Sunday, April 25, 2010

Two segments from Real Time April 23, 2010.

Sorry the videos were removed.  Usually by Sunday morning HBO unclenches its sphincter and allows the segments to stay up on YouTube.  I guess they are feeling especially Grinch-like today.

I am always a little confused by this attitude.  Do they really think they will get more people to buy the HBO package JUST to see Real Time if they don't even know what is on it?

Don't they realize that if people get to see how good the program is, and make the assumption that there is other good programming on HBO, that they stand a much better chance of attracting customers?

I remember when Comedy Central pulled the same crap with THEIR programming.  But they had the presence of mind to set up a website where people are encouraged to embed their programs.  In my opinion THAT has really helped to attract new viewers to programs like the Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Tosh 2.0.

Smarten up HBO, not everybody has cable.....yet.


  1. Anne In DC6:02 AM

    It's not surprising that Palin's fans help to perpetuate her phony meme about being a perpetual "victim." Her response to the hacker of her e-mails also highlights this tendency. Apparently, it hasn't occurred to either her or her dim-witted followers that a "strong" woman would not try to perpetuate that kind of narrative. It negates what feminists have put their reputations and lives on the line for--the right for women to be taken seriously and to contribute to society in a way that showcases talents aside from being wives and mothers.

    Palin has put herself out there over and over, the result being that her personal and political shorcomings are on display for all to see. Susan Eisenhower and other Republicans who voted for Obama are to be commended for not falling for the okey-doke that McCain-Palin tried to sell to us Americans. As far back as
    2004, John Eisenhower made a statement about GW Bush that proved to be prescient. He said that Bush confused hubris and arrogance with leadership. I wonder what he would have to say about Palin.

  2. He reeks of smarmy prick, doesn't he?? LOL I just couldn't take him seriously for one second.

    I agree that she's gotten a HUGE pass from the media because she draws eyeballs to their sites. The more they put up about her antics, the more people read it. Sad sad sad.

    (Off topic: I love Alan Grayson. He knows how to make the sound bites. "She makes fascism fashionable" - love it!)

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Maybe if Sarah Palin was the personification of hypocrisy we wouldn't care.
    The reason why her 17 year old, unmarried daughter being pregnant was a story is because Sarah Palin is the self-proclaimed champion of abstinence. She forced it into Alaska schools, made it a huge deal.
    Sarah can't run her own family, and chooses to push her ideals on the state.
    Plus the whole Trig pregnancy story started well before her candidacy. So, this just fueled more fire.

  4. Olivia7:25 AM

    The videos have been removed. Is there another place to see them?

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM

    HBO should realize that many people have cable and can't afford HBO. Idiots.

  6. Anonymous8:37 AM

    The MSM had every right to jump on any and all news and rumors that were put in front of us all over those weeks regarding Sarah Palin from Wasilla, Alaska because this woman was a complete unknown and unvetted candidate thrust onto the national platform.

    Most Alaskans didn't even really know this freshman Governor (hence her popularity rating) but when the scales fell from the eyes, hell yeah, we wanted everything published about her so that the voters could make a reasoned decision at the ballot box.

    You don't get to come on the scene and in 8 weeks get to decide the fate of the country for the next four to eight years much less the world just because you are an attractive self-proclaimed Hockey Mom with common sense values. . .you don't get to sit down with Katie Couric and only expect a fluff piece, again, because you want to rule the world we have to press you on tough issues that affect all our lives and the direction of this damaged country. Oh I'm sorry, keep blowing smoke up our a - ss by telling us we are the greatest and most exceptional nation in the world, that makes up for the crashed economy and entrenched two wars you boys Bush/Cheney put us in.

    This persecution complex and victim meme is shallow and pathetic. She still wants to affect American lives and promote a violent revolution, she does not get a pass from ANYONE.

    And hey, conservative guy, the Bristol pregnancy deserved 10 point headlines because the party that was rolling her conservative mommy out consistently vilify pre-marital sex and ruin the lives of any poor teenage girl in the public eye for such an occurrence. Brittany Spear's little sister was crucified only so many months earlier. The hypocrisy is staggering.

  7. Olivia, try

  8. "Smarten up HBO, not everybody has cable.....yet."

    And with wireless internet and Radio Shack antennae and more TV/video than I have time a day to watch already provided, I don't think that 'yet' will be forthcoming.

  9. Anonymous11:42 AM

    If you're talking about Real Time with Bill Maher, all his shows are on, just click on his show and click on what episode you want to watch.


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