Sunday, March 28, 2010

President Obama performs end run around Republican obstructionism by making 15 appointments whose nominations had been stalled by partisanship.

From the Huffington Post:

"The United States Senate has the responsibility to approve or disapprove of my nominees. But if, in the interest of scoring political points, Republicans in the Senate refuse to exercise that responsibility, I must act in the interest of the American people and exercise my authority to fill these positions on an interim basis," Obama said in a statement.

"Most of the men and women whose appointments I am announcing today were approved by Senate committees months ago, yet still await a vote of the Senate. At a time of economic emergency, two top appointees to the Department of Treasury have been held up for nearly six months. I simply cannot allow partisan politics to stand in the way of the basic functioning of government."
The 15 newly appointed nominees are:

* Jeffrey Goldstein: Nominee for Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, Department of the Treasury

* Michael F. Mundaca: Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, Department of the Treasury
* Eric L. Hirschhorn: Nominee for Under Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration and head of the Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce
* Michael Punke: Nominee for Deputy Trade Representative - Geneva, Office of the United States Trade Representative
* Francisco "Frank" J. Sánchez: Nominee for Under Secretary for International Trade, Department of Commerce
* Islam A. Siddiqui: Nominee for Chief Agricultural Negotiator, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
* Alan D. Bersin: Nominee for Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security
* Jill Long Thompson: Nominee for Member, Farm Credit Administration Board
* Rafael Borras: Nominee for Under Secretary for Management , Department of Homeland Security
* Craig Becker: Nominee for Board Member, National Labor Relations Board
* Mark Pearce: Nominee for Board Member, National Labor Relations Board
* Jacqueline A. Berrien: Nominee for Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
* Chai R. Feldblum: Nominee for Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
* Victoria A. Lipnic: Nominee for Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
* P. David Lopez: Nominee for General Counsel, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Now THIS is the President I voted for!  He has finally figured out that no matter WHAT he does the Republicans are going to vilify him so he might as well get things done and ignore the idea of bipartisanship until the GOP decides it needs to start working with him to save their political futures.


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    That's what I'm talking about, Mr. President!

    It's the same old, same old, bullshit from the Rethuglicons this morning, too. Lies, lies, and more lies; deceptions, ignorance and tall tales.

    And no mention about Bush's recess appts, either.

  2. Finally.
    The GOP has decided that they will refuse to play a part in any governance except to say no. I say President Obama should appoint the rest of his picks during the recess. The running of the country is being held up by these republican assholes. I'm sick of them and maybe our Commander in Chief finally is too.

  3. Would someone calculate the daily cost to the public for obstructionism including operational costs of the Capitol building, security and support personnel, utilities? I feel anger and a resentful the problems in need of solution and/or improvement for the well being of the economy and citizens is treated like an entertaining football game blocking one team to reach the goals.

  4. Our President did the right thing. He tried to be inclusive for 1 full year and now he's saying to hell with them. This was definitely the right strategy and will serve his cause well.

    Go President Obama! Kick some ass now!

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Maybe these Republicans are all turning into McCains - just serving their terms for the paycheck, not the work they were elected for?

  6. Anonymous7:17 AM

    PO had to give them more rope in order to hang themselves as high as possible. Letting them show the country they are the party of NO was the only way he could do this without tainting himself.
    When Bush spewed out recess appointments, he did it as a stunt to piss of DEMs with loads of spite and malice. PO is doing it for the reasons he stated, to counter act more GOP spite and malice.

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I am reading the Palliser series of books written in the late 1800's by Trollop. In this series he describes plainly that the opposition party (whoever was out of power, no matter what side) in England at that time was exactly like the GOP today.
    We all know what happened to the British "empire". It in doesn't exist anymore. They went down hill fast because events were exacerbated by the political infighting and relish of point scoring taking precedence over ruling and governing the country effectively.
    I wonder where this latest BS from the GOP will lead us? Down the same path I suppose since we all know those who do not know history DO repeat it.

  8. Yes, President Obama you just keep doing the job the people of this country elected you to do and to hell with the Party of Nope!! Interesting Anon@7:22am, just yesterday I heard a segment on NPR about the Conservative Party, or the Tory Party if you will. It has suddenly dawned on them that people think they are mean and nasty and no one likes them. Boo hoo hoo. So now they are trying to come up with a plan to change their image so they stay in office. Sound familiar? BTW, according to a screech I heard by the former half-baked governor of Alaska yesterday it is not the Party of No, it is the Party of Hell No! Just when you think it cannot get any crazier, well along comes Grifter Granny to prove you wrong!

  9. That "hopey-changey stuff" is working for me now!

  10. So. Have the Republicans and Faux Noise started vilifying Obama for doing exactly the same thing Bush did?

  11. Gasman10:05 AM

    It's about damn time that the president opened up a great big ol' can o' whoopass to feed the GOP. If they don't like recess appointments then maybe they can quit acting like toddlers and actually DO something to speed the appointment process along.

    As to Palin's party of "Hell no," Boehner has her beat:

    I suspect that video will be used this fall to paint the GOP as the party of irrational obstructionism.

    As for local races, we can use the same exact ad for every market. The copy would run over a highlight reel of inane GOP utterances over the past year. The audio would be strictly GOP, while the copy would appear every 4 seconds or so:

    No hope

    No ideas

    No sense

    No clues

    No brains

    The GOP in 2012?

    No Way

    These goobers are going to have to run against their own records of failure and their own imbecilic words and deeds. Good luck with that one.

  12. womanwithsardinecan10:27 AM

    It's about effing time! Dear President Obama. Like a parent before giving time out to kids, give them a warning and then do what needs to be done. They can all crawl back to their offices and suck on their passies.

  13. Look's like he's following Bill Maher's advice!!!! LOL

  14. Anonymous10:49 AM

    The voters already came up with hell no. We said hell no in 2008.

  15. I have no great liking for recess appointments but there was no valid reason for keeping so many nominees from having the opportunity for a yes/no vote. The same party that complains about Democrats not submitting things for a yes/no vote, engage in retaliatory politics and then complain like a bunch of whiney babies when Obama does the same as they've done for some time.

    Remember when some of gw's nominees did not get immediate yes/no votes? He did not even wait for the chance to do recess appointments. He put them in right away - including the bureaucrat who wrote the overtime rules (who drove around DC without a valid driver's license due to issues from Chicago).

  16. Go Obama!!!!

    Gawd, I'm soooo glad he is our president. No, he is not the "Savior" or "Messiah" - he is just a kick ass president who knows how to get great legislation done.

    Republicans are such losers right now, especially our very own former governor, Mittens Romney.

  17. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:27 PM

    Yeah Gasman! Love ya!
    All great comments, glad he did his appointments...
    The GOP is playing this nov card and
    they are makin' up stuff like Rachel Maddow is running against scott brown and tundra tart with her 'Teabags are now GOP" lies....
    Please check out my BF you tube.
    Yes we can.
    Trolls need not apply.
    I am happy what OB is doing...he is walkin' instead of talkin....

  18. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Both Senator McConnell and Representative Boehner need to save all their whining for someone who cares to listen to it. As always, they underestimated this man and ended up, as they say,
    "hoisted on their own petards."
    I am glad he decided to go ahead and govern the way he is supposed to, since he knows they will never do anything but obstruct. I can't help but laugh when I read comments on other blogs accusing the president of being divisive.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.