Thursday, June 03, 2010

Joy Behar on Sarah Palin and Trig: "They were passing that kid out more than a joint at a Grateful Dead concert."

Believe it or not but I was going to try and stay away from Sarah Palin related stories today.  But really how could I not post such an amazing comment?

Here is part of the conversation from the Joy Behar Show, with Lizz Winstead, co-creator of the Daily Show, and Ana Marie Cox (Who I have a ginormous crush on for some reason.), discussing Sarah Palin, Joe McGinniss, and the Great Wall of Wasilla.

BEHAR: Well, she implies in her Facebook thing that he`s going to be staring at Piper through the window, which automatically makes him into some kind of pervert, which is not his intention at all. Okay, the fight escalated this morning when McGinniss went on NBC`s Today Show. Watch.

JOE MCGINNISSS, AUTHOR/SARAH PALIN`S NEIGHBOR: It`s probably a lesson for the American people of the power Palin has to incite hatred and her willingness and readiness to do it. She has pushed a button and unleashed the hounds of hell, and now they’re out there slobbering and barking and growling. And that`s the same kind of tactic – and I`m not calling her a Nazi – but that`s the same kind of tactic that the Nazi troopers used in Germany in the `30s, and I don`t think there`s any place for it in America.

BEHAR: Okay, now she says in response, "When I say, all right, leave my kids alone, it means simply that. Let my kids have a fun summer without having a journalist 15 feet from their play area. How that equates me with the Nazis is quite beyond me." Okay, she`s not, he didn`t really equate her with the Nazis. He`s saying the tactic is very Nazi-like.

WINSTEAD: Well, I just think any time you know-

BEHAR: Which is, which is what? Which is unleashing the wrath of the Palinites out there on this guy.


BEHAR: That`s where the Nazi tactic comes in because when she says they`re attacking or being a threat to my children, all of these little Palinites go berserk.

WINSTEAD: I know, but just Nazi thing kind of, like, he has (UNINTELLIGIBLE) the Nazi thing.

BEHAR: Over the edge.

WINSTEAD: Over the edge, you know what, I just find it boring. Now, here`s the thing that I think is the biggest problem with Palin, is that why didn`t Bravo find her two weeks before McCain did, and we could just had the real housewives-

BEHAR: I know, we have to blame him.

WINSTEAD: -of Alaska and have it begun because she is exactly like that crazy woman on the Housewives of New Jersey.

BEHAR: Yes, the other thing is that isn`t she the one who put her kids in the spotlight in the first place? I mean, they-


BEHAR: -at the convention, when they were passing that kid out more than a joint at a Grateful Dead concert.

Wow!  So what do you think gang?  A little over the top, or right on target?


  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    ON TARGET! Especially the Real Housewives comment -- very true!

  2. I have been watching Joy Behar for a long time, and as with many other commentators, I have felt that she sold out when she joined CNN/HLN. As I have said many times before, we would not be dealing with this abomination now if Time Warner had not forced Ted Turner out of control of CNN! Ted has too many scruples. He never would have stood for his network people turning this moron into a relentless celebrity. That said, I feel that Behar is one of those who knows the truth of Babygate and would love to expose it, but she has been given her marching orders. Time Warner probably pays her far more than she has ever earned in her long career, and therein lies a lot of America's problem.

  3. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Behar = fail

    National Enquirer could have been the Palin's neighbor. We are not stupid, Behar.

  4. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Speaking of the hounds of hell, check out the comments on the linked article at NewsBusters. Well... puppies of hell, anyway.

  5. And also, to, she passed that little guy around like that during H1N1 was raging through the country.

    I swear, between the wild ride birth, the hot potato game she plays with Trig, under-dressing him in cold weather, est, it is like she wants this kid to die!

    Who trots around with an infant all over the country for a book tour with a child who needs daily therapy during Nov-Dec??? "Look at me, I can mother a Down's baby with a heart defect AND travel around on a book tour during the cold months. See me get off the plane with my little blessing?? I know, he should have a coat on like I do, but he isn't normal so it's ok. Wait, now where did the nanny go!"

    The woman tries too hard to shape the public's image of her fine mothering skills. Hopefully getting Tripp out of that house keeps Tripp safer than his uncle is.

    Poor little guy.

    (If there is any truth to the Wild Ride story, and I don't believe Palin gave birth, but if she did, it is as if she was hoping to give birth on a plane, to a child with a high risk of having a heart defect. Hoping for a stillbirth maybe??

    I know, horrible to think, but it is the only explanation I have for Palin purposely waiting almost 24 hours to seek medical help in such a high-risk pregnancy.)

  6. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I do not think it was over the top. It would have been prudent to state clearly what the behavioral tactic is i.e. to convince people that a target is falsely guilty of something for the purpsoe of eliminating the target inclusive of isolating them and death. It is a manipulative tactic and power over move to convince people McGiniss is guilty of crimes so people will feel anger to outrage in degrees including calling for his death.
    At this point it does not matter what McGinniss has done, nor does for he's been ondemned of perverted voyeuring of an adult woman, peeping Tom peering through a child's bedroom window, at the youngest child, Trig, installying and using "spy" equipment and writing a book from information gelaned exclusive from thesse alleged activities. He's alreaddy condemned as having written "hit pieces" which I and most people would hear the word "hit" which is to target a person to be murdered as in putting a "hit" out on someone. Also McGiniss is condemned as having "contueally harassed" the Palin's despite evidence he had contact or in any proximity physically twice in a two yer period. He is also condemned of "stalking" in the past with the same two incidents used as proof.

    Until a person has been in a situation accused and so many people convinced of your guilt targeted and punished for crimes you did not commit you truly can't empathize nor grasp the position of Jews in Germany. Or be condemned as a muslim terrorist anti American with people shouting "kill him"!

    Joe, taking a stand for him self, is taken and twisted suggesting he is the opportunist, again condemned for the other party's behavior.

    I predict next up is Joe exploited the Palin children to the won't ever end regardless of what Joe does or not.

  7. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Right on target.

  8. Floyd, it may be that Behar or her employer is afraid of looking like Dobbs when Dobbs went birther.

    I absolutely believe that Trig isn't Palin's biological child. As a politijaber ( who has been in the birther war for almost 2 years now, I was hesitant to admit being a "Triger" at Politijab. But then I shared my thoughts and discovered that many at PJ believe Palin is lying about Trig's birth.

    At least Behar allowed Andrew Sullivan to talk about the Trig babygate.

  9. Forever Anonymous8:39 AM

    Sarah mows the lawn and Todd call people around to complain about Joe.

    "Hence, our conversation. Todd called me on the recommendation of a mutual friend.

    I asked how events unfolded.

    By his telling, Sarah Palin was going out to mow the grass with Trig in a backpack when she noticed that there was someone in the previously vacant house next door. The Palins had rented the house themselves the previous summer for some of their guests. Or, rather, they did some remodeling in lieu of payment, which is now apparently a matter of dispute."

  10. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Agree with Mr. Orr, especially about Ted Turner.

  11. Anonymous9:00 AM

    8:26 am- I agree. No weight gain, ignoring basic medical care- I always figured she was hoping God would CLOSE that retarded baby door for her. She's such a fraud.

  12. I know it's not exactly what Behar said, but this makes a great signature tag line:

    McGinniss moved next door, Palin screamed, "My children!" and all the little Palinites went berserk.

    Nope. Not over the top at all... because it's true.

  13. Anonymous9:17 AM

    EARS!! EARS!!

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I think the house where Joe lives should be re-zoned, so that it can used as a mosque.

  15. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Sadly, her kids are fair game, and by Sarah using them for her purposes, she has made them so. Protecting her kids starts with her. But we know that's really not what she's interested in here.

  16. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I saw it live and I think she said "passing him OFF or AROUND like a joint" . Need to check actual video for correct words.

    I hope Joe finds little "Ruffles".

  17. OMG- Palin is SOOO Danielle on HW of NJ! Constant victim, paranoia people are out to get her and bring her down. Well, okay, we ARE, but you know what I mean.

    I actually don't wish that woman harm at all. I just want her to sit down and shut up. Is that asking too much?

  18. I just Kathleen Parker's parrot report of Todd's version of events. Why do people believe the story that she had Trig in a backpack to go mow the lawn? Utter nonsense. Doesn't anyone ever test their stories for reasonableness. I believe they knew before that evening that Joe McGinniss was there and that they waited until they had all the materials for the fence until they confronted him, so they could kick up a fuss and install it the next day. And the "mutual friend" who recommended KP call Todd is Greta VS. Greta has almost as big a girl crush on KP as she has on Sarah.

  19. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Sarah didn't care about the baby potentially getting sick while she was on her book tour because she always carried a spare with her. There were at least two babies on that tour with her.

  20. It seems as though McGinniss didn't help himself by using the 'Nazi' word. People just wince and seem 'turned off' instead of discussing whether it's relevant.

    The demonization of Joe McGinniss and Sarah's sick use of her daughters is evidenced in the comments to Kathleen Parker's WaPo piece.

    Here's part of a comment by 2partsgin on the Kathleen Parker piece at WaPo:

    "There is a public fascination with the Palin daughter's sexuality that McGinniss seeks to exploit; this is a reasonable consideration.

    This is pure harassment. Sarah Palin should be speaking with her attorneys. She has good reason to speak out against this invasion of her and her family's privacy. She has First Amendment rights, too, whether progressives like it or not."

  21. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Joy Behar isn't the only one who notices the prop. So many have, and it boils down to SP so intent on creating this "image". I think the image being she wants everyone to think she is so carefree about mothering and it comes so easily to her. She rebels against the old wive's tale (her take) about being careful they don't get a draft, making sure they're always warm, warm feet, etc.

    It's like she's saying, "aw, he's fine" or "you guys are too overprotective", as though being a bit overprotective is a weakness. Shockingly though, it's evident on photos, film, that she did pass him along from person to person, travelled with him in a cabin-pressured jet everywhere, germs galore. A DS child with decreased immune system should be at home, not being touched and breathed on by strangers and dragged the way he was.

  22. Anonymous11:05 AM

    GOOD ONE!!!! Kathryn, however, joints do get more love and attention from their handlers.

  23. I think Joy is right. Just imagine having a shrill mother like Sarah. People need to use their eyes and watch her actions as opposed to listening to her words. Todd is no better...but Sarah needs Todd! I truly wish there was more emphasis on Todd and his doings.

  24. mocha, as crazy as it sounds, and I absolutely agree that it does sound crazy, Sarah Palin really DID have Trig in a backpack as she started to mow her lawn.

    I refuse to feed the frenzy by revealing my source, but trust me I would not be confirming this bizarre story if I was not absolutely certain.

  25. BPsucks11:33 AM

    It makes Alaska the biggest joke - the ex-governor was walking around with belly padding and scarves pretending to be pregnant. She ignored subpoenas to no consequence. She pilfered money with her per diems and owing taxes, (did she pay backtaxes/property taxes yet?). She ignores public records requests. And, she quit on you. Makes my governor look not so bad.

  26. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Are there any other female 1/2 term GINO's who use their children like $p does? Can apply to males too. Heading toward 70, sister 84, and neither have ever heard of a woman, or man, who exsploits their children as this sorry excuse of a female does. What must these children think? What will they think as mature adults. Just accuse, and lie about men. Try to destroy men. Even murder is not too far for her in her quest for the almighty dollar, and thinking a simpleton such as herself, can be POTUS. The old white men paying her know they are not electable, and think she is. No woman I have ever met in my entire like whines like that one. And thinks she can lead. She has not even shown she can rear her own children. Stay put Joe. Look forward to reading your book.

  27. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Joy has several roles to play as the hostess of her own show. One is that she is a stand up comic, and it is her job to make timely jokes about people who appear on her show or people who are in the news. Kathy Griffin has been a guest on Joy's show, and both of them are know for their smart wisecracks. The "Trig being passed around joke" was funny. We have seen the videos from the book tour; Trig was passed around from person to person during flu season. Nuff said.

    As for Liz, the reason that Gryphen may like her is (1) she is listed as one of the originators of The Daily Show. Her name is still on the list of credits. (2) When Air American satellite radio first debuted, Liz and Rachel Maddow had an hour show; I heard it in the morning. They were a terrific team because both did their homework, and Liz could be counted on to make timely jokes. It was probably the format that launched Rachel, first to MSNBC as a commentator, and then on to her own show.

  28. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Hmmmmm, source that knows backpack/lawn story, might know, much, much more.

  29. Anonymous12:00 PM

    LMK-- no one who has given birth can fathom what Palin did on Trig's birth. It's like she was sitting with some PTA mommies and doing political strategies and someone came in late, crying that her teenaged daughter was giving birth to a baby who was certain to have Down Syndrome and lights went on in the vacant mommies' eyes. "Sarah, you can fake this!"

    Sarah giggled, "Really?!!"

    Then they concocted it and the girl had him on time-- Trig did not look like a premie-- and SP thought it would be fun to make a joke about not having the baby in TEXAS. LOL! and surely everyone would believe her because of HPPA rules and things being confidential, right?

  30. There was some reason Trig was in the backpack. She probably knew who was next door. It's pretty hard to not notice someone has moved into a vacant house next door, especially with the long daylight. I can imagine her waiting with the lawnmower and Trig and backpack until the new neighbor appeared on his deck.

    The mayor probably had tipped her off way before that. Again, Trig wasn't in danger. Just as he wasn't endangered by the wild ride, he wouldn't get hurt by a lawnmower that was never used.

  31. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Gryphen, can you post the link to the video? Worth watching.

  32. Anonymous12:19 PM

    The mowing with Trig in a backpack story is true? What's next? Is she going to buy a Bag-o-glass from Irwin Mainway?

  33. Anonymous12:27 PM

    "I refuse to feed the frenzy by revealing my source, but trust me I would not be confirming this bizarre story if I was not absolutely certain."

    And that, my friend, is why people can't stand you. That comment was unnecessary, self-aggrandizing and foolish. Can't you ever quit while you're ahead, Sar, er, Gryphen?

  34. Anonymous12:27 PM

    O/T kinda but relevant to some recent posts. I've been wanting to comment on Sarah's father Chuck's recent statements to the NY Times that 'Sarah doesn't make the decisions' statement. I've come to wonder/realize that Sarah doesn't make the decisions on where she goes, which speeches she gives, what issues she does or doesn't support because ultimately the AIP is in charge with Todd as the go between.

    Go back and find the article by Max Blumenthal and another writer at Salon.Com where one of the AIP bigwigs was all too happy to tell Max that since her early, early days she's been working for them. He stated her door was always open (no appt. needed), how they taught her to go for the jugular and attack to throw off anyone taking her to task, how they taught her to infiltrate the GOP in order to advance the AIP mission, how they tell her how to vote (and she votes as they tell her to), what to support, what to attack, etc.

    I firmly believe now this is why she comes across as irrational (she is of course), word salady (doesn’t really know what/who she stands for since she’s touting someone else’s message but has to juggle it the GOP narrative & never gets the combo right), reactionary, encourages violence, uses threatening rhetoric, etc. It all comes from the AIP and the years of influence they’ve had over Todd and his beliefs. Todd is who really runs the show and is happy to let his wife be the face/voice of that message since she’s effective at it and he could never garner the attention she has achieved. It worked quite well in AK, but now they’re spreading that message across the lower 48 and no one is the wiser.

    She doesn’t know where she truly stands, what she truly believes, what is right/wrong position, etc. because she has no true core values, only those supplied to her over the years.

    It explains why Todd was always cc’d on every single government e-mail since he was the assigned watchdog of the AIP. He needed to make sure his wife was staying on the AIP course and steered her back whenever she fell in line with the GOP or the mainstream. When Todd steps in it is because his party, the AIP expects him to, demands he does or lets them know they are unhappy with something going on.

    I believe it fully explains her Greenies tweet yesterday…………………….it was a tweet from Todd on behalf of and in support of THE AIP!!

    Alaskan opinion and thoughts?

    Doot Diddy Doot!

  35. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Gryphen,I want to believe you when you write that Sarah really did mow the lawn with Trig on her back in a back pack. However, I am just a little bit suspicious of anything that Sarah does. I would be more inclined to believe that it was staged, and someone was taking photos so that they could back up her face book posts with "evidence."

    Sarah also pulled on her fishing gear to pose for photos last year as she was quitting. It was staged. Sarah has "cooked" moose stew in her kitchen for Greta and Matt, and that was staged. Sarah was heating up Chuck's moose stew that came out of the freezer. Seeing how well (sarcasm) Sarah handles equipment in her kitchen, I can assure you that she does not cook. She reheats things; she nukes things. She does not cook. Like the cake spread in Bristol's Harpers shoot, and the Runners World profile of Sarah, everything is staged, fake and posed for the camera.

    And, I am willing to bet that in the photos of Sarah mowing the lawn, her hair extensions flow over her shoulders and her makeup is perfect.

  36. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Meet Sarah Palin’s radical right-wing pals
    Extremists Mark Chryson and Steve Stoll helped launch Palin's political career in Alaska, and in return had influence over policy. "Her door was open," says Chryson -- and still is.

    The Palin’s Un-American activites
    Imagine if the Obamas had hooked up with a violently anti-American group in league with the government of Iran.

  37. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I checked c's4p to gauge their output of nasty, &
    sure enough they're roiling (I like that word, roiling)in a sea of wrath against Joe. Todd - you
    know, the guy trotting behind 'minny mouse' trying to look macho - is quoted saying: they'll likely
    have to move elsewhere for the summer because
    of what's happened, and how sad it is because they
    (Palins) look forward to summer...blah...blah.
    You mean that wall of China they built isn't high
    enough? One of the regular writers said, she
    would 'walk over broken glass for Sarah.' Is that
    sick or what! I think this gal said once her husband is a psychiatrist too. I know this will come as a shock to some, but those p-bots are not n.o.r.m.o.l.

    Sharon TN

  38. I'll be doggone. But I am so happy to hear you have a source who can confirm it!!

  39. Anonymous1:19 PM

    OMFG I thought that the mowing story was absurd. Who in their right fucking mind puts a child on their back while mowing. This lady should win the worst mother of the year award. Behar is absolutely right about Trig being passed around like a joint and Winstead is right on target about SP. Cue victim card in 3..2..1. There will be few morons trying to boycott CNN/HLN. Much more will just send threatening emails to the Behar and CNN. Sarah's Piranhas remind me of the extremist who threaten anyone who criticizes Muhammad.

  40. I'd love to know what the rest of the family (especially Todd and Track) were doing when Sarah set out to mow the lawn with Trig. Too bad the Palins' neighbor is a respected author and not paparazzi.

  41. emrysa1:47 PM

    gryphen, I'm not buying that sarah was mowing the lawn. I think it's more likely that she set the whole f-ing scene up - she knew who her neighbor was, she just wanted to "set up a scene" so she could then screech about it on facelift.

    there's no way in hell sarah mows her own lawn. what's track doing? todd is retired, he's got nothing to do.

  42. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Remember the line in the recent New York Times story:

    " “Are you the guy who’s been writing all that crap about us?” Mr. Palin barked at an approaching reporter."

    Sounds like the Palins had had a heads-up about their new neighbor. Hence, the fence materials were bought, the tank top donned and Trig strapped to Sarah's back to set the stage for her outraged Facebook post.

  43. Anonymous2:41 PM

    What type of lawn mower was Sarah Palin using while Trig was on her back? Do the sources that witnessed this know that to be her routine? Or was that some kind of performance? It reminds me of the wild ride act. It was a lie, but if true more risky and deadly toward an innocent. Why would these "sources" sit around and do nothing about a person putting a child in as severe a danger as careless disregard of lawn mower safety?

    Healthy Children > Safety & Prevention > At Home > Lawn Mower Safety
    Safety & Prevention

    Lawn Mower Safety
    The power lawn mower is one of the most dangerous tools around the home. Each year, approximately 68,000 persons with injuries caused by power mowers were treated in emergency departments. More than 9,000 of the people hurt were younger than 18 years. Older children and adolescents were most often hurt while cutting lawns as chores or as a way to earn money.

    Lawn mower injuries include deep cuts, loss of fingers and toes, broken and dislocated bones, burns, and eye and other injuries. Some injuries are very serious. Both users of mowers and those who are nearby can be hurt.

    To prevent lawn mower injuries to children, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following:

    # 5 Make sure that children are indoors or at a safe distance well away from the area that you plan to mow.

    Lawn mower safety is just as important as knowing to wear the proper attire when riding on a motorcycle or making sure to wear a life jacket when on the water. Lawn mowers are very powerful and heavy machinery that have the ability to amputate limbs and severely wound the riders and surrounding workers or bystanders.
    Damage to the Inner Ear
    Your ear receives sound waves and sends them through a delicately balanced system to the brain. Part of this remarkable system, the cochlea, is a chamber in the inner ear filled with fluid and lined with thousands of tiny hair cells. The hair cells signal the auditory nerve to send electrical impulses to the brain. The brain interprets these impulses as sound. When you are exposed to loud or prolonged noise, the hair cells are damaged and the transmission of sound is permanently altered.

    Wear hearing protectors when exposed to any loud or potentially damaging noise. Cotton in your ears won't work. Hearing protectors include ear muffs and ear plugs (not swimmers plugs). You can find these at your local hardware store and some people opt to have them custom-made.

  44. Anonymous3:10 PM

    How much does Trig weigh now? How much does Sarah weigh? Is he a lethargic child? Some toddlers his age would be too squirmy and or bulky to pack them up like a well contained back pack. Gryphen, does your source know of a reason no one else would watch Trig while she mowed? If I am too buy the story that Sarah was wearing shorts and a halter top and anxious to mow a large lawn after returning home from long travels that is one thing. Do I have to buy the whole package where a two year old is on her back? It does sound like a script writer and not insight into her daily life. That just not make any sense.

    Now I am more concerned that Trig is not getting the proper therapy. It sounds like he may have been drugged before she mounted him on her back. Was she pushing a hand mower, also, too? Would she be so incompetent as to try that with a power mower? Does anyone in Wasilla have a clue about how to treat a child? Todd and track were there but they could not watch Trig?

  45. Okay folks I have NO idea if this was staged or not, but if was then Sarah has no idea how rational people would react to hearing about it. (Which I guess is a given since she posted about it on her Facebook page.)

    No I have no idea what kind of mower it was, though I am pretty sure it was not a riding lawn mower as I believe that would have been mentioned.

    And for the person who was concerned about Trig's hearing? Don't bother. He is quite deaf. (I actually have an upcoming post where I will show you when I first noticed, and you will see it as well.)

  46. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Trig may well be deaf and I don't know that he has the best eyesight but even if he is blind it would not be good to have an object fly into his eye.

    The witness would know if he had on protective eye ware. Was Trig wearing protective eye ware? How often does Sarah like to mow the lawn with Trig on her back? My grass needs cutting every week during the spring.

  47. If SP lost that baby before delivery, or even now with her reckless "mothering", she simply would have another opportunity to be a victim. This time, as the grief consumed parent of a child who dies far too soon before his time. All part of the mastercrazy plan!

  48. Anonymous4:46 PM

    someone at 2:40 brought up the same issues I was about to:

    re: Gryphen said...

    mocha, as crazy as it sounds, and I absolutely agree that it does sound crazy, Sarah Palin really DID have Trig in a backpack as she started to mow her lawn.

    WHICH Trig? The itty bitty one with the problem ears? Certainly not the big Trig that pounds Sarah's head whenever he gets the chance.... I'd pay for video of that! LOL

  49. Forever Anonymous4:46 PM

    I wonder if Todd helped Sarah strap on the empathy suit for the Andrea Gutsy photo.

    What a pair.

  50. Anonymous4:48 PM

    even if it's a rider mower - I have the mental image of the douchebag tipping over backwards and landing on top the kid

    are you sure it's not another attempt to injure him? sympathy play, you know....

  51. Anonymous4:54 PM

    With a push mower it is possible for a small pebble or object to forcefully project into an eye. No matter how she spins it that is not a place for a child. I am amazed that so many people are not aware of lawn mower safety and not calling her out on that.

  52. Teach your children well5:09 PM

    You are doing a terrific job with your blog and keeping up with the lies and Palin schemes. You can only do so much. I don't know what to make of your "sources" because I have no idea where they are coming from. You have reasons to trust them, I don't know them.

    Part of the Palin thing is about children, child safety and well being. There is a particular need to have a camera available at all times and make an effort to document what the true story is. I am not in Alaska but I carry a camera at all times. Anyone can take pictures, it is not that difficult for children to learn basics and be trained to get as much information as possible. So what is it with the adults in Alaska?

    I don't have a lawn but I am not ignorant about the dangers of mowing. It is beyond belief that all who saw Palin that day were clueless as to what kind of equipment and about the safety issues. Do they all work for British Petroleum? I've seen idiots trying to mow without shoes and I showed more concern than anyone around the compound has shown towards Trig. If I saw a small person with a heavy kid on their back starting to mow grass and I could not stop that ritual, I would for sure call child protection. Before that I would note the particulars of the situation and take a picture if at all possible. It would probably not be hard to find a way to take a picture. Palin has a long list of violating her children and putting them in harms way. Kim Chatman did try to get a picture of Trig crawling on that filthy floor and she did a good job of stating the situation. Even a poor quality picture can be better than nothing. Especially when people don't add the color of the mentioned clothes or how Trig was dressed to be in that dangerous circumstance.

    When neighborhoods care about children they will get together and form groups to film drug transactions and attempt to get the dealers out. In India young children living in brothels were given cameras to film the world they experience and they had no trouble learning and doing a terrific job. Seriously, what is up in Wasilla? If I saw Sarah Palin geared up to mow with Trig I know I would have noted if she was in a purple plaid halter top or red crushed velvet shorts. I would have seen if Trig was wearing a helmet or goggles. I can also tell a push mower from a power mower. It is too weird when sources are half ass. Can't someone train the people of Wasilla?

    If they start to care about children they could put her away where she can't hurt anyone else.

    I beginning to think that Joe should move out and let the National Enquirer move in. They would pay attention to the child safety concerns. It would also be patriotic to do something about the liars that our destroying our country.

  53. Anonymous5:14 PM

    With the proper attention, cochlear implants can help to give a deaf child access to the world of sound in amazing ways. This requires a substantial time commitment to the child--surgery, and ongoing therapy, but the results can be quite astonishing.

  54. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Since this topic has generated so many skeptical posts, let's look at the story, piece by piece. Sarah fires off one of her crazy
    Face Book post, exaggerating, as is her style. She describes how she is wearing tank top, shorts, Trig strapped to her back while mowing the lawn. After she pressed the "Post" button, someone emailed Sarah and said, "Are you crazy? What if they want to see a picture? I'm your friend, and I don't believe it!"

    I do not believe for a minute that petite Sarah does the lawn mowing with big strong Todd and Track in the house. If they can afford all of that snow machinery that we see covered with tarps next to the big fence, they can afford a power mower. The big question to ask anyone who has seen the photo (there is a photo, right?) what kind of protective footwear was Sarah wearing? Color of the tank top and shorts? Hair style? Makeup? Trig's eyes protected with his glasses? And, there was no one, not even Piper to baby sit Trig during the lawn mowing? No, the story does not make sense, and if does not make sense, it is probably not true.

    Sarah's problem is that she says stuff (or posts it on Face Book) without thinking about how it is going to play with people besides her unquestioning fans. How many examples from Sarah's biography do we have to list: The Wild Ride, or bringing a child to work three days after he was born prematurely with a hole in his heart. Sarah and Todd were married at the end of August, and according to "Going Rogue," Todd went right to work shoveling snow for the BP builiding in Anchorage. Do you folks really have snow right after Labor Day? Someone checked Anchorage weather for that year, and there was little significant snowfall even during the autumn months. Sarah exaggerates (I am being polite). She embellishes stories and produces them for dramatic effect.

    My guess is that Sarah rushed out a Face Book story, and someone said that it sounded ridiculous, so Sarah had to pose for a photo, just in case she needed to supply the proof. She must have been counting on more rebuttal time from NBC. Frankly, the real problem is how Sarah reacts to events, such as Joe McGinniss moving next door. Her reaction was so emotionally over-the-top that she cannot begin to sense the place where reality and fantasy conflict. She and Todd did not spend a day "crafting" a reply to an interview that was yet to air. McGinniss cannot see two stories up into Piper's window. Lake Lucille is not likely to be the Palin Swimming Hole.

    Conclusion: The image that Sarah created was supposed to paint the picture of Joe peeking through a gap in the fence to oogle Sarah in skimpy clothing and spy on her kids. (Never mind that she made sure that TMZ photographed her and the kids on the beach in Hawaii). What is problematic here is how Sarah over-reacts with the emotional outbursts of a spoiled child. She is still trying to settle a score with everyone who she thinks has done her wrong. The more that she acts out, the worse it looks. Soon, we will be getting our pop corn to watch the main event, as Sarah spins further and further out of control. We're coming up on a year anniversary. What can she possible do to top last year's performance?

  55. Anonymous5:49 PM

    There is no way in hell Sarah put Trig in a back pack to mow her lawn. We all know Sarah barely touches Trig. She would not tote him on her back where he can drool all over her fake hair, and down her back. Get real people! Even if pics just happen to show up, I still would not believe her. That would be like confirming that Joe the pervert, was peeping through Piper's window. We all know that is a fabricated lie. There was no truth to none of her statement.

  56. more safe meme6:16 PM

    Behar is a funny lady with great material.

    Sarah Palin is a role model and leader. There are those that blindly follow her.

    Alaskan master gardeners, who better to help educate the public about lawn safety?

  57. safety first6:39 PM

    Someone quick! Do a safety PSA about women who get home from work and strap the two year old on back to mow the grass. There is a right way to suit up and a wrong way.

  58. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Why is Sarah so frightened of anybody looking into Piper's window?
    The drug rehab guys didn't bother her, so what would a national level author, with lots of credibility, see that makes her go balistic?

    She is a person filled with hatetred and anger. Suppose maybe she is concerned about getting caught doing a Mommie Dearest routine in Piper's bedroom?

    She could have roused her rabbel with a less comically extreme PR release than she did.
    Why did Piper peaking, why does violence against your children, leap so readily to Sarah's mind?

    Maybe because the violence comes from Sarah?

  59. "I checked c's4p to gauge their output of nasty, & sure enough they're roiling (I like that word, roiling)in a sea of wrath against Joe.

    Todd - you know, the guy trotting behind 'minny mouse' trying to look macho - is quoted saying: they'll likely have to move elsewhere for the summer because of what's happened, and how sad it is because they (Palins) look forward to summer...blah...blah."

    Palin won't move. She has to be a victim, and to be the victim, she must be stalked by McGinniss. Well, moving would kill that. No, she will have the binoculars out watching his grandchildren as they play in the lake. She has made it quite obvious that she is going to milk this for all that it is worth.

    What millionaire mows their lawn? What a buffoon she is. I agree, I think this was staged.

    Forgive what might be an ignorant question, but isn't it a bit cold for a tank top and shorts? I know y'all don't live in the snow all year around, and you do get quite a bit of sun in the summer months. But it was May when this happened. I am in central Oregon ... too cold for a tank top here.

  60. Geez, mowing is pretty hard work. With a 30 pound toddler strapped to my back? Very destabilizing, much increased risk of loss of control. The danger is more to Sarah. I go barefoot pretty much all the time I can, but when I mow I wear shoes, and I don't mean sandals or sneakers, but heavy leather. One slip and your foot is under the mower in reach of the blades.

  61. The old CYA technique8:52 PM

    Behar is a stand up comedian, this is a line she uses and it is not over the top.

    We can't even be sure if all of Palin's children are hers, of course, she provokes responses if she will not act responsible and answer truthfully to dispel any questions. I don't care why SP dangles this big mystery out there, I just know that she could settle it if she cared about transparency and being accountable.

    The old excuse about her children being off limits is DONE. Her wanking about how others are toward her children is useless. She has given us too many examples of how she treats the children known as "Trig." One of them can't even be located, no one is certain if that one is dead or alive. Another "Trig" is displayed in situations where they appear drugged and at other times not dressed for the weather, none of the aides that child needs and I could go on with her signals of abuse and neglect. A mother like that should not be given a free pass just because she has some BIG OIL and BIG MONEY backers.

    SP put her children out in the public eye to prove her motherhood "skills," scrutiny is part of it all and she is the one that won't verify and give direct, clear and honest answers. She is the one that uses props. The whole mama bear myth she uses is getting old and it is not holding up. She uses the props (children) as her job experience. She claims to have managed a city while she was a sucessful "hockey mom." That is why they claim she is qualified to bash her opponents, be a king maker for other politicians or pretend to run for an office.

    The photos of her that are documented and the recordings, statements and interviews are necessary and worthy discussions. It is certain that she is not telling the truth about a potential crime with a far reaching grasp and a deeper investigation is to come. Until that, she is about deception and cover up. She uses her children as props to deceive and there is no way they can be left out of what she is doing.

    Corporations use social networks, it is the way the world goes around these days. Ask questions and hold them accountable.
    Slatecard...WHAT ARE BADGES?

  62. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Gryphen mentioned that he knows that Trig is deaf. One of those magazine articles (Harpers?) said that Tripp was signing with Trig, and Trig could sign "Stop!" which was so cute.

    There are two schools of thought regarding hearing impaired kids. One group is for cochlear implants as suggested by a poster. Another group is for ASL, American Sign Language. In fact, Trig should not be making up his own "signs" with Tripp; he should be learning a language where he might have a chance of communicating with others with a similar disability.

    Either program takes much dedication and work, input and study from the parents and associated family. This should be the project for Sarah and Todd this summer instead of posing for staged pictures to fool the public on TLC. Instead of making a public display of herself, Sarah really should be investing time with an audience of one who really needs her. I cannot imagine that Sarah would invest one selfless minute unless it held a reward for her, even a photo op.

    No, Sarah will continue her one-sided feud with a author who could have written about how she dedicated herself to her kids. Instead, he will write about how she issued threats and accused him of menacing acts towards her children. He wanted an example of Palin's power to call out the Hounds of Hell, and she performed the moment he moved in. Sarah can't have him next door because he will see that there is no family out there on the lawn playing games and enjoying a summer day. But he will hear the local gossip about neglected kids who act out to get the attention of missing parents. Sarah can't strap Trig to her back to fool Joe; she would have to be out there every week because that's how often the lawn needs mowing.

    Note to Sarah: You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool a next door neighbor, no matter how high you build the fence.

  63. icstraights11:51 PM

    Scarah Palin does NOTHING else except USE her children as human shields from the media...
    You are beyond disgusting Scarah! Karma is a bitch. Mark my words, you freak. One day, one of your 'human shields' will not be gagged and your spoof will be over, FOREVER...

  64. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Don't bogart Trig, my friend.

  65. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I have a point that to date Joe has honored his word not commenting about anything the Palin's or their children have done at their home. Nor has he commented on attire, activities or lawn mowing.

    I can admit that after discovering and hering lie after lie by Sarah Palin I don't believe even the proverbial kernal of truth she may tell e.g. she did mow the lawn. While it is possible any person mow (I enjoy yard work.) I hesitate to believe anything from the Palins given their record of habitual lying. Case in point her tweet she was not for offshore drilling and scrambling facts the Greenies are responsible for the off shore drilling hence if it weren't for them and if people listened to her the BP disaster would not be. I would not trust, and dislike people who believe they are entitled to lie and while lying falsely accuse others who present the facts denegrating them slinging Palin's mud at clean people. There is a line between "attacks" false accusations and holding a person accountable for their own words, deeds and actions. Holding the Palin's, Sarah mainly accountable is perceived by her to be an "attack".

    Sarah, when anyone holds you accountable for your own words you react to extremes accusing others of "making stuff up". The consequence of lying often, habitually is you are not going to be believed, you are by your actions untrustworthy and the majority of people see and hear the kernal of truth tangled in the falsehoods, white lies, lies by ommision.

    RE: the wild ride, mowing with a toddler/child what you do amongst your family is not our business. However if Sarah seeks POTUS, to govern, her judgment, consideration of consequences to others is our business for the majority of us want an ethical leader who gives consideration to and grasps consequences of choices. Also, a leader who wants what is best short and long term for others for the majority.

    Not a manipulative prone to deceit, lying, changing the stories, exploitive person who sadly can't comprehend the consequences of her words, choices slandering others as liars making false accusations not ever accountable or able to say she learned something from this oil spill disaster...just lie and call others liars.

  66. Joy Behar is a comedienne and her comments were satirical. According to Sarah, that's OK.
    Just sayin'...


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