Friday, April 02, 2010

More details about Levi's reality show. Picture "The Bachelor", meets "Man vs Wild", meets MTV's "True Life"

From ET:
Is Levi Johnston Alaska's most eligible bachelor? The father of Sarah Palin's grandchild is shopping a show in which he's looking for love.

ET is with the famous dad as his campaign bus rolls through Hollywood meeting with interested reality show producers. He explains the concept to ET: I'm kinda planning to like, you know, date. Bring 'em back to Alaska, see if they can hang and find a new love."

Levi says his son Tripp will be part of the show, but will Tripp's mother? "At some point, Bristol's going to meet one, you know if I get serious with one of them."

I am kind of over reality shows personally so I am not too sure how much of this show I will feel compelled to watch, but the one episode I definitely will NOT miss is any show that has Bristol meeting some new girlfriend of Levi's.  Take it from me that girl is the very definition of jealous!

I cannot go into too much detail because it will reveal who I spoke to, but in the past Bristol has demonstrated an intense dislike for any girl that Levi dated even BEFORE he dated her.  And I heard this as recently as last month so I cannot imagine it has changed much since.

When, and if, that takes place this show may look very much like the "Bad Girls Club" meets the "Scariest Places on Earth".  It could get ugly indeed.


  1. Bristol is the original junk yard dog? Doesn't want Levi but doesn't want any other girl to have him either?

    She needs some serious therapy. The whole family does, but if she put some distance between herself and the family and got some therapy, she might be salvageable.

    I imagine Levi has about the same amount of talent as Palin on screen. But I still think whoever picks up his show will be a winner over TLC (who are probably combing the contract as I type looking for a loophole to drop Palin after her dud show Thursday night. Is Fox really going to re-air that thing on Sunday?)

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Depending on how they do it, I kind of like the idea. I don't watch the dating shows (more into things like Project Runway) but if the focus is transplanting someone from the "lower 48" to Alaska, I'd find it kind of interesting. Sort of a dating game meets Northern Exposure. If it's too heavy on the gossip and "mean girls" and like the MTV shows, it's a big turn-off. But if it's an honest search and shows off Alaskan life, it could be interesting.

  3. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I don't know who is giving Levi advice, but this is not good for his credibility.

    Sure wish his book would come out first because once this show starts, who is going to take him seriously. I sure won't.

    Reality shows are never about reality. They are hyped and manipulated to generate false drama and suspense.

    I don't think people are going to be fascinated to see Levi drinking beers with his buddies, shooting animals and toting babes around.

    He really isn't into environmentalism is he? Doesn't strike as the intellectual type,

    I think he may be a good kid basically, but what you see is probably all you get and that can wear pretty thin over time. To gain the kind of respect he needs to take down Sarah, he has to have some depth or convince people he has. Otherwise, he may just come across as a younger opportunist.

    We can all say he is doing this to have money to help his mom, sister and son, but if this isn't handled with some class, no one will care about his motives.

    I sure wish his advisers would help him grow into a man with more grace and depth than the premise of this show promises. He is really the only hope his son has of learning to be more than a Palin grifter. Are the people guiding him really interested in his long-term interests or their immediate bank accounts?

  4. Levi Johnston should get in touch with "Boston Rob" Mariano of "Survivor" fame.

    That guy is a great combination of telegenics, cunning, intelligence, and verbal expression, and would be a great role model for Levi.

    Boston Rob got "voted off the island" in last night's episode, so he's got a little spare time now...

  5. For Levi's sake, I hope the pitch sounded better when they delivered it to the networks. I may be missing the point of the show; but if Levi 'looking for love' is the primary plot, won't he have to purposefully not find "it" to keep the show going? It seems like Bristol may be in on the show development.

    Is Levi still coaching a Special Olympics hockey team? Now that could be some endearing tv.

  6. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I agree with Anon 4:07. I don't think this is a good idea for Levi.

    He should stop trying to outdo Sarah and get himself a regular job. There must be someone in Alaska who would be willing to give this kid a job. That way he would have a consistent paycheck. He obviously wouldn't be making the kind of money he would doing a reality show, but he would be close to his son and able to share the child-rearing duties, if Bristol will let him.

    He would also have time to start writing that book - IF there really is more to tell?? He could potentially make a great deal of money if he really has damaging information about Sarah. I would buy it!

  7. junasie145:31 PM

    Levi says that Tripp will be part of the show, and this will help his custody case how?

    Assuming he wants to have at least shared custody of his child, I can't believe he is getting advice that it is ok to make a public statement about wanting Tripp be part of a potentially raucous reality show where his father looks for new love (or a cheap date).

    Unless he's only interested in the money, this kid definitely needs some new advisers. I'm sure Van Flea has already added this to the list of 'deadbeat dad' charges that will be thrown against Levi when the case resumes in the fall.

  8. emrysa5:43 PM

    so levi is going to go this route?

    whothehell is advising this kid? does he really think that in 10 years he can say to his sons "yeah I'm really proud of this accomplishment of doing a "find levi a girlfriend' reality show?" wtf?

    are there no adults in levi's life who can advise him? this is pathetic.

  9. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Levi...bad idea

  10. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Sounds like a ripoff of that show Outback Jack. If he does a dating show then writes a tell-all book, I don't think anyone will take him or the book seriously. I don't think Levi will be bringing Sarah Palin down.


  11. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I think that we should be helping Levi by giving him some fresh ideas that will make his show something special. For the first couple of episodes, Levi can show us what he likes best about Alaska. I am guessing there will be some hunting, camping, fishing, looking a beautiful scenery. At the end of each show, they should explain the coming Meet Levi's Alaska Contest, namely, young women who love adventure will be encouraged to explain why they should be flown up to Alaska to join Levi on one of his outings.

    Some gals should come from the big city; the premise is fish-out-of-water, the subject of many movies. We will laugh as she tries to walk through the woods in high heels, LOL. Some should be the survivor type, who run marathons, work out, love swimming in ice cold water, walks along the beach, gutting fish, reading poetry by the light of the camp fire and shooting stuff.

    There can even be a kind of elimination as in some of the other girls-meet-handsome-guy shows, where each week, one gal gets sent home without her rose.

    If, by chance, some gal joins Levi and brings along her young son or daughter, that would give him an excellent opportunity to bring Tripp, and do some kind of kid friendly episode. He doesn't have to talk all that much; let the beautiful scenery speak for itself. And, if he happens to be out on the lake in a canoe and it tips over, maybe it will add some adventure to the episode.

    Levi's show doesn't have to be all about dating. He has an attractive sister who is very telegenic. At least one episode should be Levi and Mercede recalling childhood memories of growing up in Alaska. Another episode can be Levi and the guys getting away for a week end, with pranks and rough housing (and no illegal substances). It would be nice to include Alaska's First People and their culture.

    I hope that other people will have more ideas for Levi. It seems that Alaska already has any number of reality shows due to the liberal tax break voted in during Sarah's term of office. We have to make Levi's show stand out from all the others, or at least, stand out from one lame show due to appear in 2011.

  12. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Has nothing to do with tax breaks. Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers draw big numbers.

    Levi is not going to get a reality show because his story is just not that different. He has nothing to sell.

  13. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Levi, a suggestion for ya. To make your show more interesting, how about having Sarah interview and give you input regarding which girl you should pick.

    In case you ask Sarah, make sure you bring a paramedic with you... Sarah might blow a gasket and then both sides of her mouth will be jacked up!!

  14. sunnyjane12:43 AM

    If I were a lady of the approprite age, I wouldn't go NEAR Levi Johnston. Any girl who does so will be the Palins' "crosshairs" and it simply wouldn't be worth THAT agony.

  15. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I don't know what Levi is going to say in his 'reality' show as unless it is scripted, he really has nothing more to say than, 'you know, uh, yeah, no, I don't know, etc.' He needs an education specifically in conversation because 'looks' can only get him so far and he's already reached his 'so far'. No matter what the scenery in his show, unless he can "converse", it will not go over well and will be boring, to say the least. Not that I'm criticizing!

  16. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Bad Idea. Levi needs to get a job where he can pay his child support with some dignity - not some tacky Reality Show. Whoever is advising this guy is not doing him any favors!

  17. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I agree with sunnyjane, what girl would want to get mixed up with that family.. I still think Levi is in with the Palin's. He said he would never reveal what he knew about Sarah and he has giving us no reason to believe any differently. Sorry, Im returning my team Levi card. He is just a grifter to riding the Palin coattails

  18. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I wish Levi well, but I won't be watching. I don't watch reality TV---ever! Levi's intentions may be good, but I don't think this is going to increase his credibility or gain him points in a custody case.

    Poor Tripp---wherever he turns there will be chaos in his young life. I hope he's not included very much in this series, if Levi manages to sell it. I'm also glad he's still young, as it isn't healthy to parade a string of possible stepmoms through a kid's life---especially if he's around them enough to become attached. I hope, if this goes ahead, he's not too involved in the show. I just wonder where this little boy will be able to turn for some normalcy in his life. Maybe it's too late for that.

  19. Anonymous9:40 AM

    What I find curious is that Willow seems to be hanging with Levi and Bristol's old friends. Does anyone remember Audrey's blog about My Space? It is not unusual for as young as 14 of age to party with the ones who are of age. It is all about the party life and hooking up. Levi fake reality TV will not rat out his friends when it comes to parties, camping, booze and beer pong with kids Willow's age. I hope Gryphen can reveal the background on the teen scene of the MatSu and as they over flow into Anchorage. No one should be shocked that age groups mix and drink, do drugs and have sex. There is no way the local authorities do not know how common it is. The way authority deals with it is known to parents and who knows why they all want it to go on. It is not new to the area.

    Did Wasilla authority charge Diana Palin with child endangerment right off? I think something came in later, but it does not have the same impact. Were the legal age adult vandals charged with endangering the minors they were with? Wasilla authority is not known to care for their young kids. I notice the differences in authority and the press because it is the opposite in my town.

  20. Poor Tripp10:07 AM

    Poor, poor, poor Tripp but I fear for the ruffled ear baby and need some answers. I can not believe it is all legal. I have lost all respect for Levi. I realize he is young. That is no excuse. He is nicer and more watchable. It sounds like bad entertainment without any redeeming quality. I will watch Rock of Love re-runs for "reality" before I trust this Levi romance angle.

  21. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Anonymous 659. Can you imagine what Bristol parades and attaches to Tripp? He will be double dosed plus what the aunts and uncles drag in. The new wave for children on the reality shows are that that life is their normal. Where is all this going? The Kate8 and Tripp getting their own reality shows at 18 about how the only normal childhood they knew sucked. Does Kate8 drug her brood so they look normal and behave? What will Bristol do if she is competing for which parent is the best or normal? Look how good Tripp is with Bristol? Trig is forgotten now but he was once a well behaved prop, also, too.
    Bristol parades mistake.

  22. N Zaumseil12:47 PM

    You no nothing of Levi family and friends. All TV featuring Alaska will bring money and thats good. In the right hands that money will progress the state. I don't watch all my family watch, I will look in on Levi to see if he uses his son.

  23. I am wishing all an inspirational Easter with family and children. Happy and together!


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