Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Man arrested for threatening Nancy Pelosi.

This from CBS News:

The FBI arrested a California man Wednesday for allegedly making threatening and harassing phone calls to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over health care reform, law enforcement officials said.

Officials have confirmed to CBS News that Gregory Guisti, 48, of San Francisco has been arrested for making harassing phone calls to Pelosi at her offices and at home.

The officials told CBS News these charges and the content of the calls were less serious that the ones involving Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who had recently received death threats.

Several federal officials said the man made dozens of calls to Pelosi's homes in California and Washington, as well as to her husband's business office. They said he recited her home address and said if she wanted to see it again, she would not support the health care overhaul bill that since has been enacted.

One official said the man is believed to have spoken directly with Pelosi at least once.

And by the way this should NOT be compared to the bullshit "threats" against Eric Cantor made by a man who threatened EVERYBODY including Barack Obama and Babe the pig.  This guy's threats were very graphic and aggressive.

Personally I think that the FBI should charge Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin with hate speech and instigating violence toward our elected leaders. We have already seen that this kind of rhetoric can lead to people losing their lives.

What will be the response be from the country if one of the nutjobs who listen to Fox News 24 hours a day decides to "take their country back" by actually killing a Senator or House member? Will the FBI hold the whole network accountable or just the empty talking head who put a bulls eye on the duly elected public servant?


  1. I absolutely agree.

  2. Rationalist3:25 PM

    I've been saying for weeks: someone's going to get shot. And as horrible as that might be, it may be the thing that brings this country back to its senses.

    That or it will be the righteous first shot in the revolution against the Usurper's tyrannical government...

    Ehhh. I was at the Inauguration. People were dancing in the streets. I really mourn that it has come to this so fast. I mean, I knew there would be a racist backlash when we had a black president, but I really didn't predict how bad it would be. I should have, watching those scary Palin rallies, but I didn't.

  3. The truth of the matter is, there are people in the background encouraging the callers.

    The people encouraging the callers threatening Senator Patty Murray are the same ones encouraging those calling other Congress members.

    One of those engouraging them is Sarah Palin.

    When you have a group of people planning these activities, it s called "conspiracy" and they all need to be arrested.

  4. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Yet another example of how Republicans are thoughtlessly speaking out without thinking about consequences: remember the VA Governor who issued his proclamation promoting Confederate History Month? Just heard he sort of apologized, saying he hadn't thought about slavery being part of the package of that time or words to that effect. WTF??? Just didn't think it was important, just didn't know, or what???

    How can we expect the brainless twits who follow and vote for these people to know right from wrong when those leaders are just as brainless?

    I am encouraged law enforcement is cracking down, but I still worry.

    The Justice Department needs to warn Beck, Limbaugh and Palin that unless they ratchet their speech down a bit, they will be held accountable. I'd like to see some of the victims sue their collective a**es, wouldn't you?

  5. 10catsinMD4:53 PM

    I hope the guy goes to jail. Or gets put away.

    Go Nancy!

  6. Anonymous5:15 PM

    It's about time law enforcement started getting serious about these threats.

  7. emrysa5:49 PM

    no one should be surprised by this. this country is full of nuts. they're just coming out of the woodwork at the moment because there's a black man in the white house.

  8. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I like Nancy I will vote for her again! Piss on these teabaggin' assHats!!! I'm sick of them and the election has unhinged them and now the passing of Health care...
    they cannot deal! Put them all away, ship to Gitmo ASAP!
    Look at those Hutree, whine...a couple were on ....Gasp! "entitlements" (unemployment) and now (GASP!) they want legal services! Hello where's Palin & bachmann? Commonsense conservative values???Small goverment bla, bla, bla???
    By Nov. the teabaggy's will be crowding to get their Obamacare!!!
    They are idiots, pure and simple.

  9. The guy's mother says FOX NEWS is to blame for his behavior. NO SURPRISE to me. Fox is getting the wingnuts to do their dirty work (Dr. Tiller's murder another case in point). Read what mom says about her son's threatening Speaker Pelosi:

  10. I'm hearing a lot of people saying that its just too hard to believe that these people really give that much of a crap about HEALTH CARE.

    Instead, they are using the uninformed wrath about it, as an excuse to show off just how unhinged they are, mentally.

    In John "the boner" Boehner's words, "Its Arma-deaden!"

  11. Threats to politicians is nothing new. I have seen many patients in psychiatric hospitals in the past who have threatened many, especially presidents. There were tons of them during the Reagan presidency. The difference now is we have so many politicians and others actively encouraging them. In the past pretty much everyone would have discouraged threats even against their worst enemy. They can watch videos or read blogs discussing violence, so if they were already thinking how much they disliked someone they start feeling justified because Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin are talking violence. The encouragement raises the threshold giving those who would have sat back in the past and just stated they hated someone are now feeling empowered to come forward and actually issue verbalized threats. The other psychological issue right now is the power of the people has been decreased rendering most of us to feel somewhat lost about many of the issues in this country. That causes some to start bullying. Most of those strong people who used to encourage people to act ethically and morally are sitting back and staying silent on almost every subject.

  12. Mac And Cheese Wiz10:16 PM

    It's sad to see this happen. These wingnuts who keep stirring the pot are no better than the people they incite to violence. They say they defend the constitution, but not for other people. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, President Obama and people from both parties deserve the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    These people need to be held accountable for their hate speech and symbolism. The bounds of decorum in politics need to be restored from congress down.

  13. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I feel confident that our Senators and Representatives will be alright. They already had security and now they are going to get more protection. No they are not going to get hurt. Jim D. Adkisson pointed out that he wasn't able to attack and kill any of the 100 people screwing up America (book) by FOX News commentator Bernard Goldberg so he went into a church and started shooting. He ended up killing 2 and injured six before members of the church wrestled him to the ground.
    They will hurt and kill us the people who support Obama just like Palin said but they aren't going to ask how that hopey-changey thing is going no they are going to run us off the road or riddle our cars with bullets.

  14. So true, Celia!

  15. About time they act! People like them who threatens someone should go to jail. There are many person who's having Call Complaints that they are being harass via telephone. This should be solve.

  16. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I just cannot believe how hateful and violent some people can be!! It's truly frightening. I totally agree that Limbaugh, Beck, etc should be charged...they're beyond inappropriate!! Thanks for the post!

  17. Why does everyone blame someone or something else for the actions of a few. This guy did not want health care. So let me be clear: All news outlets have wackos who promote hate. To blame Fox News or any other Talk radio host just show ignorance on your part. Individual responsibility is what is all about.

  18. No one on the left is suggesting violence. Yes I agree it is a person's choice to act out violently BUT. With that being said Fox does call for a new civil war, Sarah does say lock and load, and Bill O'Reilly did call Dr. Tiller, Tiller the baby killer. Not once not twice but every chance they got. A person in media knows their fanbase. Fox goes afar as to give out false information. I don't have the time to give you links you google it youself. Name one person on the left such as Chris Matthews, Keith, Racheal, etc who has said violent acts should be commmittted. Name ONE! You can't becaues it doesnt happen. At the most Chris or Keith O. call people names. Racheal Maddows is more cordial but all ask for the violence to stop.


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