Wednesday, June 02, 2010

NBC succumbs to Palin's demand that her statement about Joe McGinnis be read on the air. Well almost.

From Politico:

On Wednesday morning, NBC anchor Ann Curry read part of Palin’s statement, but without mentioning that it was intended for the previous day or that Palin had complained about the network’s coverage.

“Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is speaking out about comments made by author Joe McGinniss on this broadcast on Tuesday,” Curry said. “[McGinniss] has claimed he's received death threats, and he's complained about what he called the power Palin has to incite hatred.”

“On her Facebook page, Palin claims that the left has been inciting hatred against her for the last two years,” Curry added. “Referring to McGinniss, she tells NBC News, ‘He has a right to pursue his subject, I suppose, and certainly has a right to live wherever he wants, but my family also has a right to expect privacy and hopefully enjoy peace this summer. The media sensationalizes the recent McGinniss tactic so the public will tune in to whatever the latest episode is.’”

I still maintain that IF the producers of the Today Show assured Sarah and Todd that their statements would be read during the McGinniss piece then that should have been honored.  On the other hand I get very frustrated when Sarah and her minions bully people into doing something that they were not originally going to do.  If THAT is the case then I wish that NBC had just ignored her Twitter and Facebook rants and let things stand with the segment that was broadcast yesterday.

However I should also point out that NBC did not read ALL of the statement that Sarah provided, which reads as follows:

“McGinniss has followed us for some time now, from showing up on our doorstep last winter, bidding over $60,000 for a military charity auction dinner with me, writing the hit pieces, attending at least one Outside book event, etc. He has a right to pursue his subject, I suppose, and certainly has a right to live wherever he wants, but my family also has a right to expect privacy, and hopefully to enjoy peace this summer. Good fences do make for good neighbors. The fence is now up, and I hope that we can enjoy peace. The media sensationalizes the recent McGinniss’ tactic so the public will tune in to whatever the latest episode is, always with ratings in mind, and that’s unfortunate.” - Sarah Palin

And they completley ignored Todd's "me too, me too, don't forget about me" addition.
“What’s also unfortunate is journalists’ tactics like this, because it keeps good people from wanting to get involved in public service.” - Todd Palin
And for what it is worth Sarah, I would just like to point out that I ALWAYS include your entire statements, sometimes using up valuable blog space to do so. I mean sure I say snarky things about them, but that is only because they are much better that way.  See?  I am only trying to help.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    The one thing we know abut the Thrilla from Wasilla is that she lies like a drunken sailor. I don't believe NBC "promised" to run her statement, certainly not in full. Why would they? They didn't run a statement from JM rebutting her ugly accusations when they did their first piece. If she were a journalist she'd know that news outlets NEVER run anyone's statement in full, because people tend to be wordy and verbose and news agencies constantly edit and cut,cut, cut for brevity. So what we have here is another pants of fire moment.

    It's actually funny that they read the part in which she accuses the media of sensationalizing JM moving in next door to her, when in fact she's the one who keeps doing that. The media is interested in her hissy fit, not where joe lives.

  2. Hahahahahaha. I love this.

  3. imnofred9:39 AM

    Even though I think that there are a bunch of weenies at NBC, they gave Sarah a mild slap in the face by not reading the entire statement, especially the part where she is trying to portray Joe McGinniss as someone that has been following her. I'm sure she threatened them with never giving any more interviews so NBC gave in a little because they want to leave the door open for future interviews.

    That being said, I'm sure Sarah is not happy about what part of the statement that was read because they took out the most inflammatory part.

    When will she stop whining about this and when will Fox News give this a break. This is not news, Fox and Sarah are turning this into tabloid drama.

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Sarah...Well, Boo Frickin' are upset that NBC "broke it's promise to you?" What about the promise and the oath you took with the State of Alaska that YOU broke? That is much bigger and you didn't think anything about that, did you? Off to make your millions.....oh well.

    You are the one that sent Todd over to harass Mr. McGinniss and then had Track take the photo and then someone in that household uploaded it to your Facebook for all to see. McGinniss was quietly minding his own business.....none of this would have happened without your family's reckless actions. Pitiful and disgusting. Grow up. You are nothing more than a high school mean girl.

  5. Maybe NBC read the twaddle Sarah and Todd sent and decided it wasn't worth the airtime. The abbreviated version read today was fine, I guess. I still think every news agency should boycott Palin's Face Book, Twitters, and notes, until she crawls out from under her rock and gives interviews with REAL questions. No pre-arranged questions allowed.

  6. Erica9:52 AM

    Many people don't go into public type jobs for the very reason that they loose their privacy.I don't think any public figure is exempt from having their privacy taken away.
    Lots of movie stars have to deal with stalkers.I have seen famous people in restaurants never eating their meal because people gathered around and asked for autographs.
    Just think if she were president !
    I saw Joe Biden at a recent event at a private house.He had hoards of secret service scouting the grounds,the air,the grass,dogs sniffing everything,helicopters for hours before and during the event.
    You know,Sara has been very lucky that she and her family have been able to lead fairly normal lives.
    In Texas she would have to put several layers of razor wire,tons of security cameras.In Dallas you can't get close to George Bush or H Ross Perot's house.
    Sara,you want to be famous, buy that house next door and all the land around it an put up a little razor wire .You have plenty of money now.Finish that compound

  7. The media sensationalizes the recent McGinniss’ tactic so the public will tune in to whatever the latest episode is, always with ratings in mind, and that’s unfortunate.” - Sarah Palin

    After reading the FB post it hit me Sarah stated it was the media (not her) who "sensationalized" Joe's move to the rental house. That is why even the FBI is involved. Palin has backwards expectations of how to obtain "peace".

    Let us wait to see if the Palin family have a summer of play without media, directors, cameras and microphones. Didn't Todd say they'd be in Dillingam "filming"?

  8. Anonymous10:08 AM

    She has already ensured her place on the 'Most Irrelevant Sore Losers of All Time' list.

    Now she's working her way up to #1 position on the list.

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    She can take the bull by the horns and could have had dinner with the guy and raised $60,000 for a good cause and had a lawyer or press sec'y with her and deferred questions to a smarter person.

    Joe is pursuing his subject publicly, not from behind bushes or having someone else bid for him. He didn't have one of his kids rent the house then show up or crash parties.

    Many citizens have bad neighbors. Joe has to be classy and has been. SP's reaction has been enough to show her as unfriendly and snarky. Sadly, her minions don't care what their leader does and those of us who know them to be the truth are not moved.

  10. what public service do the palins perform? grifting the tea baggers?

  11. Sarah magically believes that only people who love her dare to come close, and people who hate her are afraid to come close. Wrong.

  12. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Does anybody believe that stud-pixie Tawd actually
    composed the little public-service post script?
    (Didn't know you're so civic minded, Tawd)
    As for Sarah, isn't it interesting to watch her try & climb down from the pile of threats & backlash
    her nastiness towards Joe. M. has generated.

    Sharon TN

  13. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I am disappointed that NBC did anything to accommodate Sarah Palin. She was the one that started this vendetta with McGinniss and incited her schzoid fans to their usual hate filled messages. Like everything else she does - she hides behind a written statement. Lord forbid an interview where she would be asked a question that was not pre-screened. Pathetic excuse for the Queen of Wasilla.

  14. Anonymous10:56 AM

    And while Sarah and Todd spend their days harrassing neighbors and writing nasty facebooks posts and emails the kids are doing what? With whom? Where? Oh, they're back in the bedroom? Again?

  15. Anonymous10:56 AM

    OT, sorry, but just saw Sam Stein's article on HuffPo about Sarah endorsing Joe Miller over Lisa for the next Senator from Alaska.

    Can Sarah's endorsement threaten Lisa? Who is the Democratic candidate?

    Now that Sarah has gotten her spotlight back due to the Joe the Neighbor stir-up, I guess she had to make the most of it by making this announcement.

    It never fails, she finds a way to get into the news. I guess she'll do interviews now on the endorsement and find yet another way to work in her dismay about JM. Sigh.

    Why can't we make her go away? Hemorrhoids would be preferable to having her ranting away on yet another segment.

  16. Enjay in E MT11:23 AM

    My Dear Half Term Gov.,

    Surely as you expected privacy this summer, in your own home, with your family - no doubt Mr McGinnis expected the same. Too bad you went into panic mode before perhaps meeting with your new neighbor and agreeing to some "ground rules". By the sounds of it, he wanted to have his family spend the summer by the lake also. Just like "a regular family"

    But you wouldn't speak to the the man because he offended you in an article (isn't that free press?), or offer him your hand "resident to resident" like a decent neighbor & Christian person? These actions are why, no matter what you think God told you, you will not be president of the United States.

    Now, I sincerely pray when you rent or buy a home in Washington DC? TX? Iowa? I hope the new neighbors are just as vile & vindictive - take a pic of you or your family, call the media, post it on FaceBook along with your address and announce just how long you'll be there.

  17. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I hate when people make claims without evidence to back them. So, how is it that the left has been inciting violence toward her for the last 2 years?? Disapproval, disgust, etc., etc, sure.... but not violence, that I can tell. This is her defense against her own bad behavior... claiming that the other side is doing it, too?? The logic misses me.

  18. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I am disgusted that the media has not made it clear that all the "sensationalizing" was Palin's doing, not that of Mr. McGinniss. Had she simply kept her mouth shut and decided to show Mr. McGinniss that she could be a good neighbor instead of going on a hysterical rant, accusing him of being a vile sort of person, and putting up that flimsy and hideous fence, it would never have made the news, he would not have received the threats, and she would have saved herself, Todd and her kids the "unwanted" publicity. Will her supporters never see through her? Surely her act has worn thin with all but the most die hard fans by now.

  19. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Not surprising at all that NBC picked up the story. That's the MSM MO these days.

    AS KO has pointed out many many times, Faux News has this down to a science---start some bunch of crap story (birthers, Bill Ayers, death panels, ACORN, etc) on one of their extreme pundit shows and then just repeat it endlessly. Then it moves up to the less extreme pundit shows & "semi-news" shows and then when the real stir kicks up their full "news" outlets cover it like it is a legit story.

    So then the MSN has to cover it to keep up with ratings ---- and they are such chicken shits about being called biased that they cover both sides of the story like they are equally legit/based in fact. What a joke that Anderson Cooper has "Digging Deeper" and "Keeping Them Honest" and Brian Williams does NBC News "In Depth" segments --- what a total crock !! At least AC360 sometimes will dig into things, but this bat shit crazy elephant on the coffee table called SP is left with her skeletons intact. And when the John Edwards story broke they all acknowledged they heard "rumors". So why the hell didn't anybody call out that fraud !

    Miss Shrilla and her handlers have seen this manipulation work very nicely and are simply executing a variation on it. NBC couldn't let ABC get the attention & ratings now could they?!

    The radical right got that dimwitted empty vessel Bush elected (by tying him with a seasoned and "reassuring" VP candidate). They will try the same with the Palin.

    There are a few people who really try to get the truth these days--Rachel M, bloggers, Andrew Sullivan, 60 Minutes, Goeffrey Dunn and McGinnis. But its frightening how our media just has no balls at all anymore and how many stupid people believe the far right talking points.

  20. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Maybe the reason that NBC left off Todd's comment is that they were trying to do him a favor. His remark is stupid. What's also unfortunate ARE journalists tactics. You see, Todd, if tactics are plural, the verb has to agree. A good edit would produce a better sentence (given that they had been crafting it all day). Journalists' tactics like this keep good people from wanting to get involved in public service. However, good editing does not make the statement true.

    The problem is that Journalism 101 teaches Who What Where When and Why. McGinniss is just doing the Where part. Good journalism is not a reason why good people fail to get involved in public service. I would suggest that heavy handed tactics, such as Todd's intimidating phone calls to fire his former brother-in-law might discourage people from public service.

    Sarah's ability to inspire a crowd of people to scream "Kill Him" is what would discourage good people from public service. People who really do care about public service take a dim view of someone who quits their job halfway through the job, when the only reason to quit was to cash in.

    Right now, Sarah has too many fights to manage. There is that guy next door. She has backed the tea party candidate, and renewed her old battles with Lisa Murkowski. Sarah is busy battling the media (or the media that covers the whole story and not just Sarah's version). Sarah has never gotten over Katy Couric, David Letterman, people in the McCain campaign, that girl who stole Curtis Menard from her in school,maybe Tina Fey and a host of other people. All that Sarah is doing is writing another sensational chapter for Joe's book.

  21. I suggest contacting NBC and protesting their giving in to the Bailinator's pressure.

  22. Anonymous12:39 PM

    According to HuffPo, Scarah just endorsed Joe Miller instead of Lisa. The childesh feud continues.

  23. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I love Todd's comment. Considering the person he married, I'd say his assessment of horse flesh is pretty suspect.

    He wouldn't recognize 'good people' if they were fathering his wife's baby. Oh sorry, been done.

  24. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I just find it hilarious that someone like Palin, someone who has ALL the answers about every problem facing this country, didn't have sense enough to protect herself from 'undesirables' moving in by purchasing the home JoeM is now living in. She even had the opportunity and the cash to do so but didn't! It's called thinking ahead Simple Sarah, you can't be that thickheaded!

    And she thinks we'd trust her to stop illegal immigration? All those illegal people would have to do is pay her a compliment, commiserate with her about the 'lamestream' media and how everyone is out to get her and her sideshow family and they'd be in! The ones who'd say anything against her though, they'd be get a nasty note on their Facebook wall and a slipshod fence designed to keep them out (though it won't.)

  25. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Simpleton Sarah should be careful poking the wasp's nest that is Ms. Murkowski. I'm sure Lisa probably knows all Simple's little secrets -- you know, little secrets that are around 2 years old...

    Simple may think she's stomping with the big dogs, but Lisa has learned at the feet of people much bigger and more corrupt than Simple could ever dream of being.

  26. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Flim-flam, SP is distracting everyone with this idiocy probably so that her pregnant daughters can get their little bumps taken care of.

  27. toads public service was having a link to his sponsors on the gover'nots website and playing shadow gover'not.

  28. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I am only aware of the death, veiled or implied threats that I've seen. If Sarah has received them who would take her word for that? No one with the exception of the crazies. Sarah you need to work with the authorities. If you want them to announce that they are investigating threats that were made toward you, tell them to ramp it up and make a statement. What you are doing makes you look like a liar again.

    Sarah has lied too many times. No one out of her small circle will beleive her now.

    1. start some bunch of crap story on one of Fox extreme pundit shows
    2. just repeat it endlessly
    3. then it moves up to the less extreme pundit shows & "semi-news" shows and then when the real stir kicks up their full "news" outlets cover it like it is a legit story.
    So true11:29 AM

  29. Somebody should tell this narcissistic paranoid no talent gas bag that if it weren't for tv ratings, she would not have a seven figure deal with Faux News.

  30. To the Alaskan Bloggers and Posters:

    Could Sarah Palin created this latest hysterical rant about her children, her privacy,death threats against Joe M etc. as a smokescreen?
    Joe McGinnis has stated publicly that he is not living next door to her to track her every move,rather, he is here to speak with people who have known her for years. For Sarah, this might be very scary. Could the death threats against Joe McGinnis be a veiled warning to anyone who wants to speak with him and the subsequent consequences if one does so?
    I have read many of your posts and you often speak about the reluctance of many in Wasilla to speak negatively about her. Realize that the way she went about it was bizarre and irrational but her reactions to anything threatening often are. Would love to have your opinions.
    PS:NBC should not have caved bit its the ratings game.

  31. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Pregnant daughters and hub is a classic BP type.
    British Petroleum careers
    BP spill closes more fishing areas
    TP heads to Bristol Bay for fishing Discovery showtime.
    "TLC is grounded in great storytelling, strong characters, and passionate audiences drawn to extraordinary people doing extraordinary things. We are confident SARAH PALIN'S ALASKA will be another compelling television event," said Eileen O'Neill, president and general manager, TLC.

    Don't miss Pipe Dreams!

  32. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Umm...isn't Fox News part of "lamestream media"??

  33. Anonymous3:05 PM

    NBC should have offered the Palins an opportunity to come on the show for a interview. I am sure they would have jumped at the chance.

  34. miller, of course it is . she is scared shitless that he knows how to dig up dirt. real dirt. babies, houses, fires, firings, tawd stalking wooten, sports shrines, taxes, more babies, mayor, money, cabins. So much to dig up, and PLENTY of time.

  35. Mitch who lives in Kansas3:11 PM

    This woman is as out of her element as a vampire on a day pass. Someone find a cross, spike, hot water and garlic.

  36. Forever Anonymous3:24 PM

    Here is the etc. Palin chose to leave out in her complain against McGinniss. She knows is not as effective as her sexually perverted charge, but c4p used it to defend her vindictiness:

    "Readers will wish to avoid opening this link to theimmoralminority but they (and the Palins) know all about those with whom McGinniss hangs out,

    • The liberal Alaska blogger and Palin-hater Jesse Griffin (who attacks the Palin family every day, and tells his readers he knows that Sarah Palin is not the mother of her fifth child, and who advocates the even more lunatic conspiracy that there are in fact three different versions of her fifth child)
    • The local Alaska Democratic Party office holder and Palin hater Phil Munger (who tells his readers that Governor Palin is a slut and a whore)
    • The Alaska based Huffington Post correspondent and Palin hater Jeanne Devon (who has accused the Palins of being tax cheats, and who is BFF with Alaska based blogger Shannyn Moore, the person who announced mendaciously on MSNBC that the Palins were under federal investigation)

    … and knowing all this about Joe McGinniss and the “despicable” company he keeps, when he turns up next door the Palins instantly feel less safe in their own home, Mr Weigel."
    so far, she has been careful not to rehash her old tired song, bloggers in pajamas.


  37. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I don't think the media knew about until Sarah brought it to everyone's attention. Seems to me she's the one that "sensationalized it."

    I probably wouldn't be happy about it if I were her, but it would seem to me the mature way to treat the situation would be with kindness and grace. Who knows? He might have written a very different book.

    What's the old saying? "You catch more flies with honey than with Facebook snarks."

  38. Enjay in E MT3:37 PM

    @ Miller 2:45

    That is very possible it was a reaction to what MAY be said by "those in the know". The former half term gov. has thrown practically everyone under the bus. Her favorable ratings are tanked, she hasn't done squat for AK since her resignation and the more she spews her hatred around the country - more Alaska citizens are cringing.

    As I mentioned in previous threads this week, McGinnis has just gotten a taste of why people don't talk against the Palins. Personal & professional retribution from anyone standing with the Palins is very likely when you speak against the Queen (of Quit)

    If anything, it is my belief where ever Joe visits; schools, county records, city hall, grocery store, etc., he will be tailed and word WILL get back to Palin.

  39. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Hey Sarah! Hear that door opening?

    Yeah -- that's your god opening the door for Karma to come kick your ass.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.