Sunday, May 30, 2010

Confronted with evidence that homosexuality is prevalent within the animal kingdom a minister decides that, rather than being the natural order of things, these sinful creatures simply need to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. All fixed!

Research scientist Vanessa Woods wrote about gay sex among Bonobo monkeys in Psychology Today:

I'll tell you this: I would swap every gadget I own - my car, my laptop, the potential to fly to the moon - if I could wake up as a bonobo. No bonobo has ever been seen to kill another bonobo. There is very little violence towards females. The infants get an idyllic childhood where they do nothing but hang out with their moms and get anything they want. There is plenty of food. Lots of sex.

Bonobos have gay sex. For bonobos, sex is a mechanism to reduce tension. And you can't talk about two females rubbing clitorises together until they orgasm in documentaries, intelligent design classes, or to right wing demographics who believe homosexuality is unnatural.

This rather provocative, yet well researched observation inspired a Baptist miniser to respond with this letter:

I believe that Scripture teaches that God created a perfect world. In this perfect world, man chose to disobey (sin), and brokenness and death entered into the world (Gen. 3, Rom. 5). We see it everyday on TV, newspapers, etc... You obviously alluded to a sense of brokenness in the article, as you mentioned violence & wars.

With sin, I believe what Scripture says, when it states that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Not only are there individual sins, but also a corruption due to sin. One of these particular sins listed in Scripture is homosexuality. I single it out, only because of the implications of your research. I don't think it's worse than other sins, but neither have I departed from the traditional understanding of what Scripture teaches (ex: Rom. 1).

Here's why I find this article so thought-provoking.

I have a four-year old son named Owen who loves animals. He stays up at night with a flashlight looking through books in his bed, and says things like, "I'm doing research on whales." You guys would instantly connect :).

When I read your article about bonobos, I of course, thought of Owen. He would love them. But, I had to ask the question, "Am I comfortable with him learning about bonobos and their behaviors?" It's a good question for me to ask myself. If I'm honest, I would say my first reaction was to shield him from these animals because of their behavior. This wouldn't be uncharacteristic for us, since there are lots of animal behaviors that are difficult for a four-year old to understand (i.e. mating, violence, etc...). However, what's different about this particular behavior is that in an orthodox biblical position, homosexuality is a sin... but animals don't sin. We don't typically place animals in a moral category. In other words, they don't do righteous acts or unrighteous acts. So...what am I to make of these animals that engage in homosexual activity?

It seems to me that this behavior reveals a sense of brokenness in the natural world. Paul spoke of the unnaturalness of homosexuality, "men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men..."(Rom. 1:27). So, what he says is unnatural, now looks to be natural! But, just as natural disasters aren't normative, neither is homosexual activity within animals. The creation itself is marred with the effects of sin (i.e. death).

I think bonobos are fascinating creatures and still point to the creativity and beauty of God. However, it leads me to Romans 8, "For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies" (vv. 20-23).

Okay does your head hurt?  Because mine sure does!

So rather than admit that evidence found in the natural world makes a literal interpretation of the Bible impossible, this minister decides that the scientist has simply misinterpreted her findings.  (You know because the Bible is the inerrant word of God, despite multiple translations and mistranslations.)

So, if I am understanding the reverend correctly, the reason we have animals having wild deviant sex with each other is NOT because wild deviant sex ROCKS and even animals know it, but because the furry little heathens have not opened their hearts to Jesus?  Or is his point that the animals are sinning like the residents of Sodom on a Saturday night at the Castro in San Fransisco, because we humans have not universally accepted Christ into our lives?

Well dammit I need to know who to blame here!

Are animals behaving like animals because they know....animals?  Or is the reason I just saw a male dog licking another male dog's wiener because I am a horrible little Philistine who should be sitting in a church pew right now begging God for forgiveness instead of sitting here in my pajamas typing on this keyboard?

Well it is too beautiful of a day to spend it sitting inside so I am going for a hike. And if I happen stumble upon any same sex animals shtupping I am just going to blame it on those damn Hindus!

BTW  I need to give a hat tip to Andrew Sullivan which is where I found this story.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Wow it's truer than I realized: misery loves company.

    That minister seems truly conflicted about these observations, seems to be painfully struggling to make sense of it all.

    Why not just accept homosexuality as part of this world regardless of species. Does it really offend God so much or does it mostly make some people uneasy?

    Why not focus on things that matter - things that hurt each other and our environment? You know, like poverty, hunger, incest, rape, murder, brutality of any sort, ignorance, bigotry?

    Oh, yeah, those are more widespread, and harder to fix. They require us to do work, get involved. On issues such as homosexuality or gender identity we can rail on, protest against, humiliate and pass laws against other people. We don't actually get off our butts or inconvenience ourselves much in comparison.

    Silly preacher. Gets his shorts in a twist about what should be private between consenting adults. Really, how is her hurt, how is his Christ demeaned by this. If gays commit rape or seduce minors then that should be treated the same as when heteros do it. But to attack someone simply because they engage in sex with someone of their own sex in private, who gives a damn?

    Have we asked that preacher what positions he uses when having sex with his wife? There are laws against some forms of sex even between men and women. Does he adhere only to the legal ones?

    Goodness, these folks need to chill a bit, get a grip and a wider perspective. Humans are biologically animals, mammals to be exact. So what? To get in a tizzy about what monkeys do is particularly weird. Has this man never been to a zoo and seen baboons masturbate for one and all? Maybe our zoo has a bunch of overly sexed baboons or I have rather poor timing when visiting other zoos, but really, it is quite commonplace. Will this preacher start a campaign to segregate baboons so only adults can view them? Silly, silly man.

  2. OMG OMG OMG! Gryphen, is that Baptist minister slandering the gawd of their book of tall tales and words of wisdom plagiarized from ancient sources by implying this invisible cloud dweller F..ked up in creating "IN HIS IMAGE' such a screwed up, disobedient and sinful creature as MAN? Doesn't say much for said deity's CREATIVE SKILLS, or HIS MORAL TURPITUDE either does it?

    BTW, There are a number of creatures who change their sex when there are too many of one gender, nasty, sinful creatures that they are. And HE declared them "GOOD" TISK TISK ;O)

  3. I had a gay goldfish once. I think.

  4. And Jewish, also too. God Bless the Troops, I am gonna pop a Black and Tan. L'chiam!

  5. Are Bonobos allowed to marry?

  6. emrysa10:33 AM

    gryphen what I hear him saying is that because man has sinned, god decided to fuck up all the creatures on the planet. it's man's fault that animals have gay sex.

    it's twisted thinking, but I guess that's to be expected.

  7. It is sad, that grown men who have actually tried to STUDY the Bible, and make sense of it, have trouble doing what I was able to accomplish at about the age of NINE:

    It is obvious that "the Word of God" had to be translated and manhandled by MAN (even to a nine year old). So: you have to take some of the stuff with the proverbial "grain of salt."

    Those who will ONLY accept that there is a God who puts on a top hat and tuxedo, to do MAGIC TRICKS to entertain us, cannot see past the logic of the world around them, to realize it has all come about very slowly, very boringly, by "NATURE."

    It is up to the individual to decide if NATURE is a random type of thing, or inspired by a caring, loving God, who is NOT interested in whether or not we find the process commercially viable and ready for prime time television.

    Religious sounding people like this piece highlights, need to GROW UP and see things in a realistic light. If I could do so, at nine, I'm sure they can, if they try.

  8. What an idiot! But then, pretty much any one (except women) can hang out a shingle & say they are a baptist minister. It's not like they have to have the smarts to get thru seminary.

  9. Anonymous11:41 AM

    If I read Andrew Sullivan and Vanessa correctly, the pastor doesn't claim that chimpanzees should accept Jesus Christ. I think that is an interpretation that hears what it wants to hear, rather than what was said.

    What makes more sense, and seems to be what the pastor said, is that the effect of original sin was visited on other animals also.

    I'm not a fundie, and the political wing of fundies drive me crazy. I see evil in the movement (although not all the foot soldiers). I also know some lovely fundies who are among the people I know who strive daily to figure out what life is about. While I am no longer a fundie, I remember fondly how hard we all worked to figure out this crazy world, and to figure out what it meant to be spiritual and good. Perhaps we tried too hard, but it was ot with evil intent.

    I agree that many fundies look more like the sadducees and pharisees. However, as I read this man, he is struggling with making sense of contradictory evidence. I think such efforts should be supported and encouraged, not mocked. It's more likely someone struggling with the inconsistencies will listen to other options if there is acceptance and understanding, than judgement and mocking.

  10. You pretty well gotta' know your religion has no value when it's proven to be nonsense by a bonobo job.

  11. I admit I bailed out early on the tortured reasoning, but what I got from it was: Creation is good because God said so. Homosexuality is bad because God said so. Animals can't be guilty of sin because they don't know God. Man has sinned and fallen away from God as in the Garden of Eden. Therefore Man is guilty of the animals enjoying homosexual sex. Did I get that right?

  12. London Bridges12:50 PM

    The real crime against natural law and humanity is for a hateful person aka Sarah to procreate as many as 5 times, or even 3 or 4 times!

  13. Anonymous2:06 PM

    This has nothing to do with the present article.
    I just arrived home from a weekend in the Mpls.St Paul area.Spent the time on a boat on the Mississippi river,surounded by people from may diffferent avenues of life. The conversation got around to politics and Bachman,which then came to Palin. One man made a comment about Obama.The dem's in the crowd soon put him in is place.After he left the area of conversation, I had the chance to inform these people about the blogs in Alaska. These people were very interested in the reaction of the people in Alaska, did not know there was any dislike of her. they do now.....and will be reading these blogs....

  14. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Since the fellow sounds like an intelligent person, his contorted attempts to interpret scientific data through the lens of his personal belief system are particularly painful and embarrassing to read.

    Please, DON'T ask him to give his spiritual rendering of parthenogenesis!

  15. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I agree with Anonymous 11:41. Gryphen, you're right to ask if you are understanding the reverend correctly -- and the answer is that you are NOT. In fact, it seems that you put words in his mouth. The author simply said that God's creation was right. However, evil has affected the whole world and changed it. Therefore, one cannot look at the behavior of one group of monkeys and say that their behavior is moral (consequently, man should follow their example).

  16. Well Anonymous 4:16 and Anonymous 11:41 (And every other Anonymous who bravely comes here to call me out while hiding behind the most common pseudonym on the internet),perhaps your point is correct that I have purposefully misrepresented the good reverend's letter in exchange for the opportunity to write a semi-funny headline and to mock ignorance, the literal interpretation of the bible, and people who take things too seriously. All I can say to that is "guilty".

    However I still maintain that it should not be up to human beings to seek salvation in the unlikely event that we can rid the world of sinful behaviors. (I mean if there were no sinful behaviors how would the Republican party know what to they are supposed to deny having done?)

    Besides I once watched a National Geographic special which was about some primates, that may or may not have been Bonobo monkeys, and I am pretty sure that if you shaved their little bodies and dressed them in nice clothes THEY could go sit in a musky old church while a heavyset sweaty guy told them that they were going to burn in hell instead of me. I am just saying.

  17. who's God are ya'll talkin' 'bout? anon's?

  18. The bible is such a quaint little book written many thousands of years ago. It has it's place on the shelf of "classics". How so many people still find it pertinent to modern life is beyond my reckoning.

    It's a book, a story, a tale of how life was back in the day that the writers and tellers of such tales walked this earth.

    It tried to explain natural phenomena in the only words that people had then; there must be supernatural forces that are in charge of our natural world.

    Well, we know better now and we should let the old ways go. The bible is no different than the God Thor explaining Thunder to the people that worshipped him.

    We now know what makes the world go 'round, and the bible has very little to do with it.

  19. "..he is struggling with making sense of contradictory evidence. "

    This would make sense if the Bible were "evidence", but it's not. The Bible is a book written by human beings, just like the Harry Potter series or stories by Stephen King.

    Should we spend time and energy wondering why we can't cast spells, or trying to find the exact geographic location of Hogwarts?

    Should we "struggle" with the "conflicting evidence" that vindictive cars may or may not come to life?

  20. Anonymous5:36 AM

    yes - the bible has been written and rewritten many times over the past 1700 years. The biggest crime is that 600 parts of the original bible have been withheld "for the good of the people". If the book is really so good, let the people have the whole thing.

    Check out the "Lost Books of the Bible". They are good reading - as good as Harry Potter.

  21. Mebbe the devil makes them do it!


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