Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Federal officials recruit James Cameron to help with oil spill. What the hell, dropping the Titanic on it might be as viable as anything else they have tried.

From the AP:

"Top kill" didn't stop the Gulf oil spill. How about something "titanic"?

Federal officials are hoping film director James Cameron can help them come up with ideas on how to stop the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The "Avatar" and "Titanic" director was among a group of scientists and other experts who met Tuesday with officials from the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies for a brainstorming session on stopping the massive oil leak.

Did you see "Avatar"?  James Cameron can do anything!

All kidding aside I did not realize that things had got this desperate. 

However if Cameron can do it his next movie is going to be the blockbuster to beat all blockbusters!


  1. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Doesn't Cameron have a reputation for expertise in underwater photography? Perhaps the powers that be are questioning the footage BP has been providing.

  2. This isn't a good sign.

  3. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I'd question the footage BP's been providing! They're not remotely interested in getting us the truth.

    Aside from that, I think if you're brainstorming it doesn't hurt to have somebody from outside the industry, maybe several very bright people, who might be able to think outside the box.


  4. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I heard on the news that the reason he was called in was because of the under-water-submersibles that he used for the film. So, it would make REAL GOOD SENSE to pick his brain for the oil spill issue.

    And here's an excerpt from the AP article at Huffington Post:

    The Canadian-born Cameron is considered an expert on underwater filming and REMOTE VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES.

    (Caps are mine.)

  5. Anonymous9:07 PM

    To heck with Cameron, get Superman!

  6. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Cameron offered his assistance a weeks ago, before the feds got involved. I'm sure the feds accepted it now because they've realized their previous stance has backfired on them. Allowing the media to villainize the response mercilessly has blown back on them, so they're going to try to make a different impression. Letting an Oscar-wining "do his thang" will get lots of publicity and give the impression they are "doing something."


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