Thursday, April 29, 2010

President of FAIR, a group who helped to write the "show your papers please" bill in Arizona learns why you NEVER question Rachel Maddow's research!

Wow!  Remind me to NEVER debate Rachel Maddow, about anything!

If you help to write a bill which potentially treats minorities like criminals without just cause and you have one racist associated with your group you might expect to get a pass. But after two, or three, or four I think you are justifiably damned by the company that you keep.


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Rachel was amazing tonight. She clearly did her homework and made this guy look like the ass he is. She is my hero!!

  2. sallyngarland,tx10:07 PM

    I don't know where to post this but thought readers might want to see. The south is not taken with scarah.

    "It's been assumed the South will be a source of strength for Sarah Palin if she decides to make a 2012 Presidential bid, but our early polling isn't backing up that assumption.

    In Georgia we find Mike Huckabee as the leader with 38% to 28% for Mitt Romney and 25% for Palin. Palin has also finished behind Huckabee in recent polls of North Carolina and Alabama, and she's in third behind both Huckabee and Romney in Texas.

    She is popular with some of the extreme right in Texas but not moderate Repubs. She will not be popular based on her backing of immigration profiling. Hispanics and Texans have always lived together. Palin is in Texas now trying to stir things up. We do not need her.

  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I love the Rachel. I just kept thinking "what a rude dick". I fuck up often thinking most folks are sorrta kinda polite. I be wrong.

  4. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I watched the whole interview tonight on the RMS. Rachel really showcased what an ass this guy is! He tried to dominate the conversation by talking over Rachel, but it only served to make him look like an ignorant liar protecting his racist associates. Way to go, Rachel! That's how a REAL journalist does it!

  5. Anonymous10:38 PM

    o/t: I tried to comment at the Washington Post article "I, Sarah Palin defender" by David Weigel after someone asked me to review PalinsDeceptions and I did. Suddenly, I am being monitored. I will look tomorrow to see if he is going to obstruct me or not.

    Awaiting moderation:
    Alaska Senate President Lyda Green was with Sarah Palin when she announced she was seven months pregnant in March 2008.
    "It's wonderful. She's very well-disguised, When I was five months pregnant, there was absolutely no question that I was with child." Secret's out: Palin pregnant (March 6, 2008)1 -Senate President Lyda Green after hearing the news that Palin was expecting
    "Really? No!" Secret's out: Palin pregnant (March 6, 2008)1 -Rep. Mary Nelson
    What a surprise for everyone in the room. No one could tell she was 7 months pregnant.
    March 14, 2008 a more pregnant-looking Sarah Palin

    12 days later she is flat again.

    The date on this picture has been verified beyond any question. It's March 26, 2008.

    You can see how rumors would come about and why no one thought she could possibly be pregnant on March 5. 32weeks

  6. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Again, no accountability. Thank you Rachel, you did a great job and kept it together.

  7. sallyngarland,tx11:11 PM

    My comment at 10:07 wasn't worded right when I said "Hispanics and Texans". Many Hispanics were born in Texas -and some weren't--and we have always lived together is what I mean. As far as illegals, my town has a large Hispanic population and there are probably some people here illegally but I don't know and don't care. What I do know is that they work ingredibly hard and take care of their families. We have a few nuts wanting to introduce legislation--and I do mean nuts--but all the experts say if Repubs in Tx push a law like AZ, they will be doomed. There is a rally in Dallas Sat and they are expecting 100,000. If you see Debbie Riddle on tv talking about Tx, she is an evangelical nut who has been deemed a racist more than once.

  8. abo gato1:36 AM

    Oh, this was a thing of beauty last night! Rachel actually was getting ticked off there for a bit and it was the first time I recall her getting a little mad at her guest. But was he ever an asshole! She did a wonderful job of showing everyone just how much of a dick he was.

  9. angela2:23 AM

    Another case of an idiot coming on Rachel's show brain unarmed.
    Why do they think they can get away with their moronic talking points with Rachel? Why? She made this guy blubber, whine and accuse--but never could he say anything she said was untrue.

    Mr. UNFAIR guy—just because you slap the name FAIR on your organization doesn't make it so. And impugning the SPLC (who are great) speaks volumes about who FAIR is. Racist (not even) undercover.

  10. Anonymous2:32 AM

    she does the work a lot of the MSM doesn't do. I watched some of it last night, what an a$$

  11. Anonymous2:46 AM

    "A bill which potentially treats minorities like criminals without just cause"? Actually, it's treating people who have broken the law to come to this country as they are: criminals.

  12. Anonymous2:58 AM

    I Love Rachel. . . . .I guess it just goes to show "FAIR, you have to be careful who you "pal" around with. . . . .

  13. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Tee Hee, she slapped him down with the truth. If she was so wrong why didn't he argue for all the things FAIR does to support none-whites? Oh, yeah, ''cause they don't do anything that isn't racist. Rachels kicks ass.

    As for the comment on Palin in the south- besides the hardcore nutcases, I don't even think most (real) Christian women would support a woman who is so snarky, dreses like a whore and is obviously a poor mother with a bogus faith. The only crowd she fits with are gun totin' conspiracy theory birther loonies.
    The rest of the country is way smarter than her. Most of the loonies are, too, but she offers a lot of nasty, snarky hate, and for some reason, these folks embrace that.

  14. "A man is known by the company he keeps..." but can you also say that a company is known for the men it keeps! You go Rachel!

  15. Anonymous4:18 AM

    "Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are."

    Miguel de Cervantes

  16. Anonymous4:34 AM

    There is hope, when we have people like Rachel.

  17. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Yowza! Did she have him against a wall or what? Never seen anyone as defensive on her show before, and she has had more than a few contentious debates. The difference here was that he made absolutely no attempt to be civil at all. What an arrogant ass!

  18. Anonymous4:53 AM

    interesting, i watched and i love Rachel, so i'm unabashedly cheering for her. but my husband, who also is a fan, thought she did not win the argument.

    this a**hole she interviewed was a slick bastard who was great at dilution and distraction of her arguments..

  19. Anonymous5:05 AM

    There is a lot of posturing and demagoguery going on about illegal immigration, IMHO. If you have not been impacted by it in jobs, housing, etc., you have no idea of its impact on the working class who have seen their wages and living standards plummet.

    I personally have seen the effects on family, friends, neighbors in all those areas. I have nothing against people coming to this country legally to try to improve their lives. But the economic effort of cheap labor and its effect on those who DO those jobs some people say "Americans" won't do is just plain wrong.

    Personally, I think there is dichotomy between those whose jobs aren't threatened by this phenomenon and those whose jobs are. And those jobs are not simply farm labor jobs, but jobs that can pay up to $20/hr (as in construction and other areas).

    My son works for a construction sub-contractor that refuses to hire anyone without the proper papers, but has seen his pay drop to what he was making 25 years ago because they simply are unable to bid on some jobs because other unscrupulous subs don't mind hiring people who are not supposed to be here and can give a somewhat lower bid because they employ the cheapest labor.

    People who are coming to this country are not the educated, skilled workers coming in on work or student visas or applying outright for permanent status. They are generally uneducated, unskilled and simply desperate because their own countries have contributed to their poverty. Once again, not only are US workers suffering from the Wall St. debacle, they are the victims of cheap labor and offshoring of jobs, bad trade deals, cheap goods, and every other tactic implemented for the bottom line of business as usual, and they have created a real sub-class of US workers.

  20. @5:05

    I can totally see both sides of this and i believe they need to go after these employers more aggressively. If there are no jobs they won't come.

  21. Purely Priclesss!

  22. Anonymous5:33 AM

    To buttress the anecdotes about how the working class is affected by unenforced US policies on illegal immigration and other matters:

  23. Anonymous5:38 AM

    P.S. The AZ bill is, also, I think, an abomination. There are many Latinos, esp in the southwest, who are here legally, and they'll be the ones who suffer. This should be about illegality, not one's ethnicity.

  24. Anonymous said...
    "A bill which potentially treats minorities like criminals without just cause"? Actually, it's treating people who have broken the law to come to this country as they are: criminals.
    2:46 AM

    and exactly how does a law enforcement officer tell the difference at a glance from the hispanic that was born in the US and one that walked over the border yesterday? THAT's the problem. And we're focused here on hispanics, but does it occur to anyone that there could be illegals from other parts of the world? Maybe some that look european? Does that mean everyone needs to walk around with their citizenship papers in the off chance that they will be questioned by the police? Do you see where this goes.....?

  25. 5:05 AM
    "they simply are unable to bid on some jobs because other unscrupulous subs don't mind hiring people who are not supposed to be here and can give a somewhat lower bid because they employ the cheapest labor."

    The laws should be written and enforced to address THIS problem. not some vague law to be checking citizenship papers.

  26. To me what is NOT obvious by this AZ flap, is just what are the statistics. Just how many illegals have been caught, deported, etc. in AZ.

    I found an article(USAToday)with overall US statistics for 1998-2004. Somehow when I look at this chart, I gotta wonder at the totals as I was under the impression there are millions of illegals in this country.

    Illegals going back by the planeload

    Now doesn't it just seem that there was just not enough resources most probably on purpose to
    handle the influx over the years of illegal immigrants. What the hell did Bushco little as possible from what I can see. So as our economy and jobs shrank business no longer needs this cheap cheap labor. The shit disturber Gods of the GOP now are screaming because they need a wedge issue for elections.

  27. 5:05 AM
    Your post was excellent and speaks to the real problem. The "market" for cheap labor whether offshore or what comes in illegally. it hurts the american worker, it creates a market for illegal labor and the main beneficiaries are not the american laborer.

  28. Anonymous7:02 AM

    5:05AM anon, It is the fault of the EMPLOYERS who hire illegal aliens for the jobs they have. They are trying to make sure they 1. don't pay employee taxes, 2. get as much work as possible from their workers without any worker recourse to unfair labor practices, and 3. maximize profits by doing something illegal.
    I don't blame the illegal aliens as much as I blame the large and small businesses that recruit them here, and do not think for one second they don't advertise and recruit.
    And as for your son's wages going down, welcome to the club. My husband is an airline pilot and his salary was slashed in half and not one illegal alien flies a commercial plane in the USA.

  29. Anonymous7:43 AM

    anon @5:05. i empathize with you, but i think you place too much of the blame on the undocumented. what we have seen over the last 20+ years is the near complete exportation of our manufacturing base. (thank you corporate america!!!!) had those jobs remained, your son wouldn't be competing with new immigrants for low level construction work. i live in texas, and from where i sit, i see most of those undocumented workers doing landscaping work etc. if a white guy is desperate (ie no other work), i'd expect to see him doing the scut work too. for the most part i don't. white guys must not be as desperate as the poor undocumented.

  30. The problem isn't the illegals coming here. The problem is the businesses that hire them. Start putting the business owners in jail and closing down their businesses and you would see a dramatic drop in illegals entering this country.

    Just like you can't keep drugs out of high security prisons, you can't keep illegals out of the US as long as there is a demand for their services.

  31. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Look up this guy and FAIR. They originate with white supremacists. Any law that starts with white supremacists is not a good law. It's that simple.

  32. Anonymous9:24 AM

    mipartee, there are many easily observed differences between the Hispanic who was born in the US and one who walked over the border yesterday. Speech, posture, attitude all begin to show at a glance. As the officer looks at the situation, he can consider who the person is associating with. Many, many other indicators will come into play.

    The Hispanics who were born in my area have foul slang names for the illegals. Why? Because they know what their parents went through to get here legally, and they don't appreciate the focus on Hispanics that the newer immigrants have brought.

    Of course there are illegal immigrants from other parts of the world! Many people arrive legally and then stay beyond the date that their visa expires. That's why there has been a law since the 1940's that requires legal immigrants to carry their documentation (green card or other, depending on where they're from).

  33. Talk about misdirection.

    Every other statement this guy makes is a hit on the Southern Poverty Law Center. What's his issue? Poverty or Southern people?

    Maybe poor Southern people aren't entitled to legal representation?

    Rachel certainly does do her homework. And if the guy had answered each question quickly and to the point instead of going on and on about SPLC hatred, they might have gotten somewhere.

    But the bottom line is that FAIR is associated with white supremacist organizations, even if only on the fringe. He can't be considered fair and balanced with that kind of association.

    It's why the GOP is trying to distance themselves from the teabaggers.

    As for guilt by association. Well, Republicans pretty much own that one. They just can't stand when it's used against them.

  34. What an awesome job she did. I'm sure he'll never be back on the show, though. He also learned an important lesson: Don't mess with Rachel. She'll take you down with facts any day of the week :-)

  35. I watched it last night didn't catch the whole thing. I caught enough to know the guy is one swarmy bugger. That is putting it nicely. I love how he tried to run her in circles. You can't do that with Rachel. She is always polite. I love that about her too. Hard to act like an arse when the person is being civil.

    Huff is all over the story about the e-mail case. Some real drones looking over queen bee I tell ya. They want a kid, 23 is a kid to me, to do hard time. First offender and didn't do any harm. Unbelievable. I saw that Immoral Minority blog is not liked by the drones. Heh heh you must be hitting to close to home.

  36. IMO she cleaned his clock. His facial expressions are very revealing. He picked the wrong intellect
    (with the facts) to mess with, and he came to know it.


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