Saturday, May 22, 2010

James Carville: BP is "going to take you (Obama Administration) down"!

I have tried to give my President the benefit of the doubt but I am no longer able to figure out why in the hell he is not doing EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to get a handle on this crisis in the Gulf of Mexico!

James Carville is a crazy Cajun lunatic sometimes, but he is absolutely correct about how badly our government is handling this.  The Obama administration is committing political suicide and they are using BP's illegally purchased handgun to do it.


  1. mocha5:18 AM

    Something was edited out at the 1:51 mark. It sounded to me like it was at least an entire question and answer by Cooper and Carville, because you hear Cooper's voice cutting off and then it comes back to Carville apologizing for slamming his own people in LA. I do agree though that the Obama Admin is acting like they think BP will act in good faith, and I think they are tragically mistaken.


    Well, heck. Have you looked at what his legal contraints are? BP's responsible and BP's 'in charge' at the moment, legally speaking. True, the company having to be FORCED to keep its legal committments, but none of those have anything to do with the federals or Obama.

  3. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Last night George Noory (
    read the report coming out of Russia about the
    real culpruts in the oil disaster. Nothing to do
    with BP inspection failures or equipment. The
    North Koreans sailing from Venezuela, attacked the
    rig. When that didn't do enough damage they went in a second time using a suicide submarine & torpedoed
    the site. That's the story, believe it or not. The
    Russians generally get things straight. This hell
    on earth they got going in the Gulf has ought to do with any screw-ups by BP. Remember when the
    swat team was sent in - which seemed extroadinary
    for 'a normal'-for lack of a better word, oil mishap

    The original info. (which I read over a week ago)
    is on The MSM here, routinely
    filters our news, digging deeper on our own is
    the only way to know anything. Can you imagine
    surveying that mess in the Gulf & people blaming
    you & screaming for you to 'clean it up!' & you had nothing to do with it.

    Sharon TN

  4. i have to ask what you think President Obama could have done differently. I think anyone, like Carville, who has a complaint, should have to give one or two alternative solutions that might have been tried. You say the Carville is absolutely correct, so perhaps you have a few suggestions as to how it could've been handled better. I love this blog, but I disagree with your holding Carville up as some sort of guru. He is getting paid, remember????

  5. Anonymous7:39 AM

    >>>why in the hell he is not doing EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to get a handle on this crisis in the Gulf of Mexico!

    So, Lets look at what has been done, so far with this, So called, STUPID adminsitration:

    Huh? Nothing is being done, you say. Seems like they are doing alot! Just that they are stupid, though, right carville? What about getting some scientists together to brain storm this problem?

    Chu delays China trip over oil leak! Check!

    What about the President finding out what really happened and making sure this never happens again?:

    Weekly address, independent commission! Check!

    What about not allowing BP any more contracts out in the gulf?

    Check and check!

    So, there you have it, the MSM and media are making shit up! It is BP responsibility. Can Government end the cozy realtionship with big oil, sure. Obama's Katrina? BULLSHIT!!! One thousand people died in that Cat 5 hurricaine, and we knew it was coming for 5 days, and three days after Katrina, FEMA was five miles out of the city while people were being murdered in the superdome(for food)!
    Stop the leak, you say. HOW! This is like an underground volcano, similar to the icleandic volcano. Is the President supposed to stop that too?!

  6. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Let's not be like the unlta-conservatives, and de-value what Obama does or doesn't do. In many matters, his hands are tied. Really, there is only so much a president can do in the political machine especially when there are eight years of laws and practices that were implemented by the previous administration.

  7. yukonark9:02 AM

    President Obama should pull a "Harry Truman" and federalize all the Gulf rigs immediately, giving the government total control over the workers, rigs, skimmers, and oil. At the very least, we wouldn't have to listen to that moronic BP president say it's a very small spill in a very big ocean.

  8. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Hold your horses! Just what do you want Obama "the hell" to do? Histrionic outrage? Unbridled speculation? The entire situation is complex legally, politically, logistically and scientifically. Look at what has been done, what has not been done; hearings, studies, multiple agency involvement, government contracts debarment, panels, lots of simultaneous separate efforts. Jobs on the line. Lawsuits galore. From where I sit, I can't generalize. The only real solution, in my mind, is for ordinary Americans to agree to dramatically change their lifestyles and take some personal responsibility.

  9. Anonymous9:32 AM

    anon 7:39 - There's compelling evidence that the
    strike on the rig & subsequent second explosion
    resulting in what amounts to a national & possibly
    beyond disaster, was the work of a foreign entity -
    namely the North Koreans. They've recently been accused of sinking a South Korean ship. Ask any
    service person who has served in that area about
    NK & their tactics. NK was definitly in the area,
    having just left port in Venezuela.

    It's doubtful anyone knows exactly what steps to take to remedy this tragedy. However, I'm wondering
    why they don't switch to available, proven-to-be-
    excellent non-toxic dispersants & oil absorbants like 'oil sponge' from Phase111, Inc., because
    workers are becoming ill due to the toxins they're being exposed to.

    Sharon TN

  10. James "The Shaved Cat" Carville is a sonofabitch who I hated when he was campaigning for Hillary Clinton, but applauded when he dutifully switched to supporting Obama at the end of the 2008 election. He is a smart-aleck, in-your-face, intelligent southerner married to a Repub, which makes him a suspicious character in my book.

    For one brief moment, I almost loved him when he laid a smackdown on Sarah Palin by saying "Wasilla City Hall looks like a bait shop" on Larry King's show.

  11. I fear there is nothing that can be done about the oil spill. Nothing. It's over. We can now only watch it run it's course.

    I believe this may be why Obama appears to be doing nothing, because his top advisors have told him there is essentially nothing that can be done. It's a message that will never be shared openly with the American public.

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Sorry. I can't agree with you on this one. Blaming the president for not doing enough to stop an unstoppable oil spill is a bit of a stretch. I don't agree 100 percent with the president, for instance, I do not support the continuation of the two wars. But on this, I can't find any reason to attack him.

    To elevate Carville to such a status is disheartening. It's clear that Democrats (like the teabaggers) are looking for any excuse to abandon this particular president, which I can't abide. I think I may have to move onto other anti-Palin sites. I'd been a loyal follower and appreciated your great reporting, but these constant attacks are too unfortunate. Keep up the good work otherwise.

  13. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Sharon TN, you are a loony.
    WTFH would NK ever even think they would not get their asses nuked if they pulled something like what your highly questionable (links???) suggest. I know NK is a rogue state, but please. For one second read what you wrote. The sources I googled were HIGHLY suspicious as in Mossad based and uber right wing nutter territory.

  14. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Sorry, Gryphen, but I have to agree with others about your attack on the President.

    He most certainly IS dedicating significant US resources to this problem and I'm not sure that even our best engineering and scientific minds have a handle on how to stop this geyser and clean up the mess.

    He even has the Head Exxon Valdez Disaster Guy on the payroll. I doubt there is anyone more equipped to form a workable plan than the guy who spearheaded the Valdez aftermath solutions. He had to have learned ALOT during that awful time.

    For anyone (not just Gryphen) criticizing the President's actions in this, I have one question: What MORE or DIFFERENT things do you think he should do?

    Our President is not an alarmist. He does NOT jump into the fray without having solid fact behind him. He is steady, calm, thoughtful, and takes his time to THINK before speaking. He has an excellent team behind him, that he waits to hear from before spouting off with stupid comments like "Great work, Brownie!" when no work has actually been done.

    He is also probably not divulging a tenth of what is really going on at the WH regarding this situation. He gives us enough to chew on, but the minutia and details are not being enumerated to the public on an hourly basis. That's fine. Let them do their work and not worry about updating us with every little thing. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they are combing every law in the land to find out just how hard the Government can punish BP and hold them accountable in cleaning up this disaster.

    It will take a cast of thousands to recover from this. Engineers, Scientists, Wildlife Professionals, Clean Up Crews, Economists (what economic loss can we expect?), Lawyers, Advocates, Judges, Small Businesses, Big Businesses, Environmental Agencies, BP MUST cooperate, etc.

    With all that is involved and at stake, I'm not sure, exactly, what one man is supposed to do more or differently than what is being done.

    If there's one thing I'm sure about with this President, it is that he will take the time to do it all as "right" as possible (unlike BP who STILL hasn't capped this gusher!) and will not rush into half-baked solutions that are doomed to fail. He also will not speak unless and until he has solid information that is, in his judgement, necessary to inform the public about.

    Remember... the TORTOISE won the race!

  15. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Carville is a big mouth out of power. What do you want? Should Obama swish out a cape, put on fancy tights and jump into the gulf and plug the leak with his mighty hand?

    As a Katrina survivor and someone grieving the loss of the best oyster beds in the country I know that even if Red Adair were alive capping that well would take an awful lot of time because the mechanics simply do not exist.

    I am hoping the Kevin Costner's machines (basically vacuums) do as advertised and suck up and clean the majority of the oil in the water as well as that vast amount that pours out every minute.

  16. Anonymous8:06 AM

    What comes around, goes around. Bush was blamed for Katrina. Obama will be blamed for this. The same people that are bending over backwards to give the president the benefit of the doubt were the first to condemn Bush.


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