Saturday, July 17, 2010

Litbrit continues to make good progress convincing neophytes in the validity of babygate.

Litbrit has introduced some heretofore skeptical individuals to evidence that definitely supports the theory that Sarah Palin faked her last, and most famous, pregnancy.

I am still often amazed that there are so many people who have simply accepted that the question is a conspiracy theory and have dismissed it out of hand.

I am still working to get a very knowledgeable person to speak with me on the record. Hopefully as Palin gets closer to announcing her candidacy it will frighten this person into coming forward to stop her.

As before please click the title to read Litbrit's post. God I miss my computer'


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Wow. Fantastic post by Litbrit. And for those who follow "the Palin," we all know that she never wears those scarves in her "normal" life, except during this "pregancy"... She is obviously hiding something.

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    As someone who has had 2 kids I have to say that those photos are pretty amazing. I never believed her in the first place. When my water broke w/#2 it was water water water for hours, and of course I was told to get to the hospital asap to ensure that all would proceed in a clean environment. As it was it was over 24 hrs and my daughter was in the hospital for days as they performed tests to ensure that she had no infection(s) as a result of the time between water breaking & her being born. That was why I did not believe the story from day one, and it was long before the sh**storm that was the VP nomination.

    There is no way that even the skinniest tiniest woman can wear a pencil skirt, tight as that, without a bulge. I don't believe it. No way. I have seen plenty of skinny women looking great while pregnant, but contrary to what SP supporters would like to believe, I actually think that their baby bumps are more noticeable and defined than those of the average woman. Gravity people, gravity! There is nothing whatsoever in the abdominal area in those photos, pencil skirts don't lie. They require some flat abs to sit like SP's does.


  3. Anonymous @ 7:30am said, "She is obviously hiding something."...or nothing.

  4. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I weighed 98lbs. when I became pregnant with my second child. For 6 months there was no sign that I was expecting. Then, as the doctor said, I looked like I had swallowed a basketball. He was 9lbs 2 oz. The nurse weighed him 3 times, because I was so skinny, she could not believe the scale. No way $arah was pregnant with no signs whatsoever.

  5. Yes, Litbrit has reached a lot of readers new to Babygate. I certainly hope the momentum keeps growing!

    Bree's pregnancy comparison photo arrays have been added to Palin Babygate. Click the slideshow icon in the sidebar to see the larger versions. These JPGS were derived from Bree's original PNG's.

  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    @peninparadise- yup. she is hiding her "non-"pregnancy.

    @anon7:52am - I agree that usually "skinny" women show baby bumps more than women who carry more weight (not less).

    change of subject: OT. Wonder if Alaskans are educating the Discovery film crew about the true Sarah, as they go traipsing around the state filming this week?

  7. Bear Woman9:04 AM


    What happened to your computer?

    SMR, glad to see you back!

  8. icstraights9:36 AM

    what happened to your 'puter uncle G?

  9. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Just a thought. Does Sarah remind anyone else of Hedda Gabler?

  10. I've never had a bub, so I suppose I don't really know much! But I do know that the less far one has the more one shows. I.e. a very fat woman may stay the same weight whereas a normal woman will gain ALOT of weight.

    And I cannot imagine being 20 years older than myself and not showing for 7 months.

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Not to intrude on her privacy now that she is a private citizen - but former Representative Mary Nelson was also pregnant at the same time. She is approximately Sarah's height and weight (she is naturally thin and small busted) and this was her fourth pregnancy.

    I believe Bree did include a series of photo's of Rep. Nelson in various stages of pregnancy and it was a straw that swallowed a basketball scenario like anon@8:42. As every mother and expecting father knows, a woman's breasts (including Bristol, Hello! Convention speech!) enlarges from the first trimester on. Sarah's chest always remained the same, no matter the sizing of her jackets, scarves and belly.

    When The Bullet Steve Schmidt complained about Palin's dropping weight to a near emaciated size - she blamed weaning Trig. Again, every mother knows you burn calories like crazy when you nurse, if you drop weight, you drop weight then. When you wean, you re-gain or gain weight.

    The proof is also in Sarah's breast, not just various stages of scarve and / or empathy / pillow belly use.

    The odd lies of Sarah Palin. . .

  12. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Forget the "Wild Ride" she never should have traveled that late in her high-risk "pregnancy."

    Her arrogance in wanting to be featured in a convention setting to 'kick ass' in her speechifying in Texas should have raised red flags with her staff and with Alaskan citizens in the first place.

    It was mind-boggling, the risks she was willing to take during this charade of a high-risk pregnancy, all to further her agenda that she was a tough as nails frontier woman who could have it all - and obviously does anything to get what she wants.

  13. SME13111:21 AM

    When I was pregnant the first time I had zero belly, not even a bump (but my butt sure looked pregnant), I never had to wear maternity clothes or even bigger clothes. It is not uncommon for a FIRST pregnancy to show less on some people. The second pregnancy I showed very quickly.

    However, there is NO WAY IN HELL a FIFTH pregnancy doesn’t show. Especially when she was as big as a house with her first one. She may have carried the girls differently than the boys – again not uncommon – but she would have been at least as big as she was with the other kids by the time she was supposedly pregnant with her fifth one.

    Maybe if those looking into this would stop focusing on the date of birth and start looking for the real birth mother of Trig they would find some answers……answers far more damaging than just that she lied. We KNOW she lied, the real question is why (and Bristol is not the answer).

    Tripp was born in 2008 because he qualified for a PFD in 2009. So the 12/28/08 birth date is most likely correct. And as a side note, Bristol had his name legally changed before she applied for his 2010 PFD as it now shows as Johnston-Palin yet in the 2009 application it was just Johnston as a last name. Since there is little doubt that Levi IS listed as the birth father then maybe someone should look into how she had the name changed WITHOUT Levi’s permission. I cannot imagine he signed off on it.

    I have never believed that Trig was Bristol’s child BUT I ALSO DON’T BELIEVE SARAH BIRTHED HIM EITHER. The hospital staff may have been coerced into fudging information on one child but certainly not on two in the same year. I think other viable options as to the birth mother of Trig should be explored.

    If the real birth mother could not let it be known she was pregnant and the Palin’s adopted the kid that would explain why she hasn’t come forward yet and may never come forward if she really has something to hide. What if the mother is an adult friend of Palin’s who seduced Track or if Todd had an affair and Sarah insisted no one ever know so they adopted the baby. There are all kinds of reason the birth mother has as much to lose as the Palin’s do so a pay off wouldn’t even be necessary. Depending on who the real mother is and her position (or that of her husband) in the public’s eye she may not want it to be known and that is why she remains silent.

    I also don’t think Sadie or Sherry would have NOT noticed Bristol was pregnant with 2 kids in one year. Even Sadie said she saw Bristol during the supposed mono phase and didn’t think she was pregnant. More than likely Bristol was expelled from school for some reason that was being covered up.

    I would also suggest that if people don’t come forward now then it would have no impact on her campaign should she run. If they wait then it will appear (to her fan base) as if it is just another attack on her. People need to stop being so afraid of this dingbat and offer some proof so we can all STOP seeing her crazy ass in the news and prevent her from even thinking about running for office.

    I really can’t imagine she would run for office. She would never give up the big day she has now and she would have to show her medical records which will NOT show five live births. And she will never agree to be interviewed and grilled by the real media. But just in case I am wrong…… people need to come forward and expose this twit sooner rather than later.

  14. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Even if she ran, I suspect the medical records would be doctored..the same way as she lied about an abortion in her book..- One of of her “miscarriages” is on one of the hospital/doctor bills the word “abortion” is whited out and the word “miscarriage” has been put in...

  15. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Most people don´t know the whole story. Most people cannot see the relevance. I was the same way.

    I have e-mailed FloydÅ› riveting interview with Bree Palin to several people. One person´s reaction went from, ¨Who´s Bree Palin? Sarah´s sister?¨ to ¨Holy shit!¨ For most people the Palins are boring, and they don´t waste any time thinking about them. After all, history is being made all around them. However, everyone who read the interview found it interesting, if not fascinating, and wanted to know more.

    It took me two weeks to get Trig and Tripp straight, so I know it takes a while to digest this information. Litbrit is a compelling writer and her arguments are outstanding (I find them unassailable). She is very good at educating the reader while making her case. She, too, will be e-mailed.

    Keep up the good work. The truth is reaching people. And a lot of those people live smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt.

  16. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I think Mercede may have left us some subtle clues. While she did say that she saw Bristol during the suspect time, as far as I remember she did not come out and that she did not look pregnant. She mentioned that Bristol came over frequently to see Levi, but spent most of her time in Levi's room rather than with the family. Mercede may know if there was pregnancy during this time, but have chosen to avoid violating Levi and Bristol's privacy by disclosing the entire truth. Mercede has also stated that she and her Mother attempted to give Bristol a baby shower TWICE, and that Bristol and Levi had planned on getting married TWICE. I think Mercede's posts should be re-read carefully while bearing in mind what may lie between the lines.

  17. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Trig's birth certificate would be on file w/the State of Alaska. I wonder if it has been put under lock key, both by the former Palin administration and now that of Parnell's - since he retained many of Sarah's cronies.

    Sure would be neat to see it leaked - especially if it shows something other than her birthing the child - say adoption.

    I cannot imagine her being nominated on the Republican ticket. Who would even want to be put on it with her, much less have to put up with her during a campaign?

  18. Rationalist1:14 PM

    I'm of the opinion that there are no hospital staff members being kept quiet in this story. The reason the secret has lasted this long is simply because, like any other years-long dark family secret, only a very few know the truth.

    Just out of curiosity, Gryphen: do you know if anyone - you or the ADN or Joe McGuinness or anyone - has attempted to interview the people who were on shift at Mat-Su from midnight April 17th to noon April 18th, 2008?

    Here's all we actually know about that period of time.

    1. Todd and Sarah arrived in Anchorage from Seattle late the 17th on an Alaska Airlines flight.
    2. Chuck and Sally Heath were photographed with a baby at noon the 18th at Mat-Su.

    According to Sarah Palin, the CBJ letter and Levi, Trig was born at 6:30 am on the 18th at Mat-Su. But all those sources are suspect.

    The Heaths said Sarah was resting, so we don't know if they saw her. I think it's safe to assume Todd handed them the baby. So the truth is we don't know if Sarah was actually at the hospital.

    It wouldn't be that hard, I would imagine, for CBJ to keep the regular staff out of one of the rooms for "privacy," and claim that since Sarah was the governor she had specialty medical personnel with her.

    It would be fascinating to talk to a janitor or any of the nurses on staff that night to see what they saw/heard.

  19. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Same old desperate crap.

  20. Anonymous2:37 PM

    considering Mercede and Sherry did not see Bristol that often - Mercede was in school - it makes sense that they may not have noticed Bristol was big with child.

    I wonder if Mercede notices the ultra big belly in the US magazine spread. Did she notice the bump in the Candies ad, filmed in March?

    I also believe Bristol gave birth to Ruffles sometime in January and he came home in April. He looked very fragile and definitely FAS.

    TriG came from a Christian adoption agency. I don't know if SP legally adopted him or not. There must be some reason the child is not allowed to travel to Canada. No birth certificate? Or if there is one, his birthday is much earlier than April.

  21. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I don't think she wants that document with the whited-out word "abortion" held up to any real scrutiny either...

  22. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I know a quite a few people who are adamant believers that 'Ruffles' was indeed a FAS baby and that he was Bristol's. They believe he was switched out for a DS baby to make it look better for $cara. I'm beginning to lean their way.

    And these are church-going, red state mothers who are also hooked on daytime tv and reality shows. That is really what she has become....a soap opera. This latest with Bristle and Levi is just another nail in her political coffin. Nothing remotely professional about her or her family. She has over played her hand with the 'rill americans'.

  23. To Rationalist

    Your observation of the events on
    April 17/18, 2008, are correct. However, a woman in labor walking in the halls at Mat-Su did see Todd, but not Sarah.

    I agree there could have been very few people involved. Dr. CBJ, anesthetist and maybe a nurse.

    Did Sarah call Dr. CBJ at 4:00 am or did Dr. CBJ call her to tell her Bristol was in labor? If so, and Sarah wanted to stay and give her speech, Trig could have been born around noon on the 17th.

    KTUU was camped outside and took a picture of them, Todd, Sarah, Bristol, Willow and Trig leaving the back door of the hospital on the 19th.

    Read the e-mail from the SOA, Benefits Div., asking Sarah for a b/c for her "newborn"...not adopted...but newborn. And, if Dr. CBJ managed to get all the invoices in her name, why couldn't she do the same for the b/c with the information exactly as told to us by Sarah?

    Let's keep asking questions...

  24. Anonymous4:57 PM

    What happened to "Ruffles"? Is this what the Palins are holding over the Johnston's head? I just really think it's something with that "Ruffles" baby. Did he die? Is this why the Johnston's were so very happy about Bristol being pregnant with Tripp because of the saddness they felt with the lose of "Ruffles".

    I have always thought that Trig looked like Levi but just maybe - just maybe something happened to "Ruffles" but Sarah had already faked the pregnancy and needed a baby fast. Then along came Trig through adoption.

    All I know is that Sarah was not pregnant.

  25. Ginger - Do you have a link to the KTUU article about seeing the Palins leaving the hospital? I hadn't heard about this before now and my interest is piqued.

    I've read the Benefits Div. email and don't think it necessarily means prior invoices had been submitted. A dependent enrollment form for Trig may have generated the response.

    The oddest thing about the request is that birth certificates do not appear to be part of adding a dependent (nothing on form or instructions) least, not any more. The form was revised 02/09, meaning Sarah's administration could have changed the procedures.

    So the Benefits Div. sends an email request for a BC to Sarah which is intercepted by Janice Mason who forwards it to Todd. Todd's cryptic response to Janice was "I called. thanks" What's 'calling' got to do with it?

  26. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I agree that all of the pictures and behaviors are suspicious. But if this was a court case, circumstantial evidence is not enough. And sometimes, circumstantial is just that, and not proof. I have doubts this happened, because by now I would have thought a hospital person or someone would come forward and claim a huge reward for a story this prove Sarah did not give birth in that hospital, or that Bristol did instead of Sarah.

    Mercede said Trig does not belong to Levi. So,'s someone else's baby? Mercede would have seen Bristol pregnant. And another baby THAT fast right away? It's just not likely. It's more likely that if Bristol was pregnant at some earlier point in time she had an abortion. So if it's not Bristol's baby, if the more likely babygate scenario is that Sarah adopted it from a third party, the questions then arise, who and why? Is it plausible? With all these noses sniffing around, the truth hasn't been found out by now? This leads me to believe that the truth may be what Sarah actually claims, that it's her baby and she just didn't show the pregnancy that much. It's not true that women in their 40's show bigger than younger women, I had a person in my family give birth at that age and she was very slim other than a belly. We see pictures but not enough, and video tends to show more accurately than still photography.

    Bottom line is I just don't know. But it's odd to me that it hasn't been proven one way or another by now.

  27. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Mercede said Trig does not belong to Levi. So,'s someone else's baby?

    After Levi comes his friend Johnny Chandler as a suspect. 2010 it is Levi's friend Ben Barber. When will it stop?

  28. Anon 5:04pm - "But if this was a court case, circumstantial evidence is not enough."

    People can be and have been convicted based on circumstantial evidence -- google has some examples -- but I personally believe babygate needs some witnesses and/or additional medical testimony before there can be certainty.

    Wouldn't a babygate court case be just the ultimate in supreme awesomeness?

    Good luck with your 'knowledgeable person', Gryphen. The truth will benefit the nation whether or not Palin ever runs for anything.

  29. Anonymous6:14 PM

    anon........But if this was a court case, circumstantial evidence is not enough.........

    Oh yeah

    Babygate has a life of its own. If Sarah disappeared we will still demand answers.

  30. heidi16:53 PM

    Gryph - Is this "knowledgeable person" someone in particular, or just "anyone" who is knowledgeable?

    Whomever it turns out to be, they need to know that an entire nation of 330,000,000+ is hanging in the balance. Actually, the entire WORLD. Can you imagine Palin with her finger on the figurative red button? It scares me s**tless.

  31. Anonymous8:32 PM

    The PHOTO of a flat stomach a few weeks before claiming to deliver a 6 pound baby is not circumstantial evidence. It is PROOF. Proof doesn't get any clearer than that.

    If SP were to show us a legit-looking birth cert now, she would still have to explain how a baby could come out of a body that was flat a few weeks before the alleged "birth."

    When the police take a photo of a car with your license plates running a red light, it is proof that that car ran a red light.

    The trouble with this proof is that no one in the MSM wants to acknowledge it. Why? Have they been warned off exploring this story? --Amy1

  32. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Given the photos Palin was not pregnant..period. True, that a slim or thin woman even in super physical condition will obviously look pregnant compared o a chubby or obese woman.

    Palin's alleged pregnancy went from flat to big and round suddenly in photos..yet out of one noticed her pregnancy?
    Palin lies for no reason, it's her it grizzly mama attribute:)

  33. Anonymous1:54 PM


  34. To Curiouser...

    Sorry, I don't have a link. However, it was Lori Tipton, KTUU, who was camped outside the hospital with her crew. Perhaps, you could get one from her.

    The picture was very telling. The exit looked very secluded. Absolutely no one around. The camera crew was across the street.

    Re the e-mail..."To insure continued coverage for your newborn"...this, to me, means they had been paying invoices. And then it goes on to say..."Claims submitted for your dependent child after this time period will be pended...

    "Continued coverage" and "claims" are the key words. It sure sounds to me like the SOA, Benefits Div., was paying for Trig's care.

    To Anon 4:57 pm

    Forget about Ruffles. He's probably the baby of one of Mercede's/Bristol's girlfriends. Those facebook pictures were left on the net on purpose.

    Mercede with "Triggybear" was a real distraction. And, the one with Bristol telling a friend her mother thought she was pg, still has people thinking she was at that time. (May, 2007)

    To Anon 6:09 pm

    For the life of me, I can't understand why Mercede even has a blog. The only purpose I see is the "donate" button. There are some a girl named Heather making a comment to tell us she was in the room next door to Bristol when she gave birth to Tripp.

    She ends the comment like this: (Sadie idk how much you want me to say so I'll leave it at that.)

    To Anon 1:54 pm

    Sorry if I woke you up...


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