Friday, April 02, 2010

Apparently that Hippocratic Oath only applies to Republican patients for one Florida doctor.

Courtesy of the Orlando Sun.

"I'm not turning anybody away — that would be unethical," Dr. Jack Cassell, 56, a Mount Dora urologist and a registered Republican opposed to the health plan, told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday. "But if they read the sign and turn the other way, so be it."

The sign reads: "If you voted for Obama … seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your healthcare begin right now, not in four years."

Cassell may be walking a thin line between his right to free speech and his professional obligation, said William Allen, professor of bioethics, law and medical professionalism at the University of Florida's College of Medicine.

Allen said doctors cannot refuse patients on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability, but political preference is not one of the legally protected categories specified in civil-rights law. By insisting he does not quiz his patients about their politics and has not turned away patients based on their vote, the doctor is "trying to hold onto the nub of his ethical obligation," Allen said.
"But this is pushing the limit," he said

I would like to say I am stunned, but after some of the bullshit I have seen flowing from this party I am not.

Whatever happened to that "caring conservative" meme?


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The veil drops and the scales appear. The compassionate conservative turns out to be a poisonous snake.

    Shame on this specialist. I hope someone files a complaint against him.

    I feel sorry for patients who might currently be under his care and who now feel as if they are unwelcomed and disrespected. H ow can you trust such a man?

  2. Thank you Dr. Cassell! Now your current patients and potential patients know what an unethical, ignorant, intolerant, piece of crap you are BEFORE you over bill them! Anyone who would post a sign like that on the door to their office should have retired long ago or changed professions. I hope this little temper tantrum of yours hits you right in the wallet!

  3. Heather2:25 PM

    He's "not turning anybody away"???? Bullshit! That sign's purpose is to tell certain people to go away. It's telling people to " elsewhere" if they voted against this jackass's party line. It's sickening that a doctor, who is supposed to be in medicine to HELP his fellow man, will be so freakin' petty and allow politics to influence who he treats and most likely HOW he treats them.

  4. What next?

    Teachers who send notes home saying "If you didn't vote for Obama, homeschool your kids."

    Oh, that's right. They already do.

  5. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I thought that the whole idea behind our voting process was that it is private, and no one can force you to reveal your choices. It is in totalitarian states where 100% of the population votes for the dictator where making the vote public is required.

    If this guy thinks that it will be a cute thing to put a new square to check on the medical history form: political party, then I suggest that his license be yanked. He cannot ask for political party.

    It reminds me of right to lifers who choose to work as pharmacists and then deny women a morning after pill (in the case of rape). They have no right to impose their religious belief on a customer of the pharmacy.

  6. Gasman3:08 PM

    I wonder how many complaints are going to be lodged against this asshat with the state medical board? I doubt that they will find humor in his statement nor be impressed with how he has parsed the Hippocratic oath.

  7. "Whatever happened to that "caring conservative" meme?"

    Huh! I've yet to see any evidence whatsoever that the above thought has any validity at all.

    It's just that they can't get away with saying "We're a bunch of bigoted, racist, stubborn supporters of what hasn't, doesn't, and won't work for anyone but myself and mine...."and on and on. Caring, my eyeball. For fifty years I've watched that particular group of people become, more and more, people interested only in themselves. Many of them now sound like common street thugs, certainly not anyone I would want to make laws.

  8. Anonymous3:39 PM

    What's the big deal here? I appreciate knowing ahead of time which physicians are assholes. He should lose about half of his business.

  9. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Someone on Huffington Post's comments posted his supposed ratings by patients- they weren't good. Not surprising, I guess.

  10. Anonymous3:42 PM

    He lives by the "Hypocritical Oath"

  11. I agree with a poster above, this so-called doctor has revealed himself for who he is. Money is what he is all about and he sees his patients not as people but partisans like himself which must have always been the case so now his patients can flee for their own safety.

  12. My guess is this won't be much of a surprise to his patients. He had to have been chewing their ears all along with his grievances. When your doctor goes off on a rant you don't agree with, you can feel pretty intimidated! Wonder how well he's kept up with the latest news on medical issues--they don't cover those on Fox, do they?

  13. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Well...I wonder if he will take socialized Obamacare money????
    Shannyn said on her show today...
    Teabags are calling Begich and asking where to sign up...
    I knew they would...
    AssHats all of them...

  14. Maybe he's afriad that since the healthcare bill passed, his free gravy train ride is up--his office will no longer be able to bill patients and insurance companies for ten times the amount actually spent for treatment.

    I hope the state medical board revokes his license.

  15. This tells me right away what a horrible doctor this man is. He's actually helping people choose a good urologist by showing them immediately that he isn't one. You want a doctor who's political leanings and other non-important opinions are kept out of the office and one who's only concern is what's ailing his patients. Save that other stuff for after office hours. Who in the world wants a doctor that discriminates like this!? I'd be scared he might give me the wrong results of a test if he found out I voted for Obama just to slight me. A doctor isn't supposed to judge you just treat you.

  16. The truth is there are a lot of doctors who think they are better than others, their opinion is the only one that matters, and the reason they became doctors was to make a lot of money. One reason they specialize is to make more money. That is what this doctos's reaction to the HCB is about. They are the reason I learned how to find my inner bitch years ago. There are just as many who are altruistic and their main reason for becoming doctors was to help people. The problem is when you make an appointment you can't tell which they are. I wish we could get all the bad doctors to put idiotic signs on their door so we could identify what they are.

  17. Anonymous1:26 AM

    He needs to have his license to practice yanked, because that's the only kind of cost he will take seriously. He's yet another sterling example of the unhinged far right.

  18. I do think that his Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements (if any) could be affected if he doesn't watch it. But then again, I think this guy's practice will take care of itself. For his sake, I hope he was planning on retiring soon, cause he probably won't exactly "grow" his practice this way.

  19. Anonymous11:23 AM

    This makes me wonder if all urologists are assholes. Maybe not, but my experience with a whole group of them in my state was pathetic. I saw 2 of them out of a group of 10 and both were indifferent, not empathic in the least and only cared about seeing the most patients per day to make the most money. I know other people who've seen others in the group with similar experiences. Maybe working with that part of the body attracts a certain type.

    It would serve this guy right if folks visit his office, take a piss in front of the sign and turn around and leave. Maybe leave a little note saying "urine specimen - needs analysis." Better yet, leave a jar of urine with the note.

  20. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The good doctor's wife is running for Lake County Comm. as a Republican, of course,

    The website for the Lake County Democratic Party is:
    No one answers the phone on Saturdays,,, :( so it's hard to say if they're the people to send
    a dollar donation,

    Fortunately, this croaker is only a urologist..not an oncologist or cardiologist,,,,and I read somewhere
    he was another "banana republic" leech....... I'm just sayin',,,,,I wouldn't want him near my privates
    Also I'm a strong believer in taking cranberry capsules....

    Life is short, and Art long;
    the crisis fleeting; experience perilous, and decision difficult.
    The physician must not only be prepared to do what is right himself,
    but also to make the patient, the attendants, and externals cooperate.
    — First aphorism of Hippocrates, circa 400BCE,

    Anchorage, AK.

  21. My immediate reaction is, "Excellent. His patients deserve to know who and what he is before they entrust themselves to his care." I almost wish more doctors would hang up similar signs. Hell, I'd be happy for people in all professions and owners of all businesses do likewise. It would make knowing who to boycott and run out of business so much easier.


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