptions and failure to say anything of substance.

    Now that Bristol has spoken/written about Trig and DS issues, you can bet a tidy sum of money has gone from the PAC to Bristol's LLC. Pie Skye LLC is probably getting a chunk of change as well, seeing how its primary purpose deals with disabled children and elderly.

  45. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Poor little Sarah. her life is now on the same level as a cartoon. Does she think FB is some bizarre version of a Northern White House? LOL Does she think DS people incapable of so=called normal things...like dating, learning, acting? I wonder how offended Sarah and her idiot twin Bristol would have been at Corky from Life Goes On? I imagine Sarah would have dreamed up something stupid. One of these days she's going to get hammered by someone who has DS and is succeeding. I think Sarah sees Trig as a failure in her life...or Bristol's or whoever that baby belongs to...so she lashes out at everyone when in reality she's just pulling her own hair. Her continual need to be a victim yet attempt to portray herself as super woman just put her bi-polar behavior in the spotlight and not in a healthy way. I think one of these days she's going to melt down on air.

  46. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Family Guy? It was satire, Sarah, satire!

  47. Ripley in CT3:46 AM

    I cannot bring myself to watch these clips... maybe later after some adult beverages this evening. But even then with the sound off.

    Does she realize that she's fighting with a cartoon that has a talking dog that dates real women?

    They are making fun of YOU, Mrs. Palin. Not Trig. And at that, just barely! And why don't you go after the actress who did the voice over while you're at it? Why? Because she'd rip you to shreds, too. How do you think she feels that you're ripping on the show that just handed her a tidy check to do a voice over for a DS individual? Do you think she's stupid? Go to IMDB and look her up.. Andrea Friedman. A more accomplished woman than you'll ever be.

    Palin can't think beyond her own surgically altered nose.

  48. Anonymous3:51 AM

    I'm no fan in any way shape or form of SP. And she definitely appeared slow/sleepy or something here. But I have to say that I think she came across surprisingly well in this interview. I think it's easy for those of use who see her as a manipulative, malicious hypocrite to view her appearances negatively--and with a few she certainly has been undeniably shockingly stupid.

    But many times..much of the time, I think she actually does throw out a coherent string of sentences--like here. And the Tea Party speech....without substance? yes...but was she cunningly-evil, mean and sowing destruction towards Pres Obama and the 'liberals' in an effective way? Yes.

    I think you have to listen without knowing all the behind-the-scenes info--and if you listen in that vein, she has lots of credibility. Only if you know that she's lying, exaggerating, leaving stuff out of context etc. do you see it, but if you don't--which I venture to guess, most Fox viewers do not--she sounds fairly reasonable.

    I am appalled at her Trig-as-prop and failure to demonstrate any real charitable attempts towards special needs actions--however, just hearing her 'defense' here, she does sound like an advocate.

    I am absolutely sickened and appalled at how she keeps throwing in references to President Obama--and repeating over and over that he somehow made fun of special olympians--as if?!!!!!--but she does it--and repeats it--and gets away with it--and for those that don't have an insider perspective on her--she has just planted an evil seed of brainwashing into people that slights Pres Obama. It's just sickening to me at how he has so much integrity and gracousness and clearly has shown NOT to be vindictiveness and has geninuely tried to breach this political divide when trying to gallantly address our various crises--yet because of insidious people like her--his image is tainted.

    What he does is pretty much irrelevant because Fox and the evil alleged-"Christians" are shaping the conversation and defining the perspectives and the realtity--as unreal and dishonest as their portrayals are. President Obama is more Christian than any conservative/Christian/Republican/Tea Party spokesperson I have seen--yet he's paintd as Hitler/Evil/communicst/socialist/you name it. It's is frightening. And this interview has her planting one more seed in this evil evil destruction of what is truly good and real and trustworthy. It's quite frightening.

    As much as I'd love to see her be visibly incoherent and hyypocritical and everything else--I think that most of the time, she is not. And that's scary. And while it's unChristian-like to judge (even though all the professed political Christian have no problem doing so), I have to say that this allegedey Christian woman is going straight to hell. I wonder, how can she live with herself for all her evil motives, mean actions and dishonesty? Is she truly so delusional that her conscience allows her to operate as if she is a good person? And how can these vapid followers not see thru her? Whatever the answer, its scary and dangerous and as much as people dismiss her, like they say--Hitler got into power. This woman is evil and people behind the scenes are helping her to advance. IT's scary. And our truly good President is being destroyed by evil Christians-in-name-only.

  49. 10catsinMD4:14 AM

    Sweetness Gryphen. Are you talking to Track? Ot Toad's girlfriend?

  50. Anonymous4:26 AM

    The taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid one.

  51. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Hi? I'm really dumb? And I demand to become the next President of the United States? God said I could. Therefore, you better go along with it AND be happy about it! Next question.

  52. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I'm sick of being asked to pity this recent, vulgar millionaire charletan. Oh the pity. Oh the pity. The piteousness of rupert's latest pitiful thing.

    BTW I don't believe God says to someone "You GEDDA be President". We have an election process here in America. So far that's how such things are supposed to decided. Thank you.

  53. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I am convinced say ruh is insincere. Nothing she says can convince me otherwise. Wait, she is sincere in her interests in noney and her desire for power and poltical ambitions. Aside from that I have become convinced she is totally insincere.

  54. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Does anyone here know the Poe story, The Telltale Heart? It is about a guy who committed a murder, body buried in the floorboards, but he lets the cops in to chat. He tries to be cool but he eventually confesses though the cops didn't press him to or even let on they suspectectd. Guilt drove him to crack.

    She reminds me of this story. She is sitting on the bodies (lies) and one day she will crack up.

  55. Anonymous5:37 AM

    What is she wearing around her neck? a robot necklace?

  56. womanwithsardinecan5:41 AM

    For entertainment purposes I watched those on my slow computer that doesn't play video well. With the sound off of course. Watching ol' sarah in slow mo, eyelids drooping, lips puckering, chest heaving constantly, was pretty funny.

  57. Sharon in FL6:18 AM

    Over at the Sea of Pee, they're calling for a telephone campaign to let the sponsors of Family Guy know that they disapprove. Posted the names & phone numbers. Number 1 on the list is Fox News. What a great start for my day.

    Somebody was also calling for "somebody to take one for the team...just a punch in the nose would be all anyone would have to do (to Seth McFarlane)". Unbelievable.

  58. Anonymous6:56 AM

    It would be nice if say ruh would return to her compounds and take up knitting snow machine covers or something equally prescient. Perhaps, her "children" could concentrate on their educations, sports skills, etc. It's ok to be quiet say ruh. You won't have a breakdown; promise...

  59. LisaB7:15 AM

    Only Sarah get to spin in the "No Spin Zone." Is that cuz her skirt flies up as she twirls?

    Sarah's already reconstructed reality to her version. She's just a vile hypocrite.

    If only Bill had asked Sarah to define "satire." I can hear the crickets chirping from here.

  60. Anonymous8:42 AM

    SP noted about Bristol being gracious and forgiving - didn't Bristol's last sentence from SP's facebook call the writers "heartless jerks"? forgiving.

    Also, I don't understand SP's insistence on not needing titles.....again she mentioned it on teabagger's topic. How can a movement progress without titles or leadership? She doesn't explain her theory on how that can be achieved. Yet, she-who-needs-no-title can amass $100,000 for speaking to a crowd of non-titled teabaggers who rally for free.

    Too, she indeed does have a "title". She is "political analyst, or contributor" at Fox. That's a title. And, she gets paid for that as well.

    She mentions the "disconnect" between the people and Washington. Yet, she seems disconnected from seeing there's a scary fringe element of teabaggers that even her Fox peers are concerned about Sigh........

  61. Anon @ 5:31--Love your reference to The Telltale Heart. It would be great fun to have a poll or contest to speculate about just WHAT it is that's buried that's "speaking" to Sarah Palin!

    (There are many possibilities.)

    Such a vile and despicable person she is.

  62. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Any medical professionals here? There's no way she's not on something. Maybe anti-anxiety medication or anti-depressants?

  63. Anonymous9:51 AM

    When is someone going to put poor Sarah into drug rehab?? She looks worse every time I see her!

  64. Anonymous10:08 AM

    No worries, Sarah's just going through menopause...all that blinking, lip licking, and forgetfullness is part of the "change" ;0). She'll be back to normal in a few years....

  65. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Trisomy-21 = Trisomy-G = Tri-G

    From the beginning, Tri-G has been defined as a disability.

  66. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Going through menopause doesn't make you look doped up! She looks like she needs medical help.

  67. Anonymous@3:51-
    Worry not about Sarah having behind the scene support. She just did'nt/does'nt comprehend that the support came with requirements that she continually fails to meet... extremely galling when she was given every imaginable tool to succeed. She truly is to be pitied as I don't know if she is even aware that she alienates someone at every turn. Every single time. If she is in fact paranoid, it's one of her saner moments. Who would'nt be if they betrayed and/or abused their way through life. More and more I find my utter distaste for her replaced with a profound sadness. I neither flaunt nor hide my faith but the older I get the more I realize how it has and does shape my life. Due to my dads job, I spent 4-6 months a year in 6 countries from baby till 12 yrs old so was exposed to many cultures, beliefs, etc. Like all curious kids, I assaulted my parents with what/why/how questions. To this day, the answer to a question about religion remains my most valued advice. One night after saying grace at dinner I excitedly told them there was more than one heaven and my new friend told me his name. They patiently let me share my "find" and then my dad said names and labels are'nt how we get to heaven... you must earn it and strive to ACT Christian every day and if you honor God you will be judged worthy of the name.
    Guess it sounds naive but it stuck. I define Christian more like a verb than noun. Maybe that's why my heart physically hurts when Sarah callously abuses the purest emotion (faith)for such selish, selfish reasons. With all she was blessed with, it's sad she chooses greed.

  68. A REALLY IMPORTANT POINT that nobody seems to have noticed but me is that Rush was talking about REAL mentally retarded people when he mentioned the "retard summit."

    If nothing else that he said during that rant offended Palin, that one usage should have enraged her, because it was truly outrageous.

    Rush insulted Emanuel and the mentally challenged citizens and their advocates that he invited to the White House.

    That is the "retard summit" Rush intentionally insulted.

    At least Family Guy hired a Down syndrome voice actress for the role of a Down syndrome woman.

    I doubt that will matter to Sarah, since it doesn't play into the innocently victimized angels of God with no individual personalities and who must be pitied role that the Palins want to dehumanize special needs people with.

    Harrumph. Etc. Also, too.

  69. cheeriogirl1:49 PM

    Why is Sarah calling them the special olympiads?

    Listen at 1:12, then again at 4:32.

    This woman is certifiably whacked!

  70. oops! Meant my new friend told me the name to pray to in this "other" heaven :)

  71. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Palin is a dipshit. The actress who did the voice of Ellen on Family Guy is a professional actress who also works in an accounting firm. And surprise...she has Down Syndrome. See her fabulous and inspirational bio here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0295141/

    She lives independently, has a driver's license, and has been acting for many years. She is also a motivational speaker.

    Palin could learn a thing or two from this talented lady.

  72. @ sunnyjane - You must have missed Sarah calling herself an elitist. Uh huh...she and 5 adult friends sophomorically called their little group the "Elite 6."


  73. Beta blockers? That's OK, quite sure she needs them. I get the feeling Fox is waiting for the O.J-on-the- freeway-in-the-Bronco moment. Heli-cam overhead--anything could happen and we think there is a loaded gun. What would Sarah's meltdown in the studio on tape cause Roger Ailes to do. I think the SOB would mop the floor with her and go on to the next exploitation cash generator. Go home, Sarah. You are in way over your head.

  74. I've called her a fucking retard, and worse! As the mom of a special-needs kid, I'll call that retard whatever I want.

  75. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I can't wait for the day Bill-O loses it on this kook. I"m sure, per contract, they have to behave themselves around her. But her if ability to bring in ratings starts to lag, then they are going to have to do something drastic to keep it going. That may just mean that they unmuzzle Beck, O'Reilly and whoever else is itching to put her in her place.

  76. I watched with the sound off as I can not bear to listen to her voice. That woman is stoned on something.

  77. Mac And Cheese Wiz8:34 PM

    Billo seems bored, hardly tries to make eye contact or press her for answers. Maybe he realizes she doesn't have crib notes on her palms and is giving her a break.

    Sarah looks distant, distracted and lost. She's such a champion for Special Needs, yet contributed a thousand bucks to the cause at the last minute. I guess that's how much Trig means to her after using him as a prop for months on the book tour.

    Bristol seems more like the momma grizzly in the fauxbook posts than Sarah. Sarah, the eternal suffering victim! When is enough enough?

  78. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Now I get it. Foz News hired Mrs. Palin, so that "liberals" would watch their show for entertainment.

  79. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Now that we know Bristol's going to be on TV, it makes sense that she is being "positioned" on social media sites like FB.

  80. What a hole full of commies this place is. YUK!
    Costin, Romania excomm,unist country

    for the great majority of you who think that is Obama and the dems are doing now its something novel, find out that communism (that Obama has a crush on. take a look at that freak, Van Jones) is that little ideaology that already killed 100.000.000 people. yeaaah.. whatever, you are already brainwashed. its useles to talk to you


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