Friday, May 21, 2010

Rand Paul's ideas about civil rights falls in line with the view of many of his fellow Teabaggers.

Having spent all morning preparing to answer questions "straight from the DNC playbook" Rand Paul cannot help but think he may have forgotten something.

From the Daily Beast:

Interviews with Tea Party organizers indicate that Paul’s views on civil rights are hardly an anomaly among the movement. While several Tea Party activists were careful to stress that the CRA and race in general were irrelevant to their current political program, they nonetheless indicated either broad tolerance or full-on agreement with Paul's position on the law.

Paul’s argument is nothing new in libertarian circles, dating back to Barry Goldwater’s famous opposition to the 1964 law. What’s so surprising to many observers is that these arguments are still out there 46 years after the bill passed: Paul’s father, former presidential candidate Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, has explicitly denounced the CRA on similar grounds to his son, and the current executive director of the Libertarian Party, Wes Benedict, indicated to The Daily Beast that his organization was on board with Rand’s critique.

“In general, we don’t like the federal government regulating businesses and private property,” Benedict said.

Robin Stublen, a Tea Party activist in Florida, told The Daily Beast that Paul and his father’s position “doesn’t make them racist,” and that he shared their views.

“Whether a sign is on a door or placed in a window doesn’t change the heart of the man who owns the restaurant,” Stublen said when asked about the CRA. “And first it’s one thing, but now the government is telling me how much salt I should eat or whether I can have soda—why don’t they just come in and burp me after dinner?”

I kind of thought that after Rand Paul made those ridiculous statements that the people who supported him might get a case of buyers remorse, but now it looks as if they indeed got the candidate that best reflects their point of view. And that is a frightening thought indeed.


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    And he just bailed on his scheduled appearance on Meet The Press. Chickenshit loser. Yay Sarah, you know how to pick em!

  2. 10catsinMD1:29 PM

    I guess people just would not mind how much poisons are in their food. Think of China and the babies who died from formula problems. Pet food contaminated to make a buck. Lettuce here in this country with salmonella on it.

    Sorry, I think is absolutely stupid. The end justifies the means. Anything for the almighty dollar. Has nothing to do with individuals or business. It's all about greed and carelessness.

    A small diner in Arkansas or Kentucky does not buy locally. He buys cheaply from large food distributors to save his bucks. He does not care what is in the can as long as he can make it taste good. Rats, dog, cat, or roaches, and maybe a little meat.

    If you want to put religion and ten commandments, or better still, the seven cardinal sins, they would all describe the "sins" of the business world. We have just witnessed the financial crisis of the past few years that is the end result of what Mr. Paul wants.

  3. This guy could seriously become you know who's replacement in the party. He's everything she is except stupid and uneducated. How about that? She may have unleashed her own nemesis!

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Here's hoping the teabaggers go blind. Then get MS. The kind that leaves 'em blind & in a wheel cahir. Then ask 'em.

  5. Anonymous2:33 PM

    He's just the tip of the crazy.

  6. Irishgirl2:42 PM

    Floyd, that is what I am thinking too.

  7. “In general, we don’t like the federal government regulating businesses and private property,” Benedict said.
    I have a few choice words to say about deregulation:
    1) Enron /Electric
    2) The S&L Debacle
    3) Glass-Steagall Act /current Wall Street banking crisis
    4) The Oil industry /record high profits /BP
    Deregulation is sold by saying money will be saved but the said money is really just higher profits!

  8. Anonymous3:09 PM

    "When does my honeymoon period start? I had a big victory," Paul told George Stephanopoulos on "Good Morning America" today.

    You don't get a honeymoon when you slept with the bridesmaid and crowed about it, loser.

  9. Anonymous3:39 PM

    There really is no other word or concept that describes what Rand Paul and his ilk are talking about: it is de facto racism and discrimination based on appearance, condition, or gender-orientation. All are not hallomarks for a civilized decent society. Anyone who subscribes to the idea that business owners or their employees can treat their fellow citizens in a humiliating or harmful way should be ashamed of themselves.

    I am glad the CRA and the ADA are both settled law. I wish age discrimination laws were as effective.

    You can talk about how you are not racist all you want, but if you think businesses that serve the public can pick and choose who they wish to sell to or service - then that is racism or other forms of discrimination just as insidious: age, weight, handicaps, et cetera.

    How about the mixed-race family or the family of color with small kids or teens on a road trip? What happens when one of them has to go to the bathroom? You can take along food, but going to the bathroom in a can or bottle (or by the roadside) is not healthy, safe or comfortable.

    What about the folks who need to get prescriptions filled or basic drugstore items? Are they just supposed to do without if they live in an area with only one or two options and both want to exercise "their private business rights" to decline to service people they don't like or feel comfortable around?

    If Rand Paul were my son, I would be deeply ashamed. If Ron Paul were my father, I would be ashamed and mortified. Our country still has a long way to go still on these issues, but I am proud that we've come as least this far and are struggling to go further to ensure that all our citizens are treated with dignity and given equal access to facilities and services.

    If Rand and Ron Paul represent Libertarians, I want nothing to do with it or those who adhere to it.

    I watched a History Channel program this afternoon called Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History. If you can, watch it. You can get it through Netflix as well. I swear, you can hear echos of that hideous organization's philosophy of hate in what Rand Paul and those like him are advocating now. It's just softened a bit for wider distribution, but the hate is still there.

  10. Anonymous3:50 PM

    ". . .but now the government is telling me how much salt I should eat or whether I can have soda—why don’t they just come in and burp me after dinner?”

    But these are the chubby fuckers that need emergent care off medicare, medicaid and disability because of their free market driven eating habits. Processed crap all over the place.

    Even with all the wealth of wild game in Alaska, Sarah still prefers Tace Bell crunch wraps.

    God help us, the future benefactors of the exceptional Texas BOE educational standards and Tea Party Moral Majority.

  11. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I'm mystified by the enormous pressure the MSM has brought to bare on Rand and the Libertarian platform. There's blood in the water and they are nailing him!

    At least he has the aw-shucks small town Doctor guts to speak with the press. Never mind that he falls apart the moment he is asked to defend, show examples of or correct policies he is critical of.

    THIS is the microcosm of why Sarah don't do interviews. She's a shrewd one she is. She spouts ftard from her ivory tower and hides behind Piper (and Trig) also. Too.

  12. I didn't think anyone in the political arena could top Plain as "worst-dressed," but hey RAND PAUL - I don't care if the tv station only shows you from waist up - WHO goes out in public in their boxer shorts and tennis shoes?
    All Paul and Palin have left is FOX viewers and facebook. Everything else is "gotcha journalism" and "lame stream media."
    Good luck with that. Even with a couple of million viewers (FOX), that represents under 2% of voters.
    I am starting to hear more and more Republicans dissing Palin - here in CA, a top Republican said that if he would be EMBARRASSED to be endorsed by Palin.
    Floodgates are opening (finally). The sheep will follow, and the digs on Palin FROM HER OWN PARTY are going GUSH out.
    I always believed it would be the Republican machine to take her down. It is happening, and I am sooooooooo glad.

  13. emrysa5:37 PM

    I actually love this picture of this guy, because it shows what a fraud he is.

    put the tie and coat on because you will only be filmed above the waist, but leave the shorts and shitty shoes on below because you're too fucking lazy to even put on a full outfit. he can't be bothered to look professional. it screams "fake."


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