Tuesday, June 08, 2010

You may want to sit down for this one. Sarah Palin is actually lecturing Barack Obama on HOW to deal with BP! No I am NOT kidding!

(Hat tip to the Facebook page "Stop the oil spill by stuffing BP executives into the leaking pipe" for the picture)

Once again Sarah has written a well thought out and reasoned treatise in a major magazine examining all of the pros and cons of Obama's handling of the oil spill and coming up with an insightful response.

Just kidding!

In reality the crazy lady opened the Palin Compound dungeon and dragged her barely conscious Facebook writer out into the Alaska daylight, where she then shackled her arms and feet to a computer desk and screamed at her in unintelligible Glossolalia until she typed out the following post. (Okay maybe it did not happen EXACTLY that way, but that is how I envision it.)

In this latest mean girl post Palin gleefully jumps on our President for not talking to Tony Hayward CEO of BP in person, as if sharing tea and crumpets with the guy who once said "I just want my life back" would somehow magically plug up the oil spewing hole in the ocean and release little pixies to gently scrub all of the pelicans and little fishies clean of oil and return them to their habitat none the worse for wear. I think one of those rare Wasilla unicorns might have told her that.

The recently enhanced BOOB goes on to condemn Obama for giving BP a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) exemption for its drilling operation, 

What she purposefully fails to mention is that the Mineral's Management Service who provided that exemption is still packed to the gills with oil company whores from the Bush Administration.

And this is the same Mineral's Management Service by the way that did THREE environmental assessments in 2007 and downplayed the possibility of a "large spill" as well as saying that if there WERE a spill it would not be much of a problem to clean up.

Here read it for yourself:

While the MMS assessed the environmental impact of drilling in the central and western Gulf of Mexico on three occasions in 2007 -- including a specific evaluation of BP's Lease 206 at Deepwater Horizon -- in each case it played down the prospect of a major blowout.

In one assessment, the agency estimated that "a large oil spill" from a platform would not exceed a total of 1,500 barrels and that a "deepwater spill," occurring "offshore of the inner Continental shelf," would not reach the coast. In another assessment, it defined the most likely large spill as totaling 4,600 barrels and forecast that it would largely dissipate within 10 days and would be unlikely to make landfall.

"They never did an analysis that took into account what turns out to be the very real possibility of a serious spill," said Holly Doremus, a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley who has reviewed the documents.

THAT is who was advising Obama on the issue of granting an exemption to BP.  And Sarah Palin damn well knows it!

And as for her calls for Obama to follow HER example of how to deal with the oil companies more effectively, well why don't we let respected author, and current Palin next door neighbor, Joe McGinniss remind you of how well that worked out.

You see, before she became the woman who John McCain said “knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States”—and long before she became the new darling of the newly disenfranchised far right—Sarah Palin had been a bare-knuckle backwoods populist who’d built a career out of puffing up dragons she could then slay. Her tactic was first to demonize, then to defeat. She’d ridden her luck for 10 years, from the Wasilla city council to the governorship. And when she became governor, in 2006, she found herself eyeball-to-eyeball with Alaska’s most demonizable dragon of all—Big Oil.

How better to defang the industry that had ruled Alaska like a colonial master for 40 years than to make sure its major players would be no more than spectators at the state’s next grand pageant, the building of a new pipeline that would carry natural gas from Alaska’s North Slope to what Palin called the “hungry markets” of the Lower 48?

In her zeal, however, Palin overlooked one salient fact: It was Alaska’s three largest oil producers—Exxon Mobil Corp., BP, and ConocoPhillips Co.—that controlled the natural gas the new pipeline would need if it were ever to pump anything more than hot air.

By writing the rules in a way that excluded the oil companies from the process, Palin—although she gained the short-term approval-rating points that made her seem attractive to McCain last summer—all but assured that the “largest private-sector infrastructure project in North America” would never be anything more than her personal field of dreams.

And by the way it is beyond hypocritical for Sarah Palin to suggest that Obama needs to be more involved in dealing with the higher ups in BP.  When you talk to people who worked with, or were friends with Sarah Palin you learn one very specific thing about her.

She did NOT do her own dirty work!

Sarah Palin would NEVER have called the CEO of BP!  She would have had Todd do it.  Or if she thought there might be some negative fallout, she would have had somebody expendable in her administration do it so she would have them to blame if things went poorly.  THAT is how Sarah Palin rolled!

Sarah Palin hated the idea of getting blood on her manicured hands by placing the knife in her target's back all by herself, and you would have recently learned even more about that reluctance if you had been reading Mercede's new blog.

Palin may have the money to hire professionals to type up a compassionate intelligent persona to present to the public via Facebook, but she is not fooling those of us who knew her as our half term governor.  We Alaskans know that she is still that frumpy insecure mean girl from junior high school,  and that when she thought she smelled Presidential blood in the water she went right for Obama's jugular just like the hateful little minx that she will always be.

And by the way, just in case you want to be reminded as to HOW ineffectual Sarah Palin was in dealing with BP in Alaska, don't forget that her husband was a BP employee the whole time she temperarily served as governor of our state and that his job, by the way, was to manage inspections of a little thing called a blowout preventer.


  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    If the MMS is so screwed up by Bush people, why hasn't Obama the Great fixed it?

  2. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Great work Gryphen! Keep chipping away and take the bitch down. There is no way in hell she wrote that Facebook post!

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM

    OT..Palin family makes headlines again
    Of course they don't say how close they are. Why does Sarah show no grief or need to be with Bristol at this time?

    I once knew a man who murdered his wife but nothing like this.

    Todd and Sarah Palin are BP. They have no regard for animal or human life other than what makes them wealthy.

  4. roger7:59 PM

    Just a note, here---we do NOT want it forgotten that Rush Limbaugh, the official Blowhard in Chief of the U.S., recently said this:

    "The ocean is big enough to handle a little oil spill."

    (This was, of course, PRIOR to all the latest video showing how bad its getting in the Gulf; so he is hoping no one has any memory of his horrendously incorrect statement.)

    I seem to recall PALIN having similar comments around that time.

  5. Anonymous8:02 PM

    When will the 'lamestream media' connect the dots to $carah's links to BP? And Toad having his hands in the state's oil business when he was shadow governor?

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Sarah actually claims to have more executive experience than that community organizer. And, what a waste of timeit is, Obama talking to people, what is this college? Sarah is so busy fighting Obama that she is going to be in rare form in 2012. Remembering how she lashed out like a huffy preteen at McGinniss, Sarah is going to completely lose it when it comes to screaming at Obama. This is a woman who is proud of quitting two jobs. There is a first rate qualification for higher office. Be sure to pick Orly Taitz as VP; she'll make Sarah look smart.

  7. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Like Chuck Todd said today about this, she can't be taken seriously when she won't face the media or take an interview from anyone but her employer and she only communicates by Facebook. Yowzer...what a smackdown! Todd is hard on Obama too, but it was soooooo nice to hear him put her down.

  8. Ratfish8:13 PM

    Palin can teach Obama on how to raise taxes on oil companies like she did- and then quit.


    And sick and pathetic, too, also, you betcha.

  9. AKRNC8:32 PM

    Hey Anonymous @ 7:47, Palin said in March that we didn't need anymore regulations. In fact, she wanted further deregulation of the oil industries and full speed ahead on drill, baby, drill. She would not have done a damn thing differently, except she would have opened more areas to drilling with her "who gives a damn" attitude about the environment.

    Where is this so-called energy expert's idea for how to stop the oil spill? Surely if you're so in favor of drilling, you know there is a risk and you would not go forward in drilling if you did not know how to contain the spill, right? So why hasn't $arah stopped the leak and cleaned up the spill? All she has done is ranted about Obama with ZERO ideas of her own. She's all mouth and no content.

  10. Anonymous8:42 PM

    No comments on the elections today? WH bitches that unions wasted $10 million of their members money in Arkansas. Palin's endorsements go 3-3.

  11. I am wondering if President Obama SHOULD call Palin, right NOW!
    It is a win-win.
    He starts off letting her know that the call is being recorded and will be sent out to all news networks in the morning.
    If (after she sh*ts her pants), she hangs up - then she is exposed as the chicken she is.
    If she talks (babbles) she is cooked. She cannot possibly sound informed or intelligent - she never has!
    The call will be played over and over again (it will be more embarassing than the French President prank call).
    She will whine and shriek that our President asked "gotcha" questions, but Obama is smart enough to simply let her hang herself (as long as he does not ask her what she reads, he will be fine).

  12. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Ella : ) you said it!!! Now to get the word out so Obama will call her. Better still, talk to her live on camera

  13. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "No comments on the elections today? WH bitches that unions wasted $10 million of their members money in Arkansas. Palin's endorsements go 3-3." 8:42 PM

    Because it's republican primaries - Duhhh!!

  14. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I nominate Ella as Special Counsel to the President.

  15. Ratfish9:13 PM

    And why doesn't he mention that Todd took a paycheck from BP for many years- or did she forget?

  16. Ratfish9:13 PM

    Funny- because Palin was well-known for refusing to meet with Alaskan local officials- it even came up at an Alaska Mayors Meeting when the mayors voiced concern over her unwillingness to meet with local officials.

    And what did Palin do? She threw a fit! And still refused to meet with people.

  17. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Wonder how the Palin's BP stock is doing? 18 years with BP, Todd has to have some stock. It seems to be headed in the same direction as Mrs. Palin's "career" - a dismal failure.

    She had three tweets hitting the highlights of the rant.

    I doubt if Sarah would be happy with a simple phone call from President Obama. She would want a video so she could show off her new boobs.

    The Facebook rant - like you said yesterday Gryphen, she's getting nastier and nastier. Menopause does that sometimes.

  18. sme13110:31 PM

    @Anon 7:47....... Obama DID do something about it. He split the MMS into 3 seperate divisions so there would NOT be any more footies playing amond those owned by the oil companies.

  19. Anonymous12:51 AM

    *** Like Chuck Todd said today about this, she can't be taken seriously when she won't face the media or take an interview from anyone but her employer and she only communicates by Facebook. ***

    I'd like to hear more like that from the media. I am waiting to see how she handles what just happened to Bristol's bff. It is tragic for all concerns, Wasilla isn't about to show much concern for the Afghan victims, however. I'm not saying the investigation is over, someone did kill those humans. Wasilla is a small village with one of their own who is charged with committing wartime crimes that will peak international interest. And raise questions about what built up to this, what was the background, police records, the kind of hockey player he was. I hope all the leadership in Wasilla doesn't come off as indifferent, avoiding or hiding behind facebook.

  20. she quit the oil board, they own bp stock and have decades of history with them. why doesnt the lamestream media mention that?

  21. Sarah - I don't think your solution to a crisis, cookies, is going to help this time.

  22. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Over a week ago at C4P they titled an article "Obama's Oil Spill". I could not stomach reading it in entirety. The opening gist was condemning Obama he had not stopped the leak or done anything right followed by "what do you expect from a community organizer?" (that is when I stopped reading).

    Do I understand correctly that the big oil companies had not released or sold rights to the gas in AK for the Palin Pipeline? Sarah condemned Obama for using BP a foreign company her spouse worked for. Palin gave the contract to a Canadian Co. for the pipeline.

    I agree Palin is escalating in meanness and condemnation based on lies, lying by ommission and even perverting things i.e. to opposite of factual reality. It will continue to escalate.

  23. EmilyPeacock4:27 AM

    @Anonymous 9:03

    The post is not about the elections. We are discussing $arah Palin's latest Facebook rant. Please try to stay on the topic.

  24. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Okay, off topic -- but a note to Gryphon:

    There's been a lot of talk of a Palinbot who has made it clear she contravenes every rule of public education, in the classroom and corraling children outside the classroom, to preach Palinism. Apparently, she feels free to do so because, like so many people now, she is protected by connection with an authority figure.

    I thought that if you found it interesting, you might want to contrast that woman with an inset of Taylor Mali, 'On What Teachers Make'.

  25. Okay I just have to share this comment I just read on the ADN's website - it is too funny!

    RickMoose wrote on 06/08/2010 05:26:12 PM:

    Yeah, he should totally friend that BP guy and then post on his wall to be all like "what's up with the Gulf?" Then Sarah can check in on them and if everything checks out she can "like" their conversation.

    Gov't by Facebook would be awesome!

  26. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I have a comment on the elections:
    I'm glad Kamala Harris won her primary and perhaps California will get its first female AG in November. Woo-hoo!

  27. if sarah has suggestions, she should offer them, and not just criticism and snark. this oil spill is all of our problem, and if she's holding back real solutions,just to make points against the President, then what does that say about her? Tell us Sarah! Don't wait for Mr. Obama to call; just go ahead and say what you think. If you have the Answers, give them to us for free. Don't make us beg! No real answers? Thought not.

  28. $arah says tawd and friends will be right there to fix it. you betcha, also too.

  29. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Sarah Palin's jealousy of President Obama oozes from every pore of her intellectually challenged body. If she had just one redeeming quality I might be able to feel some pity for her. Enjoy your fans Mrs. Palin. Sadly, that's all you have.


  30. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Calling Palin is easy, finding a translator is hard.

  31. imnofred7:40 AM

    This seems to be a coordinated effort between Fox News and Palin. My guess that she is on Fox tonight spewing the same nonsense. That being said, this latest Facebook rant is typical Palin, plenty of criticism, self promotion, lies, but NO solutions.

    Sarah might want to think twice about hammering the President for lack of experience because he will soon have more experience as President than Sarah has had as both governor and mayor combined.

  32. Apparently all anyone has to do is just log on to FB and you're immediately, magically transformed.

    You may give even $arah advise from your FB page also too.

    All the major news media outlets will publish your every FB edict and EVEN your tweets!

    Just think, CNN, FOX, MSNBC and even Huffington Post will regard your (or whom ever you choose to type for you) keystrokes with all the seriousness of any other politician or pundit who usually has to physically appear to be interviewed on network news, radio or press conferences.

    I fail to understand why they complain when Obama hasn't had a press conference for any given amount of time.

    Obama should simply tweet and "write" on his FB page like $arah, it would give him so much more precious time to work on the nation's problems.

  33. Anonymous8:00 AM

    SNL should do a Sarah skit, as her singing to President Obama, "Anything you can Do" (Irving Berlin), with a wink and a "call me".

    "Anything you can do, I can do better,
    I can do anything better than you.

    Anything you can be, I can be greater,
    Sooner or later, I'm greater than you"

    She basically tells him he needs her expert advice, all the while telling him she has more experience than him, then says, call me?

    This facebook post says she is still licking her wounds, still upset she lost, and is obsessed with being better that the President. She is not interested one iota in southern Louisiana residents. Anything she says or does is attention-grabbing and this grudge-holding seems to be on the obsessive-compulsive level. If she's suffering from some maladjusted emotional past grief, she needs to direct her angst in therapy and get immediate help.

  34. Sarah and her phone calls do not work out so well..........ripe for the picking.

    AVENGERS: You know my wife is a popular singer and a former top model and she's so hot in bed. She even wrote a song for you.

    PALIN: Oh my goodness, I didn't know that.

    AVENGERS: Yes, in French it's called de rouge a levre sur un cochon [translation: lipstick on a pig], or if you prefer in English, Joe the Plumber...it's his life, Joe the Plumber.

    PALIN: Maybe she understands some of the unfair criticism but I bet you she is such a hard worker, too, and she realizes you just plow through that criticism.

    AVENGERS: I just want to be sure. That phenomenon Joe the Plumber. That's not your husband, right?

    PALIN: That's not my husband but he's a normal American who just works hard and doesn't want government to take his money.

    AVENGERS: Yes, yes, I understand we have the equivalent of Joe the Plumber in France. It's called Marcel, the guy with bread under his armpit.

    PALIN: Right, that's what it's all about, the middle class and government needing to work for them. You're a very good example for us here.

    AVENGERS: Gov. Palin, I love the documentary they made on your life. You know Hustler's Nailin' Paylin?

    PALIN: Ohh, good, thank you, yes.

    AVENGERS: That was really edgy.

    PALIN: Well, good.


  35. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The Blonde lyrics keep running through my head …

    Call me … call me any, anytime.. Call me ..call me on the line.. Call me…

    I can hear Saint Sarah singing ...Call me slut anytime, just call me, call me crazy anytime, just call me, I’m important ALL the time, just call me……

  36. imnofred10:34 AM

    I happened to flip on Fox news just for kicks and Megan Kelly was slamming the President for not talking to the CEO of BP. Apparently Fox and Palin are drinking the same Kool-Aid.

  37. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Why can't Sarah realize that the job she wants so badly, POTUS, is the job of a community organizer?

    Does she hate what she can't have or does she hate what she has twice failed to accomplish in needing a professional manager when she was the failed mayor of a hamlet, and in being the failed governor to such an extent that she quit and admitted Alaska was better off without her as Governor?

  38. Ignia8:36 PM

    Gryphen... you need a "Favorite Comment" feature, like "Thatwillbuffout.com".

    I would so nominate the Anonymous who said... ("Calling Palin is easy, finding a translator is hard.")

    Anywho; @ Anonymous at 7:47 (who wrote: If the MMS is so screwed up by Bush people, why hasn't Obama the Great fixed it?)

    I can think of many reasons.

    First of all, in comparison with pushing through Healthcare "reform", Guantanamo bay, international relations, the war in Afghanistan, financial bailouts and stabilization/regulation of the industries, and others, the corruption in MMS was relatively trivial to our country's workings at that time.

    Unfortunately, as the author Mercedes Lackey once wrote, "Gods and spirits laugh their loudest when a mortal makes plans, and doubly so when they make plans for another." I think this quote fits exceedingly well with this particular instance.

    What begins as a minor matter, and one we can put on the back burner until we have resolved some current crisis, has a way of suddenly turning into disaster and making itself known to be urgent in a way akin to a stripper standing up and doing a nude and drunken pole dance in the middle of a Mormon Temple Religious Revival.

    I cannot fault President Obama for not giving this matter the attention it now so urgently needs before this disaster struck. HOWEVER... I *CAN* now fault Obama for not reacting stronger and sooner to this disaster now that it has. Unfortunately, the precedent has been set. There is an entire chain of command set up. And, I am, unfortunately, unfamiliar with what sorts of forces he can bring to bear. He has mobilized agencies and set them their tasks. I strongly do not believe that he can command the support of the general population and companies. I'm not sure how much good mobilizing the National Guard would do at this point. And, of course, there is the issue that many spill cleanup equipment and supplies do take time to manufacture. This also requires national funding, until costs can be reimbursed from the responsible parties. And I bet you anything that this isn't cheap. So that in itself would (unless I'm horribly mistaken) require cooperation from the remainder of our elected bodies of officials... which I feel is a 50/50 chance, sadly, for the Congress not to stall on this. (I know that they did during Bush's terms for funding for our troops for their protective materials- I do not know what sort of funding has been laid aside for such national and catastrophic disasters... or if it would be enough.)

    I would do the research myself, to verify 100%, but it is very late and I am exhausted. So forgive me for my generalizations and lack of concrete statements.

    Flame on.


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