Wednesday, April 07, 2010

"Every time I tried to put him on TV she'd flip out" Levi responds to Bristol's PSA.

From Eonline:

"Every time I tried to put him on TV she'd flip out -- but it is nice to see him on there; he's happy and he's looking good," Levi tells our own Samantha Harris. "[Bristol is] sending out a good message."

(Levi is being very kind.  I actually think she is sending out a very confusing and selfish message.  Of course  I don't have to kiss her ass to see my kid.)

My sources also claimed that Bristol did not want him to take Tripp out into the community for fear he would be photographed, or allow him to have Tripp around any of his old girlfriends, or any potential new ones.

Can you say "Control freak"?  Very good!

Can you also say "Just like her crazy ass mother"?  Nicely done.

How about "Pimping out her kid to make a buck"?  Just kind of rolls off the tongue doesn't it?

P.S. For those who keep leaving comment and e-mails asking me about specific stories and wanting to know the status, I hope you realize that I cannot actually respond to you on this blog.

I can volunteer this much.  Yes I am still working on several stories, some that you already know about and some you do not.  I also have some interesting taped interviews you may be very surprised by, and some other projects that are still in their infancy.

Be patient there are plenty of big stories yet to tell.


  1. emrysa5:47 PM

    grow some balls. this is bullshit and you are enabling it. sorry but it's the truth.

  2. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Why doesn't Levi go to court and demand a set visitation schedule?

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Something most be going on here. He can't be that much of a wimp. Even if my life was threatened, I would have joint custody of my kid, and to hell with what she thought I did with my son. Plus she wouldn't be taking all my cash either. Plus she claims 100% care of the child. Either he is a sucker or the smartest man I know

  4. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Another thing, she would have to get my permission to be involved in any media without my signed consent. Pay me. Also my permission to take him out of state. Her family is no better than his.

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    "[Bristol is] sending out a good message."

    Do you think the churchy part of his family got to him?

  6. when is $arah going to prison? that is ALL I want to know. I could give a shit about the rest of it. baby gate is a diversion from house-tax-dairy-trooper-willow-sherry-diane-arctic cat/mystik-church fire gates. when is $arah going to prison?

  7. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I thought that Bristol was dead set against Levi using Tripp in any public exploitation. But, it is OK for her??? How does this work?

  8. levi is bought and paid for, imho...or he is one slick dude with a huge story to tell for $5-10 million and is patiently waiting for the peak moment to release the details he has alluded to knowing at precisely the right time to effect maximum damage on the quitter. or not.

  9. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Maybe he is getting paid.

  10. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I'm done with Levi and I don't want to hear how he couldn't get regular visitation. Bull crap, if he wanted it he would have gotten it!

  11. Anonymous7:09 PM

    What about Trig? Why is this story disappeared? WHo got bought off to let Palin get away with yet an other falsehood?

  12. Anonymous7:23 PM

    If Levi is planning on living in that town or near it, he may as well
    resign himself to a life of misery.
    Bristol seems very jealous & vindictive, wanting to get even
    with Levi, for some reason. Maybe
    because Todd appears to be sort of a wash out, & no real male influence to look up to, Bristol doesn't think her son's dad, is important in his life, either. Apparently Todd Man had little
    influence on Track - couldn't get
    him to behave, Bristol herself lived
    life on the wild side, & even the
    younger girl is in trouble. Bristol,
    probably expected Levi to go into
    a 'decline,' as they used to say,
    when she broke off with him. He hasn't
    & that likely ticks her off. Wait till
    he gets another girl friend, Bristol
    will be in court trying to get all
    Levi's visitation with Tripp severed.

    Sharon TN

  13. Steph7:38 PM

    Levi needs his own Cindy McCain or Teresa Heinz to back him up. Aren't there some rich Democrat women who would marry him? Levi is coachable and workable, then he is also believe-able. Let them his wife come from a good family, solid environment and watch his children blossom with him as a dad. I think he is a great guy and a good parent.

  14. Anonymous8:00 PM

    sjk from the belly of the plane said...levi is bought and paid for, imho...
    I am going with that one. Sad they can also fool Mercede into silence. If the truth was out sooner they would be enjoying Tripp now. How did the Easter holiday go for them? I know other Alaskan families were sharing family time. There are many divorced and unmarried with mixed families and they manage to be civil for the kids Easter.

  15. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Levi stay in Wasilla and try to settle on a girl. You and Bristol will always do your games. Timing is everything. She is likely to get the best of you but you will get a little something. I am not so sure about your mother and sister. Do women in your family stay quiet and take whatever they must? Mercedes once had spunk but she is beaten down and can't even tell why she calls Tripp Tripple.

    For the right, Bachmann and Palin represent two of the most charismatic and unapologetic leaders in the party, not to mention the two new role models of the strong conservative woman. There is, in fact, a clear strain of Republican feminism that is growing in this country, a reaction, I think, to the historic 2008 campaign of Hillary Clinton, whose politics and pant-suits left many conservative voters torn between their own values and their desire to see a woman in the Oval Office. If you doubt this, or take issue with my use of the word "feminism," take a moment to consider that the Republican Party, for the first time in its history, is captive to the charisma of women leaders. The old men of the party, like Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who will also be at the event, and Mitt Romney, who is on a low-key book tour, would probably trade a kidney for this sort of enthusiasm.

  16. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I used to love this blog. But over the last 3-6 months the only thing on here's part of a story, oh believe me there's more, you know I can't tell you the more, you know I'll never update the tidbit stories, but believe me I'm working on it. Lather, rinse, repeat.

  17. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I think it won't be too long before Bristol is completely estranged from her mother. With this new ad, and advocating condoms, mama is going to be pissed. I don't think Bristol likes or loves her mother in the least, she's deathly afraid of her. Once Bristol gets her own money & self-esteem she'll run like hell, and have a book much bigger than Levis. Sarah Palin is a dangerous, inept, out of touch, extremist, bible thumping, moronic breedcow.

  18. wakeUpAmerica8:21 PM

    The whole thing is crazy-ass weird and smells to high heaven. Something is very much amiss here.

  19. Levi needs to sell his story now, so he can get a better lawyer and turn Bristol's ass into grass.

  20. sjk from the belly of the plane: I am totally with you. Away with them ... to the Big House! As soon as possible.

  21. One other thing-
    Why is it OK for Bristol to pimp Tripp out to People Magazine, FAUX News, and US Magazine, but Levi can't? Nasty little c*nt she is.

  22. Candies should offer Levi a follow up spot, except the image just before "pause before you play" should be a cut-away to Sarah's snarling mug.

  23. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Corporations rule. Bristol LLC and Candies do a deal and do shows to hock their wares.
    We are just suckers to them and Levi is some dude who is snagged in a web.

  24. Anonymous9:05 PM

    So, when Tripp is 15 and with a litter of kids of his own, are we still going to be subjected to his dumb parents? His mom will still be talking about what a 'mistake' he was and how her life was 'so hard' while she pockets another fat check and his dad will still act like he doesn't know what the heck is going on? Please let these people be a footnote in history before then!

    I'm beginning to think Levi is getting something on the side from all this. Those court dates were just more fodder for the tabloids to jack up the price paid and keep everyone's names in the news for as long as possible.

  25. wakeUpAmerica - Yup! It sure feels that way.

  26. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I'd like to know as well. I'd like to know when there is going to be an investigation into how Palin bribed juvenile court officials to not charge Willow in her little B and E charade. I have it straight from a relative's mouth that mama bear got her daughter and bffs off the hook, while the boys were hung out to dry.

  27. Yeah Anonymous 9:21, I am trying to get more info on that as well. Because the boys are juveniles it is kind of tricky.

    BTW if any of you Wasilla folk know the boys parents have them contact me will you? They may be the key to this whole thing.

    Just check my profile for my e-mail address.

  28. geez people - lighten up why doncha? everyone is awfully free with their opinions about a situation we really know very little about. If Levi wants to be nice about Bristol, that's a good thing. If it's taking time to work out arrangements between them, it's taking time. We are spectators - these two will live the rest of their lives with this.

  29. Mac And Cheese Wiz10:38 PM

    Bristol is the poor victim in all this. She's got jobbing and schooling and 100 percent raising of her little prop Tripp.

    Levi's never once said nor implied one disparaging thing about her. He's clearly in an uphill battle against some newly rich, politically connected people. Let's not forget there's a custody battle in the offing and he's on some very thin ice.

    And as far as Gryphen's integrity goes, I've got his back. He can't just make accusations without the facts to back them up If anyone thinks Sarah just quit and no longer has any influence in Alaska politice, you're kidding yourself. Gryph actually lives there and knows better then most how rampant corruption is in Government. Be Patient, the truth will come out.

  30. Anonymous12:47 AM

    What Georgia said!!

    Hey, you hit it out of the park. Levi just may be the real deal... he seems like a nice young father with no over-arching agenda or with anyone calculating his every move for him, either.

  31. Anne NC2:54 AM

    Why the hell is Levi allowing Bristol to be the only one to have a say in how their child is raised? She should have to have his permission to take him out of state or to have him on TV with her. I don't know of any other child custody case where that wouldn't happen. His lawyers have let him down completely. It doesn't appear as if they know what the hell they are doing. They should be seeking 50% custody and finding out how much money Bristol is raking in.

    Gryphen, what's with all this about you having lots of interviews that can't be seen yet? You've been playing with us for a long time. I'm beginning to think that everyone else is right about you, especially considering your stunts with the other bloggers. They haven't deleted your blog from their site which indicates who is the mature one in this scene.

  32. ManxMamma2:54 AM

    Well said Georgia. I totally agree. Give this kid a break. Although by the number of ANON posters I think he hit a nerve somewhere.

  33. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Bristol is on the TV show crying about how hard being a parent 100% of the time. (Aren't all parents?) Thus she has admitted to the court that Levi should get 50% custody. Hopefully, Levi has fully documented at his attempts to visit and take Tripperoo!

    Most teen mothers would be thrilled to have a place as clean and nice as Bristol's "White Room."

  34. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Levi is a goodlooking guy, but I always suspected not too bright. He's dealing with the Palin klan, after all, and if he shares even some of their values, he's toast.

    After all, he went after the gov's daughter when he and Bristol were unknowns on the national scene, and evidently both shared and succumbed to many of the things they believe in.

    I often wonder exactly how straight he is being with the public. The whole dynamic has left me


  35. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Bristol is cut out of the same mold as her mother. Use, Use, Use. Those baby props are the best moneymakers!

  36. I know we should not speculate on ugly things, but it disturbs me how much Tripp looks like Chuck. No assumptions, just disturbing.

  37. Levi it taking the high road by not getting nasty, being supportive of Bristol, and I admire that.

    But it is true, we don't know what is going on.

    ALl I know is that Levi is a gentleman and seems very adult about it all.

  38. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Anon 8:17 - wow, you nailed it. It isn't because Bachmann (who is an attorney) and Palin are smart or strategic, they just have an uncanny ability to connect with disaffected voters by using key inflammatory words (albeit in bizarre syntax.)

    These people vote. This is not to say Palin will ever hold elected office again, but it will keep getting her lucrative gigs and lamestream media coverage.

    Levi, get a new attorney - Butler may be a glitzy name (a big fish in a small pond) but he is out of his depth on family law.

  39. I agree with you Georgia! Me thinks Levi is playing a waiting game. I do believe Bristol has full custody of Tripp and can pretty much do what she wants. I did notice just how much this baby looks like Levi...which will always serve as a reminder to Bristol.

    Collect your ammunition Levi and save it for court.... Let the evidence prove itself in front of the judge whom has the best interests of the child.

    Was Tripp paid to appear in the commercial with Bristol....?

  40. Anonymous6:21 AM

    @Lilybart. Bristol resembled Chuck, more before the surgery. -B

  41. 10catsinMD6:55 AM

    How on earth can parents have their kids look up to a teen who has obviously has cosmetic surgery, gets $1700 a month in child support and brags about contraception or abstinence.

    She is a joke and so is Candies.

  42. Bristol so doesn't deserve Levi.

    You can tell who the grown up is (and who the better parent is) in this pair.

    I feel so sorry for Tripp.

  43. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Does Levi have a job yet?

  44. Jennifer9:24 AM

    Watch the actual interview with Samantha Harris:

    Levi says Bristol moved to Anchorage and as far as he knows Sarah is still in Wasilla.

    This guy should petition in court that Tripp can't be used in any video of any sort without his permission. Ridiculous that Bristol can do that without his knowing.

    Either Levi is a wimp or he's got a reason for not standing up to them. I don't get it.

  45. linda9:29 AM

    i agree with Georgia and ManxMama that how levi is handling this is just fine. i'm an attorney and did divorce law eons ago. the last thing you want is for each side to keep escalating the situation. at some point, one of them has to be the adult to get things rolling re: settlement. also, the "adult" person is going to be looked upon more kindly by the court if the case goes to trial. also, levi may just honestly agree that bristol's message needs to get out and agrees that trip is part of the story. remember, he was a dumb teen who didn't abstain or use protection, also, and he probably regrets it too.

  46. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I don't know what to make of Levi anymore. What happened with his reality show? I hope he gets one soon, he could use a publicist and fan club. He could answer basic questions about how cute Tripp was on his Easter Egg hunt. As it is now there is no effort to build a fan base and show respect to those that do support him. He is losing many who did care.

    I am not sure about the Bristol plastic surgery. I hate to think of another Heidi Montag in the making. Is this before the alleged plastic surgery?
    Before After?

    Like it or not Sarah Palin and R.A. Mansour built up a great fan base with social networking. Don't you think she is learning from the best?
    "On the blog part, I must thank the guys at David All Group" They are family. Plus Sarah and SarahPac have Murdoch and Ailes. She does not even need a publicist to release what she wants the public to know.

    Let us not forget that Bristol runs her own public relation firm, BMP LLC. Sarah can get an on-line business diploma and she can really go to work. Kristan Cole and R.A. Mansour will do anything to help her. Bachmann Palin Republican girl power! Friday, April 24, 2009 UPDATED: Kristan Cole and Bill McAllister on the Eddie Burke Show!

  47. Lannie11:57 AM

    Sarah Palin and RA Mansour did create a huge base with Facebook and Twitter. What are friends for? I looked up her brother and no doubt he is the man you would want on your side. He knows what he is doing and he is not as nasty. I think this is over Levi's head. I am sorry for his predicament and want him to have his son and get free. He has always been kind to Bristol and needs to lighten up on Sarah.

  48. Anonymous1:44 PM

    What good message would that be levi? That Brisotl can sleep around, get kocked up, then get re virgined? Or that rich mama bears will fall from the sky to take care of your every whim and need.

    Give me a flipping break. It's a cake walk for bristol. Imagine if she were a poor black girl in East Los Angeles. Makes me wonder how hard it really is for the diva's of the dollars.

  49. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Gryph (9:57)
    You do have the names of the older boys that were caught? How would you know if the so-called minors that are let off were minors? In a cover up authorities lie, how can you be certain they did not lie and let off some kids over 18? You said... Because the boys are juveniles. Isn't 18 when that changes in Ak? I thought it was reported there were boys of 18 and the others were minor girls. I can send a few possibilities to you to check on.

    I doubt I can get anything you don't have but I can send you a few things, after I pull them together. I don't think these kids will talk. One girl, that is 18 would know what went on. I can't say she was one that was named or caught during the b&e and 30 thousand in damages. She is a main player in her way, I am sure she could write a book with better stories than Levi. Earn millions. I'll call her MF, she would like that. Something happened to her and she was severely punished, the timing is in line with the Willow b&e. Suddenly MF, this hub of what's happening girl, stops the party life. Her parents no longer allowed her to use drugs and alcohol or have boys/men in her bedroom. She was required to do chores and go to church.

    2007 or before, MF was living high and documenting drinking with Levi, Sadie and Bristol's old lover and his unwed pregnant sister, the whole gang, long before they were newsworthy. She has the code of silence, tough girl gang attitude as well as a bimbo airhead out for a good time. She was also a connection for the 14-15 yo that party, these kids are not shy about what they want and asking for it. At a young age in Alaska they develop an entitlement attitude about using drugs. Late last year MF was punished and went dark, I don't know if she is off restriction. I would hate to think of the depression if she is left out of the Arctic Man scene. That is an important event for the popular party crowd. Those that race and the mechanics have their own 'rock star' groupies.

    I don't think that this is the only time that a certain group of Valley kids are given special favors by the local authorities. It is standard. I'm not saying all the locals are corrupt, but enough of them with power, have kept certain Valley addicts and party animals out of harms way.

    I am where it is highly appropriate to call out anyone 18 and over who does anything with a minor. That is one thing that stands out to me and my friends about the Valley. The total disregard for children, yet they are goo goo ga ga about how they love family and children so much.

  50. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Trig is spending time with his real mother (Heather) while SP spews filth around the country. The truth will come out someday.....I sincerely believe that.

    IMO the only reason the court date was moved up to September was because the Judge needed to get his head back on after he became privy to the details of Tripp's birth and the connection with the two boys.


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