Thursday, June 03, 2010

Left over Palin-bot, Governor Parnell, cuts millions of dollars to rural Alaska and health care for children in exchange for Teabagger cred.

From Alaska Dispatch:

In a press conference in a downtown Anchorage conference room, Parnell announced he had cut approximately $300 million, or about 10 percent, from the $3.1 billion capital budget the state Legislature passed him in May.

The former lieutenant governor -- who took over the state's top job after Sarah Palin resigned halfway through her first term -- also said he had given the $8 billion state operating budget a $36 million haircut. Operating budget cuts are generally considered far less politically charged than cuts to the capital budget that funds roads, buildings and other new, state construction, but Parnell altered that dynamic with the announcement he was cutting $2.9 million intended to expand Denali Kid Care, a health program designed to provide care for children of low-income Alaskans -- a move Democrats were quick to criticize.

Parnell said he made the cut after recently discovering Denali Kid Care finances abortions.

"There are hundreds of abortions being paid for by this fund," he said.

Asked about Alaskans who would be denied affordable health care because of the veto, Parnell said, "I want to be able to provide those services, but if your governor doesn't stand for life and liberty, or at least as he understands it in his conscience, then you don't have a governor."

What kind of a fucked up conscience does it require to keep necessary health care away from thousands of LIVING children in this state in order to dictate that women must give birth to POTENTIAL children not yet born?  And by the way genius, who is going to provide health care for these new children that you are insisting must be born in our state?

Oh that's right I forgot, these idiots only care about children who are not yet born.  They don't give a crap about the thousands of children who will desperately need services today!

You know Tony Knowles established this program during his term as Governor, from 1994 to 2002, and it has proven a Godsend to low income families all across Alaska. I know a number of families that rely on Denali Kid Care, and simply put they could not manage to get their children important medical services without that support.

And don't think that the Obama Health Care Reform legislation will simply take up the slack either because this sad excuse for a public official is so determined to withhold health care from the citizens of Alaska that he has joined 20 other Republican Governors in filing a suit to prevent the reform from being implemented in our state.

I am deeply saddened and incredibly angered that Sean Parnell is willing to play political games with the health of Alaska's children.  Perhaps Ethan Berkowitz put it best when he said : "Real men don't pick on kids".

Of course that is not all of the important programs that Parnell cut as you can see in this pdf. He essentially cut funds from anyplace, and anybody, that he did not think could hurt him politically.  Gee it is almost like Sarah Palin never really left. 

And in a very real way, she never did.

Update:  Andrew Halcro points out that Parnell plays just as fast and loose with the truth as his infamous predecessor.


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    He must have been talkin' to Pawlenty.

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Fuckers. That about sums it up.

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "Oh that's right I forgot, these idiots only care about children who are not yet born."

    Yeah, like SP cared if she really did do the wild ride.

    Yeah, like she cared when she threw Bristol under the bus at the RNC.

    Yeah, like she cared about Willow/Bristol and rape so much she didn't report it.

    Yeah, like she cared about Willow and crying rape after the David Letterman joke error.

    Yeah, like she cared about Piper and has to have "pedophile" associated with that daughter.

    Maybe she really only does care about Track. Gee, I wonder why? Does it have anything to do with the remarkable similarity to the tip of his nose and the shape of the tops of his ears to Curtis Menard, Jr., her big crush from HS?

  4. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I know how you feel. My Governor can't run for re-election (term limited) his political career is all but over because he isn't a natural born citizen and almost everybody is sick of his shit but he still insists on punishing the poor and middle class just so the rich can live high on the hog. Such a disgrace the Republican party has become.

    OT, Congrats to Jeanne Devon for being one of the sixteen Round 2 winners for DFA Netroots Nation Scholarship Competition.

  5. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Jesus Christ, what is wrong with this MORON? To cut care for the less well off or indigent people of Alaska. Wonder if he plans to support the parents of these children because they will be less likely to work since they can't pay for day care?

    No question this gives him his Teabagger cred, but what are the people this affects going to do? I'm sure Paylin is so proud of him. Alaska needs to wake up and rid itself of these Teabagger and republican politicians because they are robbing Alaskans blind hurting the very people government is supposed to help. WTF???

  6. Anonymous6:14 PM

    As Keith might say, "Parnell is the worst person in the world!"

    As far as I am concerned, he can take his phony concern for the "unborn" and stuff it up his dark, dank soul.

    By denying affordable health care access to those most in need, he is responsible the suffering and death that results from his budget cuts. I wish we could prosecute him for that suffering and death because he is making an intentional choice to cause it.

    What are our tax dollars for anyway? Security in the form of an adequate military force, sure. Protection from fire and violence in the form of adequate police officers, courts, firefighters, absolutely. Protection from dangerous products, yes. Protection from polluted air, water and soil - of course.

    Why is it so difficult to include protection from undue suffering and death through affordable health care access? We are not even going to the demand for free health care for our citizens - just affordable health care and assistance for the poorest amongst our society.

    Basic health care access is as fundamental as basic education access. If our citizens are not healthy or are not educated, WTF good is our country? We have to care, we have to use our tax revenues to cover the basics so our people are healthy, educated, and safe from basic threats.

    The days of constant tax cuts are over. We need to grow up and accept the cost of being a civilized nation. People as individuals cannot afford to pay other individuals or corporations for the services government provides. We are in this together - but our individual religious beliefs have no place in determining what services are provided to whom.

    Governor Parnell has a right to his religious beliefs. I have a right to mine. They are not the same and never will be. Therefore, he must realize that as a public servant, as part of the government he cannot impose his religious beliefs on me. Period. End of story. He is a righteous jerk.

  7. If you have the time, read this piece on abortion. It's the best both sided thing I've read.

  8. Anonymous6:27 PM

    As Bill Maher said, these 'people' love to pick on the weakest and poorest on the block.

    Whatever gets you those teabaggin' votes though Dicknell! Just make sure those babies get born whether they be by rape, incest or whatever means necessary, but if they die in the streets from lack of healthcare, that's not your problem!

    Did he get his pat on the head from Stupid yet?

  9. honestyinGov6:42 PM

    Not to worry Gryphen. Just like SP1. 0... S.P.2.0 expects the Children & Alaskans to survive on ' cookies '. this is a long-standing Tradition with the S.P. Family.
    As sort of a form of protest or a way to show your dissatisfaction with His Plan... people should drop by his Office every day with 1 Cookie....EVERY DAY!! Tell him it is for the Governors " Cookie Fund Plan " for the Kids. You just want to be able to contribute your share to help support his Plan.
    SP 2.0 becomes the Cookie Gov... OR Kook-ie Gov...? doesn't matter. His Tea-Bag friends spell it the way it sounds. That's how they roll.
    Organize and get a group of Mothers, Teachers, Parents ( all signed up )... and have 20-50 people show up at the Office every day. Make him put a plate out front on his desk to display them.

    And if any of these District Legislators ( Congressman or Senators )that have people in their Districts that are affected by this DON't stand up and scream for THEM and call out your " Kook-ie Gov "...They are spineless, don't REPRESENT their people and the voters know who to ' NOT ' vote for at election time.
    You already had 1 Governor who voted her PERSONAL Opinion rather than representing the PEOPLE she was elected to represent as a whole. How did THAT turn out...?

  10. I guess there is no line item veto in Alaska. If he were caring, he would have gone out of his way to get another measure for providing care to the children. I understand (but don't agree) with the opposition to abortion. but to ignore the needs of children is not acceptable.

    I was in traffic today waiting for school buses to unload. Amazed that everyone respects the flashing red lights. This is our future. Everyone wants the children to do well.

  11. Anonymous7:27 PM

    You know, the only difference between Sarah Palin and the average politician/prominent US leader is:

    When opposition to the status quo has been acknowledged in the past, the government enacts a sophisticated homicide then BSs some story about a terrorist or lone nut. When Sarah Palin touts her views which oppose the current administration (an admin. that most American's are EXTREMELY disappointed with), she holds no bar too low in eviscerating them in every way. So, when you think about it, Palin is a lamb in this big bad world of politics whereas most everyone else is a pitbull or barracuda.

    I can respect that she has no shame in touting her views and NOT backing down at these little opinion blogs.

  12. Denali Kid Care is one of the main reasons that low income service workers can afford to live in Alaska, and work at WalMart or other big box stores that pay low wages.

    Without Denali Kid Care these people will not be able to afford to work in these places that wealthier people spend their money.

    It is expensive to live in AK and without Kid Care these folks will relocate to points south where cost of living is more reasonable.

    So Sean Parnell, go ahead and make Alaska more unaffordable for those that choose to have children and need a little extra assistance due to high cost of living up here. You'll soon find yourself with a state lacking those folks that are needed to work the low wage jobs that keep this economy stable.

    And guess what. If you let them terminate pregnancies you won't have so many mouths to feed and there will be more money to go around. Not every child is wanted and to force people to have them is just feeding the overwhelming problem that we have in Alaska of child abuse and neglect.

    Republicans just love those children in the womb but don't want to do a damn thing to help them once they are born.

    Planned Parenthood, it's a good thing.

  13. Gryphen, do you think you will be able to get rid of Parnell in the next election cycle? Are there viable candidates (R or D) running against him? I sincerely hope so and will be following the campaign and election in hopes that this remaining Palinbot will go away!

  14. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Alaska is ranked 48th nationally as to health care provided children belonging to low income families. Obviously, our rank will stay the same or fall lower due to Parnell's horrid decision.

    About a week or so ago, Channel 2 announced that a recent poll had been completed showing Parnell ahead for the upcoming governor election.

    They also indicated doing their own poll on their website which asked 'would you vote for Parnell - yes or no' and after I voted 'negatively', it showed him losing big time! Just remember to get out and vote come election time - and support your family members and friends in doing so too. Every vote does count!

    I think Parnell should ask for Palin to come out and publicly support him in his race as the time draws nearer. She is certainly kiss of death for those she is backing nationally!

  15. This will put hardship on many families throughout our enormous state. Denali KID CARE was one of Alaska's finest achievements, how sad it was lost for providing choice.
    Time to choose another Governor!

  16. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Anon @ 7:27.
    No one has problems with opposition to the status quo, what I have a problem with is some uneducated, cowardly woman spewing rants and raves with no credibility and pretending that it has any relevance to the real problems facing this country. And by the way, I don't think most people are Extremely disappointed with the current administration, we understand the complexities and know that the current CIC is doing what he was elected(by a large majority by the way) to do and he is not above criticism and will be judged by his deeds and not his Tweets.

  17. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Read. Parnell opted to not EXPAND Denali Kid Care.

    Read. Think.

  18. State funding of Denali Kid Care would only pay for medically necessary abortions. I hope the legislature overrides this and other vetoes and that AK elects a Democratic governor in November.

    PaulaCD - Thanks for the link to the paper on abortion. It was a very worthwhile read.

  19. Anonymous10:11 PM

    we vote for these assholes. Bill Walker is as bad as any of them. I am disgraced to be an Alaskan.

  20. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Wow talk about completely rewriting your job description - isn't the whole point of being a Governor or Senator or Congressman to respond to the conscience of your constiturncy - not your own? Aren't you supposed to put aside your own personal bias for the good of the many?

    Oh wait - he's followed the Palins... mybad...


  21. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Parnell has no right to impose his personal preferences to the rest of the people of Alaska.

    Bastard! (sorry)

  22. Anonymous11:44 PM

    I just couldn't believe what I was hearing when he spoke on his interview tonight. So now we will have little ones who won't be able to see if they need glasses, won't be able to hear because their parents couldn't afford to see a doctor for antibiotics from a secondary infection in the ears, this will cause educational problems as they won't be getting their needed language by the time they are four, remember how close your teeth are to your brain and how infection of the teeth can cause more serious problems.
    Mr. Governor, you better set up something fast, say a public pool with help for those who can't pay the high costs of current insurance costs, to help these children. I'm so ashamed to think even one of our Alaskan children might suffer from poor health without care.

  23. Why are we allowing these people to trample our rights?
    Abortion is legal, whether these people like it or not.
    It is not illegal to have an abortion. Even palin considered it when she found out about her pregnancy.

  24. Anonymous5:54 AM

    You READ, anon. The legislature had voted to expand the Kid Care to cover more children. That was money that was going to them. Then Parnell decided to cut it. We can squabble about words (cut or "not expand"), but the bottom line is that the representatives of the people of Alaska set out that money to help families and Parnell nixed it (after supporting it), to score cheap political points.

    Parnell and Palin's answer to poor families and children:
    Let them eat cookies and buy expensive health insurance.

  25. I wonder how Sarah would weigh in on the veto for DKC funds. Her abortion was for medical reasons -- to avoid infection -- although it was her CHOICE and she may not have been at the point where it was a medical necessity.

    Going Rogue, p. 55 - "She [the doctor] went on to explain that I could go home and let "it" pass naturally. Or I could have a D&C." "Todd flew home to be with me when I had the D&C."

  26. Ratfish6:21 AM

    Parnell is a pandering Palinista prevaricator.

    Andrew Halcro does a good job of proving it.

  27. emrysa8:01 AM

    so what do you think, gryphen, is there anyone on the horizon who can beat this guy in the election? it would be great if alaskan's gave him the big FU.

  28. Anne In DC8:45 AM

    Why on earth would anyone want Tea Party cred? It's an organization that seems to have little cohesiveness except in their hatred of President Obama. They are some of the most xenophobic, racist, and mean-spirited people I've read about. The problem with some folks who call themselves pro-life is that that pro-life stance doesn't extend beyond being anti-abortion. Like many others of his ilk, Parnell is blatantly disregarding the needs of the living. Although Palin is no longer Alaska's governor, she has a male clone to carry on her narrow-minded, myopic agenda.
    So, in effect, she's still there.

  29. Anonymous6:12 AM

    As Captain Zero perfectly summed it up for this Alaskan, I have no Governor.

  30. Anonymous6:12 AM

    As Captain Zero has perfectly state for me, I have no Governor.


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