Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Rules for March 26

Okay kids this is BILL MAHER!

He is going to say some very naughty, yet extremely funny things.  If you are very sensitive you might need to give this one a pass.

If not, you are going to love this!  I know I did!

Update: YouTube crapped out so this is from Liveleak now.


  1. ROFL One of the best New Rules ever -- thanks, Gryph.

  2. Anonymous5:52 PM

    funny stuff, how's that hooked on phonics stuff working out? LOL

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Loved it, loved it, loved it!

    Thanks for posting this clip. I missed seeing the show. He drives me nuts sometimes but I always enjoy the New Rules section. Thanks!

  4. carol from Minnesota6:21 PM

    Sarah can act and talk like she is superior to everyone. That is so funny in itself as she exhibits the most obvious ignorance and lack of competence. All she can do is appeal to the basest emotions and inclinations of people and give them permission to act upon those base feelings and inclinations. This is not what we need in a leader with all the problems in the world.

  5. Ripley in CT6:31 PM

    THAT was awesome! I'm still laughing at the Tiger Woods reference!

  6. You're right, I loved it.

    One Bill Maher episode for the archives, for sure!

  7. Anonymous8:10 PM

    The whole thing was great and that last line was HILARIOUS!

  8. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Wow! It is very late here and the family is asleep, but I couldn't help but start clapping when he suggested we put the terrorist on trial in civilian court...starting with Dick Cheney. Yeah baby!


  9. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Right on target. The Democrats need to grow a pair and fight back. Bipartisanship has proven not to work, so the next step is to take charge (they have the majority) and ram thru every progressive measure possible. Otherwise, come mid term elections, we will have another Bush/Cheney/Rove scenario for who knows how long.

  10. That was fabulous! Yes, we should keep pushing to reform this country. President Obama bent over backwards, even risking making his base angry to work with the right. They just don't have any intention of doing anything but obstruct and be ignorant.

  11. sunnyjane2:55 AM


    I particularly liked his "Why Democrats were put on this earth" bit.


  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:37 AM

    " drag the hillbilly half of the country into the next century..which in their case is the 19th."

    Bill Maher RULES.

  13. I knew this was going to another fabulous day in paradise, but this clip and a cup of our coffee made it epic. Gracias!

  14. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Ah, hell, video no longer available due to copyright claim by HBO. Damn it!

    Meanwhile, NY Daily News (no liberal rag, that) has a poll up that shows 66% think Palin will make no difference in fall elections; 33% think she'll have a positive effect. And as she continues to divide the teabaggers, she'll wind up having NO effect. : )

  15. the video is no longer available.

  16. Gryph, this clip can no longer be viewed, any suggestions?

  17. Is it the same one on his site called Bi-Furious?

  18. HBO always does this. The clip will be available after HBO has aired the show a few times.

    But until then they parole YouTube fairly often to pull content that they only want subscribers to have access to.

  19. Anonymous9:06 AM

    The clip.

  20. Sent the kids to How to Train Your Dragon, poured a glass of wine, and enjoyed!

  21. Anne NC3:57 PM

    Loved the "How's that Hooked on Phonics working out for you, Sarah?" I know someone on here was asking about slogans for the signs at an upcoming protest in regards to Palin. You've got to use that one!

    "Hey, Sarah, the hopey-changey thing is working out great for us, wish you were having better luck with Hooked on Phonix" although it is probably beyond her level of competence to say the least.

    I'm really amazed by the fact that she spews the same nonsense at every speech, whether she's getting paid for it or not. How much more of a sign do you need that she is as lazy as they come and could never do the work required of a national political office. She does not have the drive. She just wants to be worshipped at all times. If she were in political office, she'd spend all day reading blogs and sending anonymous statements to the bloggers like "quit making things up!" despite the fact that they have proof on video. The woman is definitely close to breaking from what I've seen. Please someone get her a mirror or stop posting full pics of her so we don't have to wonder if the coat she is wearing is rat or cat fur! She has zero sense of style


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