Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wonkette is all over Sarah's pity party concerning the e-mail trial.

From Wonkette:

Sarah Palin is now using her vast political knowledge and expertise as one of America’s greatest leaders to help brutally prosecute a dumb college student who figured out her incredibly easy e-mail password hint two years ago and uploaded a few screen shots to some web forum leading to a day or two of pranks which meant nothing in the end and probably just boosted her career through faux-victimization, the only weapon in her arsenal; she is awful.

As usual Wonkette does not pull any punches.

And don't forget to check the comment section kids, that is always good for a chuckle or two.


  1. Funny how Palin didn't mind it so much when the Climate Scientists had their emails hacked AND published!

  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    One more time, it is the Obama Administration's Department of Justice who is prosecuting this case.

  3. Just watched A Bug's Life with my grandson. It struck me how much the big bully grasshopper resembled SP. "You ants are nothing - you exist to serve me." When are the ants going to get a clue that they are stronger than this Celebrity Leech and take her down!?

  4. That picture is worth a million words. The only thing missing is that pin-thingy she wears to indicate she has a son in the military. I can understand clearly how she can get the judges in Alaska to rule any way she wants. How is she going to get this judge in another state to do her retaliatory bidding, promises, money? Justice is always mangled when Sarah is involved. It seems there are a lot of cowards working as prosecutors and judges.

  5. Anonymous9:27 PM

    @ Kevin....Great point! She is so full of $hit that she can't even remember what she is against. Love it.

  6. Anonymous10:01 PM

    To anonymous 9:10 - maybe that explains why she wore so frigging much eye makeup when she testified. Gosh, she looked so trampy. I can't remember if she wore her naughty secretary/librarian outfit that day or not but I do remember it looked like she might be using her bump-it again. Say, do you think she stores pheromones in that thing?

  7. sunnyjane10:07 PM

    Get down off the cross, Sarah, the Native Alaskans need the wood to keep their homes warm.

  8. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Personally, I'd be miffed if somebody hacked into my email. However, if I then found out that they could possibly be put in prison by some ultra conservative Southern judge and jury, I'd be doing my best to downplay my damages, not exaggerate them!. For Pete's Sake, he was 20 years old at the time, and how hard is it to get a new email address and cell phone number?

    Yeah, now that you mention it, she jumped right on the whole fake "climate-gate" scandal bandwagon. Didn't bother her at all to exploit the hacked info from the climatologists, did it?

  9. Anonymous11:49 PM

    she wore HUGE hooker heels in Tennessee...

  10. Forever Anonymous12:01 AM

    From Game Change - page 397-398.

    (the campaign granted Couric a multi-part interview so Sarah could go dark and study while keeping her visibility high).

    "What no one realized was how severely Palin's bandwith was constricted; her road show was becoming a traveling circus-cum-soap opera.
    Her children- a pregnant, hormonal young woman; a lively teenage girl; a rambunctious child; a special-needs infant; and a son just decamped for Iraq-consumed a vast amount of her psychic energy. Her focus on Alaska(and specially the Alaskan media, with which she had been friendly but which she was now certain was turning against her) and her attempts to prepare for her meetings with world leaders devoured even more.
    One of Palin's private email accounts was hacked, and the gossip website Gawker posted messages that she'd sent, as well as Bristol's cell phone number. And on the season premiere of Saturday Night live, on September 13, Tina Fey debuted her withering , hilarious, uncanny caricature of Palin, mocking her interview with Gibson:"I can see Russia from my house!"

    All of this had taken a toll on Palin by the time Wallace sat down with her at the Broadway Millenium.
    ++++++(Palin couldn't cooperate with interview prep.)

    The email hacking is not one the complaints the authors cite Palin worring about.

  11. I used to appreciate Wonkette's acerbic wit, even though I almost never agree with the points they try to get across. Still, they were funny, so I used to link them. The last few times I checked them out, it seemed to me they had devolved so to speak to the extent they were nothing more than just another liberal blog that used acerbic humor, minus the humor part, so I took them off my blogroll.

    That's a shame, because they used to be funny, as did many of the comments. I'll check them out again, but I doubt seriously I'll change my mind.

    This Sarah Palin crucifixion thing is ironic in the extreme, seeing as how leftists are so terrified of her they would probably have a collective orgasm if she really were murdered.

  12. emilypeacock3:57 AM

    Oh gosh, ANOTHER desecration of an iconic mother and child. Meg! Meg! Come back. She needs you to spew some venomous hyperbole. I think this will make the collective P-Zoo explode.

  13. Anonymous5:10 AM

    I think that Sarah has shown us what kind of president should would make is she really decides to run. Our country does not need someone who sees every international comment as a personal insult and over-reacts by punishing them. If George W. Bush damaged foreign relations for eight years, Sarah could beat his record in eight weeks.

    As for being a good Christian, Sarah has forgotten Christs's teachings of forgiveness and turn the other cheek. Sarah's reaction is that of a high school girl who caught someone reading her diary. The problem is that those diaries with their little lock and key are easily "hacked" by cutting the little leather strap where the lock was located. She did nothing to secure her account despite warnings.
    (And, she used the account for government business when it was supposed to be private).

    Sarah has continute to babble about it while the trial is still in progress. I hope that the defense lawyer is taking notes.

  14. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Perhaps we could flood the blogs and MSM with

    'FREE Kernell from Sarah Palin'
    I think that honesty is a great virtue and should be practiced by everyone. We should remind people of the antics of her own children and the lengths she has gone to prevent them from suffering the consequences of their actions.
    It's only fair, isn't it?

  15. The only thing I would change about that excellent pic is, the people in the background should have been Sarah's unsupervised teenagers partying it up in Wasilla.

  16. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Sarah Palin and her alcoholic, drug-addict children!! What a healthy environment for Tripp and Trig.

  17. mocha8:17 AM

    One more time to anon at 8:31P, the case was being prosecuted before President Obama took office. The current US Attorney for the Eastern District of TN is a Bush appointee. How much wailing and gnashing of teeth would there be if the Obama Administration Justice Dept instructed this USA to drop the case? Or even worse, replaced him during this case? I think you knew this but you wanted to cry big old phony Palin tears. Palin insisted Kernell be prosecuted. Obama and Holder are smart enough to recognize that there is really no case here but they are letting justice take its course instead of give Palin and Obama critics any ammunition. Game, Set, Match to Obama.

  18. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Obama and Holder are smart enough to recognize that there is really no case here


    Sure. That's why the Judge tossed it out, why the Judge ruled against every defense motion.

    Just wait for the verdict and then start your screaming that the fix was in, how the poor kid was railroaded by a jury filled with teabaggers...

    The little creep broke the law. He will pay.

  19. Woo painting with an wide brush there. I don't wish Palin dead or her family. I do wish that a kid that is 20 years old doesn't go to jail for 50 years though! As I said before a fine and community service would be sufficient. After all no one account should be hacked. Unless Palin is the one doing it. But I digress. I dare say I can speak for everyone hear that we don't wish her dead. We just find the Wonkette link funny.

  20. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Barbara: I dare say I can speak for everyone hear that we don't wish her dead.

    Me: I guess you missed this from yesterday -

    I cannot watch it. I have never wanted someone to leave this planet before. Now I do. I really, really do. It is sick.


  21. "I cannot watch it. I have never wanted someone to leave this planet before. Now I do. I really, really do. It is sick."

    This is my last post in regard to this. You will believe what you want, but to say that is threat is a huge stretch. I see no ill will posted in that comment.

    I don't keep track of every reply. I base my comment on my time here. I have never
    read a post from anyone wishing her dead. More like go home and get out of the media. It is a free country and of course Sarah will do what she does. Take money from people who have very little money themselves and stir up shit.

    Sarah causes harm with her speeches. Now there is my concern. I am scared to put an Obama sticker on my car in a BLUE state. Due to the fact that one of her "fans" ran someone off the road. I am not scared or jealous of Mrs. Palin. Her fans are another story.


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