Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shannyn Moore discovers that Joe McGinniss is by no means the most unsavory sort to live next door to Sister Sarah.

From the Huffington Post:

The home Joe McGinniss is renting used to be an Oxford House from 2005 until 2008. The tenants were men recently released from prison who were recovering addicts. What? No fence to protect sexy Sarah in her tank top? Dear God! Who was lurking in that house watching her children play?

The Palins themselves rented the home McGinnis is staying in for six months in 2009, but weren't interested in purchasing it. They didn't want to spend the money. Last October they were "done with the house". During the election, the Secret Service guarded the Palin home from the backyard now occupied by Mr. McGinnis. Here's a hint, Sarah - if you want to dictate who lives in the house, you should have probably bought it first.

It's predictable Palin.

So let's get this straight. 

Sarah Palin, and her precious children, have as neighbors a variety of men who have JUST been released from prison, for THREE WHOLE YEARS!  And during this time they do not feel concerned enough about their "safety" to either build a fence, or to raise a stink about the possibility of peeping toms or potential sex offenders living next door. Yet when a famous AUTHOR moves in to the very same house they go into a blind panic and act as if they are under siege from a terrorist?

Gee I wonder if she mowed her lawn while wearing shorts and a tanktop when the house was occupied with drug addicts and ex-cons?

And by the way didn't Sarah claim that she tried to purchase the house on the Glenn Beck show yesterday?  Is that yet another lie Ms. Palin?

Update:  It looks like the Palin media machine has recruited ABC to get THEIR version of the story out to the masses.

Wow they have really spun this segment in order to show Mr. McGinniss in the worst light imaginable.

I don't think there is any doubt that Sarah is in a blind panic and throwing every weapon she has in her arsenal at Joe to get him of the story.


  1. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Good Morning America - goes with Piper's bedroom angle

  2. Anonymous6:23 AM

    It benefits Sideshow Sarah to bitch, moan and whine about her new neighbor 1. to keep her miserable face in the press 24/7 (required by Uncle Murdie, I'm sure) and 2. to prove to the world just how Important She Is--someone actually wants to "SPY" on her and her family via the expense of renting the house next door. I hope Joe McGinniss writes a doozy of a book after all this!!

  3. Never a dull moment. Never non reactionary. never thinks. ALWAYS uses her kids.

  4. God I wish McGinniss would sue her for defamation of character. This is beyond the pale. Gryphen, is there nothing you can do? Or is Joe just laughing about this because all it will do is just cause him to dig in his heels and write his fingers off?

  5. Anonymous7:04 AM

    So, if Joe moves from next door to, oh say, next to an all-girl's private school, the authorities would automatically assume Joe is a pervert and arrest him?

    Go f**k yourself, Palin.

  6. imnofred7:06 AM

    Sarah Palin is no more than a media WHORE. She will do anything or say anything to keep herself in the news or to make her look like a victim. It is always about Sarah.

    I will never watch ABC again because they spun it to look like Sarah was being victimized. How does she continue to do this.


    She is getting out of control and is becoming even more dangerous as she plans her Presidential run. I hope between you and Joe, that a dagger can be put in her political career.

  7. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Sarah's antics on this is sure to make Joe's book a best seller!

  8. Anonymous7:09 AM

    What a self serving bitch...keep it up Sarah. Sarah, you have absolutely no regard for your own family's personal privacy every time you contact the media. No one feels sorry for you. You have brought this on yourself. By the way, did Track stay in that same rental house when he became an addict? What great media coverage for Joe's book. I will buy several copies to give away.

  9. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Hats off to Mr. McGinnis. Hope he fares well; he is so much a thorn in "what's her names" life now. Who would have thought? The media publicity will show her sheeple that she owns a luxury lakeshore compound near a commercial district. She ain't the everyday American afterall.

  10. that dumb blonde lawyer bitch at fox said the pic Trackker took and posted on FB looked like Joe had binoculars. they are insane and desperate. the fact the house has been occupied by real perverts shows just how scared she is. I LOVE IT!!!!!

  11. Just proves to me once again, that the MSM just regurgitates whatever PR crap is fed to them. Joe McGinnis is going to finally vet this whining self proclaimed victim. The "journalists (news readers) are no more investigative reporters than Ms. Palin is.

  12. Anonymous7:17 AM

    These people need to be on the Jerry Springer show.

  13. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I probably would not have purchased Joe's book before neighbor-gate. But with $P's reaction - I will be pre-ordering this future best seller and purchasing copies for friends and family!!

  14. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Wow, she is totally going apeshit over the skeletons in her closet being seen and exposed. Makes you wonder about a bunch of things - including just who is going in and out of that house all the time that would cast an unfavorable light on the Palins? Todd's thugs? Meth dealers so Sarah can stay tweaked when she phones in her TV segments? Four month pregnant Bristol?

  15. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I sure do want to read McGinnis' book now! $arah, you are protesting too much...

  16. Anonymous7:37 AM

    That fence is going to topple. The Palins better hope that no one gets injured when it does because their insurance carrier will likely not cover it because of the slipshod way it was constructed. I see "pain and suffering" going into the hundreds of thousands of dollars - plus maybe even a lawsuit by the owner of the property.

    Todd and Sarah really need to tear down their trashy attempt to screen their home and call in a surveyor to make sure the fence goes up without violating the property lines, call in fencing professionals, and follow what little code there is in Wasilla (eight feet, right?). Otherwise, they are just courting legal trouble.

    As for ABC - shame, shame, shame. I don't mind so much if they want to support Palin as long as they come right out and say so. But their coverage of this was a shoddy as the fence is. Whoever produced and participated in that segment violated several basic tenets of journalistic ethics. ABC might want to consult its legal team to see if they've opened themselves up to defamation charges.

    I, too, will be pre-ordering copies, even though I can ill afford to stretch my budget, but it's the least I can do to make the book a bestseller. At least it will sell honestly, not through conservative large-lot deals.

  17. This has suddenly, in my mind, become very unfunny. Look at the power this woman has!!! To my knowledge, Joe has done nothing but say "Hi". His very presence is apparently a huge threat, so she is able to have MSM all over the place up in arms about the imagined threat to her and her family. This woman is very dangerous and needs to be stopped now. So what do we do? Rachael is doing a great job. What can we do?

  18. OutOfSightOutOfMind7:44 AM

    Dear Mr. McGinniss,
    I think it would be an amazing feat if you wrote your newest book on..........anything BUT Sarah Palin. Don't even mention her.
    You rented a house in Wasilla, Alaska to get away from the hussle and bustle, so you could get down to work on a book.
    Don't you think that would be hilarious?

  19. Anonymous7:46 AM

    What does Joe know about Sarah? Enough to write his book, enough to push Sarah's buttons, enough to inflict fear, maybe. Does Joe have all the pieces of the puzzle? Does Joe know enough to remove Sarah permanently from the political scene?

    Game Changer didn't do it with "mentally unstable". I'm thinking Joe's book won't either.

  20. My My, the gift that keeps on giving, keep it coming Sarah...
    Hey, just to let you know my new book titled Shock and Awe on America has just been published and is available at

  21. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I hope ABC will get a Cease and Decease letter from someone's attorney. I rarely watch ABC, but I will tell them what I think on this one.

  22. mocha7:50 AM

    When the fence falls, it's going to fall off the posts and fall inward onto the Palins property. They didn't even have the courtesy to build the original fence with the posts on their side. They gave the post side to the neighbors. This is against code in most cities. The owner is supposed to put the nice side facing out. She is showing what an immature, unrestrained mentality she has.

  23. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I want to contact ABC regarding their slanted words and video of the Palin's house for they ommitted fact and to point out their new residence is the 6400sq foot reported house far on the other side of the red house. McGiniss is not responsible for the easement between the two houses.

    I ought not to be surprissed that while aquawking and ramping a campaign to destroy McGinnis's reputation, character, professionally and personally Palin invited ABC to video her property. IMO, for the news crew to knock on McGinnis's door orchestrated by Palin is way over the line of appropriateness.

    It would be fair for ABC to inform the public the "critical" piece McGinnis wrote was that the gas pipeline does not exist, has not been started. To Palin anything that does not repeat back her lies is an "attack" on her. True, factual truth is in conflict with Ssarah's whopping lies. Palin's popularity with the small percentage of people is due to people sucked into her lies e.g. what a strong woman..why she bilt the largesst gas! When I present truth to people the look on their fces is priceless..they stutter..when they fact check they feel violated due to the con artist lies. It is equivalent to having Tiger Woods as one's hero, model mislead he was moral, principaled and a true family man and father.

    On the phone with Beck, Sarah began her additional tactic putting it out there that McGinnis is an unsavory character suggesting he's been invloved in..creepy sstuff like her portraying Obama pals around with terrorists as in Osama Bin Laden terrorism..people who fly planes into buildings to destroy America.

    McGinnis is alreadying being harassed, targeted with a photo, his privacy invaded...all the things the Palin predators are orchestrating to preserve their webs of lies.

    Sarah could give a damn to protect her children with a history of exploitation, including a broken hyman for profit.

    Sadly, McGinnis unlike the POTUS and elected officials has no Secret Service protection. I anticipate the Palin's will set him up after Sarah campaigns to destroy him to people. The opposite is true of Palin, she's protecting only her self at her children' expense spewing poison using Piper as the target of a sexual predator.

    Palin has things in common with Charles Manson, able to convince people of things not real so they will do what their leader wants. I hope McGinnis does not come to his demise for it's Sarah' grandiose self or her "opponent" and for people like Sarah only one person can "win".

    The humiliation Joe McG i subjugated too is despicable, outrageous and without conscience by Palin.

  24. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Sarah shouldn't be calling herself a Republican because she is really a Reactionary. In fact, that's what the Tea Party should be calling itself as well. She and the TP react before they think - notice, I am giving them credit (well, the hope at least) for having the capacity to think. You really cannot be considered fit for office if you are this prone to emotionalism.

  25. You have to admit that is IS creepy to have someone who is writing a tell-all book on you to move in next door. But that being said, she is dealing with what people have to deal with all the time-- maybe not having people write books on them, but I had a neighbor who didn't understand that with three kids under the age of 4 that I often had a fussy or crying child and she (with one child) was convinced that I was abusing my kids and had children's services on her speed dial. She reported my lights being on "too late," hearing me swear (gracious!) and exaggerated how long my kids cried. I was freaked out, but in spite of her best efforts, the agency got bored and would show up after a while being friendly. There was a ditch between my house and the neighbor's so I couldn't put a fence up.

    Karma got the neighbor-- she moved away and later her child got involved in mischief of one kind and of another and she didn't have someone watching over HER.

    Palin is ultimately not a people's governor. She cannot relate to real lives of people and everything is about how she can cause a scene and draw on more publicity. What else would she be in the news for right now?

  26. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Okay, let's just focus on reality for a couple of seconds.
    How did this "issue" get out to the media? Who made this public? Who put this is in front of the press? Who generated "interest"?

    Sarah did.

    Let's review - Mrs. Palin uses Facebook as a PR instrument. She has a wicked serious highly-paid staff of PR people. They put a comment on FB; the media dutifully turns it into a story for her.
    So we've had the Highland Park basketball story, Arizona immigration law, Bristol's various stuff and a Mother's Day feature of the Palins and Piper's birthday, endorsements of politicians (that didn't go that well), a lukewarm response to the announcement of a new book.
    This is so transparently invented by Sarah. Not just a drop in the media's attention lately, but the Nikki Haley business got in front of her. She needed attention, distraction from the failures and this was perfect for that 'victimized outrage' that she does so well.

    This is a non-issue. Anyone can move in next door - anywhere, anytime. It's a free country, right, Palins?
    It's not as if they live on an exclusive gated estate and some guy secretly camped out behind the trees. How very Hollywood.
    Except it's not. It's Wasilla. The middle of Wasilla, in fact. By the Walmart and Fred Meyer's.

    If she wants privacy, it's easy.

  27. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Where is her "little garden" - I don't see it - and is that where she grows the blueberries for her welcome wagon pie?

  28. Anonymous8:22 AM

    The grift that keeps on giving.

  29. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Where can I prder a copy of Joe's book?

    When are the rest of the people in the know going to spill the beans on the Paylins?

    What about it Ivy & Meg?

  30. mommom8:25 AM

    In the Tractor pic,Joe is standing,looking away from the PAYlin house,smoking a cigarette. Real stalker.

    But if you check out the video closely,you see that the reporter is standing on McGinnis' property,not the PAYlin property. Old Joe may be pretty good at ginning up publicity himself!

  31. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Um....isn't ABC part of the 'lamestream media'?

  32. Anonymous8:28 AM

    This is more proof the woman does not make one decision based on "common sense". She acts opposite of common sense solutions, especially in securing a safe environment around her home.
    If she were my daughter and this was happening, I'd be saying: "Invest in the best security fence they have". "Buy that house next door".
    "Enjoy the summer with the children". Don't make a peep to the media, let the kids enjoy their mother's 100% attention."

    Sarah getting bottomless-pit attention addict Glen Beck involved doesn't help the kids, doesn't help their privacy, as seen by ABC reporters and the world now knowing where they live.

    She put her foot it the day she facebooked this and the only person to blame for this whole fiasco is the woman peering back to her from the mirror. Someone, anyone, intervention please!!

  33. Anonymous8:30 AM

    We are in familiar territory, there you go again Sarah, being for your brother-in-law Trooper Mike Wooten before you were against him. You spun that fearing for your life with that armed lawman when the marriage went south.

    Here you were for a men's half-way house next to your children before a respected writer moved in.

    Consistency, in her actions, her gutteral instincts, her speeches and victimhood.

  34. SixFeetTall8:30 AM

    Time to start contacting ABC News here: (Comment page) (Contact Us page) (Add comments) (Start a Palin topic- I would but I really have to go to work now.

  35. Anonymous8:33 AM


    "Fox News host Greta Van Susteren posted a photo of the finished fence on her blog, saying it's there "to protect against the 'Wasilla Stalker.'"

  36. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The owner of that house is a 65 yr old woman who also owns the adjacent property (on the other side of this rental) and a property in Anchorage.

    I doubt she has very much sympathy for the Palins, what with all the noise going on over there with planes, snow machines, 4 wheelers, etc., the Secret Service, boys and girls in and out, a Fox studio, tons of press in and out, etc, etc.

    The Palins are a bane to any neighborhood. Why would a quiet intellectual writer be worse? I'd love to have someone like him living next door to me. Of course, I haven't made an ass out of myself nationally and shown my total ignorance, so he'd probably not want to write about me. : )

    BTW, maybe to $P it's different having only one man living next door as compared to a group--that means more attention, doesn't it? How screwed up is a person like that?

  37. Forever Anonymous8:36 AM

    ...And they show the fence from Joe's I'd say they were tresspasing!

    I think the idea is to harass him, not let him work.

    Please, someone tell them, the book is written already!!!

  38. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Email abc

  39. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Anon@ 7:37 AM, I am in complete agreement with your post. Just want to add, what is there to hide. The public has been over run with this trashy family ever since an African American was elected as our president. The white men are paying her to say what they want to say, but are to cowardly. So for millions of dollars she says it for them. She can play victim all she wants, real women, since she likes to talk about real, do not want to be seen as a victim. She is a coward. Not a strong woman. She has used her body, not her mind to get where she is. Strong women do not act like her.

  40. Forever Anonymous8:42 AM

    anon@8:08 AM

    Yes Sarah called for help, but this time she is not crying wolf. This is it. "The rill dill", and she can't quit.

  41. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sidebar odds and ends.
    Mrs. Palin "warned" Nikki Haley on Facebook about the media:"I warned her and her family that she would be targeted...and she would be put through some hell."

    Okay, wait. Nikki Haley has been in the public eye professionally for more than 10 years and has actively served as a legislator since 2004. Why would she need Palin's advice about publicity?
    Up until Mrs. Palin's endorsement, it looked like she managed pretty well to keep her image clean. Advice to Nikki Haley - choose the company you keep wisely.

    Let's check in with Bristol. Okay, Dr. Drew, Candie's abstinence campaign, and a cool spread in an upscale magazine.
    Too bad Harper's Bazaar couldn't have featured the very hot, very interesting, very deserving Alaskan Olympic female athletes in $25,000 worth of evening wear. Man, that would've been spectacular! Those girls bust a move! Hockey, snowboarding and nordic skiing. Very very cute girls and in great shape. Now, THAT would've been quintessentially HOT.
    Vogue and Town & Country, ya might wanna take a note.

    Apparently, the other Palin girl on the Dr. Drew panel of unwed teenage pregnancies was not noteworthy. Yep, nobody noticed Kandace Palin Kasten on the far right, as well as in the Candie's red carpet photos. That's the "Naughty Monkey niece".
    But really, pre-marital and teen pregnancies are not a big deal in the extended Palin clan. Pretty standard for that family. A journalist should do a feature on that; it would be an interesting read. They could do a group photo and offer sound-bites.

  42. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Good for ABC to photograph the world famous fence. They need to update their story with correct information.

    I am not understanding the part about Piper's room. I thought that was upstairs and what she wanted blocked. ABC was filming from the neighbors and the upstairs room was in view.
    Todd did not build a high enough fence?

    The neighbors could build a look out platform for reporters with instructions not to trespass further and DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS. Tourism brings money to an area and an attraction like this is a gold mind. Palin is proud of that awful fence so I'm sure she will be proud everyone wants to view and take memories of her husbands handy work. Win win for all. Go Wasilla tourism!

  43. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Need any roommates Mr. McGinnis?

    I got time on my hands, I'd love to see Russia from your house!!!

    Can't wait to buy his book!! Even if I don't read it, I'll buy it!!!

  44. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Where is her "little garden" - I don't see it -

    Where is the "little garden" and how many times has she been seen in her tank and shorts with Trig strapped to her back while mowing. Why did no one report her for child endangerment?

    That fence has got to be a big safety issue and no one will call her on that? What is wrong with Wasilla?

  45. Forever Anonymous9:03 AM

    from Politico:

    "No one is stalking anyone," Joe McGinniss, Jr., a novelist whose father is the non-fiction writer, wrote in response to an email from a Palin supporter who confused his email address and his father's. (He shared the email with me.) "A woman was renting her house and sought out the author because the Palins had crossed her (owed her money for renovations she had done at their request and never paid her for). So she knew McGinniss was writing the book and found him and offered him the house."

    Sarah on Glenn Beck's radio show.

    "Todd had been trying to get a hold of her all winter long, because the house is vacant and we were going to rent it or even ask to purchased it, for fear of something like this happening, and couldn't get a hold of the neighbor and nest thin you know, there were new tenants in it. A new tenant."
    Oh, Dorothy, what did you do?

  46. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Check this out:

    Main Content
    "Palin neighbor sought author as tenant - Ben Smith: Palin neighbor sought author as tenantMay 27, 2010
    Categories:Sarah Palin.Palin neighbor sought author as tenant
    Sarah Palin's next-door neighbor sought out author Joe McGinniss as a tenant, McGinniss's son said.

    "No one is stalking anyone," Joe McGinniss, Jr., a novelist whose father is the non-fiction writer, wrote in response to an email from a Palin supporter who confused his email address and his father's. (He shared the email with me.) "A woman was renting her house and sought out the author because the Palins had crossed her (owed her money for renovations she had done at their request and never paid her for). So she knew McGinniss was writing the book and found him and offered him the house."

    Read more here:

  47. sally r9:07 AM

    Thank you SixFeetTall!

  48. I bet that ANY plans the paylins had to spend summer away from home have been abandoned to they can be victimized for the full 5 months. She wouldnt dare leave and not be able to try to police and control the situation and interfere with his research. She is scared folks, and its not 'cause he is next door. Its because he is on to her and she knows it.

  49. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Sarah's lack of concern for convicts living next door with a view of Piper's bedroom was a benefit to the likes of Massa Sarah for one simple reason:

    The woman cultivates and instigates situations to give fodder to her continuum of being a professional victim for her rabid rube's appetites.

    Alas, the convicts didn't perform to her expectations so her dog whistle to the minions that a pederast with a pen lives next door is the caters to her pity party.

  50. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Seems like Sarah is the one who made the whole mess public to start with, not McGinnis. She is the one taking unauthorized pictures of the man standing on his balcony,,,looks to me like he is looking out over the river or at a bird or somthing.

    SHE is the one who broke the stroy to attract more attention to her, because lets face it, her getting more attention is what it is all about. And now she is playing victim while at the same time she victimizes her neighbor.

  51. I just emailed ABC News management to let them know what I thought of their story, including them mentioning Palin's call in to Beck's show. If they mentioned that, they should have also mentioned how she did not disagree when Beck called McGinnis "creepy", a "stalker", and said McGinniss is a "peeper", implies he is a pedophile. Slander, anyone?

    ABC should have told people McGinniss is a bestselling author with a long career, several of his books made into movies, and that there is NO evidence he was attempting to spy on the Palins. Their journalism is littler better than Palin's. And I still don't believe she actually graduated back when she said she did.

  52. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I'm sure Joe will appreciate that he doesn't have to see the white trash that lives next door. Can you do anything about the smell, Sarah?

  53. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Something tells me this is a smokescreen to keep us from bringing up her connection to BP.

    That, and she's nuts.

  54. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Oh no! Now they are going to make the homeowner/landlord's life a holy living hell! I hope they don't try to dredge up any legal grounds on which to torture them and start sicking Van Flein on them.
    I just KNEW this transpired because the neighbor was pissed at the Palins. And I just KNEW the Palins would be sucky neighbors, inconveniencing everyone around them in their selfishness, never paying their freight, and NEVER keeping promises. And old Sarah...she can spew out the lies as fast as the real facts come in. Wow, what a talent!

  55. BPsucks9:43 AM

    When are you Alaskans going to call her out? She's a fake! Fake Alaskan! Fake pregnant lady! Fake gardener! Fake scared-of-creepy-neighbor-dainty-girl! Fake-breasted! Fake-haired! Fake college graduate! Fake governor who went shopping during work hours!

  56. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Every time that Sarah gives a speech, she mentions the troops and the fact that they are fighting to protect our freedom. "Do you love your freedom?" she screeches, to great applause.

    Yes, Sarah is for the freedom to shoot off her mouth, regardless of whether she tells the truth or not. What Sarah does not want to see is the freedom for others to report about her.

    We should all take a breath and remember how Sarah barred two reporters from her book signing in a public place. (Guess who).

    Sarah will not answer unscripted questions. Even placards or bumper stickers with critical comments are subject to police action and censorship.

    Letterman tells a lame joke and Sarah responded with defamatory comments, calling Letterman a pedophile.

    It was OK for recovering drug addicts to peer into the Palin Privacy for a few years, but an inquiring reporter is treated to the keep-out-of-the-book signing treatment. Let's guess which is cheaper: a hideously ugly fence that might fall down on a kid playing in the yard or curtains for Piper's windows. Seriously, I hope that the next big storm blows the thing into the Palin's Precious Private Palace.

    Sarah is acting like the ruthless dictator who controls the news in his own country. Sarah does want her freedom, but at the cost of other peoples' freedoms. Sarah is fond of saying that no one can tell her to shut up and sit down. (Or is it sit down and shut up?) Either way, she can't tell anyone else to sit down, shut up, stay away, don't write about her, don't say bad things about her, no criticism, no gotcha questions, no jokes, no looking, no nothing.

    And about the children, it's OK for Sarah to put her girls out there advertising the glamorous life of a single mother. She puts Trig and Tripp in every photo op. She drags Piper to a funeral. But, after she puts them out, front and center as validation of her family values, no one else can mention them.

    Joe is not there to peep on Piper. He said that he is writing a book, and Sarah just gave him amazing advance publicity. I can see the book jacket now-- a photo of the ugly fence, along with the subtitle: What Palin's fence couldn't hide! Thanks, Sarah, for the opening paragraph to the book, and thanks for showing us that you are so mentally unbalanced that one guy's presence could drive you crazy!

  57. With regard to the two previous comments above about the Politico story about the next door neighbor contacting Joe McGinniss Sr., per his son's account to Politico's Ben Smith...

    ...check out the comments from the Palinbots in that Ben Smith piece. They will not let go of the "pervert, pedophile, creepy, stalker" meme being pushed by Palin's willing media nsycophants. They're rather insistent, despite all evidence to the contrary, and in fact, the brouhaha being traced to Palin's paranoic insanity.

  58. Anonymous10:25 AM

    don't worry mcginnis will soon see that house is fit for no one. he was better off in the amityville horror house (it's on the market if anybody wants to live there). terrible things have happened in that house. from a missing family to a dismembered family. it was built on sour ground.

    Posted by: zappainfrance | May 27, 2010 1:12 PM | Report abuse

  59. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Stupid Sarah violates her kids' privacy every f'ing time she goes out. She herself couldn't take the Candidate Obama's bit about the kids being off limits when she's pimped them out at every turn.

    Hey honey, we're sick of you, Todd and your criminal Track and Willow kids, multi-pregnant, "Abstinence only" bimbo Bristol and even Piper and Grand-kid "Trig/Tripp before he was Trig," or whatever ridiculous name your grand kids have.

    May karma kick your ass for defamation of character, and your questionable deals on your bribe for TransCanada or what ever you are currently trying to hide.

  60. Anonymous10:59 AM

    The "news reporter" didn't even knock on the front door. He knocked on the back door. I'd be creeped out if somone came to knock on my back door! particularly if hte only way to get there was from the lake.

    curious how the only house you an see on the lake is SP's. The rest of them have trees blocking the view of the house.

    Just why did Joe McGinniss respond to the "reporter"? I thnk I would have ignored him - said with all the wisdom of knowing hardly anything about the whole situation and what transpired before and after the taping.

    Well, off to pre-order Joe's book.

  61. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I sent a note off to ABC regarding Palin (negative, of course!). This woman needs to be stopped. She truly is the most vindictive human being I've ever seen. Lived next door to people released from prison...for three years...and never said a word, at least publicly. Is she so evil that she can really stop people from talking? Where is Meg and Ivy? Did she really give each a substantial amt. of money to keep quiet about their history w/her? Has anyone tried to contact them in the circle of the bloggers? This woman needs to be brought down in a BIG and PUBLIC way!

  62. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hey Teeluck, Congratulations on your book! It's not easy getting a book published & may it be a best seller.

    Sharon TN

  63. Anonymous1:47 PM

    God, that house is fucking hideous...just like $arah herself.

  64. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Does Joe's book have a name yet ? I would like to place a pre-order too. What do I do - just go to amazon and search for Joe McGinnis; and then is there a link for pre-ordering future books ? Thankx !

  65. If someone knocked on my back door, I would answer it with gun in hand. NO doubt about that. Of course they would have to get past my little tan terror girl, a 45lb. real American Pit Bull Terrier.

  66. Anonymous2:09 PM

    "Going To Extremes" - is that the name of the book he is working on while living next to SP ?

    Here's a synopsis:

    This is the fourth edition of a work that always has been controversial in Alaska. Yet, it is an important and highly readable classic work that captures a portrait frozen in time of a raw state in turmoil during the oil boom. McGinnis went north to find out if there was anything left of the 'last frontier.' He found 'mind-bending contradictions,' as a previous publisher put it--greed, waste, addictions, and racism, among other things, that contrasted with an awesome untamed natural beauty and an honest, open, and independent spirit of the people.

  67. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I usually appreciate your thoughtful coverage and tracking down of the news.
    I have one complaint: I don't think your headline on this article ought to use the word "unsavory". Having professional and personal experience with people with alcoholism and/or drug addiction, I think trying to work a recovery program is always a good thing. Your wording does harm to people working their butts off to make a better life. Please consider another headline. Many thanks.

  68. Anonymous5:53 PM

    So it was wrong of ABC to knock on McGinniss' door but perfectly fine for Levi and Kathy Griffin to knock on Sarah's?



  69. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Check the photos and the video.

    ABC went to the front door.

    At least they didn't bring 500 protesters like SEIU did.

  70. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Wow. After reading the Huffington Post story and associated comments, I have to concur with Palin's concern, and the folks that can't see this obvious intrusion are very blind.

  71. Anonymous5:47 PM

    You go Joe McGinnis!!!! I love your books. Sarah has met her match, if anyone can expose the loud mouth immature money hungry Sarah Palin Joe can. Go Joe.!!

  72. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Do any of you people actually think for yourself?
    Palin has her bad points, but you fools actually believe that he didn't move into the house to dig up as much info as he can above and below the belt? Why don't you idiots check out Joe's credentials on some of his books and see how he has been discredited BEFORE you start labeling him a hero. There are 2 sides to this story as always.

  73. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I would like to know how to get in touch with this author...I have intel that shows Palin resigned less than 24 hours after an email was sent to her parents best friends...Levi speaks the truth in the HUGE trust fund that was stolen.
    and the kid whose money was spent like water was embezzled and trasferred around when Palin was in she pulls stunts to " get rid of" the trust fund holder..when the trustee reports it to state authorities more drama now it's to the point of a federal court appearance so I thought the author might want an angle on Palin that was manufactured by those around her and she just jumped right in the crimes with them most are sitting back thinking...hows all that working out for ya now?


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