Thursday, April 29, 2010

2nd Amendment Task Force rally on University campus ends up shooting blanks.

A couple of days ago a friend forwarded the following notification to me.

Attention Alaska Patriots (Don't you hate it when they throw around the word "patriot"?  As if everybody who does not agree with them is somehow NOT a patriot. Assholes!)

Anchorage Second Amendment Task Force has with other organizations attempted to bring University of Alaska in compliance with state statutes and the state Constitution regarding firearms on UA properties. UA Board of Regents have refused to comply with the laws of our state and continue to violate our rights to keep and bear arms. We will be accessing all UA properties in Alaska next week with the intention of forcing a conclusion. Either the Board of Regents will arrest law-abiding citizens for trespassing while doing what is constitutionally protected, or they will refuse to engage us. We will win legally, or by rendering the rule limp ("Limp"? Methinks somebody has revealed what their  gun REALLY symbolizes.) We do have Pro Bono representation for any who require it due to this action. I anticipate national media coverage for this event, so represent with the dignity we all exemplify daily. For all interested in participating with bringing our overreaching government officials into compliance with the constitution please contact me at This will occur next week so prepare now to force compliance of our government.

Thank you

George Hines
State Representative
Alaska Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC)

My first thought was why can't these guys simply purchase a fancy car to compensate for their inadequacies?  I mean nobody has ever been killed because somebody's Corvette accidentally went off while they were cleaning it.

Then I figured I might as well go to the UAA campus and see what happens because, who knows, one of these guys might do something really stupid and get shot, and I would just hate to miss that!

Well as it turned out the whole event left me feeling, much like I am sure the wives and girlfriends of these gun nuts often feel, completely disappointed. 

At around 11:15 the group representing the SCCC, emerged from behind a building led by, I kid you not, some grandmothers holding flags and a tin of cookies decorated with gun symbols. Following the grannies were a couple of portly gentlemen, well into their late forties (Where the hell were the students?), who ambled up to the gaggle of reporters and cameramen and started to speak nonsensically about "civil rights", and "fairness", and "campus police can't keep us safe".

Then the guy with the biggest mouth, George Hines, used his hand to push his stomach off of his waistband to reveal a fairly tiny pistol in a holster on his now exposed hip. At this the campus police moved forward to address the group.

After telling the two gentlemen who actually had weapons that they were in violation of UAA policy they then asked for their names and proceeded to fill out notification of violations. As soon as the campus police issud the notifications, the John Wayne wannabes meekly took their yellow copies and walked off of the campus over to a nearby sidewalk.

No arguments.

No,  "You can take my guns when you pry them from my cold dead hands". 

Nothing.  Just a sheepish...somewhat subdued...compliance. The very definition of anti-climatic.

However once they were safely off the campus, and  felt the comforting embrace of the liberal Alaska gun laws again, they quickly puffed up their man-boobs and renewed their macho spiel.

Hines once again started bellowing for the entertainment of the reporters who had dutifully followed him to the street about student safety and how his rights as a citizen of Alaska were being violated by the University because they would not let him carry his metal pacifier to classes with him. 

I managed to ask him if he really thought he was in danger on teh UAA campus, and he replied that that wasn't the point, the point was that the state of Alaska said he had the right to carry his gun and the University would not allow it. So I asked if he really believed having more guns on campus would actually make it safer for students attending classes and, as crazy as it sounds, he said he did. When I questioned him further as to what he anticipated happening on campus that made him believe he may need protection he brought up the Virginia Tech shooting three years ago (In fact Virginia Tech was brought up quite he and his cohorts struggled to make their case.)

In the bizarro world that these 2nd amendment guys inhabit the fact that shootings had taken place in Virginia Tech and Columbine, as well as a few other schools in this country meant that it could happen on the UAA campus at any moment and they damn sure better be ready to return fire. (You know because more BULLETS in the air means more SAFETY, right?) For some reason the idea that these killings had happened specifically BECAUSE somebody had access to a gun, instead of because somebody DID NOT have access to a gun was a line of logic that did not compute with these sad little men.

After engaging in this ridiculous back and forth my head was starting to hurt so I looked around to see if there was anybody close by that I could have an intelligent conversation with. That is when I spied a group of campus police watching from a distance. So I walked over and struck up a conversation. 

I asked them what they thought of the protest, and which side of the issue they found themselves on, but they demurred and would not answer directly.  However when I brought up the fact that Mr. Hines had identified a part of the campus as "rape alley" and then claimed that there were numerous rapes and sexual assaults taking place the cops became very incensed and told me that this year there had been NO sexual assaults on campus and that the very few that happened in the past had happened in the dorms and NOT in this fictitious "rape alley". They even suggested I visit this website to check for myself.

As you can see there has really not been that much crime on campus in the last three years. But there WERE a substantial number of (as you can see on this site) alcohol and drug violations.

After reading these statistics in the Campus Security Report, which one of the cops had handed me, they then asked me what I thought might have happened if those alcohol and drug violations had also involved a firearm. I had to admit that was a good question, and one that obviously leads one to believe that NOT having weapons on campus is undoubtedly the safest choice.

When I brought up the Virginia Tech shootings, that the 2nd amendment guys bandied about as an example of why students SHOULD be allowed to carry weapons, one of the campus cops said that they hated when they used that example. "When the cops go into a room with a shooter they are not going in there to talk to them.  What do you think would happen if there were several armed people brandishing weapons in that room?" So though the campus police did not want to go on record with their opinons about guns on campus, I do believe their feelings came through loud and clear.

Even though I am a lifelong Alaskan, and have spent my entire life surrounded by hunters and gun enthusiasts, I simply DO NOT understand the mindset which compels a person to carry a weapon around with them 24 hours a day. While walking in the wilds of Alaska, where there is always the chance of running into an aggressive grizzly, I get it, (even though I never carry one there either), but in downtown Anchorage?

One of the pinheads in this group was asked by a reporter why they decided to bring their guns today, and he replied "because I reached down and felt my balls and realized I was a man".

Well you know my response to that is that I also realized I was a man today, however my balls felt perfectly safe leaving the house unarmed.  So what does that say about who is, and who is not manly?

Oh and by the way there were a number of women walking around  campus who were also unarmed, so I guess on that whole "manliness" scale these idiots rank pretty damn low.

But you know even though I left the UAA campus feeling pretty disappointed in some of those who share my gender, there was one bright spot.

I did get a cookie.


  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    God, I hate guns almost as much as I hate gun-nuts. What a scared bunch of mindless twits. What happens when the ammo runs out? Ammo weighs a good bit and huffing it around with man boobs can really tax a heart.

  2. I spent some time on Mel Green's site ( yesterday and read numerous observations and opinions of these folks and of the event at UAA in general. This is also happening in other parts of the country. It is not about 2nd Amendment rights or the Constitution. It is about something else.

  3. Nice cookie. Even better post, Gryph. Sorry I didn't make it to the "rally."

    A lot of comments on this generated at my post on the event:

  4. Anonymous6:30 PM

    OMG. that cookie is hilarious! so glad you posted a pic!

  5. Anonymous7:09 PM

    They protest U of A policy, I wonder why they don't protest ASD (Anchorage School District)policy and show up at an Elementary, Middle or High School wearing their guns? Probably because APD would have a SWAT team swarming over their sorry butts in a New York Minute.

  6. Linda Arizona7:17 PM

    Good post. I could laugh out loud if this weren't so disturbing.

    As you know, Arizona has recently passed a law that allows concealed weapons to be carried without a permit. Greaaat. Plus, you can now go anywhere with your concealed (or not) gun. Another greaaat.

    We used to see people walking around with guns in our town, but they were so discouraged publicly and by businesses that they disappeared for many years. Now, well, they're going to be displaying and concealing them, even in drinking establishments just as you mention, Gryphen. Don't you just love it?!

    I was brought up around guns, used to target shoot for fun, and still have some in the house (uncomfortable having them nowadays and not comfortable with the hobby anymore). Does this kind of behavior by ill-informed citizenry scare me? Absolutely!

    There are going to be idiots hopped up on tea partier propaganda endangering the general public in the future. It looks as though we're determined to repeat all of the mistakes history lessons were meant to teach us.

    I'm for stricter gun control, not less.

    And, btw: gangs had a rolling rave party in my neighborhood and our home and vehicle were shot. Twenty-seven, nine millimeter bullets flying all around us. A regular citizen just cannot compete with that. Crazy, crazy times.

    Wow. That is one spooky cookie.

  7. I suspect this whole 2nd Amendment nonsense was ginned up by the NRA and their biggest supporters - gun and ammunition manufacturers - for no reason other than to keep the money flowing in. Last year has to be the best year that group has had in a long time - maybe ever. Just like the Repubs with their fake controversies to raise money, the NRA targeted Obama as soon as it looked like he would defeat McCain, despite the fact that he and McCain were virtually identical on gun issues. While these goons strap on their new guns and admire their stash of $100s worth of ammo, then go out and do their version of fancy pageant walkin', the gun & ammo corp's and the NRA are laughing all the way to the bank - and at these fools they've duped out of all their extra cash.

  8. Thanks for the visual: "man boobs", fatties "lifting belly to display small weapon" and presumably man-boobed, big-bellied "men touching their balls" and discovering they are actually men. Well, that is the gist of the entire article for me. ACK!

    I now have to go view NSFW photos of hot naked men to cleanse my mental palate! Thanks Gryphen, thanks a lot....

  9. sunnyjane11:16 PM

    I love the "metallic pacifier" phrase, Gryphen! Well done!

    It's a great article and I'm glad you took the opportunity to go. Freeze the cookie -- you might be able to sell it on eBay one day.

    I have just one comment to add to the gun issue. How many times do you pick up the paper and see this headline: Homeowner Saves Entire Family by Shooting Intruder?

    No, what you see is along the lines of: Four-Year Old Kills Two-Year Old Sister with Father's Gun.

    Or, how about the mass execution of Amish children. And, yes, Columbine and Virginia Tech. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of these gun stories every day.

    My brother and I had a heated discussion about this some years ago. When he used the trite old "Guns don't kill people, people kill people," I pointed my finger at him and said, "Bang! Are you dead?" He had nothing to say to that.

  10. Philip Munger @6:14 PM, I was remiss in not mentioning your post and site above. It was through Mel's "Daily Tweets" that I came across your extensive post. Thank you!

  11. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Are there any other 'places' in Alaska where carryng guns in not permitted? Any particular functions? Becuse I remember in Texas seeing the signs that prohibited a person from bringing their 'firearms' into say a liquor store or nightclub.

    So -if it's ok for those businesses to set policy why isn't it appropriate for a University campus to set policy?

    And - didn't the original reason behind 'citizens carrying firearms' come from the fear of foreign powers knocking on your door in the middle of the night to whisk you away? You know - like British soldiers? Any chance of that happening in the near future?

    I'm just sayin'...


  12. Anonymous3:25 AM

    The lax gun laws and that new immigration law in AZ is a recipe for a helluva lot of death and destruction. Can you imagine the cops pulling some yahoo over and him shooting them? No wonder that one sheriff is refusing to put his men in the line of fire.

  13. fromthediagonal4:39 AM

    AKPetMom: LMAO!! My sense of humor is tickled at the visuals... especially the ball comment:
    Maybe, with great effort, they can still find those danglies, but they probably have not seen
    their "little friend" in ages..

    OK, I am done now!

    Thanks Gryphon, for lightening a very heavy subject (and I ain't talking about attributes).

  14. Lynne7:18 AM

    Gryphen, the humor you bring to all of these horrible, crazy things is what keeps me sane (you and Rachel). Thanks so much.

  15. I wonder how many classes Hines takes at UAA. I'm thinking none. How many classes has he taken in the class. Possibly zilch.

    Yeah, they are pretty whackjob crazy.

    What where the grannies going to do to protect themselves since they weren't packing? Throw cookies?

    That actually might work as the assailants might stop to bend down and pick up the cookies and eat them. If they're really good cookies.

    I guess Hines feels that only MEN are allowed to carry since it is in some way associated with anatomical parts women don't have. Thank goodness. We've developed brains instead.


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