Saturday, June 19, 2010

Palin endorses another "mama grizzly". This one, Star Parker, is an ex-welfare "mama grizzly" who has had four abortions and once attempted to sue the White House.

Here is the endorsement from the Star Parker for Congress website:

"I'm proud to endorse Star Parker for California's 37th Congressional District. Star has an incredible story and a passionate commitment to her community and our great nation. Rising up from being a single mom on welfare, Star worked hard to build a non-profit network that seeks to reduce poverty and create a brighter future for America by promoting free market solutions and personal responsibility.

"There is no doubt that she will bring a new level of enthusiasm and energy to Washington for American values, limited government, and economic growth. She's a dynamic leader who is committed to building a more prosperous environment for the families in her district and ushering in positive change. Please join me in supporting Star and her message of hope, opportunity, and self-reliance."

Even though Star Parker is African American, and we all know how much difficulty Palin has with the black community, she is definitely wing nutty enough to earn a Sarah Palin endorsement.

For one thing she once attempted to sue the White House because in order to learn what kind of misinformation about the health care bill was being disseminated, and by who, they asked the American people to send that information to them.  Oooh bad White House for trying to learn who was lying about your intentions, bad!

And not only does she not support abortion (Hey she got hers, screw you other people!), but she also does not believe in gay marriage, birth control, or even EVOLUTION!

So like I said, skin color aside, she is a perfect candidate to receive the "Sarah Palin mama grizzly seal of approval!"

If you are thinking to yourself right now, "Where have I heard Star Parker and Sarah Palin mentioned together before?" You are probably remembering the incident way back in August 2009 when Sarah, who had been completely off the radar since her sudden resignation, was supposed to make her triumphant return to the spotlight and join Ms. Parker in an event at Changepoint church in Anchorage.  Unfortunately for Ms. Parker Palin blew it off, just like three other previously scheduled appearances, because...well because her plastic surgery had not quite healed yet actually.


  1. BP sucks4:08 PM

    4 abortions! And, now Parker claims to be opposed to abortions? Yeah sure...she's the black Sarah Palin allright.

  2. AKMom4:15 PM

    Pssssssssst, Gryph? Are you sure this is what you meant to say? If you are thinking to yourself right now, "Where have I heard Star Jones and Sarah Palin mentioned together before?"

    Star Jones? You mean Star Parker, right?
    Hard to keep all the stars aligned....


  3. laprofesora4:55 PM

    I can't watch the video because I can't stand Elizabitch. But if Scarah endorses this woman, that's all I need to know. She must be a nutase, too.

  4. I watched The Handmaiden Thursday night. I have seen it a few times and always think that it seems the Right is trying to lead us there. I don't want America to turn into a country run by the bible. By people like this lady or anyone like her.

    I believe that one's spiritual belief is a personal matter. Not a belief that should be taken away but not forced on anyone either.

  5. Thanks AKMom. I fixed it.

    You know I think I made that same gaffe back in August when I wrote about Sarah skipping the event.

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Funny how good Christian women like Star and Sarah who are so conservative about sex for everybody else and only being for procreation, make sure to display their own sexual charms (i.e. knockers) by wearing sexy outfits and flashing some cleavage.

    Star Parker comes across as laughably stupid. Since so many Sarah fans hate Obama because he's black, the quitter's support for this moron who also happens to be black is going to put her racist supporters into a real (and comical) bind.

  7. FEDUP!!!5:02 PM

    O/T: HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all you fathers out there, and to you, 'Uncle' Gryphen, specifically!

  8. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Hey now, you know the only moral abortion is THEIR abortion.

  9. FEDUP!!!5:09 PM

    Another O/T:

    I wish the news organizations would show their balls in regards to the twitter quitter like they did here:

  10. laprofesora5:10 PM


  11. angela5:21 PM

    Star Parker is what happens when you are a hypocritical turd--then can't stand that the rest of the world isn't as scarred as she is--so decides to judge them. She's a disgusting woman.

  12. ...same initials...same lack of brain power...SAYING WHATever suits them atthe moment...

    Parker & Palin what a joke! She quotes some mixed-up numbers there...kinda misleading...she needed to point out that of those 19% of Blks who admit that they are Reb, it is a certain percentage of that numbere who are right winged.

    ...somebody tell her that the USA has this think called 'Seperation of Church & State" That many cities/states reconize that a family is NOT JUST a Mom and Dad...

  13. Anonymous5:31 PM

    They have so much in common. They both believe we should live by biblical laws they both had abortions oh wait I forgot Sarah had a miscarry that was written over an abortion white out. My bad.

  14. I'm African American, and Star Parker is African American, but the similarities stop there. I'm sane, she's not.

  15. Anonymous5:49 PM

    People like Star Parker and Sarah Palin are both shallow, callow thinkers.

    I note Star said "according to my interpretation" when she made one pronouncement about what is Biblical.

    Does she even grasp the egotism, the self-aggrandizement in that statement? Of course not, it's all about her - what she believes. Just like Saintly Sister Sarah - me, me, me.

    Both SPs seem to have Messiah complexes. They are running to grab power to transform this sinful nation into a godly one.

    Only problem with that is that their vision of godliness is defined solely by their own limitations. They have an infantile vision of right and wrong and of the world in general.

    Parker, like Palin, preaches but never listens. Others at that table were professing to be good Christians, but their understanding of their faith was different than Parker's.

    I honestly think Jesus would not pass Star Parker's threshold of what a good Christian is suppose to be. After all, He was said to forgive, to love everyone, to be kind and patient, to understand that he, too, was flawed. My goodness, Ms. Parker doesn't seem to think she is flawed at all - just like Ms. Palin.

    If there is a God or force of Goodness, I ask Him/Her/It to deliver us from these self-righteous egotists. Please beam them up now and let the rest of us continue on our struggle to live our lives as best we can in a way that allows us to get along. We do not need these hate-filled power seekers.

  16. Anonymous6:08 PM

    As a Californian, all I can say is thank goodness this woman doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being elected because it is a pretty safe Democratic district. But I am sure there are plenty of places in the country where an ignoramus like this would be elected.

  17. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Four abortions but she doesn't believe in either abortion or birth control? Sounds like she was using abortion as her only form of birth control. Everything is according to their own interpretation - the bible, the constitution. Where do these people come from?

  18. emrysa6:28 PM

    well well well, sarah finally found that token black person to round out her diverse endorsement slate. of course there is no way in hell that it was going to be somebody sane.

    I can't wait to see the 2nd quarter numbers - I wonder just how many of her endorsements were backed up with money?

  19. womanwithsardinecan6:28 PM

    I looked at some of Ms. Parker's views, and they have that same cherry-picking lack of logic that her type always had. She has the gall to use that old essay, "The tragedy of the commons," to bash the public sector. The essay was about population growth, carrying capacity, and the inherent tendency for human beings to selfishly consider only their own benefit, even if it ultimately damages their own lives and the lives of their children (ie, pollution of air and water). I am deeply insulted by people who take such things out of their proper context. Sarah does it all the time, and from what I read of this woman's beliefs, she makes a habit of it too. And boy is she self righteous about her Christian conversion. Whooee! Another arrogant, ignorant fake Christian who wants to change us all over into her image. No thank you, Ms. Parker. You may keep your nutty ideas.

  20. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Preach anon 5:49, preach!

    These people are very short-sighted in their thought processes. It just makes me wonder (and cringe at) what this country would truly look like if we all had the misfortune of living under their bastardized version of Christian, do as I say, but not as my morally and ethically bankrupt friends and family do way of rule.

    It does bemuse me to witness the ego on these nitwits to presume that they know better than I do how I should conduct my life. Believe me, I look at their behavior and immediately know to do the opposite.

  21. Anonymous7:14 PM

    LOL! OMG this is the funniest thing. I have family and friends who live in the 37th District. I spent most of my young adult life in Long Beach and I know this community very well. Does Scarah really believe her endorsement will help Star Parker win? (ha ha ha ha). Star Parker is a snake just like Scarah.

    Star might as well kiss her chances of winning goodbye. Sarah’s endorsement has sealed the deal for Laura Richardson to win.

    I assume these two hypocrites truly believe the largely populated African American, Latino, and Asian communities in California’s 37th District are really stupid. Scarah’s constant racist innuendos and bashing of the First African American President is something we, African-Americans find very offensive and each time she opens her mouth we are constantly reminded of the hate during the Civil Rights movement. Endorsing an African American woman does not hide the fact that Scarah is full of shit and a RACIST!!

    The Latino community; well all I have to say is ARIZONA. No further explanation is needed. The Asian community in this district, mostly Cambodian and Vietnamese has a large gay community. Therefore that ban of Gay marriage thingy doesn’t help either.

    Congressman Laura Richardson of California’s 37th District is a highly respected leader in this community. You see, she’s admired because she doesn’t denigrate those who are less fortunate. Laura is an intelligent woman who had her first job at the age of 12. She graduated from UCLA and USC and spent 14 years in the private industry. She left the private industry to serve her community. This is what taking personal responsibility is all about. Laura is the type of female we African Americans support, she’s a true inspiration. Now Star Parker,do as I say and not as I do candidate, is so transparent we see right through her and we don’t take too kindly to hypocrites.

  22. mommom7:56 PM

    I wonder how she paid for college? She admits having been a welfare cheat,having 4 abortions,etc.So she feels that she should get a hand up to better herself and then turn around and not let others do the same.I guess she is special,like Mrs PAYlin?

  23. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Anon 4:56 PM said, “Star Parker comes across as laughably stupid. Since so many Sarah fans hate Obama because he's black, the quitter's support for this moron who also happens to be black is going to put her racist supporters into a real (and comical) bind.”

    Sarah’s followers will support Star because they are stupid and they will also support her because they don’t want to be labeled as racists; just like their dear leader, The Twitt that Won’t Quit on us. Sarah is only endorsing Star, because she doesn’t want to be labeled as a Racist. She is planning to run for President…God Help Us All.

    Remember Sarah’s blind followers are the type of individuals that will drink the Kool-Aid if asked.

  24. Anonymous9:43 PM

    The great thing about Palin associating herself with this nutcase is that Sarah gets a pass from a lot of the mainstream media because she is attractive. Sarah masks her nut jobness under a veneer of beauty. The nutjob Star Parker is not a looker, so the media is going to be less fascinated with her (and I don't think any Republican men are going to be seeing starbursts with Star's mug). It's good for Sarah to associate with ugly nutcases. Maybe the mainstream media will finally stop giving Sarah a pass.

    Maybe someone other than Andrew Sullivan will also touch the strange Trig story. May Sarah endorse a million Star Parkers.

  25. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Have you read Geoffrey Dunn's latest $P post? NICE! He does not mince many words, does he!

  26. Anne In DC5:00 AM

    The fact that Star Parker is black like me cuts absolutely no ice with me. Like Sarah Palin, she is a hypocritical, ignorant nutcase. They are both cut from the same worthless cloth and just happen to be different colors. Aside from that, they are clones of each other in their stupidity.

    The idiot in North Carolina who tries to cook up a BP/Government conspiracy, as well as this California loon, seem to be the GOP's ludicrous attempts to show that they are "inclusive." But as far as I'm concerned, these tokens only echo the morally and intellectually bankrupt policies that led us to this point in the first place. We don't need any GW's or Gingriches who happen to wear skirts and/or are racial minorities. That's NOT progress, but just more of the same okey doke.

  27. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Palin endorsed Parker to INSURE she won't have a chance to win.

  28. I'm pretty sure fundamental religion induced delusion knows no color lines.
    This disease can affect anyone of any age, race or class.

    as a resident of Southern California, I can state with near certainty that this Star has about as much chance of winning as Orly Taitz.

    Look for $arah's next "Mama Grizzly" endorsement to go to Jane Norton in Colorado.

  29. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Has Parker made amends? Paid back the money she stole? Paid any kind of debt back to society for her crimes?

    she really is Palin's twin.

  30. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Star Parker reminds me of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He got his affirmative action help to give him a hand up, but now does all he can to bash it and eliminate it for others.

    What a hypocrite.

  31. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Palin has to endorse some non-whites. Parker is about as far below the radar as Palin could get. So Palin chalks up a freebie diversity point. Win for Palin.

  32. Anne In DC8:19 AM

    Any non-white that Palin endorses will prove to be just as ignorant and detached from reality as she is. Time after time, I have seen the GOP trot out white women and people of color to "prove" their commitment to "diversity." The problem is that almost all of them are just as nutty as fruitcakes. That includes not only Palin and Parker, but also Alan Keyes and this Randall fool from North Carolina.

    It was especially funny in 2004 when the GOP ran Keys against Obama in Illinois, after their white candidate Ryan had to withdraw from the race. Keys knew nothing about Illinois issues, but he stupidly allowed himself to be used as a token. He went down in ignominious defeat, 70% to 27%. I strongly suspect he is still bitter today.

    What it all boils down to is that the "changes" in GOP faces are merely cosmetic and reflect the same intellectually and morally bankrupt ideas that drove this country into a ditch.

  33. phoebes-in-santa fe10:16 AM

    I listened to that segment and all I can is that Elisabeth Hasselbeck came off sounding sane compared to Star Parker.

    That's pretty pathetic.,,

  34. Here's where I keep being confused:

    Palin and her ilk are all in a dither over Muslim extremism, including its insistence in controlling government and using absolute religious interpretations as law.

    Yet... they want to control government with absolute religious interpretations as law.

    They don't see they similarity, of course, presumably because THEIR extremism is sanctioned by their god, whereas any other form of extremism is just... wrong.

    I wish all the religious people would just get themselves a country and fight to the death over it, so that the secular populations can live in relative peace.

  35. Anonymous11:17 AM

    This is all about Sarah proving she isn't a rasist. But unfortunately for her it also proves she's a hypocrite. And so is Star Parker. Not many I hate worse than "Do as I say, not as I do" people.

  36. Kimberly4:37 PM

    What were the circumstances of her four pregnancies which she later aborted? Unless they were all products of rapes, then she's a complete hypocrite and anyone who defends her is trash. She also used abortion as her form of birth control which she is now against. But that's how Republicans are.


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