Friday, May 21, 2010

Rachel Maddow discusses the fallout over her interview with Rand Paul.

I thought I would take a break from talking about Rand Paul and his bizarre belief about racism and the government's role in promoting civil rights.  However after seeing these segments on Rachel's show yesterday I knew that it was important to share them as she does an amazing job of clarifying what we learned about Mr. Paul and how important it is to understanding his point of view and how it relates to the teabaggers who support him.

In this second segment Rachel reports how other Republican Senators are responding to Paul's statements and what he has said in other interviews since she had him on the show.

By the way we are not finished being dumbstruck by the things Rand Paul says by any means, as just today I saw a segment on MSNBC where he said that BP should be allowed to clean up this oil spill without the government "putting its boot heel on the throat of BP" and that President Obama is "un-American" for criticizing them..

He actually made those comments as oil continues to pour into the Gulf with seemingly no means to stop it.

Here is the clip from ABC News. Pay attention to some of his other statements as well, especially how he tries to blame his troubles on DNC talking points and the MSNBC agenda to discredit him.  This guy is amazing!


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    someone has referred to Dr. Paul as "kentucky fried candidate" one can only hope the people voting in Kentucky agree.

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I used to have libertarian leanings until I lived in post-Katrina New Orleans. The truth is that at least 60% of people will behave very badly unless they have a government and its enforcers telling them to be considerate. I'm talking about people running stoplights and driving through residential neighborhoods at 75 mph at the risk of killing other people, not just the looting everyone saw on TV. It's the same mentality that leads people like Sarah Palin, once they get into positions of power where no one can tell them what to do ("I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't"), to behave so badly. People are shit. That's why we put up with government, to protect us from other people. Yeah, we sometimes need to be protected from the government, too, but the tea party only seems to want the government to protect them from having to live with people of different races, religions, and viewpoints.

  3. Just like corporate deniers claim there is no climate change, they lie about the extent and consequences of this horrific calamity. The mendacity is alarming, from government agencies and BP alike. Check out, "The want to hide the body":

  4. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Rand Paul's Libertarianism is an act. He wants a constitutional amendment that life begins at conception. NO control over business but he wants women of childbearing age to be wards of the state. AND he is against gay marriage and only in favor of ending the drug war on MEDICAL marijuana.

    All he wants is his own taxes lower, that is what all brain dead REPS want.

  5. Ratfish6:54 AM

    He's doing a great job transitioning from a teabagger to a republican- use weasel words to avoid stating his real position- that he would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because it has a section banning discrimination in private businesses- and then blame the media and the other party for criticizing his view.

    That's what people like Paul and Palin mean by "personal responsibility"- blame the other guy. For everything.

  6. I hope his misguided views makes it an easy win for Jack Conway. $P always supports the nastiest people in this country. Birds of a feather flock together.

  7. This is going to be an interesting game to watch: who can be the whiniest ass, this is not my fault, the MSM is out to get me, bla, bla, bla: Dr. Rand Paul or Ms. Bendy Straws. Of the hundreds of page of comments on HuffPo yesterday concerning Dr. Paul and his "I'm not sorry what I said, I'm just sorry I went on Rachel's show" I think it is going to be very, very difficult for him to overcome this. I hope the good people of Kentucky are paying attention.

  8. Ratfish9:10 AM

    And does Palin agree with his comments on private businesses being allowed to deny service to a black person, as well as his belief that BP critics are un-American?

    Can someone tween her Facebook ghostwriter and find out for us?

  9. Anonymous9:17 AM

    The GOP'S new dope. "In attempting to close the book on his controversial statements about the scope of the Civil Rights Act, Kentucky Senate candidate Rand Paul invited another round of intrigue and critique on an entirely unrelated front."

  10. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Rachel has handled all of this in he usual respectful, calm, intelligent manner (did you see any veins popping there, Sarah Palin?...not that Sarah Palin would ever watch a news program).

    The truth is, that, even as Rand Paul says that there should be no discrimination in public institutions, he wants to turn more and more public institutions into private institutions. He says that racial discrimination should not occur in public transportion, for example, but Libertarians wants transpotation to be privatized. Then Kentucky could go back to segregation on the trains that pass through their state.

    And, yes, as an earlier poster mentioned, Rand Paul, the man who wants to limit (and basically eliminate) government intervention into people's lives) supports making abortion illegal even in the case of rape, incest, and danger to the mother. A woman's body, apparently, is a public institution. He also thinks that gay marriage should remain illegal. I cannot comprehend how he can reconcile that with his libertarian politics.

    It's a shame that Dr. Paul can't stand by his convictions and come right out and say that he doesn't think discrimination should be illegal in private businesses and industries that serve the public. That's what he believes and, whether or not he is racist (we have to take his word on that), his ideas facilitate racism and are being heralded by the White Power crowd.

  11. Anonymous10:22 AM

    He's a total tool. BP is about as UNAmerican as you can get considering it is a foreign owned company (unless the Brits are still in charge of the USofA.) I guess dipshit Paul sort of forgot that in his haste to dis Obama. KY, what the hell have you done?

  12. home grown 7:44
    I have started a new blog, my first, I plan to regularly post articles advocating rights for cannabis consumers. I feel the war on drugs is unjust and a waste of resources, money and is a crime against humanity!
    My first article is about Sensible Washington and WestNet's seizure of I-1068 signed initiatives for the legalization of marijuana.
    But this is Gryphons blog and we ware getting off subject,
    I give you Kudos for not censoring Home Growns comment and I give you thanks for the hard work and time you put into making IM a great political activism blog, the truth is out there and I think one day you will find it and share it with us!


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