Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Keith Olbermann has a little something to say about Joe McGinniss's "neighbor from hell", Sarah Palin.

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  1. Keith didn't sound too supportive of McGinniss living so close to his subject but the perspective they gave on his work was gratifying..."a hero".

    I wish he had addressed the lack of availability of short-term rental housing in Wasilla. I'm actually surprised that Sarah doesn't see the aspect of Divine intervention at work in placing Joe next door and realize her reaction may be at odds with her God's will. She couldn't possibly expect Joe to miss that open door.

    I also wish the media would comment on the possibility of anyone on the rental property being able to see into the 2nd story windows of Palins house. It looks impossible based on the photos we've seen.

  2. emrysa6:22 PM

    in some ways, its actually good that sarah made a stink about this, because if anything happens to joe, she & todd are prime suspects - even if they farm the job out, they will always be suspected.

    hey when does the next poll come out with sarah's numbers? can't wait! hahaaa

  3. tpISbp6:37 PM

    6-1-10 Palin Biographer Joe McGinniss Warned By Alaska Newspaper: She Has Right To Kill In Self-Defense

    As you may have read, author Joe McGinniss has moved in next door to sometime-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as part of an ongoing and extreme effort to research the Palins for a forthcoming book. This has raised all sorts of questions! Such as: is it above board for a journalist to take these sorts of measures? And is it proper for Palin to blithely allege that McGinniss is motivated by sexual perversion?

    Now, we are confronted with a new question, namely: would it be OK if the Palins just straight up killed Joe McGinniss in self-defense?

    The Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman has decided to remind everyone of this possibility in an editorial.

  4. Anonymous6:48 PM

    So, any bets on when Stupid Sarah will end up in a 'hospital' suffering from 'exhaustion'?

  5. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Managing editor Tom Mitchell at the Frontiersman made an effort to undo his words from last Saturday. I don't buy it at all. No, he did not bring up his misrepresentation about Joe's article Pipe Dreams, no he did not add a link so people could read it. I think what he wrote sounds like more crap. They have 432 comments so far.

    Managing editor Tom Mitchell : Editor's Note: While you don’t see my name at the bottom of our editorials, I routinely write them, and I wrote the one that ran Saturday – the one about Joe McGinnis and the Palins’ new fence.
    In an effort to find a catchy ending, I was a bit too creative with the last paragraph. If I had it to do over again, I would have left off the last sentence of the editorial. It doesn’t add to my point, which was that there is nothing particularly newsworthy about someone moving in next door nor about a new fence going up to protect the privacy of neighbors.
    I certainly did not mean to suggest that McGinnis would or should be the victim of violence. For that matter, I didn’t mean to suggest the Palins would do such a thing.
    All of which points to the power of words. I misused them on Saturday. I’ll try to have more respect for that power next time around.

  6. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Oh Scarah, the same laws apply to your neighbors that apply to you. THey have the right to defend themselves just as you do. And you can bet your ass the FBI will be right on top of any "mysterious" accidents the might befall your new neighbor.

  7. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I want to add I was very glad to learn that both the FBI and State Police are dealing with the threats. Mr. Mitchell picked a good time to try and clean up his act but he falls way short. What's her face is hopeless. She will do herself in. No rich sugar daddy or queen maker can save her. Handmaiden Todd can only try and keep her wound up to perform for Discovery and the speeches.

  8. Enjay in E MT7:46 PM

    @ Anon 6:48

    Hope the "hospital" has privacy locking doors, excellent campus security & tall fence to prevent the riff-raff from gaining access. There is even one in Anchorage with specialized doctors to help the former half term gov. rest and mellow out with new pharmaceuticals. Also too, they have a telebehavioral system for non-resident or remote patients 24/7 emergency relaxation sessions.

    Maybe now we know why Faux built a TV studio @ in the Palin residence.

  9. Anonymous7:51 PM

    No Sarah will end up in Rehab, and blame it on McGinniss, when in actuality it will be from her own demons. We know that the Snowbilly from Wasilla, will use the VICTIM card once again, and blame the whole thing on the LameStream Media, as she likes to call them. I'm not buying her stories anymore.

  10. Saras Dessert8:00 PM

    Could the Frontiersman be held partially liable if anything were to happen to Joe?

    Has Joe expressed any concern about being next door to Sahara in the middle of nowhere and how scary this is?

  11. deebee8:09 PM

    If "Good fences make Good neighbors", what do we derive from an Ugly Bad fence?
    In my town "Good neighbors make Good neighbors"!
    Ah well, it'll be a good cover to disappear for a botox renewal.

  12. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Mercede got a subpoena from Bristol today.

  13. Yep, knew it was coming. Supposed to happen two weeks ago. Not sure what they are fishing for though.

  14. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Now a couple of Wasilla "mean girls" are picking on Mercede on her facebook page.

  15. Anonymous9:25 PM

    What is the subpoena for? Haven't the Johnston's been through enough, Bristol???? now that ou have a new boyfriend, move on. I swear, you have become a clone of your mother.....living just to aggitate, fight, and lie. Sickening. Just sickening. Grow up.

  16. Anonymous9:36 PM

    How is the mediation working out for Bristol and Levi?

    Will Piper and Willow get a subpoena? Subpoena from Bristol? Did anyone else get one?

  17. Anonymous9:50 PM

    To think that Palin is getting front page on Huffington Post as to the the killing of the author amd its being lawful in Wasilla, AK is unbelievable! We have so many more important issues going on in the U.S. that should have our attention. What is wrong with the readership of this Palin crap? She is proving more and more each day that she is a slimebucket and needs to be in a nut house!

  18. Anonymous10:44 PM

    $arah Palin brand is cheap merchandise.

    The media has sank to an all time low
    as they continue to market Palin.

  19. Anonymous4:19 AM

    just as in the past, i don't see Sarah asking any of her 'minions' to tone down the death threats and hate mail. inside you know she is cheering for more more more.

    bill in belize

  20. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Anyone know whether McGinniss will write about babygate in his book?

  21. Anonymous4:48 AM

    What? does she want money from Mercede too? Maybe she wants to be paid for time with Tripp?

  22. Anonymous5:34 AM

    As KO’s guest commentator, Gene Robinson of the Washingtonpost said: “Be bold, unafraid and speak truth to power.” Gene has gone there a number of times since Sarah came unvetted onto the scene in 2008, but the “Lamestream Media” as Sarah coins it, hasn’t.

    Yet Sarah and Todd get to throw their pointy elbows in even more of a hissy fit when NBC failed to include part or the whole of the statement they furnished the news organization in lieu of an interview (good point KO.)

    That is the danger, Sarah, inherent, to being a one-sided talking head. You don’t get to control the message if you don’t open yourself to questions, show that you are capable and able to back up your accusations or critiques.

    You overplayed your hand once again, from your bizarre and misinterpreted read against the ADN with the “Who’s Up / Who’s Down” – Whose your Daddy! Section, in your criticizing a Juneau resident with a legitimate concern about noise and traffic touring the Governor’s mansion with Piper as a shield, with canonizing yourself as an iconic representation of a mother’s love for a special needs child with the Eddie Burke photoshop project, and lets not forget, the Lettermen episode.

    You say you have thick skin? You handle things with levity? You escalate and make ugly anything and everything. You are a child. Grow up.

  23. Anonymous6:06 AM

    and just as hypocritical is her facebook page.
    she can and does say anything she wants knowing there is no way for anyone to respond.
    but when NBC excludes her 'response', look at the hissy-fit she throws out!

    bill in belize

  24. Anne In DC8:14 PM

    Poor, delusional soul!! She hates that she can't control the situation, and it's gratifying to learn that the FBI is on her case. It couldn't happen to a more deserving human being. I also wouldn't be surprised if she ended up one day in a psychiatric ward as paranoid as she is.


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