Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Sarah Palin to write a new book. Update!

Publisher HarperCollins announced Wednesday that the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate is working on a "celebration of American virtues and strengths." The book is currently untitled and no release date has been set.

Palin's memoir, "Going Rogue," released last fall by HarperCollins, has sold more than 2 million copies. Her new work will "include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have inspired her, as well as portraits of some of the extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her love of country, faith, and family," the publisher's statement reads.

"She will also draw from her personal experience to amplify these timely — and timeless— themes."

In an e-mail Wednesday, HarperCollins publisher Jonathan Burnham said that "a number of ideas and concepts" were explored with Palin. "This is the idea which appealed the most to her," he said, adding that she is currently "gathering ideas and identifying favorite texts and examples."

How could anybody publish a book about "virtues and strengths" with Sarah freaking Palin's name on it? Is it supposed to be ironic?

So this will be a who's who of famous people that Palin will have to google to even identify?

Perhaps she can finally name ALL of those founding fathers she is so impressed with. You know like George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Abraham Lincoln, Samuel L. Clemens, Ronald Reagan, Ronald McDonald, and Christopher Columbus.

Doesn't Harper Collins have any shame?

Update: And if that was not bad enough. Palin shopping around reality show.

Well I think we can finally put the whole running for president thing to bed now. After America gets a close up look at this family even most of the Palin-bots will be thanking their lucky stars that Barack Obama won the election.

Update 2: Of course who needs a reality show or book deals when you can just fill your pockets with tons of free stuff? Who in the hell needs 40 pairs of earphones anyway? Is THAT how her family drowns out that screechy voice of hers? (And before anybody else mentions it, yes I think that is Bristol with her in LA as well. I do believe that Willow is in pretty hot water here at home. And yes that is foreshadowing. Stay tuned!)

(Whoops I stand corrected it looks like Willow is ALSO in LA. My bad.)

Update 3: This site identifies the girl with Sarah as Bristol, but to be honest from the picture I cannot tell. The reason I did not think it was Willow is because of a new rumor swirling around up here. I may know more tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Okay, I admit it, she's finally wearing me down...another ghost written book?

    I'll get over it and regroup, but can someone give us a break? What a waste of paper!

  2. Aussie Blue Sky1:50 PM

    A golden opportunity to plagiarize for money! This "book" will write itself ..... literally.

  3. Wonder if she'll pay tribute to Ben Franklin ... he's on her favorite bill.

  4. Anonymous1:50 PM

    omg! We are getting schooled, aren't we?

  5. The real question is: who will her ghost-writer be this time?

  6. espresso4me1:56 PM infinitum

    When I finish doubling over with hysterical laughter, head banging, choking, coughing, sputtering incoherently, body and mind spasming...maybe then I could comment. dunno tho' it could last quite a while!

  7. sheba2:02 PM

    How sad that perfectly good and useful trees will be cut down to print this drivel by a perfectly horrible and useless person.

  8. Anonymous2:07 PM

    So what's the story behind the story. As best I understand, SP made money off the last book. The publisher maybe, maybe not, depending on how many books they distributed. Then a several organizations "lost" money but I wonder if it was just a scheme that allowed them to funnel money to SP without strings, PACS, trust funds, etc.
    So does someone want to funnel more money to SP? Who? Why?
    Or maybe I'm way off base and there is no story behind the story.

  9. Doesn't Harper Collins have any shame?

    Probably not. It's a measure of how desperate the publishing industry is becoming nowadays. Just as newspapers are having problems in the age of the internet, so are traditional book publishers. And as a corporation, they are slave to their bottom line. However her books sell, whether through people paying the real price or through C4P or SarahPAC buying up a crapload of them & then selling them for dirt cheap (or giving them away... or taking them to the dump)... fact is that they sell.

    So SP is good for Harper Collins, even if she's bad for the forests. Not to mention the nation.

  10. Anonymous2:10 PM

    This will be the Sarah Palin edition of Reader's Digest's Great American Thoughts. Urgh.

  11. Another book by an illiterate for illiterates, eh?

    The theme of the book reminds me of the Texas State Board of Education, populated by a faction of ultraconservatives like Palin who want to bring creationism and global-warming denial into science class, and downplay the contributions of the civil rights movement. American history is being rewritten and Joe McCarthy is being rehabilitated by these morons.

  12. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Is it already April 1?

  13. Sharon in FL2:11 PM

    "Portraits of men & women she admires"...That would be
    Bernie Madoff, Carrie Psrejean, Tammy Fay Bakker, Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Bakker, Oral Roberts, Todd Bentley, Joseph Vogler, Jim Jones. Nadya Suleman. Gee can't wait.

  14. OMG, what the world has been waiting on: a glimpse into what Sarah Palin reads!! Katie Couric are you listening? Sarah Palin couldn't name a literary classic if her life depended on it. Oh yeah, I forgot she's read "all of them". Wonder if Lynne what's her name is the ghost on this Ode to Sarah? I am so effing bored with this dimwit.

  15. Maybe it is time for me to take a break, before I break something, like my head.

  16. BAustin2:12 PM

    Actually I would assume this is tie in to the 'specials' she'll be doing for fox about American know the kind her kids can look up to.

    Please release the rest of babygate so we can be done with this idiot once and for all!

  17. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Is Tri-G ready for Book Tour 2?

    I'm curious how Palin could distinguish between American virtues and non-American, since she has absolutely NO point of reference.

    Piper, boot up the Google!

  18. Gryphen: please let us "break" the big story before this book, and I use the term loosely, can be written, copied, plagarized. Please.

  19. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I know, let's call it "My Struggle!"

  20. Anonymous2:19 PM

    You've got to be shittin' me!! Contemporary readings that have inspired her???

    I didn't think HarperCollins would print a book that's only one page long!

  21. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Gryphen you are the only hope right now.

    If you do not do something this is what we will have to live with until she is drooling in her jello cup in her nursing home.

    Please, I am literally begging here. I cannot take much more.

  22. espresso4me2:28 PM

    "celebration of American virtues and strengths...from classic and contemporary readings that have inspired her...extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her love of country, faith, and family."

    "She will also draw from her personal experience to amplify these timely — and timeless— themes."
    Still non-ambulatory from the convulsive laughter, but the thought of this fraudulent, simple-minded, unintelligent, stupid, egotistic, self-aggrandizing, vapid, ignorant, superfluous, one-dimensional, shameless, unprincipled, dishonest, liar, liar whole wardrobe on fire, selfish, uncaring, hateful, senseless, bellicose, dumb, idiotic, non-thinking, reprehensible, fanatical, bizarre, phony, egregious, criminal, divisive, unstable, ridiculous, hurtful, hollow, imbecilic, envious, immature, morally corrupt, fraudulent,malicious, unprincipled, malevolent,malignant, spiritually corrupt,just plain crazy and who is mentally ill on so many absolutely incredulous and mind-boggling.

  23. It is not even going to be ghost written. Sounds to me kind of like it is going to be (1) a collection of poems, verses, short stories and refrigerator magnet platitudes written by many, many others and (2) a bunch of wikipedia extracts, written by others, about the lives of famous people.

    She will work to find things not attributable to any one person so she doesn't have to pay any copyright fees. This way, she does not have to share $$$ with anyone. I suspect this is work that Bristol is going to do for her under that new LLC. She grabs up a bunch of stuff and publishes her little book of plagerized works and the bots buy it up like candy.

    Bristol makes a little money, mama makes a lot of money. Such a fine idea.

  24. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Well, we all know she has an endless supply of "personal stories" to make up, er, I mean "draw on."

  25. HarperCollins, like Sarah Palin, is all about the Benjamins.

    There is an upside, I guess... it's good for the economy for people to spend money.

  26. Anonymous2:36 PM

    It sure would be nice if the dirt that you and others have on Sarah would be revealed, before she reinvents herself yet again and (possibly) gains more credibility. Please, take her down if you can.

  27. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Y'all are just jealous. Every time someone mocks underdogs, blue collar individuals, and "rednecks", a little bit of America dies. the majority is not New York, LA, Boston, Seattle, DC, or any other metropolis. Just because people choose other forms of happiness besides big bucks doesn't devalue their worth in this country. No one can say for certain HOW sincere Sarah is. Is it a bad thing to want to provide for her family (all of them). Wouldn't anyone else do the same if success beckoned them? Don't be jealous. People say hateful things about Rachael Ray, who is one of the most generous people ever to grace our televisions. I think we all know Sarah will never become a world leader, and I'm not sure she wants that. She's proving that anyone can have a voice if one is persisent and obstinate enough. Isn't that a quality we should be demonstrating to our children, not to take shit and no for an answer when we know things aren't right? And things aren't right with our world. We have a lame duck, conceited president (whom I feel sorry for), it's been proven that Islam will prevail over all other methods of thought including population of muslims, Europe is proving to be a failure, Congress needs to follow in that Rhode Island schools foot steps with the firings of EVERYONE.

    Instead of ruining one person's (+family) life, why not aid an entire country from falling apart. One cannot blame a single president without blaming corrupt businessmen. Things indeed have bettered since the lynchings from way back when. We cannot continue to breed hate with hate.

  28. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Ronald McDonald-Gryphen your funny.

  29. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Title of new book:

    Lies, Lies and More Lies?

    Delusional Ranting of a Wanta Be?

    The World According to Sarah?

  30. I'm with Anon @ 1:45. I'm going away for awhile because I have officially lost interest in ALL things Palin.

  31. Anonymous2:47 PM

    $arah is only inspired by money.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  32. Does Harper Collins have any shame?
    No, they need another best seller and know anything with Palin's name on it will do the trick.
    Does Sarah Palin have any shame?
    No, this is a woman who will do anything if there is a dollar sign attached to it and the promise of another book tour with her adoring public.
    Do either the publisher or the "author" care that the book will be written by someone else?
    No, not at all. Both parties win.

    The book's topics gagged me. All I can see is another book tour with Piper (not in school) and Trig (not being cared for properly) but Sarah will have her much needed fix of adulation.

    It also will give her a new supply of talking points when she becomes an "inspirational speaker" on the lecture circuit after the tour. Less government etc. is getting rather tired.
    It makes me so angry that a women of no substance and who lacks the ability to construct a coherent sentence receives a second book deal.
    I would love to see her expose for what she trully is.

  33. Hmmm She must have found her Crayons.
    Actually it's very scary that she has a following. Some people really think like her. Soon people all over the country will be naming their children after sounds and sights they experienced growing up.

  34. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Gryph....Seriously here...She needs to be brought down..Love your blog here, everytime i see her on teevee it just appears that she is getting stronger!!! If their is a God i hope it's soon...

  35. Anonymous2:54 PM

    "Chicken Soup for the Sarah Palin Soul"

  36. LOL espresso4me that is the best description of $arah Palin I have ever seen!

  37. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Anon 2:39- We cannot bred hate with hate, isn't that exactly what Sarah is doing? I didn't see Rachael Ray whining about being picked on did you? And I don't think we should be demonstrating to our children how to lie and make money off of it.Maybe you should go over to Palingates and see who sponsors Todd Palins racing team, you may be shocked!!

  38. Quote Garden had better look alive. They're about to be robbed blind.

  39. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I have Palin fatigue.

    Ennuie, Weltsmertz. I want to bang my head against a wall.

    I going to have to eat a whole tub of Haagen Daz.

  40. Blah blah blah, refrigerator magnets, blah blah blah, Reagan, blah, blah, blah, the Bible, blah.......

  41. Anonymous3:20 PM

    who will her ghost-writer be this time?

    Bill Ayers

  42. Anonymous3:22 PM

    New book? More details of toliet training miracle child Bristol?


  43. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I think she should focus on writing something in the suspense/thriller/sex novel category.


    Middle-aged cougar supermom married to a gay/disaffected/yet into remaining married for the money and power husband has multiple affairs and multiple babies by those affairs. Second generation drama of her daughters doing the same thing. Lots of babies, lots of photo ops with stunt babies and/or drugged babies, dances with Hollywood career, failure at Hollywood career, retirement to Alzheimer's and seriously mentally ill ward of the old folks home - prematurely, at the age of just 51. The beginning of the "end" is her failed attempts to seduce her daughter's baby daddy and exposure of same to world in tabloids, TV reality shows, and books later turned into a TV miniseries starring Teri Hatcher.

    Happy endings all around.

  44. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Virtues? Buwahahaha. Yeah, the virtues of:

    grifting Alaskan style

    not parenting your kids

    feeding a lying moral line about your unwed pregnant underage teen

    destroying your now not-to-be teen son-in-law for pleasure

    vindictiveness as an artform

    using your children as emotional/political shields

    how to lie about your entire life effectively

    not pay taxes and lie about it

    take credit for things other people write for you

    Just to name a few. Then we have the strengths:

    allowing your husband to be the Gov when you were actually elected

    mangling the English language so as to porttray herself as "one of us"...meaning the idiots that follow her

    How to land a faux news job and use "hand written" notes"

    How to make god responsible for your entire life except when you fail...then it's someone else's fault.

    Yep, those are all the things my parents taught me...PUKE! This woman is so FOS 10 septic tanks would be overflowing with her spewage.

  45. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Another book? Wow, she must need more money and who will be the ghostwriter this time? I highly doubt it'll be on the best sellers list unless they use the same old strategy like in "Going Rogue". Will there be another bus/airplane book tour?

  46. Lidia3:33 PM

    >>"celebration of American virtues and strengths...from classic and contemporary readings that have inspired her...extraordinary men and women she admires and who embody her love of country, faith, and family." <<

    Oh PLEASE!! THis is what she was ostensibly hired on at FOX to do.. 'patriotic human interest' stuff.

    Have we seen One Single Service yet from Palin along those lines?? OF COURSE NOT. She is not capable of it.

    As long as something is written (-by someone else--book, Facebook post) she can- with a bare minimum of plausibility- be maintained to be the author of it.

    An actual news service (no matter how "fluff-y" it is) is beyond her meager capabilities.

  47. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Mr Dunn is writing a book on p's lies. Since the book will not be available as soon as Mr. Dunn had planned you can bet p's 2nd grade lies will come out first. MSM will see her book gets 24/7 coverage, and Mr Dunn will not even be noticed. She is bought and paid for by the powerful, wealthy, elites in this country, and middle east.

  48. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Let's see if she understands copyright law. Doubt it. I hope somebody checks each and every line for plagiarism and sue her when she screws up.

  49. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Well, Murdoch will keep her busy. He has a big investment in this cash cow Palin, and by gum, she will bring in the bucks for Murdoch and co, while raking it in herself. A perfect relationship.

  50. SME1314:01 PM

    Well, I just hope that all of you who bought the last book will resist buying this one. If nothing else buy one copy and share it with the world. HC and SP don't give a shit if people buy it for laughs or not as long as someone buys it. Why support this crazy bitch's lifestyle by buying her book?

  51. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Oscar gold got a little red, white and blue Wednesday in Los Angeles: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin stopped by the Silver Spoon Oscar Suite with daughter Willow and grandson Tripp.

    Benefiting the Red Cross, the swag suite snagged the former vice presidential candidate for photo ops and gifting from beauty and luxury sponsors. At the Interior Illusions store in West Hollywood, Palin received jewels from Pascal Mouawad, watches by Skagen and Unite hair care products.

    I'm told the oft-parodied politico donated all of her gift items back to the Silver Spoon for auction, as well as about $1,700 of her own cash, in support of multiple Red Cross efforts, including those in Haiti and Chile.

  52. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Palin sued for plagiarism? No, that was Joe McGinnis. Several times.

    Biden wasn't sued for plagiarism, he admitted it in public when he was caught. Also multiple times.

  53. finally, they find a role for Willow. Get to the Macbook, girl, and start cuttin' and pastin'

    Surely this will make The Left all wee-wee'd and head spinnin'

  54. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Ok I have two immediate thoughts here. First, it's entirely possible Sarah's original book deal hinged upon her delivering more than one book, and in a specific timeframe.

    Second - Seriously, do you think the uneducated masses which we know to be her 'base' of followers,will be as eager to buy this second book if it's more about history and less about the soap opera life of their hero? Do you think the bookstores which are burdened with boxes of unsold copies of 'Going Rogue' will be so quick to stock up on the next one?

    2 million copies sold - that's not even McDonald's on a bad day. Agatha Christie still sells more than this and she's been dead for thirty years.

    This next Sarah Tome, if nothing more than essays of other authors, is doomed from the start. I totally agree with all of the above who've commented on the sad waste of trees.

  55. Anonymous4:18 PM

    This must be some kind of twisted "satire"...


  56. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Many write books in prison...could we be so lucky? Maybe she got her inspiration from W's favorite book ...My Pet Goat and she could substitute Moose for goat? Would that be plagerism?
    Mrs Gunka

  57. quills4:29 PM

    Shall we expect yet another monster bus tour resplendent with faces of inspirational voices found on google and yahoo plastered on the side whilst sarah pockets more rice money fealty as hungry salivating hordes line up in driving rain drifting snow to once again touch the hem of ice queen supreme (wrap) also again forsooth?

    one long stream of semi-conductive words in honor of said lady regarded as proper and virtuous.

  58. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I'm not even going to try to figure this one out. With supporters and readers such as Anom 2:39 - will never read a book with a title that long and complicated.

    "Things indeed have bettered since the lynchings from way back when. We cannot continue to breed hate with hate." Yes - these are your own words, now re-read your post and think about what you've written. He/she refers to trying to destroy one's family (?) I think she's done a pretty good job of that herself. Let's review - Oldest joined the army because of a school bus vandalism charge, next oldest has had at least one illegatimate child while being a spokesperson for abstenance ( I couldn't make this stuff up ), Next oldest is awaiting trial for breaking and entering, vandalism and underage drinking, next to next oldest is in her early teens and yet to practice her mothers form of "love of country, faith and family" but had asked if she could pull the hair of one of her mothers detractors.( good start young lady ) The youngest, well time will tell. If Sarah provides the parenting skills she's used on the other three on the other two - it will not be boring.

  59. Lisabeth4:45 PM

    What a sick joke. Is America that sick and broken that whack job like this can sell books she doesn't even write? Harper Collins makes me sick- money or no money - they published a book of lies with no fact checking. That's just wrong!

  60. Do you suppose Sarah was inspired by the children's book, "Are You My Mother?" by P.D. Eastman?

  61. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I just got home from work, trying to relax and this totally pisses me off. A f**king illiterate gets books published which morons will buy. Seriously this needs to end. There are people who are so qualified who never get a book deal and this retard gets another one.

  62. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Did anyone notice how HUGE Sarah's cheeks were on Leno? Those are some serious implants. They did not move at all when she was giving her monologue and some of the camera angles showed how they really popped out far from her face. Like big lumps on her face. Bizarre! Would be interesting to do a profile comparison looking at the cheekbone rise before- and after- surgery.

  63. Anonymous4:58 PM

    To the "leave sarah alone" anonymous at 2:39, you know the one who thinks we're all just jealous?

    First, by far, the majority of American live in metropolitan areas. And they (we) are just as "real" as any other Americans, despite what Sarah said. Remember she said that? She made distinctions about who is a real American and who isn't? Doesn't that bother you?

    Second, please spare us you old, tire shtick. We've heard it before from you and from Sarah. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't lie, whore out my children (metaphorically speaking, of course), say hateful things about my opponents, laugh at a woman who is a cancer survivor, encourage vile and dangerous rhetoric, etc etc just to make a buck. Or perhaps you think that IS the American way. Personally, I think people like Sarah Palin are exactly what's wrong with this country. We have become a nation of reality tv shows and American idol worshipers.

    Jealous? did I lose my way and find myself on a teenie-bopper gossip blog? Get a grip! We're not talking about Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears, or even Rachel Ray, here. We're talking about a woman who was this close to the white house and a woman who continues to spew gibberish about national politics and policies and somehow people actually listen to her.


  64. Anonymous5:00 PM

    If she writes a book like this, the aim is simple:

    1) Increase her exposure
    2) Encourage voters to make a mental association between her and political giants (thereby putting her on a Presidential level)
    3) Mentally associate her as a policy wonk, without doing any work on her own, just by using other peoples' quotes!
    4) Shape her political identity so people see her more and more as a real political figure.

    In essence, it's an amazing smoke and mirrors game when you stop and remember that she is truly an empty vessel.

    Smoke and mirrors...nothing more.

  65. Anonymous5:04 PM

    So who's the author?

  66. Anonymous5:04 PM

    she admires and who embody her love of country, faith, and family," the publisher's statement reads.

    "She will also draw from her personal experience to amplify these timely — and timeless— themes."

    Does everybody realize that Sister Palin's two occupations for her entire working life were as a newscaster and a career politician. The mainstreet media and the political machine - perfect grooming to formulate your ideas and phlosiphies. Can't wait.

  67. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Oy vey.

    Pat in Texas

  68. Purple Alaska5:13 PM

    SOS = Shiny Object Syndrome

  69. Kasha Knish5:13 PM

    As soon as I saw the concept, I thought === of course, she would like it. She thinks all she needs to do is come up w/ key words, find stories, etc. online and pop them in her book.

    But, Gryphen, of course, you beat me to it. (grin)

    Oh, wait a minute, I forgot her publisher didn't fact check the first book, so, why would they have an issue with this one.

    Maybe there will even hire a team of people to sit and do this for her? She will get to use her own name this time like it all came out of her little old head and everything.

    Of course, the difference with this book is if she does it the way we probably think she will...there should be plagiarism lawsuits out the ying yang.

    The best part will be, when it is ready for publication and $P finds herself or some family member indicted unless it happens before she starts googling.

    At that point, she might have to read her own book to find the strength to deal with it.

    When I think of all of the talented writers and thinkers out there that we will never have the opportunity to know about, it disheartens me.

    She can use Mark Twain's quote and twist it a bit (not that she realizes it), but it is still not her idea.

    "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." Mark Twain, (attributed) US humorist, novelist,...

    "It's like the old saying where a lie can travel halfway around the world before truth even has a chance to get its pants on in the morning." Sarah Palin to Jay Leno (3/2/10)

  70. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Thanks, John McCain!

  71. emrysa5:26 PM


    only in america can people work their asses off and get nowhere while shitheads like palin are offered easy gigs for big bucks.

    this really is disgusting.

  72. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Her book will be a collection of all those over the top glurge emails that the rest of us delete, along with quotes from refrigerator magnets, t-shirts and bumper stickers, all in very large type with lots of white spaces and pictures from her calendar.

    What a waste of beautiful trees !

  73. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I think that this is a wonderful idea. I would like to suggest chapters which can be illustrated with the appropriate Norman Rockwell paintings:

    Family Dinner is the most important meal of the day. We gather around the table that the children set, hold hands and offer a prayer.....

    Special family outings: As a family, our vacation time is very special and we have visited the following national parks and historic places around the United States, blanks to be filled in later.

    The importance of education, or to quote one of Sarah's political heroes, "Is our children learning?"

    Family values, the strength of marriage and family, commitment and fidelity, following God's commandments, wait a minute, I have to work on that one.

    Every life is precious, except for the kid with the ruffled ear. Now, where did we put him?

    Charity: Now that we have been blessed with millions of dollars that people keep giving us, we have chosen to support the following charities and public interest groups instead of spending every single dollar on ourselves, blanks to be filled in when we pick another charity in addition to SarahPAC. Don't forget to send your contribution.

  74. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Gryphen - I'm with the others who are BEGGING AND PLEADING with you to PLEASE put an end to this!

    It's not just the fact that I can't stand to listen to that shrill whine anymore, but she's dangerous the way a drunk driver or an escaped mental patient don't know what they will do next or who they will take down with them. She's just plain bad for our country!

    Gryphen - it's your patriotic duty to rid the country (and maybe the world) of this menace to society. Don't wait too long...the damage may already be done.

  75. Anonymous5:36 PM

    This is unbelievable. Will she never go away?

  76. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Did anyone notice, there is a indicment waiting to come down for John Edwards? "Misuse of Campaign funds"
    Ummmm, how long until they catch on to SARAHPAC? :) :) :)

  77. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:10 PM

    Maybe this Big Book o' Quotes is already compiled/written (by someone else of course), and they're just gonna slap SP's picture/name on it to make the ever-faithful sheep part with more cash? Not to mention the big-bucks Xtian groups who will buy it by the truckload so Harper can boast that "it sold a millllll-yun copies!"

  78. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:12 PM

    Anon @ 2:24pm--

    "If you do not do something this is what we will have to live with until she is drooling in her jello cup in her nursing home."

    I almost P'd myself!!!!

  79. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Well, that sounds like private business to me. Why can't everyone just leave John Edwards alone? He only tried to take care of himself and his mistress. Isn't that what you would do in the same situation? And, just think about all the innocents involved...his wife, his young children. Y'all are just jealous. Blah, blah, blah.


  80. while in H'wood today, Sarah stopped at the gifting suites for some free swag

  81. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Title: "Virtues and Strengths of Lying,Lying and More Lying To The American Public"

  82. mocha6:32 PM

    OK, I know what those cheeks remind me of..Remember the movie Beaches with Bette Midler? Early in her career, the movie has an off-broadway show where she sings a dark song "Oh Industry" and the characters have these masks with great big round cheeks. That's what Sarah's cheek implants look like.

  83. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Following anon 5:32's remark, I would like to add that the real danger of Sarah Palin is that she is an empty vessel. She has not taken voice lessons. What ever she is doing to her face is a mess. But, despite the fact that she has nothing to say, there are plenty of people who still hang on her every shrill or ghostwritten word.

    Sarah is being used by some very dangerous characters who see her as the megaphone for their voice. Whether it is the Religious Right, Ultra Conservatives, Tea Baggers, the GOP, or the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, we don't have to give them a name. They are being funded by rich people like Rupert Murdoch who may be more interested in amassing power than a political agenda.

    This has to be said very loudly. Sarah is simply their mouthpiece, and she needs to be stopped. Whether it is Fred Malek, Richard Mellon Scaife, Reverend Dobson and Focus on the Family or somebody else behind the curtian, Sarah is the way they want to get their message out there. Her book will be their message.

    Please, oh please, good people in Alaska, if you know something to stop this madness, this is a very good time to send some anonymous tips and statements. Sarah has stopped running for president and instead is the spokesperson for some dangerous new world order movement. Help!

  84. Anonymous6:33 PM

    anon@ 2;12

    "Piper boot up the Google"

    A milk through the nose moment!

  85. kdusmdd6:35 PM

    I'm just tired of her...tired of her lies..tired of the whack motherhood....tired of her "tricks"....tired of all the "gates"...

    Nobody is gonna go forth and stop this parade. She's gonna go own with her selfish self until she implodes....all by herself. Nobody, but herself is going to bring this to an end....I'm just TIRED.

  86. mocha6:42 PM

    Here's the "cheeks" video I was talking about. It's weird, but watch to the end, you'll see Sarah!

  87. LOL

    She's going to plagiarize her next book.

    She won't have to be involved at all. Her 'ghost' can go solo, compiling a hodge podge of quotations. I wonder if anyone will have the brains to cite them correctly and get permission where necessary?

    Why is Harper Collins doing this? The first book was a disaster. What is forcing them? Was it a two book deal and they have no choice?

  88. Sharon in FL6:45 PM

    That $1,700 donation from Palin today at the "gifting" place in do you suppose she came up with that amount? Don't suppose that it was a slap at Levi do you? Isn't that the same amount that Levi was just ordered to pay in child support every month? Nahhh, she wouldn't be that petty would she? The lovely, never vindictive Mrs. Palin? What a BI*CH.

  89. Sharon in FL6:47 PM

    Isn't Harper Collins owned by Rupert Murdoch?

  90. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Overexposure, anyone?

  91. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Lying Quitter.

    A quitter who lies.

    A liar who quits...and lies.

    Where's the "virtue and strength" in that?

  92. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Thank you Anon @ 3:08

    Anon 2:39

    Well, first of all, it would probably be worth your while to look up the meaning of the word "obstinate." Using the word, "obstinate," with the connotations that it carries with it, isn't helpful to your argument.

    Unwanted weeds that grow in vegetable gardens could be considered obstinate. Diseases that are untouched, no matter what the medical treatment are tried: obstinate. Smart-mouthed twelve and thirteen year olds can be obstinate, not to mention a real pain in the butt.

    And, by the way, "blue collar individuals" are not necessarily rednecks, and vice versa. In fact, there are an awful lot of rednecks strutting around in white shirts and ties. It's what's going on above those blue or white collars and neck ties that makes a difference in this world we live in.

    And, although there is nothing wrong with being persistent or a little stubborn when a person recognizes that something isn't right, for those behaviors to be helpful or meaningful, they need to be accompanied with clear, reasonable and workable solutions.

    It has been my observation that if anyone has an interest in watching, in full living color, someone breeding hate with hate, one only needs to turn on the 700 Club.

    The fact is, that Gryphen has a rather limited audience, here. On the other hand, using the billions that Mr. Robertson bilks out of little old ladies, he often sends his minions out to breed as much hate and distrust as he can muster among people who are otherwise just minding their own business.

    And, one final thing. Please do yourself a favor and look up the meaning of "lame duck." The current President has neither announced that he will not run for a second term, nor is he currently in a second (and therefore his final term)--so that label does not apply to him at this current time.

    P.S. During the last campaign--when Joe not the plumber was prancing around as if there was an ounce of substance in his tall tale, I had the occassion to call licensed plumber for some repair work. As this blue collar worker went about his work, we discussed the campaign. Mr. Authentic and Licensed Plumber laughed out loud at Joe not the plumber--he shook his head in disgust at Sarah, the less than nurturing mother, and went so far as to suggest that McCain's election might put our country on the brink of ruination.

    No, someone wearing a blue collar is not necessarily a red neck. A blue collar worker who has bothered to take the time to become informed about the world we live in, makes intelligent observations and comes to rational conclusions based upon this input is--A real American.

    On the other hand, a person who is wearing a white collar and tie, or Naughty Monkeys, who celebrates and manipulates ignorance simply ain't necessarily--A real American. And, that isn't breeding hate--that is telling like it is.

    Please invest in a combined Dictionary/Thesaurus.

  93. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Even Geoffrey DUnn can't keep up with her lies..they just keep on coming so he has to postpone his book to include them. I think he should publish his book and just do a second book. There is no end to Sarah's lies, that is just how she's "wired".

  94. Anonymous7:12 PM

    as someone said earlier "omg! We are getting schooled, aren't we?" All the way to the bank Gryphen. I think if something came out now about babygate it would only draw more viewers into her reality show. I hate to say it but if money is her goal she is damn good. or maybe all of us are getting schooled except Gryphen and the Palin clan Levi, Tank and Rex included. Lots of money for everyone in a reality show if a babygate is thrown into the mix. Just saying.....

  95. I confess that the story about Mark Burnett and Palin shopping a reality TV show makes me smile. NO ONE can make a train wreck more entertaining than Mark Burnett!

    Meanwhile, there is a bit of cognitive dissonance going on over a C4P. First, they had to convince themselves that Mrs. Palin was "presidential" on Jay Leno. Then, they had to convince themselves that her forthcoming Moose Soup for the Soul is every bit the equal of JFK's Profiles in Courage. Now, they are in contortions trying to reconcile the news of their leader shopping a reality TV show with her future as President.

    Good times!

  96. akbright7:21 PM

    I thought I kept reading the words "grifting" but realized it said gifting.

  97. ...or it was the look alike cousin, but the pic was definetly not Bristol.

  98. Nope, it is Willow with her at the swag party. Just came from a link on PG to a write up and found a pick of Sarah and Willow stuffing a red bag with the loot. Writer said Bristol was at the teen mom show doing a taping.

    The headphones go for $50-75 a set. And the company has some really expensive sets. Wonder which ones that they had set out for Oscar related celebrities.

  99. sallyngarland,tx7:39 PM

    Palin is an insult to people who do what they do at whatever job they choose and get where they get- whatever that may be- and do it in an honest way and with integrity. It would be so ugly to live a dishonest life.

  100. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I believe it WAS Willow - the picture I saw + the comment that Bristol was at a nearby filming gig = Willow. Rewarded for carrying on the Palin tradition of being in trouble as a teen. Real American values, also, too.

  101. We have to watch you tonight. I am pretty sure all are in LA not NY.

  102. Gryphen, here is the link to the swag grabbing Palin and Willow or cousin. Which is it? Willow or a cousin?

  103. Anonymous8:01 PM

    re: lame duck (wiki says)

    POTUS can be "lame duck" in either the 1st or 2nd term of office. There's several ways to become "lame duck":

    -having lost a re-election bid

    -choosing not to seek another term at the expiration of the current term

    -a term limit which keeps the official from running for that particular office again

    -the abolishment of the office, which must nonetheless be served out until the end of the official's term

  104. Anonymous8:03 PM

    It should be a fu@kin crime for Sarah to write a check for $1700 from SarahPac (other people money given to her) and then take $2000 worth of ear phones and on top of that take other expensive free stuff.

    "Palin presented a check donation to the Red Cross for $1,700 and then grabbed some serious goodies. She helped herself to United Hair Care products, jewels from Pascal Mouawad and Skagen watches. But the big stop was for AIAIAI earphones. "She really liked those, she took like 40," says Russo. Christmas presents through 2050? "

  105. I hate to say it, but Mrs. Todd Palin, makin' all these plans, sure doesn't seem like she has a care in the world about what kind of "dirt" anyone might have on her. I'm hoping that that's just because she's too stupid to see consequences.

  106. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Gryphen, Palin is in L.A. this week, not NYC. She only did Leno so she could try to sell her reality show.

  107. Anonymous8:18 PM

    This is really a sad commentary on America. She's now joined the ranks of so many others who are just famous for being famous. It's terrible what we reward in this country. People can make tons of money just for getting attention, it doesn't matter whether you're a liar, or a cheater, or a quitter, or a mean person, or willfully ignorant or a bully. Look at Rush, Beck, Paris Hilton, and now Sarah Palin. As long as people talk about you, you're in demand and can write your ticket. It's a runaway train only Levi can stop now. Shame on us.

  108. Sue Woodward from Winona, MN8:26 PM

    Sounds like this book is going to be a leaflet, considering all the reading Miss Quitty has done.

  109. Sharon in Fl - $1700 donation! You're right! That is what Bristol requested from Levi (rounded up). She's going to be getting less but Sarah's brain probably got stuck on that number...the way her brain tends to get stuck on stuff. It's an odd amount and Sarah doesn't believe in coincidences. She didn't expect anyone but Levi to notice but she underestimated Sharon in FL.

    How many people make a show of a virtue (charity) when they're really saying FU?

    On a lighter note, the article said she was less presidential and more Kardashian.

  110. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Oh my....her SarahPac friends will now be donating to pay to repaint the bus for the next book tour and pay to transport her Washilly hillbilly family via private jet. How sad...their families could use the money and are far more deserving.

  111. Anonymous8:44 PM

    The only reason she thought of getting a reality show is because Levi has one. She is stalking him professionally.

  112. GrainneKathleen8:47 PM

    that's definitely willow with her, and i think bristol must be in la as well, as she is supposed to be shooting her reality tv bit.
    and a little correction - they are in la, not ny, no?
    reality tv does seem the way that these folks were meant to go all along. i am thinking of a cross between the running man, the jerry springer show, and are you smarter than a fifth grader.

  113. And how is c4p responding to their "future president/queen who is smarter than Jesus" not only palling around but sponsored by Hugo Chavez & Citgo's company Mystik? See Palingates for the story.

    Got any excuses for that one Anon 2:39?

  114. mxm- oh my! The eonline article does not paint a pretty picture.

    I don't understand the Oscar Suite concept. How does she just show up and get to grab stuff? Is she going to the Oscars this weekend?

  115. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that is Willow in the picture with Sarah on y our update 3 link. I taught Bristol and my kids know Willow.

  116. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Did anyone see Kathy Griffith's hair tonight on Law & Order SVU?

    It reminded me of Sarah's hair the last time she was on Oprah. (the Nellie Olson ringlets)

    I wonder what that is all about. Kathy making fun of Sarah?

    There was a line about a door being opened in reference to someone coming out of the closet.

    Am I seeing Sarah in everything now????

  117. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Is Sarah trying to "one up" Levi in the reality show department?

    Mark Burnett is pretty big, I guess I will have someone new to boycott.

    (Leno & the Iditarod being the new sell outs.)

  118. swag grifting makes the front page on HuffPo

  119. So, she has an entourage of 20 with her? Well, that explains the "applause" she was getting on Leno.

    You know, you would think she would have some boundaries. She got there early, BEFORE anyone else,and knowing there would be more coming in behind her, she takes FORTY pairs of earphones? WTF??

  120. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Anonymous writers at 2:07, 3:42, 5:00, and 6:33 are all correct in terms of questioning the behind-the-scenes scenario. With Palin, what we are not seeing is always much more important than what we are seeing: the visible portion is the illusion, the reality is what is underground.

    In addition to being a giant deflection ploy against the next onslaught of anticipated bad news for Sarah, the announcement for her second book is also step two of the Big Repackaging Effort – readying the national audience and setting the terms of discussion for the prolonged, nationwide lecture that is ahead. You know, the lecture about how things OUGHTTA BE, Sarah-style. This is probably why Meg had to be unceremoniously dumped at this juncture: far bigger and more experienced spin-meisters must now take the controls for the queen's next step. The powers behind her are convinced that she is their best bet for achieving their goals: a willing, nay eager, empty vessel. They are betting on her just as they bet on market stocks, and the dice have now been rolled.

    As to how the writing process might actually happen, MXM has some interesting thoughts. This time, they will make every effort to make it look as though Sarah were seasoned enough to do her own thinking and writing, to orchestrate and project her own version of national policy. The fact that it will be based on snippets and adages from famous people, taken out of context, and divisively delivered (its very purpose) will merely add to the controversy and audience size and, hence, the bottom line and marketability. By means of the book, the puppet-meisters will actually outline and dictate the terms of debate for 2012 – which is half the victory. The book is a very calculated part of step two. See? Sarah's much smarter now. She has completed the first two of Newt's recommended steps! Everyone will have to speak to Sarah's arguments and positions; any other debates and issues will be ignored. Step back and watch the media eat up these breadcrumbs.

    Meanwhile, the queen will become massively wealthier, will be schooled on how to comfortably socialize with those who formerly would have shunned her (and they will FALL FOR IT: witness the degree of awe and PR value that came from her dropping chump change into the Red Cross receptacle), and she will become as ubiquitous as the word 'and' in the English language. The next book tour will be a far more sophisticated effort as well, with stops at college and university campuses, coffee shops, and other locales where 'safe' 'intellectuals may gather. See the shiny object? Everybody talk about it first, and then get re-educated according to Sarah's and the puppet-meisters version of reality.

    But when it comes to the inner truth in terms of the real plot line at Casa de Palin, Anonymous 3:24 may be close – I have also raised my eyebrows at Todd since Day One. IF Anonymous 3:24 is correct, Sarah would be his perfect foil for living a secret life in the small-town setting of Wasilla, and no one would be the wiser. Wives are marvelous beards for conservatives, but children? LOTS of children? The best beard of all. IF Anonymous 3:24 is correct, Todd is an hombre who would not be outed by either conservatives OR liberals.

  121. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Also,speaking of cousins, auntie (or uncle) must be generous with extended family as well as one of the teen cousins drives a Mercedes.... must be nice to be "one of us". The Pee'ers really ARE living vicariously through their idol aren't they?

  122. Gryph, I have been going back and forth looking at the girl at the 'get the swag' event and photos of Willow. I am not sure that it is Willow. Maybe the cousin that looks so like Willow.

    The girl in LA looks taller, slimmer, facial features are different. But I am not sure.

  123. Anonymous9:18 PM

    She did something horrific to her nose. At the base, the middle comes way down, while her nostrils go up and look way larger than they ever were before. What was she going for look-wise there? It's horrible!! I think she definitely got cheek implants too.

    I'm looking at the photos that the first two update's links have- one is her almost crying face from election night and the other is a scary-ass picture that clearly shows her nose issue, her chubby cheeks and her arched brows. NOT a good look.

  124. Thanks for the correction about the city. I fixed it.

  125. Anonymous9:24 PM

    So, anyone can show up at those places? Hell, that would be worth a plane ticket from AK just to go there to get some loot! I want in!

  126. Anonymous9:26 PM

    If she's shopping around for a reality show- I don't care WHO is repackaging her, she won't be running for POTUS in '12 or anytime thereafter. Of course, I'm sure the reality with be "Sarah" reality as no doubt she would have final edit approval. We all know that reality shows aren't actually reality.

  127. Anonymous9:26 PM

    If she's shopping around for a reality show- I don't care WHO is repackaging her, she won't be running for POTUS in '12 or anytime thereafter. Of course, I'm sure the reality with be "Sarah" reality as no doubt she would have final edit approval. We all know that reality shows aren't actually reality.

  128. Anonymous9:28 PM

  129. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck9:30 PM

    to anon at 2:39 pm

    aka "y'all are just jealous"

    hoooo hahahahahah


    wait for it.


    i can only shake my head at that load of "shouldn't we admire palin cause she is earnin' money for her family"

    barf. and NO, there, also.

  130. Anonymous9:30 PM

    This site says she had Secret Service detail?? How the hell is she still getting THAT???

  131. Oh my, the term for her is swag hag according to this site. The photo of her designer robe is going to set the fanatic dreamers into a frenzy. Good God Almighty.

  132. That's Palin's niece, Lauden. She's the one that listed the Naughty Monkey's on eBay.

  133. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Sounds like she went shopping. She never gives anything without getting something in return.

    She GAVE the charity a check for $1700.

    She GOT “… thousands of dollars worth of free goods. Some of the products Palin picked up included Bloom facial products, which she told the vendor she needed for her under-eye area…But don’t think Sarah stopped there. Palin grabbed some oversize sweatshirts and tie-dyed “jeggings” for Bristol, got a blowout by colorist Erick Orellana from the Chris McMillan Salon, along with snatching up jewelry from Pascal Mouawad, Skagen Watches, Lash Food and 40 pairs of Aiaiai headphones.
    A spokesperson for Aiaiai tells us Sarah said “they would be great for working out.”"

  134. Footnote in the LA/NY culture wars: Leno/Tonight Show is in LA, Letterman is in NY.

    No way is that Willow in the E! photo. No widow's peak and the nose is huge. It's one of the cousins in the entourage. Of course it's not Bristol either!! BTW what was that line "Palin grabbed some oversize sweatshirts and tie-dyed "jeggings" for Bristol" -- sounds like maternity gear! Three's the charm...

    And there is no way a hip LA stylist would get within 10 feet of that rat's nest. For one thing it is a completely different technique: the basic Jennifer Aniston look is a blow-out, straight, natural with a little product for fullness. Ms. Beehive Bumpit is a tacky, ratted, teased, streaked hot mess full of plastic hair accessories and extensions that you can't really blow out.


  135. cindy AZ10:04 PM

    Norwegian Blue @9:39 - I do see a widow's peak, that is why I believe it is Willow. The story is that WILLOW got the free hairstyling, NOT SP.
    Huff. Post has the story up now on front page - seems the grifters made a VERY BAD impression. SP had 40, yes FORTY people in her entourage incl. nannies and security - they grabbed everything in sight, cleaned the place out.
    She is the epitome of low-class Valley trash (no offense to the classy folks who DO live in the Matsu Valley)and nothing can change that. I am glad for stories like this (and the pallin' around with Hugo Chavez story on Palingates) - quittypants grifter will fall hard.

  136. No offense, Cindy. The Mat-Su is kinda trashy.

  137. cindy AZ - you are right, the hairstyling was for Willow, according to the LA Times
    As I said, that no one would just do a casual blow-out on Sarah's complex hair issues.

    But I really do believe that that is one of the other interchangeable teenagers -- doesn't matter in this case, but Willow/Lauden/Bristol/other cousins are often mislabeled in pictures. The press sees a young girl with $P and assumes it is one of her daughters. Exactly the same phenomenon as everyone looking at baby pictures and thinking they were all Trig. Pictures are tricky, people see what they want to see, and $P has used that to her advantage with Ruffles & Chunky.

    It would be so wonderful if you were really that Cindy...

  138. Anonymous10:50 PM

    When will this retard and her retarded grifter family go away?

  139. The "freebies" are offered in exchange for photos. Since $arah did not allow any photos, she should NOT have taken anything OR have anyone in her staff take anything.
    It is really embarassing that $arah would behave like the country hick that she is.
    How's that Hollywood elitist type thing working out for ya, $arah?

  140. It's Willow with her..sez so at the link now.

  141. Anonymous11:02 PM

    That's not Palin's daughters... that's another trailer trash from Alaska.

    If it is free the Palins and their no good family and friends wil be there stealing what they can get.

    Do you really think Sarah donated $1700 or do you think it came from SarahPac? Then Sarah and the rest of her theiving family walks away with thousands of dollars worth of free stuff.

    Hillbilly garbage. Reminds me of the time when they had their free for all at Saks 5th at the cost of the GOP.

  142. Anonymous11:06 PM

    The dumb f@ck is stealing earphones like they were M&M's.

    Go home ya stinkin fish!

  143. A 40 person entourage all expecting to be paid, fed, driven around, and put up someplace with a cool bar scene? We're talking $10,000/day then on the road, even if she's paying them in swag -- the State of Alaska may have comped her but the Chateau Marmont won't! She is BURNING thru the speaker fees at this rate.

    Maybe Meg's paychecks were starting to bounce.

  144. "They were like locusts," says one vendor at the suite, regarding Palin and her large group of hangers-on. "She showed up with like 20 people, and they immediately swarmed the place taking everything!"

    haha, like locusts, that made my night!

  145. kdusmdd11:28 PM

    No..that is not Willow nor Bristol....must be a cousin.

  146. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Palin and her "locust" entourage.

    Well, now we know who was cheering for her on Leno last night.

  147. Anne NC11:55 PM

    She has to get this book out soon or at least before the 'bots realize she has no plans to run for President. Once that dream of theirs is crushed, reality will set in for some of them and they will realize she played them all for the fools they have been.

    Sarah is probably going to use Bristol for research and funnel money to her from the PAC, however, would that be a legal use of the PAC money? I'd really love to see her run for 2012 just to get a look at her personal financials. Wonder how much of all that personal money ended up in charities that are near and dear to her heart, like the DS Foundation? After all, she gave them almost half as much as she gave Michelle Bachman! Sort of shows just what is really important to her, doesn't it?

    She might have to actually read a few books in order to write this one. Also, too, will Vincent be her ghostwriter again? She had so much fun makin' stuff up for $arah in G.R. that I'm sure she's happy to do so again.

  148. Another book? I don't think she's finished coloring the last one.

  149. Anonymous12:53 AM

  150. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Jon Stewart Hopes for a Palin-Leno 'Bare Knuckle Brawl'

  151. sunnyjane2:04 AM

    Sarah Palin wouldn't know a "virtue' if she met it in a bowl of soup.

    But, it will be fun to see how many of those virtues she hasn't lived up to.

    Talk about a farce.

  152. Yes, Cindy AZ, I also believe it is Willow.

  153. Anonymous3:08 AM

    This weeks real American name for Sarah Palin and the posse... Swag Hag and her Hangers On!

  154. Anonymous3:16 AM

    It is Willow, not Bristol or Lauden.

  155. 10catsinMD3:49 AM

    This grabby grifter story makes me laugh off my chair. How in anybody's name did she ever expect this to stay quiet.

    Next will be the phone pics creeping out.

  156. Anonymous4:15 AM

    More Cowbell--I agree with you. She is completely unconcerned. That's why I despair that nothing will ever come out about her. I know it's been said she's mentally ill--that's why all the outrageous risk-taking behaviors. But WHY doesn't someone in her family or some other close associate who stands to be pulled into the trainwreck not be advising her to lay low and fly under the radar for a while?

    For whatever reason, she KNOWS she's safe.

  157. @mocha - you know who she's starting to remind me of is that puppet, I think her name was "Madam"? - all chin and cheekbones with a turban on her head.

  158. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Sarah Palin’s Grifting Blues

    Well, I’m drifting and grifting,
    Just like Sarah Palin in her Sea for Pee.
    Yes, I’m drifting and grifting,
    Just like Sarah Palin in her Sea for Pee.
    You know I don’t pay for nothing
    When I can just take it for free.

    (Apologies to Charles Brown, Eric Clapton, Ray Charles et al)

  159. wakeUpAmerica4:44 AM

    Book title - The Ultimate Hypocrisy: Sarah's Book of Virtues

  160. There's more photos at the startraks link someone posted earlier. It's definitely Willow.

    Also too...Sarah looks stumpy and unattractive. She's working her hooker boots, though...APPROPRIATE, NO?

  161. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Boy, it sure sounds like her behavior during the campaign, Sarah grabbing everything in sight at expensive department stores.
    Anyone else who had been shamed and outed for a past "shopping" spree would show some restraint, but not our Sarah, she's her own worst enemy.
    Just goes to show;
    Once a low-class greedy grasping grifter, ALWAYS a low-class greedy grasping grifter.

    Character will out.

  162. ManxMamma5:12 AM

    I thought taxes needed to be paid for this type of swag. Oh, that's right, $S never has to pay those!

  163. Anonymous5:22 AM

    She is not writing another book. Someone will gather other's words, crib some profiles and then makeup some stories of her amazing life to show how she is just like JFK or just like General Grant when...blah blah

    publishing needs revenue and idiots will buy anything with her name on it. Of course this was her favorite idea for another "book."

    She will do even less herself.

  164. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Wasn't the figure of $1700 the money that Levi owes monthly? giving them a check for $1700 was a FU to Levi and no, she is not above this kind of pettiness, it is what she lives for.

  165. Anonymous5:31 AM

    This post convinces me even more that she wants to be the Oprah for religious extremists. Not only was there the experimental issue of Sarah magazine a few weeks ago, but now a book with inspirational essays intended to change American culture. The swag grab and insistence that everyone in her entourage get something reminds me of the staff shopping sprees Oprah is famous for. The big difference, of course, is that Oprah *actually pays* for whatever her staff picks up from the designated department store.

    Anonymous 9:12 has some interesting remarks. Her new team may try hard to use her for conservative campaigning, but my reaction to all the info in this post is that her political career is officially dead. Two Teabaggers have publicly denounced her as well as any number of GOP establishment types. Notice that none of the ones who openly question her abilities are current officeholders or work for Fox.

    I was listening to Howard Stern this morning and Barbara Walters was on. He asked her if she thought Palin was "intelligent." She said yes. Then Robin asked if she thought she was "informed" (better question) and Barbara said she didn't think so. She also mentioned that reality show and that she was clearly into making as much money as possible.

  166. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Hate to burst bubbles but I read the show they are shoppping is called a Docudrama, which is not a messy Ozzie style reality show.

    It will be a huge POS where she pretends to hunt and fish n'stuff and progress Alaska.

  167. Just Jared has full size photos from Mrs. Palin's shopping spree:

    Mock on!

  168. Anonymous6:01 AM

    OMG! I've OD'd on Palin. Somebody help me please....

  169. Anonymous6:09 AM

    The reality show, if it happens, will be scripted and won't reveal much.


    Going public even to that extent will put the Palins in Gosselin territory. They will become tabloid fodder and fair game for much closer mainstream examination than they have endured up until now.

    News outlets have avoided babygate because nobody wants to be first. Even the tabloids have been afraid to touch it. Now by going Hollywood, Sarah Palin is handing it to them on a silver platter. We know she will, as is her wont, hypocritically decry getting the Gosselin treatment, but the fact that she herself put her and her family's lives out there for public consumption will totally undermine her protests and unleash the gossip rags and sites and blogs even more.

    Palin ain't even gonna know what her.

    So far she's been able to hide behind the "daintiness" of the MSM, which is afraid not to cover for her lest she scold them for being mean and attacking her children. So far it's worked, and with her huge ego and power trip mentality, SP thinks she can continue to control the message, so she doesn't have a care in the world about doing a reality show. Why should she? Her ego is such that she truly believes this is a good way for her to be in charge of what gets out about her. This is her way of having her publicity cake and eating it too. You just know that in her mind, a reality show will elevate her to absolute sainthood in the public's mind.

    Ha! Is she ever going to have a rude, rude awakening. Once she opens that door, her and her family's personal business is going to be entirely up for grabs. She is truly too stupid and too arrogant to realize what she's setting herself up for.

    Even if she doesn't do the reality show, those images of her in the grifting suite, and the locust behavior, is already out there. SP just couldn't control herself when she saw all those goodies, and it has been duly noted. Her phony credibility has already taken a HUGE hit.

    Enjoy it, Ceepers. This is your queen in action. Greedy, coarse, oblivious, and in a free fall from her self-constructed throne.

  170. Anonymous6:24 AM

    the picture at link does not look like Willow - it looks like a Willow look-alike (maybe a relative).

    Just because the liar said it's Willow doesn't mean it is. I suspect Willow is too busy hiding in AK. She got a little at the B&E...and may give us a present soon.

  171. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Its definately Willow, and she is having a blast. I have an idea though... How about you just stop making things up.

    Get over it, Sarah is not scared of you or anything you or anyone else has to say. Especially anything about her children. She proves it every day with very new project, book, interview and with every $100,000 grand you wish you could pull in.

    You probably wont post this but whatever, its all true.

    Get a life. Lame.

  172. The folks that have handled little Miss Wasilla from the get go are fully aware that the surest way to snag and keep this particular empty-headed little puppet in line is to play on her weaknesses. Of course, one of Sarah Palin's most glaring vulnerabilities is greed.

    It can't be repeated too often that:

    You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

    Sarah never has and never will have class--no matter how much money is poured into any number of PACs and LLCs and, as a result, at her immediate disposal.

    The most telling thing I see in this Sarah Palin episode (besides the $1700 middle finger she gave Levi and his supporters) is the fact that:

    While she can find time during her busy schedule to grab up 40 pairs of headphones for the benefit of cameras, she can't seem to find the time to make sure that Trig has his hearing aid(s) in. Of course, the thing that is probably uppermost on her mind, where babies are concerned, is that babies may not be as photogenic, and therefore useful, when they are wearing hearing aids.

    And, while it is being sorted out whether or not it is Willow in the most recent videos--remember this picture?

    The one of Willow taken at the book signing on a Sunday afternoon in Alaska? Arms crossed, wearing a look of pure disgust.

    ...mass media...mass control... whose plan of action might that be?

    The night before last, Palin was on Leno--Romney was simultaneously on Letterman. Yesterday, Romney was on Morning Joe. He stated that Palin is qualified for president--then Romney headed for the View. An orchestrated media campaign has been kicked off this week. Romney will probably tow the line...but, on the other hand Palin will pocket and shop lift anything she can along the way--but that is how the puppeteers keep her hooked... shut off the free ride and she won't play...and as a result the sow's ear will simply ride off into the proverbial Hollywood sunset and back to Wasilla to wallow in the mud at the Palin compound for the rest of her days...

  173. shadowfever6:40 AM

    It's funny how Palin and her entourage is being compared to the Jersey Shores cast, who did the same kind of thing at the Golden Globes.
    At the time, the consensus for that type of behavior was "trailer trash".
    Now a reality show staring the Palin family. That worked out so well for the Gosslin's didn't it. Now they are divorced. He's completely broke and she's trying anything and everything to make a buck and still stay in the media.
    Life after reality shows doesn't seem to be good for anyone who has ever starred in them.

  174. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Mrs. Todd Palin's new party?

    the Green party!

  175. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Sure hope her sainted kids are not in this docudrama, I mean, why put any attention on her kids, that is just wrong...LEAVE HER KIDS ALONE EVEN IF THEY GO EVERYWHERE ON STAGE AND ON CAMERA, IGNORE THEM.

  176. shadowfever6:48 AM

    Whatever it is she is trying to sell in Hollywood, she is working hard at it. She and Mark Burnett met with ABC. She and Mike Darnell (reality) met with Fox. She stopped by CBS and plans to meet with NBC Universal TV Chairman Jeff Gaspin. One executive is quoted as saying "she's pitching a dquel to Commander in Chief".
    Not to leave out some fun while doing all this selling, but after the grab fest at the Charity Oscar Room, they stopped by American Idol, where Palin stayed in the Green Room.
    There is no presidential run in her future. Her plans have her using politics as the platform to move into the entertainment industry in a more expanded roll for her and her family.
    This is fairly clear from the list of who's who in entertainment that she is meeting with.

  177. Anonymous6:48 AM

    6:27 a.m., it's pretty obvious Sarah is not scared and why should she be? Everything has gone her way so far.

    But if you think it always will - think again.

    Going Hollywood with such ease and greed has just completely destroyed Sarah's credibility with anyone except their heads already so far up her ass that their eyes are the color of moose turds.

    And while that is how you identify a floater in the Sea of Pee, that just ain't most of us.

  178. Anon 6:27...aren't you busy looking at all your new shiny baubles? How did you find time to post on here?

  179. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Gryphen, suggest you get a copy of Bill Bennett's Book of Virtues. Far be it for Scarah's handlers to come up with a new idea. Sounds like a perfect reference book for Scarah (not that she'd know what 'reference book' means).

  180. Anonymous7:25 AM

    LMAO a sarasite wannabe a wee weed up!!!!
    Have you heard? John Edwards is getting indicted for misuse of campaign funds....hmmmmm!
    Wonder who could be next?

  181. Palin and Co apparently swept through the Oscars gift suite like locusts, grabbing everything in site and making none of the customary donations and posing for none of the customary photo ops.

    Hollywood was NOT impressed.

    Good luck selling that reality show, Sarah. You have no talent and no one is interested in Alaskan white trash.

  182. "Its definately Willow, and she is having a blast."

    Of course she is. She's grabbing up thousands of dollars of swag that she has no right to. Continuing the Paylin family tradition. This must be the first time in quite a while that Granny Grifter is actually proud of her middle daughter.

  183. 10catsinMD7:41 AM

    Calling the IRS
    Calling the IRS
    Calling the IRS

    IRS, IRS, IRS where are you?

    IRS, IRS, IRS where are you?

    IRS, IRS, IRS where are you?

    IRS, IRS, IRS, IRS, IRS, IRS, IRS, IRS, IRS, hurry, hurry.

    10 year audit time.

    10 year audit time

    10 year audit time

    10 year audit time

  184. teach your kids to grift at an early age. Instill feelings of entitlement while they are young.

    Have a nice day $arah... you scum scucking low life bottom feeding media whore.

  185. Anonymous8:00 AM

    So now, the burning question is:

    Will Sarah Palin exchange the Sea of Pee and life in Wasilla for the Sea Org and a chance at Tom Cruise level fame in Hollywood?

    Ahh, only time will tell.

    Psst. Did anyone notice if she pocketed any e-meters along with those headphones, yesterday? Huh, huh?

  186. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Remember when Sarah said "if I die, I die" I think she's living by that statement. She just brushes off everything and keeps that money train on the track because she know it could end, so why not lie and grab everything while you can.
    She's giving every one the finger and in the end her bots will be getting the finger too.
    If she was to be brought down, It should have happened a long time ago, I think it's to late now, people sat on it to long, but I think she's her own worst enemy.

  187. Anonymous8:22 AM

    that girl doesn't look like willow to me. different profile

  188. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I hope the Palins realize that all the swag they collected does have to be reported on their income tax returns. If they did indeed contribute any of it to charity, they'll need to complete the non-cash contributions form and deduct it as an itemized deduction. But I don't see out having your hair styled could possibly be donated to charity.

  189. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Hi Sarah! (anon at 6:27)

    Maybe you should talk with your friends in the Repub party (if you have any left) and get them to sell you back those sex tapes and sex photos? (You know, proof of your affairs?) You could just start your own porn site and charge 19.99 per download. Much easier than hoofing it to Hollywood and actually having to work doing stuff.

  190. sjk you made me laugh out loud. Tell us how you really feel!

  191. If you type "Willow Palin" into Google, here are the suggestions:
    Willow Palin drinking
    ...middle finger
    ...drinking pictures

    sheesh that's an image that needs help!

  192. mommom10:52 AM

    Mrs Paylin is rockin that leopard bed jacket,along with the ugly tiny tiny fur trimmed teenagerish purse.

    Willow is pretty chunky ,maybe thats why the confusion?

    What was the big secret about Willow you alluded to yesterday?

  193. BAustin12:37 PM

    Poor Willow....she most definitely has middle child syndrome. She bookended by older sibs getting in trouble and their publicity...and the younger spotlight stealing sibs.

    It would not be a surprise at all for her to act out. Sad dysfunctional family values! The google suggestion are very sad too....anyone know a good publicist? oh never mind!

  194. Anonymous12:42 PM

    mocha 6:32 etal

    I think, in certain circles, those are lovingly referred to as "halibut cheeks."

    You are what you eat, so they say.

    Let us pray:

    ...Lord, we thank you this day for these halibut cheeks. May they nourish the minds, bodies and souls of everyone who gathers around this table here today. And may they continue to fill empty minds until our bank accounts are filled over with blessings from the poor and ignorant masses. Yes, Lord, their pennies will be like a gift from heaven.


    Let's eat, boys. Please pass me the vegetables and dips, won't you? Oh, and please be sure and save room for dessert! Today we are having leftover fruitcakes--if you are watching your diet and prefer not, then, please help yourself to a handful of nuts.

  195. Sarah Palin may not be able to win the presidency but I believe she wants it. Power may be as important to her as money and celebrity.

    What's up with this? TMZ didn't link to the court document.

    "Levi Johnston's gonna have to whip out another body party -- or find some other way to make a quick $3,500 -- because a judge just ordered him to pay even more cash to his baby mama Bristol Palin.

    We're told that if Levi doesn't fork over the cash in a timely manner -- he could face some serious consequences ... including serious fines and possible jail time."

  196. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Can't wait for her reality show ... 'Palin does Prison'

  197. sandipants6:56 PM

    I bet Simple Sarah thinks this swag grab is what economists mean when they talk about Free Market Principles... maybe she can expand on that the next time she's on Faux.

  198. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I am of the belief that Palin is hawking the reality show just to lessen Levi's chances of getting one. After all, there wouldn't be room for 2 Alaskan reality shows hosted by Wasillians.

  199. This is the link to silver spoon. I clicked on every link. I don't see any mention of Sarah Palin. Not good not bad and no retraction. If it was updated today it should be there.


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