Saturday, June 19, 2010

Are You F**king Kidding Me!

From Raw Story:

Bill Randall, a North Carolina Republican candidate for Congress, is calling for a "thorough investigation" into whether President Barack Obama's administration colluded with BP to allow the Gulf oil spill.

"There were procedures that were violated by BP that the federal government signed off on, safeguards that decades of engineering wherewithal and knowledge told them that this way the way to do it," Randall told reporters earlier this week. "They intentionally bypassed that and the safety was compromised."

Randall continued: "I’m not necessarily a conspiracy person, but I don’t think enough investigation has been done on this. Someone needs to be digging into that situation. Personally, and this is purely speculative on my part and not based on any fact, but personally I feel there is a possibility that there was some sort of collusion."

Really?  This dimwit actually believes that President Obama is the reason for this spill?  Was he unconscious for the last eight years? Does he not know how Dick Cheney held secret meetings with oil officials that helped to minimize regulations and allowed the oil companies carte blanche in taking short cuts and imperilling our planet?

Oh I am sorry he is a Teabagger, of course he does not know what he is talking about.  What was I thinking?

Even his own hometown newspaper could not believe how insane this guy sounds.

Making such groundless accusations without even the flimsiest corroboration will add nothing to the national dialogue on cause, response, accountability and how to prevent such an unprecedented environmental catastrophe from ever happening again.

There’s nothing wrong with healthy skepticism and looking for the story behind the story. However, mixing in large doses of paranoia and innuendo is counterproductive.

No wonder  this group has chosen Sarah Palin as their representative.  What a group of ignorant finger pointing idiots.


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I hope, once this election cycle is over, that all these crazies retreat back into shadows from whence they came to wither away from lack of oxygen and input to the brain.

  2. Truth is, Americans enabled the politicians who enabled BP to operate in such a careless and shoddy manner. You only have yourselves to blame.

    But will you learn your lesson from this and hit the streets in protest until you change things?


  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Perhaps the bagger should read Media Matters For America, June, 18, 2010-Right-Wing Media disappears Bush in assigning oil spill blame. Under Bush federal offshore drilling regulatory standards were relaxed, and plagued by ethics scandals. Very informative, but sure the cons will try to gloss over. Sound like someone you know, Gryph?

  4. First Class ticket on the Woo-Woo Train!

    honestly, let them keep talking like this. I hope all the Rethugs get even more crazy! And I hope they all continue to profess their love for BP and Big Oil and Big Corporate America.

    These clips will be played on endless loop this fall and in 2012.

    If the Dems can't find a way to make this work to a progressive advantage, then there really is no hope for this country.

    In no way implying that I believe the Dems are doing a smashing job right now with control of all 3 branches ... simply acknowledging the harsh reality that it will be sooooooo much worse if the Rethugs manage to recapture Congress in November.

    If you think nothing's getting done now, just wait to see what happens should the rethugs get any power

  5. "I’m not necessarily a conspiracy person, but" ... LMAO!!!!!

    I must confess, it is absolutely mindboggling how all of the GOP and much of the media can blather on about "THE SLUSH FUND" and "the shakedown" and Obama's "personal ATM machine"

    how on earth do these people completely eliminate all memory of Corporate Welfare Queen Dick Cheney.

  6. sallyngarland,tx10:35 AM

    The Teabaggers are like of a bunch of people,who were never popular, finding a way to finally be recognized.

  7. emrysa10:37 AM

    well if this dude wants a conspiracy, he would do better by looking to cheney and halliburton.

  8. Anne In DC11:00 AM

    This knuckledragger is positive proof that stupidity and ignorance come in all colors. All he can do is regurgitate GOP nonsense in all it lunacy.

    If the fact that he is black is supposed to make the Tea Party look more inclusive, that is an epic fail. It just shows that nuttiness is no respecter of race.

  9. Wonder what this guy thought about 9/11? Guess he didn't see anything in the way of a coincidence in everything that happened that day but somehow turns this tragic environmental and loss of human life into a conspiracy! Where do these morons come from? Crawl back under your rock, you idiot.

  10. " Personally, and this is purely speculative on my part and not based on any fact,....."

    Well, at least HE admits he is delusional - unlike someone else we know.

  11. FEDUP!!!11:34 AM

    We can all talk about how ridiculous *they* sound, and how *they* will never be elected.

    However, IMHO, we just had a dry-run of *them* trying to figure out just *how* deeply we care by putting up Al Greene in SC. We all looked at the results, said something like 'no-way-in-hell' did he get the 59% votes by NOT running, NOT putting up flyers, etc. But none of us does anything about the KNOW corrupt voting system. It has been documented at the least since 2004 already, when Diebold famously said they would make sure gwb (sic) would get the votes in Ohio.

    I don't understand how the Dems - *supposedly* in power for a couple of years already - have not made the voting machine issue their #1 priority. We see it all over the country - in Southern California, in SC, in Virginia, in Ohio, etc.


    Until the voting machine issue is addressed, we will not have proper elections. One more telling thing about that was, that Ohio refused to have International observers watch the elections.

  12. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I can imagine gtawd and scarah in a submarine...

  13. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Yes, because BP would have been happy to tank their stock price, ruin their international reputation, make themselves a target for a hostile takeover by another Oil Company, agree to place $20 BILLION DOLLARS in escrow to pay for claims to Gulf residents affected by the spill, and "ruin" Tony Hayward's life (and perhaps likely end his career as BP's CEO), all to go along with some nefarious scheme by the Obama administration to destroy the Gulf of Mexico.

    Mr. Randall says he has no proof whatsoever that any collusion between BP and obama actually happened of course, and he has given no reason why Obama or anyone in his administration would want to do so. It's just a feeling he has. And, of course, he's not a "conspiracy person" necessarily. Nor would he state for the record why he believes that either Obama or BP would want to jointly create the worst environmental disaster in American history. But there should be an investigation. Just because.

  14. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Smoke and mirrors guys.
    There very well could be something evil that occurred, but this adminisration certainly isn't behind it. it's probably been in the works for awhile with Darth Cheney helping to orchestrate. Then Obama gets sunk with it.
    I think it will be very interesting to see who, if anyone, was on the rig for the few months to weeks before the disaster. Also, who was pulled OFF the rig who should/would have been there when the disaster happened.
    Nothing nothing surprises me anymore.

  15. WakeUpAmerica12:36 PM

    To thestraightgoods,
    It's difficult to stop enabling someone if what they are doing is done in secret. You see, it's a secret, so we don't know about it. So what perfect country do you come from? I might want to move there. We're definitely stuck on stupid here.

  16. WakeUpAmerica12:38 PM

    To Kellygirl,
    And how do they also overlook the farce of the Exxon/Valdez settlement? Oh yeah, it wasn't in their backyard.

  17. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Seems like he's taking a page from the Stupid Sarah book of 'media savvy.' Say outrageous shit and watch the MSM flock like moths to a dumb flame.

    Better be careful what you wish for Billy -- during the course of your thorough investigation you just might end up implicating some of those nice white racists you're trying to impress.

  18. I am afraid this is just a drop in the bucket as this oil contamination plus the dispersents moves up the east coast the crazy will come out of the woodwork.

  19. This is so embarassing! I'm forever explaining the vast differences between North and South Carolina, and then some loon shows up in NC. Yes, there are a few. But this state went for Obama and replaced the ever popular (NOT) Liddy Dole with a Democrat. We're working hard to replace Richard "Bank Run" Burr (Google it ;-) in the fall.

  20. Aussie Blue Sky5:42 PM

    Question: Is it plagiarism when you recite someone's else's right-wing dogma virtually word for word? Sometimes adding "Simply put" in front of the lifted phrases?

    Simply put, Randall's positions were lifted almost verbatim from Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown's campaign platform, from a Republican National Committee website, and from a 1960 statement of principles written by M. Stanton Evans, whom you may recall — as I do — from the Barry Goldwater campaign.

    Bill Randall is just the usual cheating conservative trash ...

  21. What could be the possible benefit that Obama would reap from the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico? Sure, he made mistakes which were listening to BP/MMS and believing them. Our experts are all now flexians whose loyalties do not lie with the government or the good of the environment or the people of this country. Clearly we can't even organize the cleanup as even the coast guard is directed by the oil industry and there was no system in place for a large spill to begin with. Slowly changes are being made, but they have to be in place before the disaster, the organizational structure for a clean up has to be in place prior to the oil being in the water to mobilize and prevent it from reaching shore. Of course the main problem was in issueing the permit to drill the well without clear evidence they could take care of a leak at that depth and knowing MMS was a chaotic, corrupt, dysfinctional mess.

  22. yukonark8:18 PM

    Wow! I didn't know this. However, I do happen to know, on good authority, that elves bake cookies in trees.

  23. Let's all pray that real thinking Americans will band together and deal with this in a sane manner.


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