Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In Arkansas Palin fails to fill arena and dashes Teabagger hopes of a third party candidate.

In front of a crowd of Republican Party activists and the tea-party movement’s rank and file here on Tuesday night, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin seemed to put a damper on speculation that she might consider running for president in 2012 as a third-party candidate.

Asked what her advice would be to conservatives as the November elections approach, Palin first lavished praise on the Tea Party movement, calling it "a grand movement" and adding, "I love it because it’s all about the people."

But she quickly pivoted to the broader question of whether the Tea Party movement might successfully field its own candidates in national elections, and on that point she sounded far from convinced.

"Now the smart thing will be for independents who are such a part of this Tea Party movement to, I guess, kind of start picking a party," Palin said. "Which party reflects how that smaller, smarter government steps to be taken? Which party will best fit you? And then because the Tea Party movement is not a party, and we have a two-party system, they’re going to have to pick a party and run one or the other: ‘R’ or ‘D’."

Palin said that the Republican platform best meshed with the Tea Party’s creed. However, she mentioned that her husband Todd was not a registered Republican and that the party should be open to embracing independents.

Palin used her 45-minute speech and the Q&A session that featured pre-selected questions from the crowd to sound off on everything from what she called the "snake-oil science" of global warming to politicians who are "addicted to ‘O-P-M’-other people's money."

Many of her remarks were revived directly from the 2008 vice presidential stump, including her repeated invocations of former president Ronald Reagan.

But there was one element that Palin had to contend with on Tuesday that she rarely (if ever) did on the campaign trail: empty seats. Though the Arkansas Republican Party sold differently priced upper-level and lower-level tickets to the event at the 18,000-seat Verizon Arena, less than half of the seats in the lower bowl were occupied, and the entire upper level was shrouded by black drapes.

In the hours before the Palin event began, the Arkansas GOP was advertising on its web site a heavily discounted "$20 ticket special." The dining tables that had been set up on arena’s floor, however, were full with donors who had contributed $175.

You can almost imagine the disappointment the Teabaggers must feel that their queen has betrayed them and decided they must stop screwing around and join a side. And even more dismayed that she has already essentially decided for them which side to join.

So much for the independent spirit that the Teabaggers were so proud of. In the end they turn out to be nothing more than a loosely organized, emotionally driven group whose passion will be drained by the Grand Old Party, and whose votes will be usurped by the very politicians most responsible for their frustration with government.

I certainly hope somebody smuggled a camera into the Verizon Arena, I would really like to see pictures of all of the empty seats. After this dismal showing I bet the next venue will have even fewer asses in the seats.

I think it is time to get the fork ready folks, it looks like Sarah Palin is just about done. She is NOT going to run for president, and her ability to draw a crowd is diminishing by the day. The more that people see of her, the less they want to see of her.


  1. I don't know. She may be waiting for somebody to ask her to run. Probably hoping for it!

  2. Anonymous6:07 AM

    The teabag usually ends up in the garbage, once it's served its purpose.

  3. CGinWI6:12 AM

    Love the way she said there can't be a third party candidate because we have a two party system, as if that were somehow enshrined in the Constitution.

    Um, yeah, a third party doesn't stand a chance of winning, but it is possible for one to form and to run a candidate.

  4. sunnyjane6:16 AM

    How many more Tea Party-paid speeches is she going to have to attend before they get the message and stop inviting her?

  5. Anonymous6:34 AM

    She's accusing someone else of being addicted to OPM? Could there be a more hypocritical person alive than Granny Sarah Louise Heath Palin?

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    She told the audience about a present she received back stage and recounted that Track guessed it was moonshine.

    She must pay the joke writer a pittance for that quality of humor.

  7. Gasman6:35 AM

    The teabaggers are a paranoid lot. If Palin is urging them to come into the GOP fold, these hysterical sheep will see it as confirmation that Palin has been co-opted by the GOP establishment. These goobers are even scared of other teabaggers who aren’t sufficiently teabaggy enough. There is no way they will follow the lead of anyone - Palin included - who advocates linking up with the GOP.

    The panicked teabagger sheeple see wolves at every turn and to them, the GOP is just another pack waiting to devour them. What they most fear, however, is that big ol’ lone black wolf. HE scares the shit out of them. With his uppity learnin’ and fancy airs he represents EVERYTHING the teabaggers fear and loathe. What will they do? A white pack to the right and a lone black wolf on the left - the teabaggers appear to be having a “Help me, Jesus!” moment.

    I must admit extreme surprise at how quickly Palin’s star power seems to be fading. I’m not complaining, mind you. Au contraire, I am delighted. I just thought that her demise would be preceded by some major skeleton tumbling out of her VERY full closet.

    I still wouldn’t count Palin out in regard to running for POTUS, no matter how long the odds or how improbable her candidacy would be. Nobody ever lost money betting on Palin to do the most inexplicably stupid thing and take the most ill advised course of action possible. As Lincoln said when speaking of those consumed by lust for the presidency, she “has the worm.” That worm is a turnin’ in sister Sarah’s head. She believes that God Himself wants her to be president. She will run.

    Palin’s luster is fading VERY quickly amongst her own people. If she can’t fill an arena in the heart of Goober Nation, even AFTER heavily discounted tickets have been offered, it would appear that even the goobers aren’t buyin’ her schtick any longer.

    Maybe Goober is a learnin’.

    Hey, Sarah! How’s that dopey folksy shit workin’ out for ya’?

  8. emrysa6:46 AM

    "Though the Arkansas Republican Party sold differently priced upper-level and lower-level tickets to the event at the 18,000-seat Verizon Arena, less than half of the seats in the lower bowl were occupied, and the entire upper level was shrouded by black drapes."

    OUCH! how will the palin devotees spin this one?

    and the part of her screech where she is talking about picking one party or the other... that sounded like something you'd hear from kids on a playground.

  9. Anonymous6:49 AM

    My tea bags end up in the compost heap, worm food in other words...

  10. Every time she opens her mouth, her ignorance spills out.

  11. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck6:54 AM

    i would think her statement about the two-party system would really grate on the nerves of ron paul libertarians that are surely among the teabaggers.......palin really slipped in the shit on that one.

  12. Anonymous6:54 AM

    CGinWI - Spot on! I was going to comment on her two party comment, but you beat me to it.

    I doubt $P is even aware that political parties are not part of the Constitution. But, neither are many Americans.

    That being said, I think she may now be entering 'sizzle mode' and not in a good way.

    Her chickens (or maybe I should say turkeys) are about to come home to roost.

    It is not all that long from now that she will be all dressed up with nowhere to go. Heck, she may have even have to give some 'real' attention to her very own family. What a concept!

    I see her as a rich (assuming she doesn't spend it all) old lady isolated in her compound forgotten by the world.

    A sad, but predictable end to her meteoric rise.

  13. emrysa6:55 AM

    it's also amusing to read sarah talking about politicians who are addicted to "other people's money."

    well I guess she should know!

    the emails from msnbc have shown that the palins spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how to get others to pay for their travels or toys. the hypocrisy is astounding.

  14. LisaB7:02 AM

    I bet Sarah is breathing a sigh of relief that the Tea Party movement is dying.

    Makes it a lot harder to "put that money back into the Cause" when the cause is dead. :D

    What sad is that the essence of smaller government/more deficit control is something I could get behind. I think more Americans might have paid more attention had the Tea Party not cloaked itself in whack conspiracy theories and racism.

  15. Well also, too you know it is hard to run for POTUS when you can only answer pre selected questions. She got what she wanted. Money. But yes, it is going to be harder and harder to collect those big fees with empty seats to go along with those empty promises.

  16. Anonymous7:05 AM

    If she can't get Toad to register as a Republican than she has no business telling the teabaggers it's time for them to chose a party. I think this may have been her strategy all along to play up to the teabaggers than bring them under the Republican tent so that she can run for POTUS.

  17. Anonymous7:06 AM

    There is a reason why Palin demands no camera or recording devices at her speeches. She is trying to get as much money as she can get during her last 15 seconds of fame. The I h@te Obama speech is getting old!

  18. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I am sure she believes the Founders set up a two party system, one party represents GOD and the other party represents Satan.

    The classic Biblical cage match.

  19. Anonymous7:40 AM

    The party is over. They are turning out the lights. Good. Maybe we can get some rest.

  20. Sue Woodward8:06 AM

    $arah is only tolerant of people who think like her.

  21. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Gasman, it is always a pleasure to read your comments. I do believe you are right, she "has the worm".

    Her need for attention and donations to her "cause" will outweigh every other factor. She is in Arkansas stumping for McCain, so of course she is going to push the "R" ticket.

    But she has no loyalty to any party or principle. If it puts money in her pocket, she will form her own "Rogue Party" tomorrow, and say anything, completely fact-free, to sell her product.

    Hopefully by then, her base will be the 15 people who showed up to demand David Letterman be fired.

  22. Anonymous8:30 AM

    S L O W learners around here. This report of light attendance was written by Scott Conroy, the kid who wrote a Palin hit book last fall and is still trying to pimp sales for it.

    As for attendance, this was Monday:

    -- Sarah Palin drew a thunderous ovation from 2,000 fans at the Ocean Center on Monday night, including New Smyrna Beach resident Danny Mickelbrink when she suggested America drill for oil in Florida's offshore as well as Alaska's frozen tundra instead of relying on foreign dictators who abhor democracy.

    "I agree with her," said Mickelbrink, along with his wife, Margaret, owners of Clancy's Cantina on Flagler Avenue. "I think we're foolish not to take advantage of our resources as we send out troops to foreign countries to be killed."

    The former Republican vice presidential candidate drew numerous standing ovations from the 2,000 in attendance at the Ocean Center during her 60-minute speech at the annual convention of the Daytona Beach Area Chamber of Commerce.

    Chamber members paid $100 a piece, while non-members paid $150 each and those who came, but weren't seated for dinner, were charged $50 each and sat in the bleachers.

    Attendance was triple the 630 that came to this event last year.

  23. Gasman8:33 AM

    Anon @ 7:05,
    Brilliant! Each and every time Palin exhorts the teabaggers to come into the GOP tent, someone should ask her if Todd is also joining the GOP. Apparently, the Palin's have a special exemption from the IOKIARDI mantra: IOKIAPDI (Its OK If A Palin Does It).

    Seriously, if Palin does run for POTUS, Todd's AIP affiliation will be a millstone around her neck. However, that millstone would have plenty of company. Is Sarah's neck big enough to sport all of that jewelry?

    I am a fan of golden quotes. I collect them like the gems that they are. I think I will share some of my faves from time to time that I think are especially apropos to Palin.

    Today's installment:
    "[S]he doth like the ape, that the higher [s]he clymbes, the more [s]he shewes [her] ars." - Sir Francis Bacon

    Wow! Bacon actually knew Sarah Palin!

  24. "The more that people see of her, the less they want to see of her."
    What a common sense observation and even if it slapped her upside the head like a dead whale....she still would not see, admit, nor accept the truth!! What a scab on the flesh of society she is!

  25. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Being impartial on Palin, I feel like I should put this in perspective. I was at the event in Arkansas last night, and yes, less than half the seats were filled. However, only half the seats were available for purchase to begin with. Understand, this was the largest fundraiser that the Republican Party in the state has ever had. We aren't talking about Texas here. Secondly, her comment about the Tea-Party having to join into "R or D," was taken out of context. She was saying that, while it would be great if they could enact change on their own, realistically America is a two-party system, so they are going to have to lean one way or the other to have any national success. It's dissappointing to see stories like this. It's great the media can keep the government honest, but who's watching them?

  26. laprofesora9:04 AM

    She didn't REALLY say "other people's money" did she??? But, but, that's what she LIVES on!!! I have to give her credit, her insanity never ceases to amaze. What a bat-shit crazy piece of work. I'm sure somewhere out there is a student working on a PhD in psychology doing a dissertation on Scarah Paylin, a New Textbook Definition of Crazy.

  27. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Canada is ahead of US in number of parties in Federal Government. They have 5.

    The 5th on being the Green Party (Independent)founded in 1983 getting 6.8% popular vote in 2006 election but no seats won.

    Conservatives (like Republicans)(founded 2003 by merger of Canadian Alliance & PC party - originally PC Progressive Conservatives back to mid 1800's)

    Liberals (like Democrats)(founded 1867)

    NDP New Democratic Party (Left/Social Democrats) (founded 1961)

    Bloc Québécois - social democratic, Quebec nationalist(founded in 1991 and run only in Quebec but hold seats in House of Commons)

  28. Anonymous9:32 AM

    People in that part of the country have a LONG, sorted history of having already picked a letter for their political party - It's K for Ku Klux Klan... If you don't believe it or want to dismiss it out of hand, I challenge you to spend a weekend in Blytheville... You'll come back a changed person...

  29. majii9:34 AM

    IIRC, Palin identified Washington as one of the Founders that she admires. What she doesn't know is that Washington did not approve of the formation of political parties since he thought they had the potential to divide the country, causing politicians to be unable to work for the good of the country. Seems to me that old George was a very wise leader. What he was afraid of happening we're witnessing now with the gridlock in the Senate. We have politicians more interested in supporting their party than they are in helping the people.

  30. Anonymous9:37 AM

    This will only re-enforce the thought of many teabaggers that Sarah is only part of the Tea Party movement to co-opt them into the Republican Party. In reality, the Republicans are just as much of the problem as the Democrats. The Teagbag movement rose up because mainstream politics, Left and Right, has left this country in bad shape. Unfortunately for the Teabaggers, they are a fringe group at best way to the right of the Republicans so there is not much hope for them. If the Tea Party had taken the middle road and ethical high ground, they'd have a serious chance of becoming a force to reckon with. For now tho, they have been reduced to "spoils of war" between the Dems and Republicans and by the very nature of their beliefs, in reality, if they want any say, the Republican party is the only place they have to go. This movement has never been anything BUT the far right fringe of the Republican Party which is a big turn off to Dems and Independents.

    As for worshipers of OPM, sigh..... there has never been a bigger worshipper of OPM than Sarah and Todd Palin. Everything they do is about getting their hands on OPM. What do you think this speaking tour is all about? Why do you think Sarah Palin stepped down from the Governor's office?

    Think Teabaggers!!! Where has Sarah handed back over that money to the movement from the Tea Bag convention speach? And now she's saying you have to decide if you are Democrats or Republicans. So I guess that means she's going to donate it to either the Republicans (most likely if she donates it at all) or the Democrats if you decide the movement belongs with them. (about the chance of a snowball in hell) She's already told you that the Tea Bag movement is dead, so that's her excuse to keep the money I guess.


  31. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Which party reflects how that smaller, smarter government steps to be taken?

    Where's the Palin to English dictionary? Someone invent an APP for that.

  32. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I am so sick of whackjobs, like Palin, trying to claim us Indys as part of their movement! There idiots in all political parties. I cannot stand the fact that this warmonger ditz is coming to Columbus again. Yuck!!!!


  33. Anonymous10:13 AM

    It is clear that her star is fading rapidly. I'm concerned that Geoffrey Dunn's and Levi Johnston's books will hit the stands far too late.

    My feeling is that it is over.

    Yes, they're turning out the lights, but remember what happened the last time they did that...She kept on posin' and talkin'.

    Sociopaths always, always end up with failed lives. That's part of the disorder and one way they are identified.

  34. honestyinGov10:17 AM

    It's not the " DOPEY Changey " Womans fault.... it was because of the way they Sold the Event..? They should have advertised that a Woman with the #1 Book on the charts was coming to town.....Uhhh... It's not..? It's #19 NOW...?
    Channeling RosannaRosannaDana now... " Nevermind "

    And hasn't anyone informed her that Darth Chainey ( rattling his chains )has already slapped her down about her Foreign Policy rhetoric and almost laughed in her face..?

    I can't wait for the " Bowlers Convention Speech".Lots of gutter-balls coming at ya. I'm guessing Piper ( her Shield )will be back ' on Tour ' by then.

  35. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Isn't Todd stil AIP?

  36. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:01 AM

    "Kind of start picking a party?" What's she doing--choosing a prom dress? Well, shoot. Eeny, meenie, miney mo. Guess the GOP is thinkin' that the one hope they have for their future is in the uneducated, misinformed, vote-against-their-interests Palin groupie gene pool, and as predicted, used Missy to rope them in.

    Sorry, Teabaggers of America. I feel for ya, really I do. I guess it's always better to find out that the one you love is a f****ng fraud before you march down the aisle for good. But will $arah return all the gifts?

  37. "...the entire upper level was shrouded by black drapes"

    How does it feel to hear your own attack screech echoing back at ya, Serror?

  38. imnofred11:21 AM

    I dislike Sarah Palin as much as anyone who posts on this blog. That being said, we need to be very concerned because Sarah is going to run for president and if the economy does not turn around and if people do not gain any trust towards those in Washington, then Sarah will have a chance. People could be so disgusted with the way Washington is operating that anything could happen.

    That is why she needs to be brought to her knees. She needs to be exposed for the person that she really is instead of this mirage of a person that she and Fox News are portraying her to be.

  39. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Isn't Todd stil AIP?

    10:21 AM

    Response to comment above:
    Do you mean AIP - Another Idiot Palin?

  40. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Sarah's speech is drawing much smaller crowds.. does not matter to the grifter.

    Palin will talk to a crowd of one if she can squeeze one more shiny penny from the poor for the cause (wink wink).

    Willow needs a Cadillac Escalade and a PR firm for graduation... if she graduates at all?

  41. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Todd has been a registered Independent since 2002.

  42. Anon 8:41...first of all, I call bullshit that you were actually at that Arkansas speech last night, because if you were, you probably wouldn't even know this blog existed. So, I'm assuming you swam out of the Ocean of Urine to get here. many speakers did the Arkansas Republican party pay $100,000 to last year? Anyone? Yeah, you know the answer to that one. After renting the large venue, I would probably guess the party barely broke even. Sarah's not much of a fundraiser...Tpaw raised about as much as Sarah in less than half the time. So keep forking over your money to this idiot until it hurts.

  43. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Arkansas? Isn't that where that woman lived who bid all those bucks for a dinner with Sarah?

    Has Sarah ever made good on that deal?

  44. emrysa3:19 PM

    lmao. well I asked the question how will the palin devotees spin this one? and I guess I got my answer.

    yeah, they were only selling half the seats. you got a bridge to sell me, too? lmao, no, make that lmfao.

  45. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Sarah Palin in February 2010 = BRAND DECLINE

  46. Anne NC4:54 PM

    It also would not matter if it was true that they were only selling half the seats, as they couldn't sell all they had, even reducing them to a $20 ticket price, it was still a bust.

    There is a trend that has been starting over the last week or so and that is more and more negative overtones to the articles written about $P. Do you really think she can hold the interest of people for the next year or so doing the same old speech week after week? That is why she doesn't want the media in. However, she's going to have to allow more access to the press if she wants any type of positive P.R. from anyone other than FAUX.

    It's very telling that Cheney still won't say she's qualified for the Presidency even though he disagreed with her talking about the "Iran war card" for Obama. He's just one of several old timers in the GOP that feel that way. Without their blessing, she can't win the nomination.

    Not to mention all the crap that her GOP rivals will have to throw at her, Todd's well known association with the AIP, along with her speeches to their conventions. The emails that she claim are just a form of her husband lending support are anything but. They show a clear cut involvement with many aspects of the Governor's duties. In fact, many of them are straight to Todd without her even being Copied on them. I also think the "who is Trig's real mother" story will come up again. Whether she is or isn't, that is not over yet.

    I've asked this on other blogs, but haven't received an answer to it yet so can anyone tell me if they know of any meetings $P has set up with foreign dignitaries in the coming months? There's been a lot of talk of it on the Crazies4P board and wasn't sure what the whole deal was. I'm persona non grata over there, otherwise I'd ask them myself LOL

  47. "LisaB said...
    I bet Sarah is breathing a sigh of relief that the Tea Party movement is dying."

    LisaB...she helped by stabbin' 'em in the back...

    She's like the mark of death...for any 'so-called' movement

  48. Mac And Cheese Wiz8:53 PM

    Gasman, as always, is spot on when it comes to Granny Grifter.
    And I agree with Virginia Voter, there's no way that person attended the screech in Arkansastan. Sorry, I ain't buying it.

    It looks like the beginning of the end for Sarah's sheep sheering days. I guess the teaparty will have to divide into orange pekoe, djarlinging, Celestial Seasons Sleepy Time, Green, and Black. I wonder how long it will take them to realize she's taken their money and tossed them under the bus?

    She's explaining to the teabaggers that there are two parties to pick from, R and D?

    Of course Sarah picks the "R" word without batting an eyelash or any real knowledge of politics.

  49. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Is this why the Palins are going after Levi?

    Sarah money train is slowing down - attendance is low and they need to replace that lost income with Levi's 42 cents!



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