Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rachel Maddow reminds us that there is nothing new about oil spills, and that the one in the Gulf of Mexico is actually a rerun from 1979.

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I posted this Daily Kos link a few days ago, but now read it again after listenng to what Rachel has just said and see if it does not ring true to you NOW.

Not to freak you guys out, but that 1979 oil "spill" leaked for NINE MONTHS! 

After that disaster we did nothing to change how we get our energy needs met.  One has to wonder if THIS TIME we will finally learn our lesson.


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Yes, 9 months, the same company's well, I think and it was only 200 feet deep.

    I don't trust a thing that is being said by BP and will wait until someone more trustworthy informs us all.

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Rachel is always spot on. I loved her headline. It should have been "that was then, now is then"

    OT....check this out...Faux News "tv personality" has threatened JM.

  3. Anonymous8:17 PM

    1979 gulf well disaster was in 200 ft of water.
    2010 gulf well disater nearly a mile below the surface.

    in the interval NO new technology developed to handle a broken blowout preventer.

  4. FEDUP!!!8:48 PM

    There is *SOME* hope that we will finally grow some cojones:

    "EPA Takes On Texas Emissions Regulators"

  5. Same shit different day. Corporate egotists greedy regulators. A government that works not for the people. No regard for the climate. Defund education. I bet i will live to see the end of all humanity, i know that's an easy bet, but you get my drift.

  6. Anonymous4:06 AM

    The sight of infested waters and oil laden birds, oceans afire and ill workers, it's so heartwarming, it just makes ya wanna drill, baby, drill, doesn't it? Wink.

  7. Anonymous5:20 AM

    What about the infamous gas lines of the 70's? The violence, the irritation, the near-riots and anger just trying to fill your tank anywhere. . .nobody seemed to adjust their behavior there either.

  8. emrysa11:45 AM

    thanks for posting that gryphen. I did not know, but I do now, thanks to you and rachel.

    so sick of the greed.


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