Sunday, April 25, 2010

Man on the street impression of Sarah Palin in Tennessee courtroom.

This is a man of few words, but they actually convey quite a lot of information:

Some superficial observations:

1. Sarah Palin was wearing 5-6" heels. I am NOT exaggerating.

2. When she left the courtroom, at least 25 people left as part of her entourage. It definitely conveyed the "rock star" impression to the jury.

3. Todd Palin was rockin' the hair gel.

4. Sarah Palin wears A LOT of makeup. Personally, I think she'd look better without it.

5. Her accent is not a put-on, unfortunately.

I would respectfully disagree with that last portion.  She definitely changes her crazy accent to match the audience she is talking to.  I have witnessed this personally.

Other than that this guy's observations sound very accurate, and very telling.

She glammed up to dazzle the jury, and brought a giant entourage to let them know how important she is. Or rather how important she THINKS she is.


  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I hope her entourage gambit backfires.I know if I were on the jury, I would have been put off by the show. It makes her look less like a victim and more like a steamroller.

    It's like looking at the defense table vs. the plaintiff's table. Many people who see half a dozen high-priced attorneys vs. the other side with only one attorney and are often swayed to favor the underdog.

  2. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I hope the jurors aren't starstruck, and are truly rational peers. I hope they see themselves in the defendants shoes, having to deal with this rich b*%#@h.

  3. Ratfish8:42 AM

    Apparently he is an attorney is Knoxville- KO Herston.

    Maybe he knows the defense attorney, so if there is anything meaningful to send, here's his contact.

  4. Anonymous9:11 AM

    So we'll rely on this man-on-the-scene report from invaluable KnoxBlabber and attorney-about-town KO (who even snuck into the back of the frame when MSNBC was interviewing the Thrilla From Wasilla)

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    If people in Wasilla are afraid to buck the nasty
    phenomenon called Palin, what about the jury in TN?
    Can you imagine facing the mob of her worshiping rabble congregating daily outside the Knoxville courthouse, ready to pounce on any jury that voted to acquit this kid? As that reporter who interviewed her amidst this mob loudly declared, "THEY'RE WILD ABOUT HER AROUND HERE!" Also, the Knox-bots got
    the deluxe performance - 'queenie' dolled up in
    empire-state-building high heels, short-skirted black
    suit, black hose (I ask you, black hose on a summer
    day in the South?) & wearing of course, a clowns
    worth of make-up. So the question is, even if the
    jury wants to do the right thing, will they have the guts? That is if there's any of them who can see through all the hoopla & exageration. This kid's whole future is on the line for a stupid prank. Nobody died, nobody was injured, give him some probation, community service, a reprimand & that's the end of it. Why does this vindictive wench always have to draw blood over everything.

    Sharon TN

  6. Who paid for the Palin entourage?

    The Tennessee taxpayers?
    The Alaska taxpayers?
    SarahPAC donations?
    Fox News?
    The Palinbots of Washington, IL (who just heard a speech from her just before the trial appearance)?
    The Palin Mafia? (not in a million years)

  7. $arah, as a christian icon, should have some compassion for this kid. Her older son, Track, was arrested for tampering with SCHOOL BUS BRAKES! That's how he wound up in the was JAIL or IRAQ.

  8. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I'm pretty sure given the guys profile he's an Obama supporter.

  9. Anonymous9:52 AM

    A juror may be put off by; her constant smiling in the courtroom, the glamming, giant entourage, smiling for the cameras outside, mocking rumors about National Enquirer with a bitchy smug laugh, where she openly talks on the trial and refers to the accused.

    She was loving chuckles she got from audience with at least one answer in the court, according to reports. After that session, jury will no doubt "hear" she spoke about it to Knoxville media outside, and then again on Greta VanSusteren on Fox.

    I personally think SP does not think through her actions and has a severe rebellious streak, damn the consequences. If those jurors don't smell the cheap perfume stink emanating from this gal, they'll always have the wool pulled over their eyes.

    And conservative parents who are watching this trial? First thing that comes to any parent's mind hearing about this is the pain we feel for DK's parents who have to endure this and hope the judge is fair. No true loving parent of a child would wish this kid gets an unreasonable sentence. It's a first-time offense.

    It seems in Sarah's mind, this trial is another way to exploit and aggrandize her daughter, and to get herself under the spotlights and feed her insatiable ego. Other people who happen to be intertwined in her fantasy world are like cartoon characters, or computer game characters that really don't matter.

  10. Anonymous9:54 AM

    what a biatch

  11. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Palin's 6" heels + lots of makeup = political prostitute

  12. In one of my former incarnations I worked as an investigator for a criminal defense attorney. I have consistently been impressed by jurists' ability to sniff out the bullshit thrown at them. I also know from serving on juries that while ploys used in an attempt to influence them may breed resentment, their resentment will likely not influence the verdict either way. My experience was that being on a jury brings out the best in people, and they take their duty to the law too seriously to allow their own sentiment to overrule their judgment of the facts. It is also important in this case to remember that the jury will not be told that a verdict of guilty could subject the defendant to a sentence of 50 years in prison - a sentence so unconscionable that many jurors might find themselves unable to vote for a finding of guilty. It's also too early to be judging how the case is going. Of course it looks bad now - we're only hearing one side of it. The defense attorney would not have subjected his client to a trial w/out having a defense plan, and once the defense testimony begins, the tenor can (and I hope does) change dramatically.

  13. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Would any world leader take seriously a president who wears that much make up? How do you think the Muslim World would react to a Sarah Palin presidency? I shudder to think.

  14. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I want to send this attorney [Herston} the mudflats write-up on Palin's hypocrisy in hopes that he can use 'her hacking' into Randy R.'s computer against her and her stupid 'virgin daughter Pristol'. Maybe he can offer a 'deal' to her so she will simply drop this wretched case against a kid. She was 'NO KID' when she went hacking, but 50 years for a 'kid' [no insult meant] who GUESSED her grossly stupid password on an illegal account used for state and personnel business [because she thought she could get away with illegal government business on the illegal Yahoo account]. What a stupid [dare I say] 'adult' although I know that term really does NOT apply to her 'demented, hypocritical mind'. She is such a bitch! If there were really a god, he would not allow her to continue in the public eye.

  15. honestyinGov11:25 AM

    Gryphen .. did you read some of the other comments that guy made on that comment thread..?

    One of our favorites..."The Daily Show" was there with John Oliver. Expect some clips next week.

    "John Oliver from the Daily Show was there. I rode down in the elevator with him when court recessed. He was standing to my left just off camera and was taking pictures of the press conference with his flip phone.
    'Tis true. He was carrying a folder with some notes and looked to be by himself, at least while inside the courthouse and in the courtyard."

  16. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Hey, Levi's writing a book!

    In a forthcoming New York magazine article on the Sarah Palin brand, Levi Johnston tells author Gabriel Sherman that "he is working on a memoir that would air the true story of the Palin household."

    Read more:

  17. To your comment : Palin's 6" heels + lots of makeup = political prostitute

    Now now lets not put down a long standing profession. At least they are honest about what they do.

  18. most juries would be turned off by the dozen necklaces and hooker pumps and clown makeup ... but I get the impression there is a lot of sympathy and/or love for Palin from this jury.

    Judging by the (non) cross-exam of the prosecution witnesses so far, the defense seems to be making a very clear effort to avoid pointing out Sarah's irresponsiblity in using a Yahoo account

  19. kdusmdd1:52 PM

    Gryphen.......NOW is the time for you and your friends to spill the beans on Palin. YOU and your Friends can make this trial a mockery of PALIN.

  20. Nothing says "statesman" (statesperson?) like tettering around on 5+ inch stilettos........

  21. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Palin lies in court under oath. What's putting on a fake hick accent compared to that?

  22. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I'm on vacation in North Carolina, not all that far from Knoxville, TN. The papers here are filled with papges about the Obama visit: golf, eating in local restaurants, touring the Biltmore Mansion, hiking along the Blue Ridge Parkway, and, as Gryphen posted above, meeting with Rev.Billy Graham. I cannot find one little paragraph about Sarah.

  23. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I think the jury is probably stacked against the defendant. Especially since he did something very stupid and probably illegal (not 50 years in prison stupid & criminal, but stupid). However, there are three possible outcomes of the trial. 1. He gets 12 people to agree he's not guilty. 2. Twelve people agree he's guilty. 3. If he can get two or three people to think he's not guilty, then it's a hung jury and they have to do it over - and maybe they will and maybe it will be as good as an acquittal. (It's technically possible to have a hung jury with one person(ask Phil Spector) but it's highly unlikely. 1 against 11 is very hard for most people. But with just one ally, the possibility of a hung jury goes up.)

    I'm not real clear on the law, but based on what others have saidI suspect the kid did break the law. If so, I think the best outcome is a guilty finding and a light, meaningful sentence (community service that has meaning). An even better outcome, perhaps possible if there is a hung jury, would be a plea deal to something within reason.

    I don't like SP. I think she's a hypocrite. I'd like to see her get the same treatment as she is advocating for this kid. But the victim shouldn't determine the jury reasoning (unless it is a hate crime - then there are many more victims than the one who was harmed). I know it frequently does, but I don't want to advocate for it.

  24. Anonymous6:19 PM

    No matter how competent the defense attorney is, if the jury is made up of typical C4P types, then imagine what the outcome of this trial will be. No amount of logic will touch them. Kernell will be convicted simply because he's not a Palin supporter.

    The jury may not know that he faces 50 years but Palin, the Christian-family values-mama of 3-wild-children knows it when she gets on the stand, smiles through her 30 minutes of testimony. When she draws laughter at her response about the security question. Or when she comes to court with a 25-person rockstar entourage! 50 years is no big deal to her!! It's all fun and games for her while a young man's life hangs in the balance.

    How can anyone who knows things on Palin continue to not speak up - how can they look themselves in the mirror while she railroads a 22 year old kid? McCain staffers? Alaskans? How can anyone support her after her callous display? Anybody who won't speak up about her NOW is just as unprincipled as her most ardent supporter on C4P.

  25. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I was also there. The heels were 3.5 inches high. She had two Alaska lawyers, a knoxville lawyer, and Todd with her. That was it. All the other people were FBI, U.S. Marshals, and reporters who followed her out. There wasn't an entourage but there were a bunch of reporters and looky loos. She did have full makeup on but by southern standards it was pretty normal.

  26. sunnyjane12:06 AM

    Why does Sarah Palin rate FBI and U.S. Marshals? She's NOT a political candidate any more.

    On another note: does anybody know the racial/gender composition of the jury? I haven't seen that mentioned, but I admit I don't read a LOT about this trial.

  27. I never expected him to testify, but I thought maybe the defense attorney (or attorneys) could turn the tables on the prosecution and make the trial about Palin and the private account used for government business...Did someone pay off the defense, the judge or jury, perhaps? Or is the defense hoping for a light sentence? It won't happen, I'm sure they'll figure out a way to throw the book at the kid. Maybe the defense is waiting for a chance at an appeal and maybe a different judge..?

  28. icstraights9:01 AM

    No offense to hookers.

  29. icstraights9:01 AM

    She is a HOOKER of the worst kind...
    I hope the kid walks with out even a slap on the hand.


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