Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Levi Johnston and Kathy Griffin back together again!

Griffin is going to film some reality TV with Levi while she is up here to perform her comedy act at the Atwood Concert Hall, on March 5.

Sources confirmed she arrived with her film crew just last night. I do not know if this is for her show "My Life on the D-List" or for some other reality show, but I do know that they are scouting locations in both Anchorage and Wasilla.

Perhaps some of my Alaskan visitors can keep an eye out and let me know if they spot the couple in and around Anchorage or Wasilla.

However if you do, please be respectful and don't do anything to disrupt the filming.

I particularly worry about Levi in Wasilla as I have heard that there are still some Palin-bots who are pissed at him. In fact I recently learned that whenever his mother Sherry goes to the store in Wasilla, which the terms of her house arrest allow to do, that various people will call and report her to her parole officer in an attempt to get her thrown back into jail.

Can you believe these people?

By the way, speaking of "these people", apparently things in the Palin compound are not as super duper wonderful as Sarah has described it to the media. (Shocked? Yeah me too!) In fact apparently the brood is currently at least one Palin short.

Yep, eldest daughter, and abstinence "after the fact" spokeswoman, Bristol has made a break for it and now has a place in Anchorage. (Gee I wonder what lie Sarah told about the family angered Bristol enough for her to get the hell out of Dodge?) At least one source reported that she purchased the place, but I am not sure if that is correct or whether she is simply renting a condo. If in fact Bristol is going to school here in town this makes sense, though I do wonder who is watching Tripp during the day without Sarah's entourage around to take up the slack. Levi is not living in town currently but I have little doubt he would drop everything and drive in to take care of his boy.

And since we are on the subject of the Palin tribe in Anchorage, I have also heard a rumor that Track was staying in town around December/January and that he was seen by more than one person flashing large amounts of cash. Interesting no? Silly me I was not under the impression that a Private in the Army made that much scratch.

It looks like Momma-bear is being quite generous with her wealth. Perhaps making sure her kids have enough money to resist any offers by the tabloids to tell a few unsavory tales?


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Look Gryphen, Levi is not going to get hurt by the Palins or Palin's hired toughs. That would guarantee that Levi would strike back. Levi knows the whole story and he's one of the very few who are in the know and would be listened to. Forget that idea!

    Christ, I just don't get why you and others are twisting it to the point of thinking that Levi is fair and square and is enough of an enemy of the Palins to break the deception wide open! It's not going to happen pal! I can imagine it would be plausible for the Palins to hire another bodyguard for Levi to make sure he isn't hurt by one of the loose cannons who love Palin! Think man, think!

  2. oooh, love the gossip (what is WRONG with me?).
    I saw on mercede's FB last night that she had welcomed Kathy Griffin to town. Gryphen/Griffin - she is likely your long-long sister, Gryph!
    Kudos to Bristol for leaving the compound - I mean that sincerely.
    It is a first step toward becomming a functional adult in her own right. Despite the mistakes she has made, I have hope that she will mature and find wisdom. This can only be accomplished AWAY from the crazy woman.
    I do worry about the babies - who will take care of them? Piper?

  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Bristol looked plenty pissed while on the last Oprah show with Mommy Little Bo Peep. Good for her. Those kids are all wrecked for life.

    So Sarah....Your children are "strong and independent and well adjusted"..(your words, not mine)? I think NOT!

  4. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Bristol is in L.A. and among her peers. Maybe she is sick and tired of the born-again virgin in the old-lady twinset sweaters.
    Go forth young woman! Live, love and laugh - and be kind to Tripp's daddy. Things are much easier/happier that way!

  5. ManxMamma9:38 AM

    Very interesting development re:Bristol. I hope it's true. She deserves her own life.

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Two comments by Palin on the Leno show struck me. She listed City Manager amoung the jobs she has held - ei. city council member, city manager, mayor, governor. Didn't they have to hire a city manager to help her do her job as mayor?
    secondly, she uses the term 'lame' fairly often - "a lame cartoon show" - doesn't this offend the poor little orthopedically challenged special needs children who need wheelchairs and walkers? That word traditionally has been used in the same manner as 'crippled'.

  7. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Griffin the old cougar is a real pro. Look how she grabs Levi to cause him to lean toward her off balance and gets the shot taken before the dumb kid can straighten up! Supposing he would even have the presence of mind to do so!

    And this is the great white hope to expose Palin? Blahhhhhhhh!

  8. (Gee I wonder what lie Sarah told about the family angered Bristol enough for her to get the hell out of Dodge?)

    Was it putting Bristol's name to that FB rant about Family Guy?

  9. Anonymous9:43 AM

    The oldest children often bear the brunt of their parents disfunction.. bravo to Track and Bristol for distancing themselves from their self-centered mom, but I'm betting Willow to be the emotionally least-damaged of all the kids. We'll see.

    I hope all the Palin kids realize that most moms are far more nurturing than SP, and that they have been short changed their whole lives... even showering them with cash does not make up for the mind-games she has played on these kids.

  10. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Bristol moved out with second child:

    1. Bristol could have done this for appearance sake to get money from Levi in court.

    2. Bristol could have done this in hopes of getting back with Levi. Shows Levi that she does not need her mother or that her mother is not in control of her.

    3. It is easier for Bristol to have a booty call at her own place than at Sarah's home on the compound with Warden Sarah watching over her.

  11. Anonymous9:46 AM

    The rabid rightwing Wasilla residents have turned the community into a diaster zone for anything and everything not draped in a red elephant.

    The Wasilla City officials mock documented Indian sites in public meetings. At the teabagger gathering, held last summer on the shores of Wasilla lake, a couple of pasty white boys dressed up like fake Indians and pretended to "pow wow" with each other. The Mat Su Borough approved and activily removed a grave of a Indian, while completing a foundation on a museum building.

    The Wasilla rightwing freaks have ruined Wasilla.

    The older Palin kids have been known to race about town, party like there is no end in sight, act inappropiatly loud in local stores, etc...

    Want to know where the fish are in the Mat Su streams? Well just go to a rightwing, low class, Wasilla Conservative Patriot group member how he/she gets all the local fish they want because they are low income subsistence users.
    Once all the fish disappears and the cow moose are gone, these rightwing red elephant freaks will lining up to claim food stamps, claiming it is their God given right.

    And don't get me started on the Jesus freaks out here!

    Any of the Johnstons are welcome to my little heaven near Wasilla. I totally understand how sick the Palin fondlers can be.

  12. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Well, at least Levi doesn't have to leave AK, unlike Bristol who carted Tripp to LA (did Levi agree to this?). And if she bought a condo, it's not on the Matsu Assessment page, although they might not have entered it yet.

    Gryphen, if you get an address, don't publish it, but look it up on the Borough web page to see who owns it, please.

  13. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Kathy Griffin is such a brash smart-ass. She's hilarious and I think it's great they are "back together again!"

  14. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Oh my, such mean, nasty, vicious people to be reporting Sherry for doing necessary shopping. Sorry, Gryphen, but I'm glad I don't live in Wasilla with that kind of mentality. I'm sure there are alot of good people living there as well but I can't stomach the "Palinbots".

  15. sunnyjane10:16 AM

    I read somewhere (I think on palingates) that Bristol was in California with Sarah to make her big debut on that teenage show.

  16. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Run Bristol Run...and take all your children with you.

  17. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:28 AM

    Does the Palin compound have a special washer-dryer combo to launder all that donate-till-you-drop cash?

  18. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I'm sure Griffin will continue to make money with her successful series and comedy specials- I think she's hilarious and smart as a whip. One of the reasons I think Levi really does have information to take her down is because Kathy Griffin says it will. She'll bring up Levi in her program and specials and will have people laughing at Palin's idiocy. I'd definitely go see her if she was in my area.


  19. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Anonymous 9:46 you are right on.

  20. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Bristol suddenly leaves home for a better position from which to take cheap shots at Levi ... independence, my azz.

  21. Escalade10:47 AM

    Kathy Griffin is the bomb, laugh bomb. No wonder Sarah was trying for a stand up routine on Leno, she knows the old gig is done.

    Is that a rumor about Bristol leaving teat? More power to her if it checks out and it is not another Sarah scheme. Track may have a crash pad when he is in town for Rum Runners. I will believe Bristol has some real independence when she speaks up with her own voice and stops dressing like a granny. Get your own car, Bristol, and stop driving around looking like an old bitty.

  22. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Sorry, didn't realize that Anchorage wasn't in MatSu borough, so checked the city, also; nothing there in any Palin's name.

    Good that Bristol is getting away to her own place, but never underestimate blood ties.

  23. honestyinGov10:52 AM

    I posted on one of your threads about a week ago when I say that Kathy was coming to Alaska. Levi, ( if asked ) with those connections could get YOU an interview with Kathy. ONE of the bloggers up there MUST get some first-hand quotes from her. Get a Press Pass of whatever. Kathy will love the publicity. And why not make some copies of the Ruffle-eared baby to pass to her. Give her some dirt... SHE will use it. Kathy despises this woman just like the rest of us.
    But please......" GET AN INTERVIEW "
    ( and go to the Show to report )

  24. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I like the show American Teenager, but now that Bristol's going to be on it...I won't be watching anymore.

    Can't stand the loser.

  25. Anonymous11:05 AM

    AK Recorders office shows no closing on any property under the name of Bristol Palin or any other Palin, for that matter. Doesn't mean a sale isn't under contract though.

  26. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Did she decide she was only going to care for ONE baby and no sisters?

    Hey mom, that baby you wanted, you got him now!

  27. Excellent point about the lame comments Anon@9:38am. But once again in Palin's mind (what little there is) and her minions, everything Sarah does, says, thinks, tweets, comments through ghost writers on FB is good, just and truthful; everyone who doesn't agree 100% is evil, un-American and jealous.

    Bristol I sincerely hope you have enough balls to "screw your courage to the sticking place"(that's from Shakespeare Sarah) and realize that your life is going to be hell until you get away from that woman. More importantly, you have to think of the lives of your child(ren).

  28. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I hope the Candies Foundation and the Nat'l Enquirer are keeping tabs on Revirginated and making sure she sticks to her no sex pledge. So is the new "house" on Dead Lake actually a studio/office? -Dogwood

  29. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I think Griffen is an opportunistic user. I worry about Levi. She's not with him for his good; it's all about her.

    Gees, Levi, out of the frying pan, into the fire. I hope you get better counsel than you are getting now.

    Mind you, I am not speaking to Griffen's talent here. I simply think she goes where the biggest bang for her publicity is - right now, that's still Levi. Who else would be naive enough to let her take charge of him like that?

  30. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I feel that Bristol is tired of house arrest and babysitting, and cleaning and babysitting, and whatever else Sarah can rope her into doing.

    I doubt that her stupid talk about chastity, such as it is will be in effect, after she does her T.V. gig.

    Leopards don't change their spots.

    And Bristol will revert to type.

  31. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I am with anon 9:43 in thinking that Bristol has to live in her own place for appearance sake. How can she ask for all that money in child support if she does not pay anything for food, rent or child care (babysitting). She has to look like she is functioning on her own, own place and herown job (thanks, Mom).

    Sorry, but there have been so many stories coming from the direction of Wasilla, that I am skeptical about everything Palin.

  32. junasie1412:55 PM

    Anon @9:38 -- good catch on the "lame" thing. Not a problem for Sarah though because her kid isn't lame. If he were, she would have referred to the show as "retarded", and blasted the word police for any criticism. You betcha!

  33. Anonymous1:09 PM

    If Bristol bought property in Anchorage, I doubt it was bought under he own name. Among other things, a limited partnership could have been formed to take title.

  34. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Bristol's new bachelorette pad-

    Discord at the compound or legal strategy to show independence so Rex Butler can't claim that she's under the control and influence of Granny $arah?

  35. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Levi hasn't even made a custody demand in court yet. It's true that the Palin's are grifters, but Levi may be no better after all.

  36. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Did anyone check to see whether Bristols LLC purchased any property?

  37. junasie141:20 PM

    I'm with the theory that bristol getting her own place is just show and tell for the court. I read somewhere that Levi bought a house in the area, so now it will be harder for him to say that Bristol is totally dependent on her family and under Sarah's influence.

    It would be nice if someone local could find out if she really lives in this new place. (Follow the black Esplanade!) If so, then who lives in the turret next door on the lake (and the house they're renting next to that one)?

  38. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Shes writing another book folks. When will this stop? Who will stop her? Anyone?

  39. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Sarah did throw Bristol under the PR bus over the DS cartoon flap.
    In all probability Bristol did not write the intitial PR release.

    I am guessing the relative silence in the last couple of weeks was Sarah's trainers putting a muzzle on Meg and Sarah after they made an ass of Bristol and that that muzzling is why Meg is out.

  40. Perhaps just a convenient place to park some of the llc $, and promote the independent single mom image. (See, SP has nothing to do with the custody case at all) Doesn't necessarily mean she will be moving in full time now does it? Like everything else watch the money and script the characters.

  41. I'm not ready to send up cheers yet, for Bristol. But I hope Levi is watching this the way he would watch the track of a bear: because it's possible that his son Tripp will be honestly OUT of $arah Palin's house. And Tripp would be safer, OUT of that house. Just knowing that his baby son is safer will take one of those leg-irons off his mind. Might make it easier for him to write. ;-)

  42. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Has Mama Grizzly still not acknowledged Meg's departure?

    C'mon, Sarah...only dead fish go with the flow.

  43. maybe Bristol and Levi should just get back together and move to Los Angeles and capitalize on their celebrity.
    Couldn't be any worse than staying in PalinLand

  44. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Oh No! Kathy Griffin was going to marry that guy on CNN too (I like him too)! She said so on New Year's (last year). I heard her say it. With my own two ears. Now? She's in Alaska? What can it mean? That it's springtime?!!!? She came for the Fur Grendezvous didn't she.

  45. Anonymous2:21 PM


  46. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Levi was at the Wasilla Sports Complex yesterday evening. He walked in a little before 8pm. No one at the complex even gave him a second glance. A wasilla resident I was talking to did not even know who he was or cared. Levi stood with some others he came in with and was not approached or bothered.

  47. crystalwolf aka caligrl3:01 PM

    I don't think Kathy HAD to go to Alaska, but wanted to, to see Levi...I think she likes him as a friend and doesn't like what the paylins are doing to him and his family.
    As for Bristol, this moving is calculated...1,700.65 sounds like a rent payment to me, and also would show Her "independence" from $arah, as soon as they "get what they want" she will move back into the compound...You betcha....grifters!

  48. Levi looks as if he needs to go to the bathroom, or maybe standing in front of a firing squad. Not a happy camper.

    Is Tank still around?

  49. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I've always wondered if Sherry's arrest was engineered by Sarah as a warning to the Johnston family about telling the truth. And that's why they don't say much.

  50. Kathy Griffin is in Anchorage on her standup tour. She must be filming for her reality show too.
    Mercede says that she and her mother have to move out of their house.

  51. I vote that Bristol's moving out is a calculated plot. It may have unintended consequences though. We can only hope. It's going to take literally years before the "kids" wise up or break out. Mommy Dearest knows exactly which buttons to push to get them to OBEY!

  52. emrysa5:20 PM

    come on.

    bristol move out and leave her first born with grandma? granny needs a babysitter - piper's too young and willow supposedly goes to school. and we know granny doesn't trust any outsiders.

    no, not buying the 'bristol got her own place' thing. not saying you fabricated a rumor, gryphen, just saying that if she has in fact 'gotten her own place,' it's for appearances only.

    my guess is that van flea informed the vindictive nutcase family that it looks bad to be demanding assloads of money from levi each month when bristol lives with mommy and daddy and doesn't have any expenses. so just because they want to drain levi's finances, they get brisol 'her own address.' what a fucking load of shit these people really, really suck.

    and frankly levi needs to grow some balls and stand up to them.

  53. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I'm with the camp that says Bristol has moved out to justify her child support request. Levi is being outflanked.

  54. Mac And Cheese Wiz6:00 PM

    Kathy Griffin is an amazing comedienne! If anyone ever gets the chance to see her live, do it! Add it to your bucket lists!

    Bristol's "move" is a calculated plot van flea dreamed up. Sarah has a hold on every aspect of that girls life, Sarah's broken Bristol's spirit, and I doubt Sarah will let Bristol waiver from her Candies gig and public promise to not have sex again ever until she's married.
    If Bristol wants to show her independent side, she'd write a book and expose everything she knows - it's the only way she'll ever break free.

  55. Anonymous6:22 PM

    God so looks sooooooo plastic, and Levi......looks dumb as a stump.

  56. Quetzalcoatl6:41 PM

    This Kathy Griffin looks like she has a death grip on the guy.

    Or like a trophy fisherman posing with the catch. A hella dress though.

    Bristol=paid off in full for 1 year with her own flat by Mumsy

    You betcha, you got that right.

  57. If Levi truly was a hockey player, then he should have no problem defending himself. He might bust a knuckle or two but he only needs to give some clunker a good beating once for the rest to leave him alone.

    As for Kathy Griffin... I dunno. At least his man-parts will be safe.

    As for Track and a sum of cash, just keep in mind that those who successfully (read: return alive and in one piece) complete a tour of duty in a combat zone and fulfill their contractual duty are entitled to a nice bonus. But that only kicks in AFTER every single obligation is fulfilled and only counts if you return stateside without any bullets in you.

  58. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I love Kathy Griffin.. Funny as H*ll. I agree with everybody who is saying Bristol only moved out for the custody and child support. I never thought Levi would tell everything he knew. How could he and share a child with that family. I think he threatened to do it but that was it. No, its going to have to be regular people who will have to take care of Palin.

  59. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Mercedes must have graduated HS by
    now, is she working or taking any
    college courses? From that short video
    Gryphen had of her outside the courthouse she came across as a really
    nice person, animated, intelligent,
    with the kind of looks that require
    no artifice. I hope she gets the
    opportunity to do special things with her life. Sherry is very fortunate
    (which I'm sure she realizes) with
    her children. She leaves that other
    mama, the pit-bull-with-lipstick one
    standing in the dust re motherhood.

    Sharon TN

  60. Levi looks like he is sick-and-tired of the lies, deceit and fraud, that Sarah has dragged him into.

    At first, it was fun and he liked the lifestyle. Now, it appears to be wearing on him.

    Good luck, Levi, I think you are going to need it!


  61. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Kathy has the "in the midst of foreplay look".

  62. 10catsinMD7:45 AM

    I would love to see Levi in a reality show. A real one. Not Palin.

    He should also try out for survivor.

    I think he could really talk to us about Alaska.

  63. Deb in WI8:35 AM

    TMZ is now reporting this:
    It's kinda complicated -- but the long story short is the judge in Alaska re-crunched a few numbers and determined the $18,000 in back child support payments that Bristol had requested from Levi was way too low.
    So now, according to legal papers filed this week in Alaska, Levi is on the hook for $21,561.12."

    Sorry if someone already mentioned it. What is the deal?


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