Friday, May 28, 2010

Just what is the root cause of Sarah Palin's need to accuse people of sexually violating her children?

I am sure that almost EVERYBODY is aware of Sarah's campaign to vilify author Joe McGinniss, who had the temerity to rent a place that has the same view of Russia that Sarah enjoys. (Dammit, watching for Russians is Sarah's job and she does not want anybody stealing her thunder!)

So completely freaked out was Sister Sarah that she cracked her whip and forced Todd (a man who is clearly used to being "whipped") to quickly construct this godawful monstrosity.

(Don't you just love how the  two different types of wood compliment each other?)

That was of course step two of Palin's psychotic episode after learning that Mr. McGinniss had taken up temporary residence next door.  And that is absolutley fine.  The Palin's can put up what ever ugly ass thing they want to on their property. (And of course they have a history of doing just THAT.)

However that was step two. It was step one of Sarah's decomposition that is the most troubling, as well as the one most consistently used by this deeply troubled woman.  In step one Sarah, overcome with feelings of vulnerability, immediately played the victim and, unsure that she alone could garner the appropriate sympathy, intentionally suggested that her children were in danger of being victimized as well.

From her Facebook rant:

First Sarah sexualizes herself and then makes the claim of being made to feel uncomfortable by the presence of Mr. McGinnis: So, putting on the shorts and tank top to catch that too-brief northern summer sun and placing a giddy Trig in his toddler backpack for a lawn-mowing adventure, I looked up in surprise to see a “new neighbor” overlooking my property just a stone’s throw away. Needless to say, our outdoor adventure ended quickly after Todd went to introduce himself to the stranger who was peering in..(By the way I have it on good authority that the only Palin that Joe has seen thus far was Todd when he came over to introduce himself.  He NEVER saw Sarah, in shorts or otherwise.)

But Sarah does not feel that she has sufficiently made herself enough of a victim with that statement so she drags her youngest daughter into it: Wonder what kind of material he’ll gather while overlooking Piper’s bedroom.......?

So with a few words typed onto her Facebook page, and a call in to the always histrionic Glenn Beck show, Sarah impugns the character of this well respected author and creates a swell of negative press directed at him.

And THIS is far from the first time that Sister Sarah has played this card.  On the contrary this is familiar territory indeed for this paragon of family values.

She did this same thing by claiming in her book that her daughters were threatened with gang rape while living in Juneau. Which, of course, turned out to be totally untrue.

And again when David Letterman made an off color joke about her oldest daughter. Which caused Letterman to issue and apology even though she had completely misrepresented what he said.

And of course all of this happens while Sarah seems to constantly promote the sexualization of her three daughters all while leaping to the attack when she imagines that anybody is actually thinking of them in those terms.

So I was talking to a friend the other night and started wondering out loud WHY Sarah seems to always invoke these sexually deviant ideas as they relate to her daughters. And it sort of dawned on me that she was exhibiting behaviors consistent with somebody who has been sexually abused. (And yes I KNOW that many of you have already pondered similar ideas in the comments section, but I have been kind of resistant to "going there" until this last episode.)

And if in fact that is the case it could explain a whole lot of Palin's bizarre behaviors.  Check out what is listed as indicators from this website:

Major Long-Term Psychological Symptoms of Sexual Abuse

Anxiety (Who hasn't observed THIS in Palin?)
Panic Attacks (I think her reaction to Joe's presence clearly demonstrates that!)
Low self-esteem (Cosmetic surgery, defensiveness, always needing to be surrounded by "yes men", yep!)
Stress disorders - PTSD (I often work with victims of this and yes she demonstrates the behaviors.)
Personality disorders (Well duh!)
Substance abuse (Less sure about this one, but I have heard rumors.)
Self-abuse behaviors (Starving herself, putting on padding to fake pregnancy, talking to Glenn Beck, yep!)

I am personally not qualified to diagnose Sarah Palin's particular pathology, but it certainly seems as if this might be a pretty good candidate for explaining why Sarah Palin is....well.....Sarah Palin!

However I think what is crystal clear is that Sister Sarah has a history of  projecting her own neurosis onto other people, the latest of which is our friend Joe McGinniss. One can only imagine how much worse it is for people who have to live with her day to day, and it certainly explains why Bristol has chosen to abandon Wasilla for the sanity of Anchorage.

Thankfully when Joe McGinniss finishes his research he can seek a mentally healthier environment back east, sadly the Palin children (except for Bristol of course) do not have that option...yet.

Update: After receiving some feedback from several visitors I decided to soften the headline a little. I am, however leaving the post as written mainly because I think it asks a question, though provocative, that many people have wondered about for a long time.

I think we can all agree that Palin's constant use of deviant sexual imagery is an indication of a very troubled mind.  And since she continues to do it, and use it to attack anybody she perceives as a threat, I believe it is fair game.

Is it over the line?  Well I would argue that it may be right up to the line, and could perhaps be interpreted as a smidgen over, but that it still pales in comparison to what Palin herself has said about people and what she has accused them of doing.


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    That fence is all wrong. Whenever some one puts up a fence, the posts and supporting pieces are supposed to face the owner of the fence. The pretty side is supposed to face out.

    There are a number of photographs of the Palin's kitchen which have appeared in magazines and in TV shots. The tiny window that would look out to the rental house has a blind or shade which is always down. If Sarah wants privacy, don't open the shade. And, put up shades in Piper's room, too.

    Sarah is a professional victim. It is the fact that she uses graphic sexual language while playing the victim that makes people wonder about her past. There were the so-called threats of rape against her daughters at Juneau High School. If Sarah was so worried about protecting her daughters, it is hard to understand her allowing Levi to stay in Bristol's room. Sarah's response to David Letterman's joke was to accuse him of statutory rape. Sarah sure knows how to play the victim and attract attention.

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I have also been wondering about this possibility myself for quite some time. Otherwise, I can't quite wrap my mind around the way she keeps bringing up sexual innuendos in reference to her daughters. It is pretty sick.

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Very observant, Gryphen! She is always bringing up the topic of her daughters, plus she does so in a highly sexual and creepy way.

    Think of it this way. If a FATHER talked about his OWN DAUGHTERS in the consistently inappropriate, consistently sexually suggestive, and consistently exploitative ways that Sarah does, the mental health community would be beating down his door pretty quickly - possibly even taking the underaged kids away due to suspicions about the environment they are being raised in.

    Seriously, if you took all of the infamous quotes and incidents where she has purposefully drawn attention to her daughters in a creepy, sexually suggestive way - and replaced your mental image with a FATHER saying those things in reference to his own daughters, wouldn't your head just explode? And wouldn't anybody "normal" within that family immediately start questioning Sarah's ability to parent her own children, given that something very weird is going on?

    Hell, if she was my platonic female friend and she talked that way about MY kids I'd have to report her to an agency somewhere and make sure she never babysat my children. Because something really isn't right.

    The behaviors she's exhibiting and the projection of sexual imagery and ideas upon her daughters is a classic sign of someone who was herself sexually abused or who had sexual boundaries inappropriately crossed in her youth. And the symptoms point to this happening not just once, but multiple times. She sounds like a "chronic" victim of abuse.

    If Sarah was sexually and/or emotionally violated, which seems very likely given her upbringing, this is very sad. (Remember how her father, Chuck Heath, once said in an interview that it's very common for kids to be running around without any underwear on? Huh? No, Chuck that's not normal. Did you make Sarah run around without her underwear on? That might explain a LOT.)

    And I hope she can seek help instead of continuing to race on from one job or gig to another, fulfilling her "masters'" requirements for her to become the weird talking point Bobblehead that they've hired her to be.

    Sarah, please take care of yourself. And know that you still have Piper and Willow and Trig at home - and they need a mentally healthy mom to look after them (or grandmom, in the case of Trig, obviously.)

    The weird breathlessness, emotional hysteria, and lack of cogency that she's been displaying in all of her speeches, Facebook rants, and TV appearances recently shows someone who is already on medication of some kind. But it doesn't appear to be working and the stuff she's forcing herself to do - the endless media appearances, the traveling, etc. - are making her more and more unwell.

    Sarah, please take a break from the roller coaster ride and get some help. It will take a while - probably a lot of rest, privacy, and therapy - but you and your underaged kids deserve it. Your employers aren't going to want you to take that time for yourself, but you really, really need it. Take six months off from your gigs and do something relaxing and fun. Get away from Wasilla. It's a bad place to be. Hit a spa or something.

  4. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I really hate to go there, but you have a point.

    On the other hand, her father's recent statements that she doesn't make the decisions implies that she is a puppet of some sort. The over-emphasis on sexuality could be part of the script, in which the history of abuse may not belong to Sarah.

    She appears to be very tightly wound, which doesn't make sense with her situation. She chose to leave her job, and chose to write a book and rake in the money. She has no need to work, but seems fixated on getting to have her say. You don't see that with other media figures or former politicians. It is certainly very odd.

  5. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I agree with the anon who said the fence is all wrong. It's extremely un-neighborly to have the ugly side of the fence facing outward. Of course, how many of us are surprised that the Palins are un-neighborly?

  6. Anonymous11:03 AM

    The picture you have posted of that hideous fence tells us many things. If the photo was taken from the neighbor's side (and I think it was, because the visible part of the house looks like the Palin homestead), it looks as though the original lower fence (of this esthetically-pleasing double-decker special!) either must have belonged to the neighbor (I deduce this because the "good" side is facing Casa Palin), but if the original (lower) is Palin-owned-and-constructed, then being the "considerate" neighbors I'm sure they are--they gave the neighbors the "bad" side of the fence to look at.
    Now: The top half of this double-decker monstrosity actually has the "good" side facing the neighbors. How considerate!

  7. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Glad you are discussing this. I've said that if anyone in her family really loves her, they will help her get therapy because she does seem to need to overcome some sort of trauma. I am truly concerned - and I do not like or respect this woman's views on anything - that she might have breakdown. I would not wish that on anyone, but I also do not wish her vile and desperate attacks on anyone either.

    Saw a link to site this morning where some bot had put Mr. McGinnis' permanent home address and phone number online through a comment. Then another comment dissed Democrats as "low lifes."

    This is only one reason why Sarah needs to seek help. Not only is she herself unraveling, she is calling forth all the damaged people who are apt to act out against their own best interests and harm others.

    We can't help everyone, but we can put the spotlight on Sarah's symptoms in hopes someone will get her the help she needs. Who knows, maybe one day she could be living a happy, well-adjusted life and be able to provide a more stable and loving environment for her family and actually be a positive force in her community. Perhaps it is only a dream, but it might be possible if she overcomes all the self-loathing and angry acting-out behavior.

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I hope that skanky pervert isn't going to spend all her time peering at Joe. I mean, what if he's walking around in boxers? Or swimming in trunks? Or wants to lay out in a speedo? He's probably really glad he's being protected from that pervert by that big fence. Stay safe Joe!

  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Put up the list of characteristics of a sexual abuser. Bet Sarah Palin is high on that checklist as well.

  10. For those who are inside the cult, the sexual references (SCARY!) are a dog whistle to the other cult members. The sexualization of the leader (gobs of make-up, big hair, high-heeled red pumps, and see-through lace top with black bra underneath - on a so-called news show) - well, this, too is "normal" within the confines of the cult.
    This cult is creepy, but once you are taken into a cult (and brainwashed), it all seems normal - plenty of other members to back up the crazy. IF you question anything, "know" it is odd, you are quickly de-ligitimized.
    The cult is becoming more dangerous: The threats against Joe M. (and anyone else who disagrees with the cult leader) are like a fatwa!

  11. Just wanted to note that people that are projecting are unaware that they are doing it - if it is projection, it is unconscious. This is in line with some form of psychopathology which we know is not something that appears out of nowhere. There is usually an environmental component, perhaps genetic, but any kind of mental illness is created out of a combination of factors.

    This will probably get me the cold shoulder here as well, but there are so many symptoms (or no symptoms) of sexual abuse, and these symptoms can be applied to a number of diagnoses, that especially in someone in their late 40's, I wouldn't even begin to suggest it except as something to consider as I would in any woman with a possible personality disorder (you have to work really, really hard to create that). Not everyone who has been abused experiences long-term negative effects nor do persons with mental illness necessarily have a history of abuse. Just saying.

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Holy shit Gryph! She's going to lose it when she reads this (I'm sure she already has) Be careful.

  13. laprofesora11:25 AM

    I definitely think she has been abused. That may be what's behind her blind ambition: in her mind if she can be mayor, governor, president, then she will be too powerful to be touched. I mean that literally and figuratively.

  14. Anonymous11:33 AM

    per anon@11:03 and more:

    If the original fence was erected by the owner of the rental house then it would be that the Palins just nailed their fence to their neighbor's fence, their neighbor's property. That would be rude... and illegal in many locales.

    I don't really buy into the idea of $P being a victim of sexual abuse. I mean, it could be but I am of the opinion that she uses sexuality and perverted suggestions just to get credit - and attention - for being a victim. It's a style; a habit. I think she discovered a long time ago that it gets her sympathy and a lot of attention. It also promotes how beautiful and desirable she and her family is. Even her "Have you seen Todd" statement reflects back to her 'beautiousness'. She and hers is to be coveted. NARCISSIM.

  15. Simply put, if you cross Sarah then expect her to automatically yell "Pervert!"

  16. Wouldn't the northern summer sun in Alaska be anything BUT brief? I mean... the daylight keeps on keeping on during summer, right?

  17. Anonymous11:48 AM

    For quite a long time Ive considered the abuse issue, regarding the entire paylin family.
    Children who are forced to live 'boonie' lives are often abused, mentally and physically. AK appears, from stats, to have a long history of this. Inappropriate 'touching' would be no shock. The rest would fall in line after.

    Paylins have exhibited many qualities of abuse. Secrecy, first and foremost. Anyone who violates the secrecy pact is an enemy.
    Once you have 'enemy' you can then claim/play 'victim'. Anyone with any knowledge becomes the enemy. These people have consistently and chronically taken the victim role. All of them. The secrets are over-whelming so virtually everyone who asks a even a simple qestion
    (interview) becomes enemy. Wasilla, is the enemy; theyve known this family well for years; they cower and speak in hushed whispers.

    SPs behavior with her kids has always struck me as highly abusive on the emotional level. Which can be way worse than sexual/physical abuse.

    This has stuck with me:
    "Consider the possibility of sexual abuse when the parent or other adult caregiver:
    * Is unduly protective of the child or severely limits the child's contact with other children, especially of the opposite sex
    * Is secretive and isolated
    * Is jealous or controlling with family members"

    This families behavior is by no means within 'normal' range.

  18. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I've worked in the field of child abuse & neglect for 32+ years. Another symptom of a child sexual abuse victim is that their emotional development is often arrested at the age of victimization. So a 14 year old sex abuse victim will sometimes exhibit the emotions and behavior of a 14 year old as an adult, particularly in stressful situations. Child sex abuse victims, as adults, are also more apt to form romantic relationships with other potential sexual abusers. Just saying.

  19. Anonymous11:56 AM

    You left out the part about Joe watching her kids in the ole swimmin' hole. That also evokes images of a dirty old man ogling children in their bathers. I noticed many of those who rallied to her side were quoting that remark, too.

    I've always found a certain male member of Sarah's family creepy, and it's obvious she has a weird relationship with him. However, all these sexual references could also be a way to make her look like a mama grizzly, protecting her kids. Except for the photoshopped iconic photo of Trig and bogus complaints about the sweet sound of Piper's laughter, haven't most of the pseudo "attacks" on her kids been sexual?

  20. Sarah may have been sexually abused. Is sexual abuse a cause of NPD?

    Such a story may be useful to her in some xtian circles if/when a political career-ending lie is exposed. We'll never really know, though, because it's impossible to believe anything she says.

    Of huge concern is that Todd plays along with the sexual victimization of his daughters. Indeed, it was Todd who upped the ante during the Letterman brouhaha by using the word 'rape'.

    And then there's the Heath family...Chuck, Jr. speaking on their behalf about concern for the children with the author living next door. And could anyone not raise an eyebrow (though the media was silent) when seeing Chuck, Sr. in the t-shirt advertising his daughter's hotness or reading his words about the children losing their underwear?

    Whatever is going on with Sarah, the whole family is participating.

  21. Yes Gryphen, please be careful. Her reaction and actions are very desparate attempts to keep a lid on what ever it is she is suppressing. If you get to close to the truth, she's gonna turn up the crazy.

    Joe, that goes for you as well. Please stay safe.

  22. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I'm really surprised, with Toad's fence building prowess, that she hasn't just sent him to Texas to close the border with Mexico. Come on, Sarah - be proactive with this stuff! Be a problem solver!

  23. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I know a lot of victims of sexual abuse, including a close family member, and Palin does not seem like someone who has been abused to me. She is not protecting her children, she is exposing them. Not once did she report those supposed threats of gang rape. Not once did she try to stop the sexualization of Bristol. If anything, she encourages her to put it out there front and center. She is using sex as her "power" over other people. What do they say about those who abuse? It's all about control. I am not saying that Sarah abuses her children sexually, but she definitely abuses them mentally and emotionally. One look at the history and the background of those kids, and it is pretty clear who the abuser is and who is the abused. Even if you were to believe that Sarah was abused, this does not excuse what she does. At some point, you grow up and you have free will. No one controls her, and she needs to be made accountable for her actions and deeds - especially her misdeeds to those kids. And lets be honest, the only reason she cared about what Letterman said was because he called her a slutty stewardess. She could have cared less about what the effects her actions would have on Willow. The media is afraid to confront her on this topic. But, I think it is time to stand up to her, document all the sexual lies she has made directed at her daughters and hold her accountable. Don't make excuses for her because you think she was abused. In fact, if she was indeed abused, her actions are even more atrocious, in my opinion.

  24. emrysa12:24 PM

    a sensitive subject, to be sure. it sure would explain why she constantly sexualizes her daughters. it's damn sure creepy behavior.

    if sarah was sexually abused, you can bet that she wasn't the only one.

    makes me think again about the origins of trig. and that the chosen doctor for prenatal care and delivery of trig was cbj, a woman who specializes in physically and sexually abused kids.

    and of course we've all wondered why levi remains so quiet about the palins...

    I would bet the farm that if you took a poll of every single person who is a fan of sarah palin, you would not find any psychiatrists or psychologists. her behavior is extremely bizarre and suggests a deeply disturbed person.

  25. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I wouldn't dare ponder the what ifs in SP's past, and it would be no one's business. But, what is people's business is the fact that a woman who thinks she can represent the people and would be POTUS, nonchalantly can facebook possible sexual victimization in the same sentence as her daughters, not coming right out and saying anything, but implying that specific men are a threat to her young daughters.

    For the life of me, this is tragic. Where is Mr. Palin in all of this. Most fathers would never insinuate this language about their daughters on a public medium. Mothers and fathers could not even fathom to "speak" that possibility out in public for fear it would precipitate some whacko to do them harm.

    I think SP is the most irresponsible mother I have ever read about. Someone needs to educate her. But who? Does she ever listen to anyone?

  26. Anonymous12:35 PM

    "So a 14 year old sex abuse victim will sometimes exhibit the emotions and behavior of a 14 year old as an adult, particularly in stressful situations."

    Without a doubt: arrested emotional development. A behavior seen since she hit the surface. This is her achilles. She knows it, too. It is why she wont talk to anyone, other than greta/beckerhead.

    Btw...Offtopic: it seems many oil workers have begun to call the Gulf...Lake Palin.
    ...dead as Lucille lake.

  27. Anon 11:56AM

    You're right. Someone with a dependent personality disorder is attracted to a dominant personality and is extremely vulnerable to abuse. When we see personality disorders, one of the most common historical facts is sexual and/or physical abuse.

    Not sure who said it, but talking about seductive qualities, they are a diagnostic criteria for some personality disorders and some mood disorders. It is definitely a trait that I would note even if it did not qualify for an official diagnosis. Not sure who asked or if it was this thread, but personality disorders result from neglect, abuse, and perhaps some genetic components (no one really knows for sure). What we do know, is that it is extremely rare to find someone with a personality disorder who doesn't have a horrendous story to tell (although, just the nature of the disorder requires some independent verification!).

  28. Maybe this is somehow related to the infamous argument she had with Curtis Menard, Jr., about how she raised her kids (their Kid?) shortly before his death?

  29. Anonymous1:01 PM

    No, I don't think she was abused. But she learned early about sexuality and how to use it as was discussed in the previous post about cults. She tried to use it to keep the father of Track and she used it to get Tawd to marry her. She drags Piper around with her to look like she is a lot younger and fertile. I am not saying that a 40+ woman cannot be sexy but her behavior is not becoming. It makes me cringe to hear her talk about her daughters sexually. It is really creepy. I think her message to them is pregnancy only if it is a means to an end.

  30. Anonymous1:01 PM

    She is one sick puppy and evil from the top of her head to the bottom of her toes! Insinuating she has to protect Piper from 'author Joe' is the most amazing...similar to David Letterman's fiasco but all it did was increase his ratings. Much the same will be done w/author Joe's book - it will sell like crazy! She just never seems to learn when to keep her mouth shut!

    Are there others like me out there that would love the opportunity to slap her across the face? I've never done that to anyone in my life
    but the feeling is assuredly there.

  31. I've mentioned this before... the intheknow7 blogger is of the opinion that $P is an MK-Ultra mind controlled sex slave with MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).

    The info on this blog is a real eye-opener!

  32. Forever Anonymous1:03 PM

    Now Gryphen, What made YOU cross the line?

    This is dangerous, I must say it is the first time I have read a truly careless post by you.

    Yes, we do comment on characteristics we see in Sarah, but I dare say not only we don't have the authority to go there, we may lack the tact as well.

    This is emotional violence. Precisely because I believe she is truly sick she should not be pushed this way.

    I thought Joe knew what he was doing by confronting the bully in Sarah, and knew how far to go. but this very public conversation is dehumanizing.

    She answers the only she knows how. Please stop this, modify your post, take down, don't inflict this pain.

  33. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I suggested this very thing to my husband last night. It's just so odd the way she brings sex into all these little altercations.


  34. Anonymous1:11 PM

    funny you say this because I have often wondered if old Chuckles wasn't a perv....he just looks the role and things he has said...I am glad I am not the only one who wonders...She has always been far too defensive and screams pervert when she is the one who parades those kids around putting them out there to be ogled....

    I feel for Joe I think he knew not what he was getting into renting that house...she is one totally scary bat shit crazy bitch......

  35. Anonymous1:11 PM

    There is something else strange. It's the contradiction in her dress, the choice of shorter skirts, the Runner's World poses, the bending on that outdoor stage in NY state, the extreme eye make-up, changing her sandals into running shoes for all to see.......just those suggestive things that make her call for family values not believable.

    It's the contradiction of allowing a pregnant humiliated Bristol on the RNC stage, allowing Bristol to talk abstinence with affiliation to the Candy's Foundation, (which is a sexual contradiction in itself), where Candie's ads promote "be sexy" but don't have sex. It suggests to young girls, tease all you like, but withdraw cause you are in control. Encourages her daughter Bristol to talk on national talking shows about her sex life; all the while Piper must be listening.

    All these things raise the alarms in me as a mother. The mixed messages clang out, red alert, red alert.

  36. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Better be nice to Joe. Who else is going to help when that fence falls down on Piper...?

  37. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Did Chuck ever have a real job? Substituting and being a coach off hours are not real jobs. Coaching is an ego thing. God, I would hate him as a coach. What kind of training does he have? And, substituting... one trick pony with those animal bones. Anyone who doesnt have a real job likes to run a trap line in Alaska. I hate to say it and I live in Alaska, but some people are here because they couldnt make it in the lower 48. I think Palin's Mom wore the pants in the family hence Sarah's pantload. Her nose depicted on that ass is perfect.

  38. Lynne1:43 PM

    If Todd and his friends didn't get their fence building experience on the border, they sure took it as the model for the abomination in their yard.
    I saw uncountable miles of it a couple years ago coming back to the States. Believe me, it gave me the shudders (and I'm not even Mexican).

  39. honestyinGov1:45 PM

    Gryphen... please ask Joe or his son to call you and inform you of when Joe will be a Guest on Letterman. How soon..?

    I need to to set the time on my DVD/VCR. Just call it a Pre-publicity Tour.
    And Has the National Enquirer set up Camp in a rental home from across the Lake.. Yet? DAMN... those lenses are like telescopes these days.... and Paparazzi photos must worth a small fortune at this time. You could probably buy a House with what you would make in profit for those photos. Obviously something worth more and better looking than a ( Sarah self-described )RedNeck House.

  40. Anonymous1:53 PM

    There is a lot of revealing behavior here by SP. Yes, Sarah's constant accusations about her daughters being sexually victimized in some way is significant. In this case, there is also the quick reaction of protecting her "boundaries" by building the overly tall fence- thus symbolic and literal protection. But there is the flip side of the sickness- which is SP constantly using her sexuality to attract attention and "open doors." So, while sexuality is her "currency" it is also laced with fear for her. She is both dependent upon it and imprisoned by it. She is a very disturbed person and those around her are part of a very unhealthy "family" system. Don't expect anyone to do an "intervention" any time soon. The fact that some folks still can't see the reality of the "Palin Phenomenon" simply speaks to their own blindness and unconsciousness.

  41. Forever Anonymous1:57 PM

    Gryphen, I find the title incendiary along with the photo in this circumstances, I feel tension in the air pushing Sarah to the edge. she is able to talk, take action and still be able to handle the pressure, not enough for her family to seek help, but that should not be the aim of the effort to keep Sarah from public service.

    In an instant I felt so sorry for her and her children, I could see how her followers might find it as cruel as I did. And that I find gives her a huge advantage. You are way too close to people that can hurt you or your family. The move that JM did gave a lot of hope the Sarah would be exposed, not taunt. the consensus i got by reading various blogs is the Sarah was shown to be her own enemy, people still learning and by time the book came out, her credibility would be nill.

    hope you modify the title.

  42. honestyinGov1:57 PM

    Aww... heck Gryphen. You have enough work to do up there. I'll call the National Enquirer myself and ask them if they have the photos developed... yet.
    Sarah LOVES Free publicity and her name in the News.

    Email or Call
    ( 800 ) 223 - 6226

  43. Gryphen wasn't it you that posted a little while back about the building ordinance. In that code didn't it say that the structure couldn't impede air flow or the sun? That fence definitely does both of those on the house.

    If the owner of the house that is being rented is the one that put that fence up, the Palins can not attach anything to that fence because they do not own it.

  44. Anonymous2:19 PM

    My resounding answer is no...She's not a victim of anything but herself. You see sexual assault victim...I see symptoms of a RAGING narcissist. Everything's about her, this is Sarah's world and we just live here...

    I have two people in my family who act just like Sarah Palin, and they weren't victims of sexual assault. They're just narcissistic assholes willing to do anything to get attention. Have you noticed Ms. Palin hasn't been out of the news except for the six weeks she spent recovering from plastic surgery? Yeah...NARCISSIST....

    She has plenty of self esteem, she has plenty of ego. Remember, millions of people voted for HER in 2008, not John McCain..

  45. JMO, we need to learn more about Todd and his background, his childhood, his parents.

    And if Sarah doesn't make the decisions, as her father slipped and said, who does? Chuck Sr.? Todd? Given the pentecostal influence, it would have to be a male who calls the shots. Who else is in Sarah's life at such an intimate level?

  46. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Pair one sick and highly narcissistic individual with a mainstream press that's interested only in sensationalism for the sake of ratings, and here is the result. The MSM amplifies whatever neuroses she has. The general public either shrugs or follows it with a bit of "oh, isn't that odd. That poor girl" interest, her hypnotized followers eat it right up, and anyone who knows how to read people knows that there's something deeper going on inside sister Sarah. Thank God that, not long from now, she will begin to look her age. Once that happens, she will disappear.

  47. Anonymous2:53 PM

    You people are so kind worrying about Sarah's health. She would eviscerate any one of you if it suited her plans. All narcisstic. Her communications are directly aimed at men re her outfit etc. For Christ's sake, we have 24 hour daylight!!! Todd is certainly one luckly p-whipped girl.

  48. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I doubt she is the victim of sexual abuse. But being the extreme narcissist that she is, she has certainly learned the power of her sexuality and sexuality in general over the years and how it can be manipulated to move people in the direction she wants. And I think she is simply doing that here. Specifically, launching an offensive on Joe. She may not know about nor care one bit about politics, but she seems to have a very keen intuition when it comes to knowing how to manipulate those of a particular mindset. I have a hunch that what we're seeing here has been Sarah's mode of operation for practically her entire life.

  49. Anonymous3:05 PM

    We have a facebook group to support Joe Mc Ginniss. Please join us in our support.

    Support Well Known, Respected Author Joe McGinniss...NOW!!/group.php?gid=123238291041412&ref=ts

  50. Gotta add my support to those who say take the post down. You have basically nothing to go on, not having treated SP or seen her records (I'm not saying she would have sought counseling or social services) or read very deeply about sex abuse and abnormal psychology. It just goes too far, and then nowhere. Heat not light, and deliberately provocative.

  51. Linda Arizona4:03 PM

    No, Gryphen, $P is the abuser, not the abused.

    Sociopaths have spent a lifetime studying real humans and know how powerful sexual innuendo and imagery are.

    Here's why I don't believe she was abused:

    She is dominant.

    She is clever and manipulative.

    She is a liar.

    She does not protect the privacy of her children as a true victim would do.

    Plus, those who suffer from PTSD are those with real emotions, emotions that haven't been properly processed in the brain. She doesn't have a normal brain or one that is sensitive in this way.

    If you ever get the chance, read The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout. It will clear up any doubt about Phalin's behavior.

  52. Anonymous4:09 PM

    The new title is better. However, Palin is a public figure. If she chooses to make comments that allow for speculation, so be it.

    Her father doesnt mind breaking the law by making nasty remarks about our commander-in-chief on a military base.

    Palin is mad because there is an African American in the White House. She and her family are racist and attract a dangerous element of people who have little but the belief that on the pecking order of life, they are at least better than African Americans.

    BTW why is Track out of the military?

    Who nurtures those kids? Why are the people of Wasilla so afraid of these people? Come on after me Sarah you arrogant cowardly bitch. See you next tuesday.

  53. I agree with Kyra, Sarah's behavior can have a lot of explanations and diagnoses. It will probably take an experienced therapist working with her quite a while to start teasing it all out. I don't have a lot of hope with therapy yet. Sarah has to feel that what she is doing isn't working.

    Forever Anonymous has a very good point that I feel should be considered. Just as we fear her behavior pushing one of her followers "over the edge", we don't want to be guilty of it ourselves.

  54. Anonymous4:19 PM

    My colleagues and I have been in healthcare for many, many years and to the person our "red alert signals" went up up very early around this. The constant sexualizing/projecting about her daughters, the boundary issues, the quiet passive mother, the seductiveness, overreacting, the single word that continually describes Track = "rage" (why ???), the very wierd dynamic in the family.....The McCain staffers described her as being in kind of a "catatonic" dissociated state at times.

    This is all very sad. However, our focus should be on two things:

    --Preventing her from getting into any position of real authority. She is seriously ill (for whatever reason) and needs help.
    --Shining light on the issue (sunlight is the best disinfectant). To anyone reading this (in Wasilla or otherwise) who is experiencing this directly or via their family dysfunction because of it....there is help, you can heal, reach out for some help.

    Gryphen--I appreciate your overall restraint. Hopefully, because of shining the light on this now, someone around those kids will wake up and support them. At least check in with them...

  55. Anonymous4:46 PM

    More on the house...

    Rent is $1,500...Joe has been acting like a buffer...the family might leave. According to dummy brother...they might move to Washington...Like, if she runs for president...Although no one's sure that she's going to run -- ie she's trying to figure out if it's legal to charge your own supporters $75,000 a speech when you're on the stump....

  56. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Everybody's an expert. She's NPD...No way. MPD...Not. She was sexually abused as a minor...not sexually abused. The Cult... There must be an impressive number of educated (basic graduate school with a *minimum* 3,000 hours supervised counseling hours, experience in a particular area/specialty; or, of course, we have the Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Psychologist, Psychiatrist--all completed, continuing on-going analysis, are board/state-certified usually specializing, but generally knowledgeable. It's so easy to throw around psycho-babble As If we really *know* and have an in-depth understanding of a particular psychological disorder and a particular client/patient. If you did, you certainly wouldn't be blabbing away like a blithering idiot on the blogs. Something about ethics...

  57. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I seem to recall someone with background knowledge on the Palins saying "the truth is sadder than anyone has imagined,"


  58. Forever Anonymous:
    I have to say that my initial reaction was similar to yours and although I have written about Sarah and her mental health in the past - although always in general terms - it was with some hesitation.

    That said, there is a significant difference between a mood or anxiety disorder and a personality disorder; the first treatable, the second not. She has put herself out there and is in a position to do great damage to this country. She diverts attention from important issues and trivializes substantive conversation. Saying she is fair game does not give us license to do to her what the right does to President Obama and others - after all - I doubt we want to be seen as sinking to that level - however, discussing her motivations, what makes her tick if you will is an important part of understanding how to stop her.

    To those who say that she could not have been abused because she is an abuser. I have expressed concern in the past about the children - primarily from my impression of what I see in video from the campaign (the disconnect for one). None of us know whether or not they are actually being abused - if so, that would need to be reported. But, 80% of abusers were abused themselves. It's what they know.

    That is not to say that because someone was abused that they will abuse - quite the opposite. We do have free will and make choices, but we also make choices based on what we know and our conditioning. In fact, most people who were abused DO NOT become abusers, just that 80% of those that do, were.

    If anyone needs "proof" I'm happy to provide resources to help.

  59. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I think it's fair to say that many people find the relationship between Sarah and her dad creepy, but that doesn't mean it was sexual. My dad is a classic narcissist and he basically used one of my sisters as a surrogate wife--he tried to mold her into his image and control her mind, will, and behavior to suit himself--but there was never any sexual abuse. He treated her like a possession and it took years for my sister to break free and be her own person. She was on her way to becoming a narcissist herself until got away from him.

    I think the same kind of relationship went on between Sarah and her dad. He treated her like his property and made her into his image, but there was no sexual abuse, I don't think. One of the worst and most telling stories from her "book" was when he told her that she should fake an injury to get out of a class she didn't like. She learned that the truth didn't matter from him. Now she uses Piper and Trig the same way her dad used her, like objects.

    I think Sarah uses the threat of the sexual violation of her kids simply because it is the best means to manipulate the public. She does it over and over again because it works. Just like she plays the sexism card over and over because without fail it makes male opponents back off or treat her with kids gloves. Can you image how Biden would have wiped the floor with her in the VP debate if she'd been a man? She's shameless, ruthless, and willing to do whatever gets her what she wants, no matter how despicable. She's scared of this author because he has a history of fearlessness when it comes to his subjects. She knows that if there's a Trig story he will find out about it and won't be scared to go there.

    Anyway, I'm glad you changed the title to this post because even though something very dark was going on in the Heath household, it wasn't necessarily sexual.

  60. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Remember that Sarah and Todd work this together.

  61. Anonymous8:07 PM

    -- I think Sarah uses the threat of the sexual violation of her kids simply because it is the best means to manipulate the public. --

    Yes, I agree with this statement @7:06. It's not as effective to call someone a liar nowadays -- crazy either. I think people have become immune to the labels 'liar' and 'crazy' (look at how far Stupid Sarah has gotten with the thinking that she's both!)Those terms don't get the mileage they use to.

    Label someone a sexual predator though, that's one thing most people find universally repugnant, especially a sexual predator who goes after children. This is why she attempts to try and paint any man whom she perceives as an enemy as someone who is just hot for her and her 'perfect, pristine, well-behaved, gooder 'n gold' daughters.

  62. Anonymous10:06 PM

    She is always using some sort of sexual imagery, mostly of her own. What's also telling in her Facebook rant is when she says "So, putting on the shorts and tank top to catch that too-brief northern summer sun...". What does she think this adds? I'm sure in her mind she is thinking men will be sure to conjure up that image of her. All I can picture is cottage cheese thighs, and wringled saggy tits.

  63. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Piper is being groomed to manipulate men. If she strikes out in a softball game she is more likely to blame the male umpire as a pervert and she is the victim like mom.

  64. I want an expert to weigh in on what it means when a grandmother seeks public attention through her sexuality, but turns around and yells "Pervert!" at anyone who crosses her. That is some sick, twisted mental gymnastics at work.

  65. Anonymous10:52 PM

    BRISTOL WILLOW PIPER REMEMBER THE PALIN GOLDEN RULE, whoever plays the sexual victim makes the rules.

  66. Wanted to clarify my earlier comment. I wasn't suggesting that I think Sarah was or was not abused or was abusing - there just is no information. I am concerned about her children, as I would be about any children brought so far into the public eye as her's have been.

    As to the individual commenting about the blithering idiots discussing issues they know nothing about because if they did, they would obviously, for ethical reasons, not be here discussing them. Are you a professional? Because I certainly understand my ethical codes. There is no reason professionals cannot weigh in on issues that concern them as citizens. For myself, when I see a lot of misinformation being bandied about, I try to provide accurate information about mental health conditions. If the subject is going to be discussed, and it will be when we have so many public figures behaving in such bizarre ways, I think it's useful to inject a note of reason where possible.

    As someone with expertise in sexual and other kinds of abuse, victimology, as well as mental health, I'm not trying to diagnose Sarah Palin nor do anything other than provide factual information about the subjects discussed when I have information to offer to advance the discussion. Do I think the conversation is valid? Yes. Do I think there is cause for concern? Yes. I think she is dangerous and the more we understand her and her motivations, the better to stop her and others of her ilk. Do I have to refrain from those opinions because I have credentials? No. the distinction is how I use those credentials and I do know the difference.

  67. Anonymous2:10 AM

    I think Sarah is just rattled that someone from The Outside is now going to be close by. She has gotten away with being able to trot around the Lower 48 wherever and say whatever and no one up here - especially in the Valley - is even paying attention. I know that's hard for some of you out of Alaska to believe - but trust me on this - basically no one in AK pays attention to what she does, where she goes, or what she says anymore. When she quit, even her die-hard fans woke up.

    Right now Sarah gets to come back up to Alaska and more or less live this double life - one where she's on the radar of the world, and the other here on her home turf - where no one knows or seemingly cares what she does.

    Joe moving in is like her two worlds colliding and she doesn't like it. Even though Sarah seemingly doesn't have the ability to feel and experience shame the way most people do - oddly maybe it's partly shame that keeps her so out of the eye of the public even here in Alaska.

    Unless it's her showing up with her dark sunglasses on and hiding out in a corner somewhere, she is simply not seen. She was spotted once at Christmas time in the new Target with the girls.

    The only other times she is seen is driving around in her huge, black Escalade - small and shrunken behind the wheel with her dark glasses on. What - does she think people out here don't know that when they see a black Escalade zip by it most likely contains her behind the wheel? I think everyone now know she drives one.

    I think she's embarrassed for Valley people to see her. We know the real Sarah. We know she doesn't have the slightest clue what she's talking about when she goes off on the economy or international matters or simply national affairs. She could barely articulate basic policy matters here in Alaska. We know why she quit her job - the house/hangar/ office compound blueprints were already drawn up - she just needed the book money advance to come through so building could start. Does she really think we're so dumb as to not know or not care?

    Well she's right. A lot of people know these things, but hardly anyone cares.

  68. Anne In DC5:15 AM

    I wouldn't presume to know anything about the aspects of Palin's childhood or adolescence. However, in middle age, she is showing signs of mental instability. She is a poster child for why health care reform does not need to be repealed. As one poster noted above, she shows clear signs of neurosis by selling sexuality as part of her public image, while on the other hand injecting sex as an issue of her pseudo outrage against McGinnis by bringing her daughters into the mix. In this way, she takes her exploitation of her own kids to a new level,
    which is beyond shameless. It's also way above and beyond anything I have ever seen any other public figures do with their children, regardless of their political affiliation.

    She is becoming more unhinged than ever because this man has the ability to expose her in a way that she has never before been exposed. Unfortunately for her, and fortunately for rational, thinking adults, she is now doing a much more effective job of further exposing herself. Her cluelessness and ignorance have been on display daily since 2008, as well as her bona fide status as a hateful moron. Now, her emotional and mental problems are painfully obvious as she makes ugly accusations in order to sell herself as a perpetual victim.

    How can anyone now seriously entertain the idea of her being in a political office again, especially on a national level? Anyone who does has to be at least as demented as she is.

  69. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Something wrong is going on with the females in the Palin family and it is not right. Parents should raise their girls to be confident in what they do and not play the victim to achieve their goals. Sarah plays the victim and now Bristol shows all the signs of being a victim to achieve wealth like her mom.

  70. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I wonder if Menard Sr. has anything to do with this?

  71. emrysa8:43 AM

    maria @ 1:01:

    I checked out that link. on the one hand, it seems very far-out, and on the other hand, if true, it would explain a lot. A LOT.

    don't know what to think about it, but thanks for the link.

  72. kind one8:56 AM

    Do your research. Joe mcginnis is not a good man nor commendable writer. People who "stalk" others, commenting on every little thing they do are sick individuals. "If you don't personally see something, don't say anything. That's how peoples lives are ruined and nasty rumors start". Remember the #1 rule of grade school: don't tattletale or assume.

  73. Anonymous9:24 AM

    So was Sarah being kind when she said Obama palled around with terrorists? Did she "personally see" that? Wasn't that a "nasty rumor"? Save your lectures on kindness and false rumors for her. She's the queen of slander. Whatever McGinnis is, there's no evidence he's a PEDOPHILE but that's what SP implied he was. Same with Letterman.

  74. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Thanks to 2:10am above for your perspective. Now that she's burned her bridges in Alaska, once she's worn out her welcome down here it'll be interesting to see how she handles it. Nice to know she knows she's a fraud.

  75. Anonymous @ 2:10 states: "Joe moving in is like her two worlds colliding and she doesn't like it."

    I absolutely agree. Palin has worked hard to keep her Alaskan and her lower 48 identities separate. Timothy Egan sums this up very well this week:

    "As depicted in the book “Game Change,” what Palin wanted more than anything was to be loved in Alaska.

    Todd and Sarah Palin “continued to be far more preoccupied by her status in Alaska than just about anything else,” write the book’s authors, John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. “Any issue related to the state put them on high alert, and incited some of their worst propensities toward parsimoniousness with the truth.”

  76. Anonymous @4:51 states: "Everybody's an expert."

    Well, some of us are professionals. I am a psychologist although I am NOT a clinician. My graduate degree is in temperament/personality and early child development. I have worked in research and now teach psychology in higher education.

    You question the ethics of those of us in mental health who comment on Palin's mental health. Anything we write is speculation. No one here is claiming to know or have treated Palin. No one is saying that they know anything for certain. Thus, anything we "professionals" post is speculation.

    As Kyra has pointed out, professionals are allowed to discuss such issues as long as we are not treating the person being discussed or know that person in any professional way. Even we pro's have the right to voice our opinions. Welcome to democracy.

    Mental heath pro's are fascinated by Palin for good reason. She shows disturbing behaviors. She uses her children as shields and as political pawns. She sexualizes her children in the national media. And people swallow it as truth.

    Palin has had significant influence (thank god that is waning, IMO). Her pathology is one of the reasons she has had such influence. One could ask, is it unethical to not discuss such issues? I think that Kyra @ 6:49 does an excellent job at explaining why Palin is fair game.

    I have seen many discussing that Palin has NPD. I absolutely agree with that conclusion. She fits the symptomology perfectly. But I think Palin's primary issue is Histrionic Personality Disorder, which addresses Palin's use and abuse of sexuality for personal and professional gain.

    Many with PDs have more than one PD. Histrionic PD and Narcissistic PD often present together. To read all the symptoms of HPD please go to this link:

    Symptoms of HPD:

    * Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior

    * Act very dramatically as though performing before an audience with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity

    * Be overly concerned with physical appearance

    * Be excessively sensitive to criticism or disapproval

    * Not think before acting

    * Make rash decisions

    Palin meets every symptom of HPD except for the last symptom, suicidality (see link). We have no way to know if Palin struggles with that or not.

    So, what is the one of the main difference between HPD and NPD? The use of flirting and the flaunting of sexuality. And we see this with Palin all the time. Unlike other politicians, Palin relies on her sexuality for political and personal gain. She uses and abuses her DAUGHTERS sexuality as well. I believe that this is what explains Palins continuous sexualization of her children.

    I think that Palins continuous sexualization of her children gets her exactly what she wants and frankly, what she needs. I was disgusted when I read Palin's FB comment implying/accusing McGinnis of being a pedophile. ONE SHOULD NEVER IMPLY THAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE BEING SEXUALLY VICTIMIZED UNLESS THEY ARE! But look at how much press Palin has received by making this accusation. Beck literally asked Palin if "as a woman, do you feel victimized" by McGinnis moving in next door?

    Good lord.

    Palin's sexualization of herself and her children is pathological. Palin abuses her children when she cries out about them being sexually victimized. The ones sexually victimizing the Palin children are Sarah and Todd Palin.

  77. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Wow, I:08. Thanks for your input. This is a lot to consider.

  78. Team Palin Sexuality: “look but don’t touch, touch but don’t taste, taste but don’t swallow” – Al Pacino,"Devil’s Advocate"

    Palin was marketed from the day she minced onto natl. stage, bare-legged w/her “ruby red slippers” as a GOP MILF tease w/ an Evangelical-Pentecostal shield of chastity. Her daughters have highly sexualized images -- Bristol as Candies spokesperson for abstinence…c’mon! Not to be crude, but Palin and daughters create the effect of having your genitals tickled, and the tickler is screaming at you how bad it is to like it!

    For those who would like to see beyond the “fantasy narrative” of Team Palin, I suggest you ck out “Anatomy of Sarah L. Palin”

    Hopefully Gryphen will not delete this; for some reason he’s reluctant to allow my comments to be posted, even though I’ve given him and other Alaskan bloggers I’ve relied upon much love in my research -- never any profanity, always polite, thankful of his tireless efforts to expose the GOP mincing, winking jukebox of pseudo-religious, fear-based folksy xenophobic rhetoric…

    Thanks to commenter “Maria” for the shout out here and on Palingates -- maybe your receptiveness is because you’re not so close 

    Be Well & Stay Vigilant

  79. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Joe's response to SP's allegations was very cool, calm and collected. I'm glad he's not intimidated by the threatening Todd and the simpering victim Sarah. The fence is so trash....I am stunned. But then again, I wonder why am I? This woman is so unhinged. I have also speculated for a while now, whether there was some sort of abuse with SP herself. Her father's actions are weird and controlling. The underwear comments were more than weird.

    SP's sleeping with her child is strange. It doesn't have to be sexual. It's needy and it's strange.

    Piper being kept out of school indicates she has a tutor or is special needs.

    I love it that Joe has moved in next door to SP. When the truth comes out about the births of Trig1, Trig2, Tripp1, and Tripp2... SP will probably lose it. She is merely a puppet, being used by big oil. Now big oil has big problems and they want to distance themselves from the "drill, baby, drill" meme. They no longer have a need to protect her from media.

    So get the facts Joe....once again. I can't wait to buy your book. We know Willow doesn't live there... Bristol doesn't live there. Trig? don't think so. Piper..yes. Track probably lives there too. mention of Track being attracted to Piper? Why not? she's so hot!!! That's what SP insinuated...and that is the sick part of her thinking. Normal people don't think like that. Normal people don't consider 9 year old girls to be hot. BUT, normal people don't allow their 9 year old girls to dress like whores and wear 4 inch heels. You can't have it both ways. SP planted the image of Piper as sexual object in the minds of the public in the lower 48. That is sick.

    That is abusing your children.

  80. Forever Anonymous4:38 PM

    Gryph, Thanks for the update. It is a valid conversation.

    The shameless and disturbed way Palin sexualizes her children is the top of her arsenal when she wants to obliterate a critic and she sees an opening to use it.

    I believe at the root of all Palin behavior, is an intrinsic deviousness. Because of it, I think one should not engage her directly in ways others could identify with her.

  81. LMK @ 1:08
    Obviously without an in-depth, in-person evaluation (which I would love to have the opportunity to do!), I could not diagnose, but back when everyone started saying NPD, I disagreed and tried to explain about the clusters. We rarely see anyone who fits 100% within a specific diagnostic criteria (although, funnily enough, persons with spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury have a higher rate of A-SPD at about +/- 50% from recent studies - higher than incarceration), but if I were beginning a differential diagnosis, I would begin within Cluster B, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, & borderline with the emphasis on the first. For those questioning my ability to be this specific, I'm not diagnosing, just saying that what is evident in the public domain certainly appears to match those criteria but without more data, it's just an opinion. :-)

  82. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I seem to remember reports from the campaign-trail that she, at least once, meet the reporters at the door with nothing but a towel on. I remember thinking at the time how unprofessional and weird that was.


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