Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Okay everybody can relax now! Eric Cantor is safe! I repeat Rep. Eric Cantor is safe!

As I am sure many of you know (especially since some anonymous poster keeps commenting about it here)  a highly unstable man made a YouTube video threatening the life of Rep. Eric Cantor.

Understandably Eric Canntor was terrified for his life and the Feds leaped into action and arrested this menace before he could carry out his devilish plans. (Which I am guessing was to sit at home in a poorly lit area and make more threatening YouTube videos.)

According to Talking Point Memo this man is a serial YouTube threatener who has also made threats against President Obama, the employees of YouTube, and the pig from those adorable "Babe" movies.

Babe the pig?  This lunatic actually threatened that sweet little pig?  Oh the humanity!

In fact Norman Leboon, or as he likes to refer to himself the "son of the god of Enoch", has made over 2000 threatening videos, including ones directed at George Bush, David Duke, and "teh gays". 

But I guess NONE of those individuals valued their life as much as Rep. Eric Cantor who demanded that this dangerous individual be locked up so that he can no longer sit in his bathrobe at home making bizarre videos that nobody in their right mind could possibly take seriously!

I mean first some crazy, probably militarily trained, marksman fired a bullet into the air with such precision that it actually struck and broke a window pane and rolled one foot into an office that Cantor "sometimes" used for meetings.

Just imagine if this had been one of those "sometimes".  Rep. Cantor could have stepped on that bullet, slipped, and broken his neck! 

Well today Rep. Eric Cantor can breathe a sigh of relief, now that this bathrobed menace to society is safely locked up, he no longer has to worry that the man will come into his office and "place bullets in his head". (Wow that would be much harder than simply shooting them from a gun!  I wonder if you need to get a running start to do that?)

And the American public learned a valuable lesson as well. 

What did we learn you ask?

We learned that Rep. Eric Cantor is a humongous pansy ass!


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Although meant to be humorous (I believe), call me a spoil sport. I guess I just don't find anything about this topic funny.

    It seems that the person now under arrest may have a mental issue, but I think back to those w/ mental issues who have followed through when given the opportunity - some successfully.

    I am not a Cantor supporter at all, and find the bullet story a bit odd, as Cantor probably was told that it was a stray bullet and decided to use the story disingenuously.

    But, when it comes to an actual person putting out a threatening video (even as many and as odd the possible victims - Babe, the pig), I think it does go to another level.

  2. Anonymous7:01 AM

    thank you!!
    I also found it funny that after 2000 videos now all of a sudden he will carry out his threads ??
    I'm definitely not saying anybody deserves to be threatened but this all played out a little to convenient after Cantors little truth challenged story. And for him donating to Obama (if it was even him, considering it was Leboon SR, retired/ disabled) who cares...the guy is not all there and probably should have been under Dr. care a long time ago.

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Boy, did we ever!

    Real threats against people are nothing to laugh at, but this . . . this is, well, sadly ridiculous.

    I guess being the only Jewish Republican in Congress is scary enough considering the current Republican Party. I mean, look at his colleagues - whiter than white for the most part, madder than mad, and dumber than dumb.

    So, although I loved this posting to pieces - still giggling - maybe we should cut Cantor some slack (not much) based only on his ethnic and religious scarcity within that very scary Party. His nerves must be shot every day he goes to work.

    Poor baby. Imagine the ick factor of having to stand next to Orange Man (oops - there goes that whiter than white evaluation)Boehner.

    Wouldn't be laughing at Cantor so much had he taken the threats against the Dems even half as seriously. Nope, this is all about him.

    Let's see - he said the Dems were responsible for the threats against them - the Dems and the media that supports them. Does this mean that the Republicans and Faux News are responsible for the nutcase that supposedly went after Cantor?

    Gosh, I cannot stop laughing the "place bullets in his head" comment. Did Cantor really say that?

  4. I hope this guy is under the care of a psychiatrist. We need to evaluate people who threaten others, but just because he is ranting some religious delusional crap does not mean he will follow through with violence. Rather than just ignore people who are talking violence as we have been doing and allowing them to shoot cops like the guy in Washington, it is not fair to society or the mentally ill person. A man with such delusional thinking may be a danger to himself or unable to take care of himself, he may also have children. He may be perfectly safe to run around in society with medication or be determined to just make delusional statements without being considered a person who would act on them, but require periodic evaluation. I am glad to see they are taking action to prevent problems. If someone is psychotic they can't be expected to think rationally, be responsible for their actions, or keep themselves and others safe unless they have been evaluated and determined to be functioning at a high level.

  5. Naturally, the people who actually committed violent acts aimed at Dems have NOT been arrested. Can't understand the double standard.

  6. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Four days ago you called Cantor a liar:

    << "Oh bullshit!", I said. I never believed his lying ass for a minute. Well guess who was right.

    That, my friend, is what is referred to as an EPIC FAIL. The Republicans, Sarah Palin, and their Teabagger buddies are the ones inciting violence, NOT the Democrats.

    Oh and by the way, if in fact Cantor WAS threatened due to his Jewish heritage (Which I seriously doubt now), I would bet everything I have that it did NOT come from a liberal.

    We love the Jews.

    It's assholes we don't like. >>

    Leboon contributed twice to Obama and is a liberal loonball.

  7. sunnyjane7:40 AM

    Yeah, supposedly he's the Son on Enchon on something like that, and he must have everybody and his brother on his threat list.

    I don't think Cantor has to worry, but it's a good sign that the guy has been caught out for this. Too MANY loonies running around right now, in my opinion.

  8. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Wow - lighten up folks. Gryphen takes these threats seriously, but his point is that Cantor doesn't - not until they are pointed at him and even then, Cantor's credibility is a little shaky.

    I am anonymous 7:16, and I found the posting funny because I know Gryphen wouldn't be mocking Cantor if the threat had been credible. That's the point: Cantor is using this to his benefit (or so he thinks).

    Cantor still hasn't really condemned or given real credence to coffins on a front lawn, the attempt to run a family off the road, the spitting, the slurs, the call to break windows or the call to arms. All he has done is blame the Democrats and the media.

    After people discovered police report discrediting Cantor's claim his office had been shot at, Cantor had to pounce on this.

    Note that the video guy is known, really known for posting these videos. Yeah, you are right - he could blow for real any time, but this video threat is in no way the same as the threats that were truly acted upon against the Democrats.

    Cantor has to take all threats seriously. Has to denounce and call for the arrest of all perpetrators of threats and actions against any citizen on political grounds. Until he does, I am not going to take his whining seriously. No disrespect to his family intended.

  9. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Sorry Gryphen, I'm not with you on this one. Either all threats need to be taken somewhat seriously, or none do. You can't get your panties in a bunch over Sarah's "don't retreat, reload" comment (which was directed at none particular), but completely dismiss and ridicule a direct threat against an individual from someone who appears to be a bit unstable. Can't have it both ways.

  10. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I wonder if Cantor is relieved or disappointed that he is only one of dozens of people (and, apparently, fictional characters) who received death threats from this guy.

  11. Gryphen - Effing hilarious...John Stewart worthy, comedy classic! Whew! I really needed that laugh! Blessings, Uncle Gryphen.

  12. IF Cantor was really threatened, I am sure Gryphen takes that part seriously, but really folks ... did any of you watch Cantor when he disclosed the part about the (stray) gunshot being shot into his office (which it was not)? If the Academy Awards rewarded bad actors, he'd get the Oscar!

  13. Anonymous11:34 AM


    Cantor comes across as less than potential presidential material. He's always had that scared, put-upon look about him... the frightened little boy who exaggerates, to anyone who'd listen, how he was picked on in the schoolyard.

  14. Anonymous3:34 PM

    John Hinckley and Squeaky Fromme come to mind here. This man is obviously unbalanced. It's a good thing he was arrested and yes, I take it seriously. And it's a good thing the radical Christian militia was arrested.

    Perhaps both of these two actions, one right on the heel of the other, will serve to inhibit at lease SOME violent radicals.

  15. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Clean up on aisle 3!!!

    Funny beyond belief Gryphen, love this post!!!

  16. To the Editor:

    Well, at least he wasn't threatening Arnold the pig from Green Acres.

    All the Anonymous posters who insist that you have to treat all threats the same are just fools. I worked as a public defender for about ten years, with a wide variety of people of many states of mental balance and imbalance. Only someone with no experience would say all threats are the same.

    Some clown posting YouTube videos is NOT a Mark David Chapman, a Squeeky Frome (sp), Sarah Jane Moore, or that guy who shot George Wallace (when he couldn't get close enough to President Carter).

    The GOP are just being childish, trying to equate the "threats" against their silly asses with the threats against President Obama.....How many many liberals and leftists (besides Michael Moore) have organized militias? At how many Obama rallies did people insist that John McCain was a terrorist?

    So far as I know, I'm the only person who insists John McCain is a terrorist, and "palled around" with other terrorists--but that was back when Senator McCain was bombing civilians in Hanoi....

    Eric Cantor should be ashamed of himself--if he had the slightest degree of shame.

    And you cowardly peckers who criticize this blog, but won't even sign your names to your posts: you are beneath contempt.

    Bill Abendroth


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