Sunday, March 07, 2010

Kathy Griffin skewers Sarah Palin in her performance at the Atwood Concert Hall in Anchorage, AK.

(Warning language is a little NSFW)

I will have to admit that I have never watched Kathy's show "My Life on the D List" before, but I HAVE to watch this episode when it airs. I have a feeling it is going to be hysterical.

Apparently Levi was also there and escorted her on stage.


  1. Anonymous5:50 AM

    "The Britney Spears of Politics." Bwahaha.

  2. sunnyjane6:13 AM

    The sound system is so bad I can hardly understand what she's saying.

  3. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Couldnt really hear her with all the 'echo' in the place.

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    It is hard to hear with the echo, but I caught many good parts. What was pleasing was how well she was received. :-) How people related and understood her "jokes". A very good show(ing)! It's great to know that Alaskans "get it".

  5. hdtracy6:59 AM a more-or-less silent Canadian fan of IM and all the other wonderful Alaskan blogs, I thought I would chime in and provide a Canadian perspective of Palin's recent speaking stint in Calgary.

    then a feature follow-up:

  6. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Gryph, you must watch life on the D list. Hilarious, Kathy is just hilarious.

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    It's time for Sarah to misquote that Madeline Albright coffee cup quote again, about women not supporting other women.

    With Meg missing, who will express Sarah's faux outrage at being insulted? Maybe Piper can call a news conference and explain how she would like to pull Kathy's hair.

  8. I'll look forward to the televised show. It is Griffin's over the top sstyle to do something like having Levi escort her.

    I realized something about Levi. Levi does not spin or distort nor blatantly lie about his choices. Nor have I read anything he has said that will leave a record for his son that the infant was a big mistake and use the child to make money as proof of consesquences of unprotected sex. The realities of responsibilities of having a child is the same regardless of a parent's age.The Palin's are not in reality as most of us live and perceive it.

    Shall we send Leno a thank you note for going along with Sarah's audition for a show?

    Is it true Fox changed her title from "news analyst" to "news contributor"? I'm still sickened by her spin quoting the bible and tale her dad came home with his lesson plans written on his hands...either he had a small curriculum or enormous hands! My BS meter broke...blew up hearing Isiah:)Agreed, the more she spins, spirals to regain control the more she self destructs or digs her self in.

    George Clooney was a hoot with the overflowing gift bags. Consider he orgainized the major telethon for Haiti. Then the Wasilla spin meister tries to come out appearing as Ms. Charitable contributor while pitching for her own show, pursuing show biz. What a laugh!

  9. wakeUpAmerica7:29 AM

    Please let us know when this will air.

  10. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck7:44 AM

    that was awesome - thank you so much for grabbing a bit of video. i bet the folks in alaska truly enjoyed a chance to laugh out loud and in public. laughter is the best medicine.

  11. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Gryphen, if you had ever watched My Life in the D List, you would have known that you wouldn't have pestered her at the book signing. The difference between Sarah and Kathy as publicity whores are this, Kathy actually works hard at it and is transparent about it.

    She loves exposure in any and all of 'em mediums and she would have gotten a kick out of being showcased on IM.

    I wish the book signing was better known, wad there a good turnout? It would have been ballsy and hilarious if she booked the Wasilla Sports Complex a la Palin. Only press and bloggers would have been demanded.

  12. Laura9:50 AM

    It was hard to hear well on the video, but what I did hear was pretty darn funny. I loved the line about Palin being 'the Britney Spears of politics'. That is going to get repeated a lot.

  13. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Kathy Griffin just proved Sarah is a scardy cat coward.

    Kathy Griffin marches onto Sarah's turf and publicly slaps Sarah down in front of "her" people, Alaskans. One would believe that Sarah would stay true to form and whine or take a cheap shot at Kathy in retaliation. Ain't gonna happen. Kathy is not an easy target like a cartoon character. There won't be a peep from Sarah, because Sarah is terrified of this woman. Sarah won't dare comment about Levi's presence either. Kathy would eviscerate Sarah in front of the entire world, and Sarah knows it.

    Wave that white flag of surrender, Sarah, wave that white flag.

  14. Anonymous11:59 AM

    RAM will come flying in and demand a apology! Con sites are already saying that Kathy went to Grifter's house "uninvited" you need a engraved invitation (rolls eyes)
    Grifter will know Kathy is one of those "teeny tiny" starlets and a friend to Levi...she can't pass that up, now can she?
    Even though Kathy will smack her down big time...if she dares!

  15. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Listen at :48
    John McCain picked her after a 10 min interview....(laughs) and a blowjob...!
    I hope someone gets a better audio b/c this will royally piss her off and the people were HOWLING with laughter!!! She is the Biggest joke in ALASKA!
    How's that Faky, lyin' thing workin' for ya $arah?

  16. Anonymous12:44 PM

    haha! The one comfort I have is that Sarah Palin is a hypocrite and is much more interested in being a celebrity than a politician. she courts media and celebrities all the while pretending to despise them,one by one the Palin-bots are waking up to the duping that has taken place..she's despised by the inner circle establishment of the Republicans..

  17. Quetzalcoatl5:59 PM

    "And Todd in his a little bit too tight snowsuit...anyways..."


    She's Hilarious!

  18. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I'm probably going to get hammered for offering this opinion, but here goes. At first I couldn't understand much, due to the poor sound, then when I could hear it was just too crude for me. I didn't listen past McCain and the bj, so maybe it improved after that.

    While I appreciate the zingers that Letterman and others have sent her way, I prefer to see people make their point without being crude or using profanity. I know it's common today, but it still makes me cringe.

    Anyway, the reason I took the time to even post this is because I don't think it reflects well on Levi Johnston to be so closely identifeid with someone who uses such crude language to describe his baby's grandmother. I hope everyone connected with Levi keeps in mind the necessity of protecting his access to and relationship with Tripp.

    I am NOT writing this in defense of Sarah, but out of concern for any adverse effect it might have on Levi's ability to parent Tripp.

  19. Can't you see poor Sarah having a meltdown over Levi and the cute, trim vivacious and funny little Cougar Kathy having a blast and being so welcomed and popular in Palin's home turf. HAHAHAHA

    You know when she sees this she will be dying to spout something obnoxious and dirty about the two of them like she did about Levi doing porn. If she does, I hope everyone will remind her that she, (SP) is the adulteress who broke up her husband and his best friend and business partner with her adulterous affair.

  20. Anonymous7:53 PM

    the cute, trim vivacious and funny little Cougar Kathy


    Thanks to liposuction and plastic surgery. Its in her book.

  21. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Its satire! Comedy! Even the Swag Hag wants to be a Stand up Comedian...didn't you see her on Leno?
    Kathy does ADULT comedy. Didn't you see Gryphens warning NSFW?

  22. Anonymous7:14 AM

    If you are really Levi's friend I would suggest that you give him better advice. His hanging around with Kathy Griffin after her using that foul language regarding McCain and Palin will only hurt him in a custody battle.

    He should also realize that he is being used and will soon be thrown under the bus. He is really hurting no one but himself if he wants any kind of repsect from his child when he grows up. I think any judge would not look to favorably in awardiong any kind of custody to a father that behaves the way he does. Oh well, Tripp is probably better off with limited visitation from his father.

  23. Anonymous9:13 AM

    LMAO! Who the fuck do you think you are trying to tell Gryphen what to tell Levi? Levi is a grown MAN! Hello!!!
    And Kathy will throw him under the Bus? I don't think so! better watch out about that...if it happened to meggie it can happen to you! Worry about yourself not Levi!
    And JMO Tripp would be better off at the Johnston's, not at the psycho palin zoo!
    Oh yeah, you CONS have NO sense of HUMOR at all!!! Kathy's comedy is adult and SATIRE...IDIOTS!


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