Sunday, June 06, 2010

Unbelievably Bill Maher defends Sarah Palin, and he is dead wrong in doing so.

I had decided to leave this issue alone with the hopes that all of the Sarah inspired hysteria would die down and allow Joe McGinnis to start really getting into his research, but after watching this segment I felt it required some response.

First off Bill Maher is buying into the Palin-bot meme that Joe McGinnins moved next door to "spy on her family" when nothing could be further from the truth.  And then environmentalist Van Jones continues the misinformation by expressing the idea that having McGinniss living next door should somehow make Sarah concerned for the safety of her family.  Again completely ridiculous.

But then Andrew Sullivan wades in and quickly, and easily, explains the importance of Joe's work. Which elicits a huge positive response from the audience by the way. So you know at least THEY got it.

By the way did you see what a good sport Sullivan was while taking a little ribbing from the Bill Maher?  I thought that showed some real class. And to be honest I think it would be fucking awesome if Andrew Sullivan came up to Alaska and spent a few days on Lake Lucille with Joe McGinniss! 

I doubt Mr. McGinniss would go for it, but hey a blogger can dream can't he?

(By the way, watch this quickly because these YouTube videos of Real Time sometimes get taken down even days later.)


  1. I rather think Maher's comments were a set up for Sullivan's comments, especially since the cap/mullet and meth pipes were "gifts" on hand. I think anyone would feel upset if a perceived enemy moved next door, and Maher was acknowledging that feeling.

    Once that was out there, Sullivan's comments could put it in perspective. I think Jones's comment about hypocrisy was good, too. But, Maher's initial comments do show there is an attempt to see alternate viewpoints- even if it pained him to defend her even a little bit.

    FYI- Maher's full episodes as well as a few shorts are all on iTunes, too, for those who don't get HBO.

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I watched BillM. on Friday and I couldn't believe he was defending her nonsense without a word in defense of JoeM. basically being called a pedophile by Stupid Sarah. Bill is familiar with Joe's work and even mentioned that Joe practically moved in with his other subject whom Joe later felt was guilty of murder. Bill knows how Joe likes to immerse himself in a story and situation.

    I was a little disappointed in Bill buying into Stupid's BS -- she's so suddenly concerned about her family, the same family she'd toss out onto an ice floe if it meant she would get paid.

    People have said that having Joe move in could have given Stupid an opportunity to humanize herself, but she certainly blew that big time.

    OT, did you see how the twit was dressed for Belmont? I know she doesn't read or do any research, but surely she has seen on TV how ladies dress for these races ... then again, those other women are ladies. Then of course it was the limo driver's fault that she couldn't get changed. Ya, I really believe it was the incompetent limo driver and he couldn't find his way to the track which was only 10 minutes from the airport. Nothing's ever the nitwit's fault!

  3. Way to go, Gryphen!! As I said in an earlier post, I am a big fan of Bill's, but he chapped my butt pulling that stunt. The more disgusting part to me was that he missed a golden opportunity for a good discussion with the experts about SP. Many viewers may not realize that Vanden Heuvel is one of the leading contributors to Going Rouge, and the three of them should have had a more informative discussion of SP.

  4. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Maher jumped the shark long ago. Back when he dated Annthrax Coulter and went on to use his TV show to defend her against attacks.

    "Oh, she doesn't mean any of the things she says. She's just being provocative and trying to sell books."

    And Maher wonders why nobody watches his stupid HBO program nowadays?

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Maher sold out long balls. I LOVE Sullivan's outrightness and we need more of it. It also never ceases to amaze me how raving lunatics like Palin rail against the MSM went it is the MSM that allows them to broadcast their idiocy.

  6. emrysa10:40 AM

    yeah he's wrong, but if he was seriously irritated about the issue he would have spent much more time on it than he did. he did not spend any time refuting van jones's or sullivan's comments. he gets a pass from me on this one. just once.

  7. Gryph,

    What a great idea! Joe McGinniss and Andrew Sullivan hangin out for a few days would be a dream.. I'd like to invite Andrew Sullivan to Wasilla! I know I'd enjoy hearing about that conversation.

  8. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Americans do have the right to live pretty much where ever they want to and the new neighbors, in most cases, have absolutely nothing to do with it.

    Sarah is trying to convince the world, so far effectively, that everybody else has to live by her rules. And that her rights supercede everybody else's.

    If she has a case to throw McGinnis out, I am sure van Flein would be on it. Fact is she doesn't have a leg to stand on. She's not even got grounds for a restraining order of any kind.

    Again, small rural hamlets and towns have not apartment complexes, no executative suites, and very limited number and probably limited quality rental housing, which, from lack of competition, can be way way over priced.

  9. AKRNC1:41 PM

    Palin once again throws somebody under the bus, and this time it's a limo driver from NY city. She is unbelievably stupid if we're supposed to buy the idea that she was dressed inappropriately because the driver was allegedly lost going from the airport to Belmont. Both are so well known that for a limo driver not to know where they are would be the height of stupidity. Furthermore, if it is a limo service that is used by "celebs", they certainly know ahead of time where they are going and will map out the quickest way, staying on top of traffic reports for the NYC area. $arah, $arah, $arah, stop lying. We know you have absolutely ZERO sense of style, from the fleece skirt and hoodie you wore to visit McCain in regards to the campaign nomination, FLEECE??? to your horrid red velvet jacket adorned with red roses!

    When did you expect to change?? If you had only an hour to check in at a hotel in the city and change, you still would have been much later. It's your fault, AGAIN, and just as you previously have done, you blame everyone else for your idiocy.

    BTW, ditch the bra! It's so overdone from the flat chest look your wore in Idaho to jump to a "D" cup! You're not fooling anyone, just looking insecure.

  10. Anne In DC3:13 PM

    I can't believe that Maher, of all people bought into Palin's slanderous nonsense. He is acting as an enabler of her stupidity, self-deception, and exploitation of her kids. Does anyone imagine for one moment that a parent who feared for his/her child's immediate safety wouldn't call the police? The very fact that she has not only not done so, but also has been spying on McGinnis, shoots that fabrication to smithereens. It's all about attention for Stupid Sarah, and she will do anything to get it.

    As the picture above shows, she is an exhibitionist who will go to any lengths and stoop to almost any depths to stay in the limelight. But of course, she has been selling sexuality as part of her public persona.

  11. Anonymous6:18 PM

    The audience cheered loudly when Andrew Sullivan commented Palin is a fake.

    The situation did not anger me limited to the Palin's went total privacy on Lake Lucille. What did anger me was the leap from a writer they dislike to insinuations he is a pedophile, pervert she said and then does the crazy making claiming she has no clue what innuendos she made.
    That is what prompted the hated and death threats. the sexual innuendos were red meat or bait so many swallowed hook, line and sinker.

    It also is frank disgust I feel for Palin's false claims of being protective of her kids for who can believe that when they are constantly put on public display unlike parent's in the spotlight do and having Bristol go public about her sex life and choices. To me that is sick, inappropriate to do with a teenage girl already been kept on stage in a difficult time of her life is perverted i.e. the opposite of what a true protective and respectful parent would do.

    I feel sorry for Bristol that due to her mother, her one and only claim to fame, notoriety was getting pregnant unwed and so young. The child deserved better. It would truly serve parents of special needs children to have Trig wear glasses and hearing aids giving concrete information of substance instead of absurdly saying garbage everyone wants to kill babies like Trig. Palin is pathetic for she needs to bash others while touting herself as virtuous.


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