Saturday, June 05, 2010

An Arizona school principal asks artists to "lighten the faces" of children represented in public mural. Apparently they looked too ethnic. But once again, and this is VERY important, Arizona is NOT racist! Okay?


The "Go on Green" mural, which covers two walls outside Miller Valley Elementary School, was designed to advertise a campaign for environmentally friendly transportation. It features portraits of four children, with a Hispanic boy as the dominant figure.

R.E. Wall, director of Prescott's Downtown Mural Project, said he and other artists were subjected to slurs from motorists as they worked on the painting at one of the town's most prominent intersections.

"We consistently, for two months, had people shouting racial slander from their cars," Wall said.

"We had children painting with us, and here come these yells of (epithet for Blacks) and (epithet for Hispanics)."

Wall said school Principal Jeff Lane pressed him to make the children's faces appear happier and brighter.

"It is being lightened because of the controversy," Wall said, adding that "they want it to look like the children are coming into light."

Whoa!  Hold the phone here. Are we really supposed to believe that this school principal, this respected educator, would ACTUALLY cave into racism and demand that an artist change his vision?

Lane said that he received only three complaints about the mural and that his request for a touch-up had nothing to do with political pressure. "We asked them to fix the shading on the children's faces," he said. "We were looking at it from an artistic view. Nothing at all to do with race."

See?  The principal was JUST TRYING TO MAKE IT BETTER!  Because obviously an elementary school principal is much, much more knowledgeable about how a work of art should look than the artist who labored over it for two moths while being subjected to racist comments. Don't you think?

Perhaps if Principal Lane had been looking over Leonardo Da Vinci's shoulder back in the sixteenth century he could have advised him to improve the Mona Lisa as well.  "Hey Leo, don't you think she would look a lot better with less forehead and bigger jugs?  And why don't you put a smile on her face while you are at it?  She looks all constipated to me!"

Gee I wonder if Arizona Councilman Steve Blair had anything to do with the Principal's decision?

In a broadcast last month, according to the Daily Courier in Prescott, Blair mistakenly complained that the most prominent child in the painting is African-American, saying: "To depict the biggest picture on the building as a Black person, I would have to ask the question: Why?"

Blair could not be reached for comment Thursday. In audio archives of his radio show, Blair discusses the mural. He insists the controversy isn't about racism but says the mural is intended to create racial controversy where none existed before.

Damn it is good thing that Councilman Blair declared he was NOT a racist, because to be honest I was kinda thinking he was!  And a quote like THIS does not exactly help clarify things.

"I'm not a racist by any stretch of the imagination, but whenever people start talking about diversity, it's a word I can't stand.... The focus doesn't need to be on what's different; the focus doesn't need to be on the minority all the time.... Art is in the eye of the beholder, but I say (the Miller Valley mural) looks like graffiti in L.A..... I don't see anything that ties the community into that mural."

Yep, good thing he told us he was not a racist all right.

It also needs to be stressed that "biggest picture on the building" that upset the Councilman and his KKK buddies so much was of a young boy who IS A STUDENT OF THE SCHOOL THAT THE MURAL IS PAINTED ON.

THAT is what the child looks like.  Asking the artist to "lighten" his skin is an insult to that young boy, his family, and to all of the good people in this country who are able to see people as something other than just the color of their skin.

Arizona is turning into a laughingstock.

Florida and Kansas must be thrilled these days that Arizona has taken the mantle of "stupidest state in the country" away from them. 

Though to be honest I have a lot of faith in Florida's ability to earn it back in the very near future.

Update via Huffington Post:

Good news. The gutless, carbound racists lost, and the mural is being restored to its "original theme." Jeff Lane, the principal of Miller Valley Elementary School, and Kevin Kapp, the school superintendent, showed up at a protest today to apologize for giving in to whims of mentally deranged adults, spewing racial epithets at a painting.

Wow!  Sometimes the good guys DO win!


  1. Ratfish2:20 PM

    What does Sarah think about this?

    Knowing her thoughts would sure help me make up my mind!

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    For anyone that says that the AZ law isn't based on racism should look up Kris Kobach, the author of the bill:

    "The man behind many of the deeply flawed anti-illegal immigrant laws passed recently is Kris Kobach, the "national expert on constitutional law" who works for the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI). IRLI is the legal arm of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), recently listed as a nativist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.",11

    When someone says the law isn't based in racism, bring this point up.

  3. Principal Lane is a spineless weasel. He just wants to collect his paycheck and not use this incident as an example to his students about how to live in the world with integrity and dignity by standing up to bigoted bullies.

    I wonder who will stand up to Councilman Blair for his awfulness. I know it won't be his colleagues, family or friends. They will excuse him for being so rude and mean-spirited.

    These people are so exhausting.

  4. Anonymous3:18 PM

    This principal seems to saying to the kids that the best way to fight racism is to cave-in to it. If the big bad racists are unhappy, then we must do all we can to make them happy.

    Where are the police in all this? Couldn't they have set up a watch around the school and apprehended the folks driving around screaming or did the councilman use his influence to keep the cops away?

    All the way around, this stinks. What is sad is that the community contributed money to this project and volunteered to work on it. The artists and kids actually did the painting.

    BTW, Kansas may catch-up fast because Kobach, the guy who was a major writer of the AZ law we all detest is running for Sec. of State and Senator Brownback of C-Street infamy is running for Governor. See, the Republicans in KS are just so jealous of AZ getting all the attention, that they can't wait to be a carbon copy.

    As Americans, we'd better start paying more attention to this problem or otherwise the Watts riots are going to seem like a golden age. This ignorance, arrogant white bigotry has got to stop! I say this as a white person myself. There are laws that need to be enforced to stop this hatred and we need to demand that those laws be enforced post haste.

  5. Anonymous3:32 PM

    AZ is looking worse and worse!!! And, it will even more so if McCain is re-elected. God forbid!

  6. Update via Wonkette:

    A little bit of justice? Maybe. A news website and tourism agency in Prescott, Arizona, announced in the dead of night that Prescott city councilman and local-wingnut KYCA talk-show idiot Steve Blair has been fired from his radio show because he’s bringing national shame to Prescott because he campaigned to have the faces of little school children removed from a K-5 mural because some of the kids were black and brown. HE SHOULD BE DUMPED IN A CESSPOOL FILLED WITH BOILING BP CRUDE, etc.

    But whatever, look at this fat fucking hunchbacked pig, and pity him if you have that kind of generous soul. And if you live in Prescott, head on out this morning and try to make the town look a little better to the outside world

    Read more at Wonkette:

    And Pricipal Lane apologized for caving in to neanderthals.

  7. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I live in Florida and I was thinking the same thing. Our governor just deleted from the state budget millions of dollars for healthcare of those already covered. And I heard on local NPR that it is now law here that it is legal for the police to stop anyone they THINK is speeding. Think it'll be used for racial profiling much?

  8. Anonymous4:05 PM

    They backed down and apologized.

  9. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The rest of the story?...

    Last night, I read that the councilman/radio host was fired.

    from Wonkette ...see below

    "A little bit of justice? Maybe. A news website and tourism agency in Prescott, Arizona, announced in the dead of night that Prescott city councilman and local-wingnut KYCA talk-show idiot Steve Blair has been fired from his radio show because he’s bringing national shame to Prescott because he campaigned to have the faces of little school children removed from a K-5 mural because some of the kids were black and brown. HE SHOULD BE DUMPED IN A CESSPOOL FILLED WITH BOILING BP CRUDE, etc.

    But whatever, look at this fat fucking hunchbacked pig, and pity him if you have that kind of generous soul. And if you live in Prescott, head on out this morning and try to make the town look a little better to the outside world. [Prescott News]"

  10. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I went to AZ for winter and left AZ just recently. So very very glad. :):)
    Some of The Rudest males I have ever encountered in life.

    Az??...they can keep it where the sun dont shine.

  11. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Principal to artist:

    I would like you to lighten the shading of the kids in the mural. How light you ask? Let's see, how about you make them Ivory Soap white, that should make the kids look happier. Shaded kids look depressing, don't cha think? Yes the original artwork was approved, but things have changed around here. You want me to be more specific? Well the kids you painted does not look like they would have their papers in order. Is that specific enough for you?

  12. Anonymous7:51 PM

    READ MY LIPS, Arizona will not be profiling people with our new law. You people are panicking for nothing!

    By the way, we would like to spend tax payers money to lighten up the art work through out the state... specifically the ones who look like they do not have papers.

    No it's not ethnic cleansing, consider it beautifying the state.

  13. sallyngarland,tx10:18 PM

    I live in a town with a large hispanic population. Over the years, I have seen, and known, people who were deported. They were not erroneously stopped because they looked "suspicious", but because they had done something wrong and were questioned by police. The Federal law, along with the local police, has been enough. There is not a need for a state law . They will be profiling in AZ and that is wrong. I have many hispanic neighbors. I don't know if they are here legally or not and I don't ask or care. I do know that they work incredibly hard, take very good care of their families, and don't cause trouble. I think the AZ law is very sad.
    The candidates for Governor, Bill White(D)(Yes we can in Nov.!) and Rick Perry(R) have said we don't need a law similar to AZ although we may have a right winger named Riddle trying to push one. A candidate who supports a law like AZ will surely loose an election in TX.

  14. icstraights1:01 AM

    Anon 7:51
    Surely you jest! From a 'medium-brown', originally from the south-west since the 'dawn of time', then ethnic cleansing would mean getting 'rid of pale face'...
    WTF is wrong with this country? Seriously...
    Southern Border-towns: Where 'Whitey', shouldn't get to 'make the rules'...
    Is there really NO SHAME at what you 'stole' from the natives and what you are still claiming as your f-ing god given right?!!
    Shame on you Arizona and the rest of 'em...
    Karma is a bitch. You will see.

  15. BonesAK3:34 AM

    Just another reason NOT to go to Arizona

  16. Anne In DC5:10 AM

    This is exactly the kind of block-headed stupidity that not only gives Arizona a bad name but also gives ammunition to anyone opposed to the ridiculous law that was passed recently.

    Instead of making this a "teachable moment" about the importance of racial tolerance and standing up to racist bullies, this principle wimped out and cravenly caved in to them.

    It's a sad commentary when grown men and women can drive by and yell racial epithets at the depictions of children of color. One can only imagine what they teach their own children, whom they are doing a disservice to by not preparing them to live peaceably in a country with rapidly changing demographics.

    Steve Blair should not only have been fired from his radio job, but also his job in politics there. He is a hateful, narrow-minded bigot who has no business in a position from which he can affect the lives of people he obviously cannot tolerate.

  17. Linda Arizona11:05 AM

    "BonesAK said...

    Just another reason NOT to go to Arizona
    3:34 AM"

    But, what do we Arizonans do? We must continue to speak out against these attacks on our country by extremists.

    You'll see that each time a crazy AZ legislator or a right wingnut does something, we Arizonans DO respond.

    Until we win, please keep in mind that this is probably happening in your state too.

    P. S. Personally, I don't go out much and I shop more online...


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