Wednesday, June 02, 2010

It looks like Olbermann read Sarah's bizarro Tweet yesterday as well.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

And if that is not informative enough about WHO exactly owns the phrase "Drill baby, drill" this YouTube clip will drive that point home.


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Keith is great. Sarah will never be able to cut and run from his tag line "That woman is an idiot."

    FYI, in case you missed it, Joy Behar had a segment on Sarah and Joe the Neighbor. It's worth seeing if you can track it down. One of the two guests is the woman behind The Daily Show.

  2. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I beg to differ KO, her epitaph should read, "That woman is an idiot."

    It should be your sign-off for every show, the way Edward R. Murrow said, Goodnight and Good Luck.

  3. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Here is an excellent article from Huffpo entitled "How Soon Until the Free Market Solves the Oil Spill?" and makes Sarah's statements seem more idiotic than usual, especially with her criticism of Obama not doing enough.

  4. Anonymous6:50 PM

    She is one sick the brain, heart and physically. I am in continual disbelief that the media continues to cover this idiot!

  5. Thank god that Sarah and the old guy got the shit kicked out of them in the 2008 election.

  6. icstraights6:52 PM

  7. FEDUP!!!7:32 PM

    Totally O/T:


  8. AkMom8:31 PM

    Re: FEDUP!!! @ 7:32pm
    Gryphen, is there any way to ascertain the authenticity of the blog mentioned? I would hate to see a bunch of people follow a fake blog.

  9. I think having Palin around is a blessing... hopefully she will push the GOP into their grave with her idiocy...

  10. Drill Baby Drill!
    As Bill Maher stated any A**hole who chanted Drill Baby Drill should report to the Gulf for clean up duty immediately!
    Palin is a nit wit!

  11. Yes AkMom, that is Mercede's website alright.

    Right now it is still under construction but when it is up and running I will add it to my blogroll so that everybody easily can find it.

  12. Anonymous9:04 PM

    That YouTube piece is POWERFUL!


  13. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I'm not much of an Olberman fan, but that one was good for a chuckle or two....

  14. How does Sarah not conceive the fact that her every utterance is filmed, recorded and documented for posterity? Doesn't she realize that when she tries to alter the truth, her lies will always be exposed? Thank you, Keith Olbermann.

  15. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Let her keep tweeting and making insane facebook topics, the more she does, the loonier she looks, especially after the oil spill... let her keep chanting drill, baby, drill. I don't think many people are seeing the value of oil soaked beaches, birds, shrimp, clams, corral reefs -etc. right now.

  16. Maddow did a similar piece but went further addressing a scenario Palin's tactic wen she lies or is caught (lie) claim she never said that accusing the "lamestream media" of splicing tapes alluding to Palin's allegations of Katie Couric.

    The tweet reassigned false guilt condemning Greenies for offshore drilling. That is insane beyond irrational. It is a perversion i.e. the opposite of reality, truth. Same pattern regarding Joe McGinniss. It is pathetic Palin's fans, her spouse see nothing wrong with this..just falsely accuse someone else and set people up to get the consequences, punishments, put to death even so you have license to do anything getting away with it.

  17. Saranoia?
    Is that Sarah, as in, paranoia?
    Sarah as is she's annoying?

    Love it! She has a new name!

  18. Anonymous8:06 AM

    It could be Saranoia (paranoid) or Sarannoya ! Ha they all fit 4 sure! I love how Keith call out her ass I bet RAM fires off retractions to him and he just laughs...!

  19. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Hey, her new name--Saranoia--could also imply:


    Well, in my dreams, at least.

  20. Randall7:19 AM

    One thing everyone, including Olbermann, keeps overlooking; drilling here and drilling now doesn't make five cents worth of difference at the pump.

    Because all the oil drilled here and drilled now goes on the world market and at current rates.

    So - safety and environmental issues aside:
    It's disingenuous to imply that by drilling here will mean cheap gas for us Americans. It doesn't and it won't.

    Somebody needs to explain that to the NASCAR/pro wrestling/Jerry Springer crowd.

  21. Join the facebook page, "Drill Baby Drill In Lake Lucille, Alaska" - which is the Lake Sarah Palin lives on ....

    Here is the link:!/group.php?gid=122133324489967&ref=ts

    I'm sure Don Yonng (R) AK, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Vitter & Sarah Palin will ALL support Palin's desire to drill in shallow water & the best place to start is in Palin's back yard, Lake Lucille.

    1. Don Young (R) AK does not think the Gulf spill is a disaster but is a "natural phenomenon."

    2. Bobby Jindal & Sen. Vitter sent letters to President Obama demanding he lift the recent moratorium on offshore drilling.

    3. Sarah Palin is saying that if environmentalists had not forced Big Oil to drill so far out & let them drill in shallow water - none of this would have happened.


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