Thursday, June 03, 2010

Sarah Palin records robocall for South Carolina gubernatorial candidate and "good time girl" Nikki Haley.

According to CNN:

In the robocall launched Thursday, Palin tells voters she is "calling on behalf of my good friend, and a brave and strong conservative woman, Nikki Haley."

Palin says that Haley's rivals are attacking her with "made-up nonsense to try to knock you down."

"Believe me, I've been there," Palin says in the recording. "But you can make your own statement against these unfair attacks, and you can help take back state government, by voting for the real deal (Actually, if I may be so bold as to correct CNN, she says "dill" not "deal") conservative, Nikki Haley on Tuesday."

And I know most of you already know this, but for those who may be joining us late, remember kids "made up nonsense to knock you down" is Palin-speak for "telling the truth that you don't want people to know about."

And speaking of THAT, I wonder if Sister Sarah has had an opportunity to see THIS interesting little video today?

Okay this guy could be completely full of shit.  I have no way of knowing, but after the accusations made by Will Folks, it looks like there might be a very definite pattern forming here. After all it all started for Tiger Woods with just one slutty girl, and we all know how that worked out.


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I keep wondering how long it will take politicians to realize how many voters use robocalls to determine who not to vote for. I've yet to receive a robocall that made me think, "I am so voting for that guy," but I've had many that made me vote against the robocaller.

  2. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Sarah's Kiss of Death endorsement. She should patent it. However, Alaskans must be wishing she had endorsed Lovely Lisa, Corporate Shill. Oh, well, win some, lose some.

    I do kind of feel sorry for Nikki, but then that feeling passes when I consider she's won over Sarah. That pretty much is worse than infidelity.

  3. sandipants1:17 PM

    Gosh, whatever happened to the other poor "attacked" woman that Sarah supported - Carrie Prejean? (Smirk) She sure can pick 'em!

  4. SP is so BP1:38 PM

    What a piece of corporate shi!t Sarah Palin is. Go girly hacks! Cover up those sexual fun times just like the big boys. BP is the third largest energy company and the fourth largest company in the world, they train and know a few things about damage control and getting out the lies.

  5. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Is she trying to sound like an ignorant fucking moron? Does she really say dills when she around her family?

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Received my robo-call today. The screeching sill-billy did indeed say 'dill'which sounded so professional and 'presidential'. Her pronunciation is far worse than Southerners. It was mentioned in a several viewer comments from an upstate SC newspaper that Haley had a case of 'bed-hopping' while she was at Clemson University. Haley is toast.

  7. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Sarah and her puritanical cleavage...dumb fucking right-wing cougar. I know that was petty, but we all know what she is...and is not.

  8. FEDUP!!!2:17 PM

    Well, COME ON, Gryphen! Give that Haley a break - She WAS 100% faithful -IN HER MIND (but not her body!) :P

  9. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I wonder if the young voice delivering the disclaimer is Willow?

  10. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Correction - it's "rill dill."

  11. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Although I am not saying Nikki did not cheat, I would really like to see more evidence before condemning her to the trash heap.

    Mind you, with Sarah's endorsement I am inclined to dismiss Nikki out of hand. Anyone who has earned the respect and support of Sarah Palin should not be elected into office. That is the primary reason I would not vote for Nikki - not unsubstantiated claims. Much as I am tempted to want not to apply the doctrine to Rethugs and TP candidates, they are Americans and should be considered innocent until proven guilty.

    If the first guy can produce the photos or witnesses, fine. The phone records are certainly bordering on evidence, but lots of people correspond via phone or emails and never sleep together. Let's cool our jets on this issue until more evidence comes up. SC has a nasty rep on lies during campaigns.

    Nikki is going to a tough time winning just based on Sarah's endorsement, even in SC.

  12. Lynne3:04 PM

    I agree that being unfaithful is probably secondary to her unsavory relationship with Sarah. It speaks of stupidity for sure. As for the illicit...oh nevermind. I get tired of hearing about these clueless idiots.

  13. Anonymous3:16 PM

    How long can she call herself "Governor Palin"? WTF?

  14. Anonymous3:18 PM

    A friend of mine received one and she is pissed!! She also will not vote for Haley (my friend is a Republican). I was thrilled to hear the news!

  15. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Have you been able to figure out why your traffic is going down the shitter?


    It's the quality, stupid.

  16. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I do not understand why women are given the benefit of the doubt about sleeping around. The male cheaters have to have someone to cheat with. Unless the guys like to play foot taps in public rest rooms. Go National Enquirer. I think you were telling the truth in 2008. Get it out there. NH is not the only gal of questionable repute.

  17. Anonymous3:42 PM

    On another note, today's news : "Major League Baseball will not reverse a blown call that cost Detroit Tigers pitcher Armando Galarraga a perfect game Wednesday night, commissioner Bud Selig said in a statement Thursday."

    What, no pit-bull reaction? What a couple of great role-models for dealing with the situation with class.

  18. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Palin tells voters she is "calling on behalf of my good friend, and a brave and strong conservative woman, Nikki Haley."

    Do you think Sarah had to look at her palm to remember who she was talking about? When you listen to the message, after Sarah says "conservative woman" they spliced in her name, "Nikki Haley." It was not a smooth transition.

  19. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Anonymous @ 2:59 PM said:
    Although I am not saying Nikki did not cheat, I would really like to see more evidence before condemning her to the trash heap....
    If the first guy can produce the photos or witnesses, fine. The phone records are certainly bordering on evidence, but lots of people correspond via phone or emails and never sleep together. Let's cool our jets on this issue until more evidence comes up....


    Did you read the text messages between Will Folks (first guy); Tim Pearson (Haley's campaign manager); another Republican operative; and an AP reporter? The authenticity of the texts have been confirmed by the campaign manager and other parties.

    Hard to imagine why Nikki Haley's camp would not sue for libel if these texts did NOT support Will Folks's assertions. Take a look--they're pretty damning.

  20. I wonder about the possibility of photos surfacing of Nikki being cozy with Gov. Sanford? Has Jenny Sanford done any more campaigning for Nikki since the scandal broke?

  21. I'm another anti-robocalls person. Once I came home from vacation to a message machine full of robocalls; one received at 3:30am!! You can bet I didn't vote for that candidate.

    I'll hold off on the Haley adultery issue. It seems like an awful lot of people have decided to get their 15 minutes of fame by claiming adultery with someone famous.

  22. sallyngarland,tx4:47 PM

    Marchant is married. Did he have this one night stand while married? It sounds that way. I can't imagine that he would make something up that could destroy his marriage.

  23. Anonymous5:21 PM

    No matter who is doing the robocalls, I always hang up. Nothing is more annoying except having to hear Palin's voice at the other end. Nikki is toast and having Palin back her is a kiss of death. I'm beginning to wonder if Ms. Sarah is a Democratic bought and paid for "secret weapon" to demolish the Republican Party. It seems $ is her goal and who knows what she is capable of for the right price.

  24. Anonymous5:29 PM

    @anon 2:59
    The damning evidence against Nikki having an affair with Will Folks is in 'the time and duration' of the calls. Sure, people involved in joint projects can make hundreds of phone calls, but how many place these 'legit' calls to people with families between midnight and 4am lasting an hour?

    Ok, maybe if there's a big oil spill that needs covering up... but really - how would you react to your spouse taking/placing frequent, wee hours phone calls, explaining them as business?

    I'd be interested to know her husbands' reastion - did he even know about the late night calls?


  25. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Just like Palin never sued the National Enquire, when she and the brad hanson tryst was reveiled. They threatened, but the NE had it down cold. Story ran, no lawsuit from the ice princess.

    Haley going down in flames - thanks to Palins.

  26. Anonymous3:31 AM

    "Hard to imagine why Nikki Haley's camp would not sue for libel if these texts did NOT support Will Folks's assertions. Take a look--they're pretty damning."

    Damned right, they're damning. I know as a married person I would be PISSED as hell if my spouse was yakking away with some one of the opposite sex at midnight or 4 Am for hours at a time. I don't care WHY, get your ass off that phone and into bed with me.
    The worst thing Haley has done, in my opinion, is to put off talking about this mess until AFTER the election is over with. I guess her reasoning is if she is already in office and the affair(s) are proven to have happened, she can stay there like Sanford has.
    She's a COWARD.

  27. angela3:40 AM

    Oh well. Cheaters unite. Nikki's in good company with Sarah.
    I did want to pull the toupee off Haley's booty call #2 though. lol.

    The people of South Carolina are used to corrupt, ignorant, lying racist elected officials. Sanford (Appalachian Trail), Demint ( teabagger) , Wilson (You lie) Knotts (racist slurs he calls jokes) Graham (diminished and closeted) Bauer (don't encourage the poor by feeding them).

    I believe Haley is a liar--but the real reason she shouldn't be governor is she is a libertarian idiot and will govern like Sanford. Who she seems to emulate quite well.

  28. Anonymous5:45 AM

    You know what Tiger's dad told him:

    "Son, you just concentrate on golf and fuck everything else."

  29. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I don't care who anyone sleeps with. People sleep together.

    I don't like someone from another state trying to tell people how to vote. I don't like Robocalls. How much did Nikki pay SP to record that?


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