Friday, May 28, 2010

I almost hate to do this to you, but here is a picture of Sarah Palin's face tattooed on a Marine's ass.

This is the tattoo as it appears on Marine Gunnery Sgt. Benjamin Lepping's hindquarters.

Lepping, an ordnance disposal expert out of Camp Pendleton, was assigned to Alaska before he went to Afghanistan.

He said he had such a good time, he wanted something to remind him of his time there.

“I decided, ‘What could be better than getting a tattoo of the hottest cougar in the Republican Party?’”

I don't know, maybe it is just me, but I don't think she has ever looked better.  Nor have I seen her in a more appropriate setting.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    A truly spectacularly well-placed tribute. I'm sure future girlfriends are going to be impressed when he drops trou...

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Can;t stop laughing. I know it is inappropriate, but goodness, can't stop laughing.

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    OMG! LMAO! It looks more like that actress in Nailin Palin! *snort*

  4. Anonymous12:42 PM

    If you put that next to the fence it doesn't look as bad. You gotta like the real life little pimply rash and anything that immortalizes the whinehouse beehive.

    The "fence" is going VIRAL, too bad most of the facts and information are WRONG and the media loves the crap they put out. The right wing has months to discredit Joe. Has anyone seen Sarah bake a pie? How about blueberry? Blueberries from her tree-lined garden? Would you read a book by an unofficial pediofile writer?

    Palin furious after unofficial biographer rents house next door
    Like any good "hockey mom," Sarah Palin likes to welcome newcomers to her community with a freshly baked blueberry pie and a borrowed cup of sugar. But the latest resident of the house next door to her family compound in Wasilla, Alaska, did not qualify for the usual folksy greeting.

    But then, Mr McGinnis isn't your average boy next door. And his motives in renting the two-storey home at the bottom of her tree-lined garden are unlikely to have been entirely honourable: he turns out to be a well-known author and journalist who has decided to spend summer in Alaska researching a book which has the working title: "Sarah Palin's year of Living Dangerously."

  5. That marine sure put her in her place.

  6. Anonymous 112:50 PM

    If it was to remember her, wouldn't he have her put where he could SEE her? Like on his thigh?

    When I am with a man, I like to massage his whole body as foreplay, and quite frankly, seeing an image of SP on a man's arse would be a major turn off-- as would an image of President Obama or anyone else. (Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck are cute on a man's butt cheek, as is a gargoyle-- I dig gargoyles. OMG, I really dig gargoyles and I don't know why.)

  7. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I think he just said,$arah, kiss my ass.

  8. Several times a day she is very close to where she belongs. The toilet.

  9. emrysa1:12 PM

    right where it belongs - on an ass.

    can you imagine what kind of woman would date this man? [[shudders]]

  10. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Wow! Two asses in one photo!

  11. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I couldn't help it, my first thought was Pssssssssstttttt.....imagining him farting. Yes, a perfect place for the media whore pervert.

  12. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I would have been more impressed if her mouth is where his hole is.

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Hey look.... twins!

  14. Anonymous1:39 PM

    The tattoo artist didn't make her eyes wonky enough.

  15. Anonymous1:54 PM

    When he finally tires of her, he can say he had it put there saying, "Sarah's kissing my Ass!". Either way its funny,

  16. I wholeheartedly agree Gryph! What's even funnier about this is that it's a caricature of her and NOT a life-like photo. I KNOW tattoo artists can create more human-like faces than THAT. Oh how I want Keith to do a story on this! Or have Hannity ask her directly about it. LOL

  17. TNbluedot2:01 PM

    Agreed - absolutely the most appropriate location for that great caricature!

  18. Anonymous2:10 PM

    He should have made the tattoo look like she was kissing his behind.

  19. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I think this must have been before she had some work done!

    Nikki Haley was talking to Folks more than 700 times. One of these calls was on 8/25/07 @ 2:24 AM for 146 minutes. It looks like Nikki should have kept her mouth shut. Folks is starting to air the dirty laundry. I hope he will release text messages, email and pictures.

  20. Anonymous2:32 PM

    That is one ugly ass !!!

  21. All right! You got me to look and that is great!

  22. Anonymous2:47 PM


    WTF Beck makes fun of Malia Obama. Didn't he fucking say we don't attack politicians children? He is such a hypocrite just like his dream girl SP. This guy is a fucking moronic lunatic and I hope that he gets kissed by the black widow.

  23. Anonymous3:00 PM

    So? Where did the National Enquirer end up renting in Wasilla? Directly across the lake from the "Great Fence of Lake Lucille"? Are they in incognito or do they have Nat'l Enquirer visors on (with the logo sharpie'd out)?

    Is there a lot of interest in the shape of baby ears this summer?

  24. Anonymous3:22 PM

    This tattoo should age just as well as the real Palin will.

  25. gawd sheees purty. Priceless.
    makes me want to get a tattoo of Don Rickles on my ass. and I dont know why.

  26. Tyroanee3:29 PM

    I wonder...when this gentleman is elderly and finally pass away- who gets the ass?

  27. anon@ 3:00PM . LOL...the N.E. is probably there, and it appears that perhaps per Syrins blog that folks are ready to loosen up a bit...squirm baby squirm!

  28. dobieman3:34 PM

    This reminds me of an old Marx Bros. movie in which Groucho sang a song about "Lydia, O Lydia, the Tattooed Lady" and how she had his face tattooed on her in a certain place so when she sat down....
    Now, if only we could get the sergeant to rent the place on the other side of her house!

  29. dobieman3:37 PM

    BTW, an aspect of the McGinnis house rental situation is that a few years ago according to an article in one of our state papers that same house was being used as a halfway house for ex-cons. Odd how she didn't worry about someone peering over the lower fence back then.

  30. Anonymous4:02 PM


    OT_Turns out there's a little more to the story. From Gawker:
    " Earlier this year, Palin used her clout with Alaska State Police to get 16-year-old Willow Palin off the hook after she and some high school buddies trashed a vacant home during a bender. The other kids were hung out to dry, and Alaska's Mat-Su Valley boiled at the injustice of Willow's preferential treatment. We warned that Palin should watch her back lest small-town high school drama explode in national scandal. "

  31. Anonymous4:29 PM

    No big surprise, we all know she's an A**-Face... this is just proof :)

  32. Anonymous4:29 PM

    dobieman: It wasn't just ex-cons - it was a halfway house for felons with alcohol and drug addiction problems.

    What didn't Sarah worry about those men?

  33. Anonymous4:30 PM

    He needs to wax his Butt or she needs to shave LOL This is just beyond funny!

  34. Always knew she was an ass face.

  35. Anonymous4:41 PM

    No disrespect intended, but I thought all Marines had hair on their butts. (Maybe someone could at least give him some ointment for that rash?)

  36. Not to mention that I believe getting a tattoo is now against military regulations. It's sorta a don't ask, don't show policy. But I seem to recall that getting a tattoo AFTER you've entered military service is now a no-no.

    I must admit it's not only a flattering image but an appropriate canvas to display it. I hope he has an opportunity to show her his devotion. Rather like....Forest Gump.

  37. Anonymous6:20 PM

    @ anon 12:49

    I"m not sure which would be the bigger turn-off. The tattoo or the zits on his ass. But if my arm was twisted, I'd have to go with the tattoo.

    I just can't stop laughing about this.

  38. icstraights6:30 PM

    Like my dear ol' dads joke (probably from the Navy)...

    "Got a match?" "Yeah, your face and my ass"...

    Perfect Scarah, you found your match...

  39. Some things are so wrong. That tattoo is very, very wrong!

    Where's the brain bleach????

    Don't drink and tattoo!!

  40. Ok people, Oxford Houses are not half-way Houses for ex-cons. They are not even half-way houses, they are more like group homes. They are extremely easy to research on line, They are homes in which several people in recovery from addiction live together in a drug and alcohol free environment. Some people like them so much they stay long term. They have rules and traditions that all the houses share. It is totally self supporting, the people who live there must work and pay their share of the expenses. There are rules they must live by. Drinking or using will be an automatic expulsion. They all have to do chores and take care of the house. There are very little problems with them. The people vote on what they do, like who is allowed in. To be allowed in you must have 80% of the votes. If the people in the house vote for someone who has been incarcerated to live there then they might have a person who had been in prison or everyone at the house could be people who had not been in prison. The criteria to live there is seriousness with recovery and willingness to be responsible. Each house has only men or only women, or women with children(I used to volunteer at one for women with children)because those in early recovery should not be working on relationships and women with children can get extra help with parenting skills. In other words what has been written about this Oxford House that was next to Palin's house by many who have copied what someone else said is horsecrap. These houses are very successful and do not cost the tax payers any money for maintenance. The federal government does issue loans to people who want to start an Osford House, but it is paid back. The bill to multiply the Oxford Houses in this country was one of the few things Ronald Reagan did that I agree with. They are not affilitated with the department of corrections or the DOC half-way houses. To spread lies and malign people who are trying to get clean and sober by insinuating they are dangerous, is dispicable in a state where people can hardly get any treatment for recovery. People in early recovery need a safe environment to help them through the early rocky stages of recovery. The other issue is most people do not know what is going on with our justice system and the prison systems. They are putting perfectly good people in prison who have done very little and some who are innocent.

  41. NOW, she's finally home!

  42. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Now I understand the benefit of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
    But seriously, if he had only asked, I'm sure the real Palin would have allowed him to sit on her face...when Toad's not home, nudge, wink!

  43. Anonymous7:00 AM

    If the dip sheit had put the tatoo near his groin are, he could of had Palin sucking on a bendy straw. Palin loves bendy straws.


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