Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sarah Palin is WAY ahead of other GOP presidential hopefuls for 2012.

From the Christian Science Monitor:

Palin’s at 76 percent “favorable” among Republicans – at least 10 percentage points higher than any of the guys.

It’s easy to see why. Although all of them except Jindal have political action committees trolling for dollars, SarahPAC already has a million-dollar war chest with which she’s able to support other Republicans and thereby gain party influence. She recently made $75,000 for giving a speech at the Stanislaus campus of California State University.

Her “mama grizzlies” line resonates with Republican and many independent women. Her message and rhetorical tone is very much in line with the “tea party” movement. Her best-seller “Going Rogue: An American Life” has sold more than 2 million copies, and a biography aimed at young readers is due out this fall.

So according to Gallup Palin leads the pack with a 75% approval rating among the Republicans.

This easily leaves the second place contender, Mike Huckabee, in the dust with a pathetic 65% approval rating.

Most serious Palin watchers are convinced that Sarah is definitely running in 2012 and I am certainly in that camp.

However before everybody starts to panic, remember that in order to even get close to the nomination Sister Sarah has to run the gauntlet of press conferences (she can't hide in her "Fox" hole forever) and participate in some REAL debates with opponents who have been preparing to face her for a year and a half.

And if by some twist of fate it turned that the gods DID have a sense if humor and Palin managed to somehow navigate past her GOP adversaries, the now much more hostile press, and her own burgeoning ignorance, she would then certain have to provide her ACTUAL health records as well as agree to debate President Obama.  We know she simply cannot do that.

No I don't believe that Sarah wants to win.  In my opinion she simply wants to run.

She wants to enjoy the adulation, rake in some more money, gain a few more fans, and then come up with a manufactured reason to simply walk away. If she does that early enough, before she can be turned into a bigger laughingstock than she is right now, she can parlay that into more books, more television shows, and the most important thing of all, many more millions of dollars.

Of course that plan runs counter to MY plan which is to reveal her lies, and stop well before she can even get out of the starting gate.

P.S. And yes for those who have not yet figured it out, my computer IS back up and running.


  1. Anonymous4:15 PM

    She will not run.

    To run would require her to debate.

    Sarah is all about the $$$.

  2. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Hey all Alaskans have to remember that according to them she kicked Tony Knowles and Andre Halcro's ass in debates. I watched all the debates and she was a disaster but that didn't matter to all those brain dead Alaskans that voted for her. she could do the same nationally.

  3. imnofred4:18 PM

    Sarah may have high approval ratings in the republican party but that doesn't necessarily mean that those 75% will vote for her. Remember, she finished behind Ron Paul and Romney in the CPAC straw poll.

    That being said, her approval rating within the party is scary and I must admit I will sleep better at night if she does not win the nomination.

    It is now time to BRING THE HAMMER DOWN on this woman who is nothing more than a FRAUD.

  4. Glad your PC is back up and running.

    Oh please please reveal it all before it is too late for our country ... she has done so much damage already, that Grifter-Bitch-from-Hell!

  5. let her run. the lamestream media will have a field day field dressing her political carcass. Imagine her debating Barrack Obama? Facing the Nation, and maybe ever a conversation with Dr. Maddow.

    Facebooking the Nation and Tweeting the Press wont cut it.

  6. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Gryphen, on exactly what do you base the statement that Palin would have to release her actual health records if she runs? Methinks she will stick with a summary, much like the one the infamous family doctor/deliver of special needs babies quack of all trades Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson previously released.

    As to her having to debate someone, I seem to remember that she engaged in a debate with the other Republican candidates when she ran for governor of Alaska, spouted absolute nonsense (no surprise) and one of the other candidates (Halcro?) was astonished that it really didn't matter. Or maybe it was the other way around, Palin was pitying Halcro for his belief that people really cared about facts and figures.

    No offense, but I like to think the American people are smarter than the uneducated yahoos in Alaska that elected Palin, but these are scary times.

  7. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Palin's negatives are too high. She will lose. The media is keeping this story alive but there is no there there. Romney's aide is right: She's not a serious person.

  8. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Glad your computer is back up, Gryphen!

    I think that when Sarah thinks about running for President, circuits get crossed in her tiny little brain and she is truly convinced that it's like performing in a beauty pageant again. And that's good, since she will be easily revealed to be dumber than dirt, and she will eliminate herself from the equation early on.

    What I'm more worried about is what uber-orc Republican they're going to cook up in a vat and throw on us at the last minute. It's going to be someone "sexier" than the usual Republican, less obviously racist, religious, etc. And THAT's the problem. Because Sarah will have served as such a distraction and magnet for hatred and dismay, within Republicans and Dems alike, that when she finally steps aside the collective sigh of relief will grant the new uber-orc Republican who was cooked up in the vat (with all the right talking points and all the big money) WAY too much admiration. And that's what we're going to be up against in 2012. Someone who outshines Sarah in every way and automatically gets the default Republican vote, once he's presented and marketed to the masses.

    I don't think it will be any of the usual suspects - Romney, Jeb Bush, etc. It's going to be someone not on the radar right now while they cook him up in the orc cauldron and create a new monstrosity to unleash on the masses. The scariest thing is that this one will come in a kinder, gentler, and smarter package than any Repugs we've seen thus far.

    We need to keep on our toes.

  9. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I for one would really like to see her make it into the primaries. My life is empty, I need the laughs. Please, can we all just stay out of her way until she's in a better position to make a ginormous ass of herself? Thank you.

  10. Anonymous4:44 PM

    A couple of problems with the article: (1) that children's book has been shelved as you reported this week; (2) Michelle Bachmann has raised more money than Sarah Palin; and, (3) her "Mama Grizzly" aka sow routine is wearing thin as are her looks and her voice.

    I think she may run; but she can no longer hide.

  11. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Go Sarah! She will run all over those viagra starved Huckabee types. Just look at her standing with the military. They love her and she loves them. Boy does that mama grizzly know her military.

  12. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Gryphen, I don't care how or why she is taken out of the running [although I would love to see her have a 'rill' interview again like Couric's or have to debate President Obama], just so she is GONE from the lives of Americans BEFORE she can continue to spew her HATE, RACISM and DIVISIVE RANTS into 2012. She truly is the cancer that is hurting and killing our country with her ignorance. We need to be rid of her and all like her!

  13. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Yay! Your back in all your glory!

  14. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I don't think Sarah is worried about debating. She has bull-shitted her way through previous debates, only answering what she can, and relying heavily on talking points. It's worked so far, so why change it now. The same goes for giving interviews. Sarah makes her own rules. If she doesn't want to be interviewed by the "lamestream media" she won't do it. And, unless things change, no one will have the courage to demand that she follow the rules.

  15. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Barack Obama got me fired up and working, donating, etc. If Sarah Palin runs, it will by 4X. SANE America, FUCK YEAH.

  16. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Oops, children's book was shelved.

  17. Gryphen, when are you going to dispense with all of this PC nonsense and just buy a Mac?

    Off topic, but you sure could save yourself a lot of heartache for a little bit of money :-)

    I mean, you have an iPhone, so why not just go all the way?

    And yea subhuman Sarah's probably going to run for the 'Pub nom for Pres. It will only be if she gets the Pub nod that any of her dirt really matters.

    Any dirt you have, well, perhaps save it for when it matters. Just like Geoff Dunn has put his publishing date around the time of the GOP convention.

    If she gets the nod then the woodworks will be very very busy with people spilling guts for money, I'm certain.

    Don't you just love unsolicited advice ;-)

  18. Whoa! Reading that CM article made me think that I was in a real life bizzarro world...whew!

  19. Anonymous @ 4:40 PM

    I have wondered if Indiana governor Mitch Daniels(R) may become 2012 primary stealth candidate to pound sand in Her Quitness...

  20. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Anon @4:30pm:

    There were a bunch of misguided Alaskans that helped Palin win the Gubornetorial Primary in 2006 because they wanted ANYONE but Frank Murkowski in the Governor's seat.

    Most of her supporters up here have repented and learned the evil of their ways; most Alaskans don't take kindly to supporting someone in such an important position and then have them QUIT.

    I have some christian republican friends that helped to get her into office but don't support her any longer. The polls, plus the donations to her PAC pretty much show that Alaskans, even christian white bread republicans are done with her.

    So yep, there were some people in this state that were enamored and got her elected, however they are done with her now.

  21. Anonymous5:42 PM

    What a shallow fluff piece from the CSM. Wonder who pulled their strings on this article?

    Polls have consistently shown that while Palin has a high general approval rate among Republicans, the MAJORITY of Republicans don't think she's qualified to be POTUS when asked that specific question.

    The "mama grizzly" video was not widely viewed nor admired. Google "Paper Grizzly" for the real facts on that silly spin.

    SarahPac raised half of what Romney raised in the last quarter. Even crazy Bachmann did much better. According to the recent SarahPac public disclosure, only one person from Alaska even gave a donation to the her Pac. All those devoted fans in "Palin's Alaska?" Snort.

    Don't be fooled, folks. It's just the MSM spinning fairy tales again about Palin at the request or behest of someone. Lies, lies, and more damned lies about this silly woman's chances at 2012.

  22. I'm puzzled. I thought just this week there was a poll that showed Romney had raised more money and was leading. Not that it matters; it is way to early to mean much.

  23. Anonymous5:44 PM

    The MSM has and will continue to give her a pass. She is a major meal ticket for them. It will be the Republicans who ultimately take her down. I look forward to the nasty ads, the debates and the dirt that they will certainly expose.

  24. Anonymous5:44 PM

    At this point I think it is in her DNA to run. She runs for tight abs, she runs cities into debt, she runs her children over to Anchorage and she will run something from her grave she likes to run so much. I hope voters don't get ripped off at the polls. What I want to know is who will buy her brand? There will always be crapola Republican spin and bogus polls, I'm not so sure they have much sway.

  25. Anonymous5:50 PM

    an oldie but a goodie..imagine the new things they can add to this

  26. Anonymous5:55 PM

    You think that Sarah is afraid of a debate? I wish I could agree with you. Unfortunately, I think that she's not. She has already proven that she can flirt her way through them. If they ask her questions she doesn't like, she simply talks around them, discussing whatever other topic she wants to use the three minutes on.

    You think that Sarah is afraid of providing her medical records? I wish I could agree with you. Unfortunately, I think that she's not. She has already proven that she can get away with saying, "I already gave them to you." And, reporters will smile and agree.

  27. I think she lives in a complete fantasy land and believes that God will pave the way for her. I think she believes that the small microcosm of "real Americans" she surrounds herself with are indicative of the whole country. I believe she believes she COULD be the president, and I believe she'll try to do it. I also believe she'll be laughed into the next century when she does.

    I honesty think she believes all that crazy, unintelligable jabberwocky she spews, and why shouldn't she? She gets non-stop attention, not only from Fox and her fans, but from the bloggers who purport to be trying to stop her.

    If you've ever spent time with a child you know that any attention, even negative attention, is "winning" when you already believe you're the center of the universe. As long as no one can talk about anything but Sarah, why shouldn't she believe she's the most popular woman in America? She's certainly the most talked about.

    Frankly, I wish everyone would ignore her and let her sink into obscurity on her bowling alley speaking tour of "real America." Be careful you don't actually create the very thing you rail against, simply by virtue of keeping her on everyone's lips and minds every single day, without fail, rain or shine, news or no news ... it's All Sarah, All the Time.

  28. emrysa6:11 PM

    I'm not worried about her becoming president because it simply is not going to happen.

    I'm sick and tired of her running around stirring up the fires of hate and anger, and that's why I want to see her taken down soon - the sooner the better. it's already gone on for too long.

  29. emrysa6:15 PM

    anon @ 4:40 sez:

    "I don't think it will be any of the usual suspects - Romney, Jeb Bush, etc. It's going to be someone not on the radar right now while they cook him up in the orc cauldron and create a new monstrosity to unleash on the masses."

    I think it's going to be scott brown. pay attention to how much more of him we see in the coming months. fairly young, attractive, "moderate," very little (if any) political baggage... scott brown.

  30. Anonymous6:18 PM

    All those who have been carrying a megaphone with an interest in furthering the goals of the GOP have long been seasoning their base for the conditions that would give someone like a candidate Palin a real chance at getting the nomination, as bizzare as that sounds to anyone living in reality who can recognize who Palin really is. The GOP base has been trained, carefully, with relentless and deliberate propaganda by the radio talking heads and Fox to resist ANYTHING not GOP. If anyone attempts to refute the line, the hyper-reactionary base immediately fumes in opposition because every dissenting messenger has long been tarred and feathered. There's a lot of this reactionary behavior on both sides of the political spectrum, but it is especially dangerous on the right as they've become so rigidly hardened against anything they don't want to hear and so closed to everything outside their world in general that they will blindly convince themselves that Palin is actually what she is marketed to be. Fox et al have gone so far in their heads that Fox now tells them what is reality, Fox tells them what to think.

    Don't get too comfortable... Palin has a shot. Yes, Palin would need to be under a serious microscope at SOME point, but look at how much of her phoniness has been revealed already, and her base STILL ignores it. EVERY Palin blunder is explained away by a reason that her base simply eats up (the writing on her hand, for example), and she will continue to use the same strategy that has worked for her all along. She'll say it's because she's not a Washington politician, and her base will love it; she'll say it's because she is not a Slick Willy speaker like Obama, and her base will love it (and hate the left even more when they attack her for it).

    BE very afraid. These are twisted times.


  31. Pres. Obama, unfortunately, paved the way with his medical letter in 2008. At least, his doctor was available to the press. Palin can avoid releasing her medical records unless the media gets on the bandwagon about babygate and demands it.

    I can also imagine her running without doing debates. She'll make up some feeble excuse about unreasonable and unacceptable demands for debate rules or procedures. Or she'll wear a wire.

    I do think Sarah wants to be the prez. even more than she wants cash. She wants the Divine approval and the power she's convinced herself will insulate her from criticism and from doing actual work. She would be the figuryist figurehead we've ever had, busying herself with vengeance between photo ops.

    Anyway, the media gaveth her the popularity and the media will taketh it away. Also, too, she will NOT be the Repub. candidate.

    But please, please, please let someone expose her before she can even declare her candidacy. (Sorry, Anon 4:43.)

  32. Anonymous6:29 PM

    anon 4:15,

    Exactly. The VP debate even. Clearly she was reciting whatever she could from some sort of cram session and most republicans thought she "won" and a significant number of others thought she was at least "passable". Joke. They will see what they want to see. She fooled Alaska already, she fooled much of the country, she can do it again.


  33. If Palin runs she will be a fake candidate, like she is a fake everything else - fake hockey mom, fake runner, fake energy expert, fake special needs advocate, the list goes on. "Former Presidential Candidate" will look good on her resume though and guarantee speaking gigs for years.

  34. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Gryph, how do Alaskans hold fishing rods? Sarah is right handed, so why is she reeling in using her left hand? Where I'm from people don't hold their fishing rods like she is in this photo, they said it looks like she doesn't know how to fish.


  35. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Imagine if she were a presidential hopeful and got nominated. We'd all be glued to the news, and here, biting our nails. But, we'd have the laughs to look forward to.

    I think she wants to try it. Her thinking might be that she wants to try anything once. She has nothing to lose. Money will be provided by her supporters, she'll get to travel, stay in nice hotels, be lavished with praise. If she doesn't win, it's everyone else's loss, in her mind. All a nomination would do is to put her back in the high-paying in-demand speaking circuit.

    Her "forte" is not politics. It's conning. IMO, her drive and challenge is to see how far she can go in conning masses of people. Pushing the envelope until the law tells her "no".

  36. CorningNY6:57 PM

    Go, Gryphen, GO!!! Please keep up the good work to reveal $arah's lies. By the way, have you read "The Sociopath Next Door" by Martha Stout, Ph.D.? It describes the characteristics of sociopaths--people without a conscience--which fits $arah to a T. Sociopaths aren't just serial killers; they can be anyone who does not let "right and wrong" get in the way of what they want. Great book--I highly recommend it to everyone. Get it used on Amazon or

  37. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Gryphen, I saw this comment on the Wonkette (link at bottom). Is it true?

    Escape Goat Nation says at 5:42 pm, July 16th, 2010
    The worst thing about Sarah Palin, and I mean the worst, is how she is absolutely ignoring the Special Olympics which starts today in Lincoln, Ne.
    Yeah, celebrities and famed athletes from all 4 corners of the world are arriving in Lincoln as we speak to celebrate Special Needs Athletes. Harrison Ford is even flying athletes in on his jet!
    So where is Sarah?
    I guess she is too busy flying all over the world in her own private jet to raise money for herself than she is to come to Lincoln with Trig to help raise awareness for Special Needs Athletes.
    She would be the perfect person to be at the Opening Ceremony to give a message of love, understanding and the thrill of athletic competition for these Special People.
    But it’s clear that Sarah cares more about her own self than she does about her beautiful child.
    For you Team Sarah members that are peeking over here to see what’s going on, I want you to think about Sarah and why she has turned her back on the Special Olympics.
    Ask yourself why she is so uncaring? Why has she ignored the Organization that needs her most? Why do you support someone that is that cold?
    I sure hope the “Lamestream Media” asks the same thing also.
    Truly disgraceful behavior.
    Shame on you Sarah Palin!

    Read more at Wonkette:

  38. Anonymous7:22 PM


    i can live with scott brown. if the alternative could be palin, i'm just not gonna get too greedy and ask for better.

    hell, i'd even do jeb bush before palin.

    see, the gop plot is working.

  39. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I am so looking forward to a Palin run! What do the Dems have to fear from such a loser! Bring her on! She is the gift that keeps on giving!

  40. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Thune from South Dakota is another one I'd keep an eye on for a dark horse. he's up and coming.

    Or Hayley Barber. He's very well connected and has "executive experience".

    I think they would want to try Jeb Bush (and he has been reappearing lately), but the surname is just too toxic.

  41. Anonymous8:12 PM

    If Murdoch, Ailes, assorted Neo-Cons and other GOP Puppet masters wish to see the U.S. become the JOKE among other nations, then they will back SP for POTUS. Even if she is a totally controlled tool, our "stock" in the world's estimation will plummet. So, if I understand this, so do these global business people.

    They are just jerking us around with this pathetic ignoramus (SP) -- I don't think they'd allow her to live at the White House. They would be happy to make $ from her and to use her as a "threat" to manipulate other candidates. She is a bargaining chip, a distraction (as others have stated here) and a means to spread hate, fear and disinformation to the portion of the electorate that the GOP is courting.

  42. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Why are we trying to scare SP into not running? I honestly hope she runs and she gets the nomination. It will be the death of the current "just say no" Republican party. Then maybe the grownup will take their party back from the imbeciles. I also think that if she gets nominated then a lot of Patriot, Pro-Americans will stand up and speak out about the many lies of S.P. Go Sarah Go!!!!

  43. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Funny. Just today she lost (and lost BIG) the NH Straw Poll. Mitt came in at 39 percent (first) to Palin's 10 perent - tied with Newt G.

  44. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Though, I am glad to see the Alaskan Librarian finally get out of the A's in the Three Books On series...
    and, I'm glad your 'puters back up!


  45. Anonymous8:24 PM

    We've seen many polls over the past year and, while her approval rating may be higher than any sane person could imagine, the number of people who would actually vote for her for POTUS is continually shrinking.

    The right wing tea partiers and conservatives love the way she riles up her 'rill Amurkans', but it seems that most people, even those in her fan base, recognize that she is unqualified to be president.

    I hope, oh lord, I hope!

  46. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Huffington Post reported on two polls taken regarding Obama vs. Palin. In one poll, Obama was 20 points ahead of Palin. In the other, they were dead even. Something is clearly wrong with one of the polls. (One asked people directly, while the one that had them even was a telephone push button response thing. Does that make any difference?)

    It is too early for polls. Romney wasn't even mentioned, and he has collected twice as much money as all of the other candidates put together. He is quietly amassing an army. We have seen Palin's team in action; they don't even play in the major leagues.

    Sarah's last few speeches didn't come close to filling the seats. In an 15,000 seat venue, she filled 3,000 seats. At another, they had to give away tickets and/or discount them at 50%. Even her interview with friendly Fox people are disasters. If Bill O'Reilly is impatient with her, it is hard to believe that she has 75% approval rating.

    About that approval rating thing. That just means that in the survey, it was: Do you like her or not? Eo you like him or not? The poll that would be more meaningful would be to take a large sample and have them rank all of the possible candidates from first choice, second, and so on. In those polls, Sarah is lucky to come in a distant third or fourth.

    Sarah got tired of the hard work being the governor. Do you really think that she could hold up to the two year rat race that has become our presidential selection system? That job requires study, eyes-on-the-prize dedication, and something that Sarah really lacks, leadership. She couldn't take the direction of professionals for two months. How will she take good advice for two years?

    One last little detail: Hillary put in 10 million of her own money. Romney spent 40 million of his own money. That is in addition to the millions in their war chests. Sarah may have been paid 12 million by Murdoch but that doesn't mean that she has 12 million. There is less after taxes. She will happily spend other people's money, but I doubt that she will risk her own millions. November, 2012 is a long way off. I hope that there will be some good books to read before then.

  47. Anonymous8:35 PM

    @ anonymous 7:15 PM

    I wonder if that poster at Wonkette has ever considered that many people involved with the Special Olympics don't like Mrs. Palin or the hypocritical way she approaches special needs children.

    I've certainly heard plenty of such opinions from parents with special needs kids. From the measly $1,000 she gave at the last minute of 2009 from SarahPac to the Down Syndrome Foundation to her handling of the Andrea Friedman debacle, many people in the special needs community are very wary of Sarah Palin. Can you imagine what would happen if she descended on the Special Olympics? It would be all about Sarah exploiting Sarah. Not about the kids.

    Sounds to me that this probable scenario is what the Special Olympics folks wanted to avoid. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Palin was intentionally not invited in any capacity by them.

  48. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Anon@4:40, except for a few pesky positions that would trip up the wingnuts, I'd say that's a pretty good description of Meg Whitman.

  49. Anonymous9:29 PM

    The momma grizzly from Wasilla did not know one child likes to break into house or the other one likes to vandalize school buse or the other one was working hard to get pregnant while still in high school and doing the nasty under momma grizzly's roof or how about momma grizzly had to learn about her cub's engagement after the rest of America read about it first or how about the little 9 year old cub is barely learning 2 + 8 = 28.

    Sounds like momma grizzly should be awarded The Wasilla Retawded Unmotherly Momma Grizzly Award!

  50. I don't believe this poll and that is what bothers me. Why is the media (i.e., their owners) continuing to present Sarah to the American public as if she were a serious person when she isn't?

    Are the corporate-fascists who run our country becoming this bold?

  51. Anonymous10:14 PM

    I've never posted here before. I keep tabs -- and I, like most, want desperately to see this idiot exposed and brought down. But she keeps winning. I am losing faith that anyone has any real "dirt" that will bring her down (in fact it all seems to help her). I was at a "hillbilly" family reunion this weekend where I could actually see a bunch of rednecks who would vote for this moron. I am losing faith in this blog. There's nothing here to help get rid of her. (I don't want to feel this way, believe me.) She seems un-stop-able. Can't tell you how sad that makes me. Honest, hard-working people are struggling now, and this evil scammer is raking in the bucks. Where is karma? Signed, losing hope

  52. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I think that Scott Brown will be the GOP candidate in 2012. It's already being planted in our minds that he will cross over occasionally which makes him somewhat moderate. At the same time, he's still very, very conservative. GOP thinks that the public will go for the physically attractive (and they may be right). He has a law degree, has an attractive family, is a friend of Romney's, Romney appeared on the stage with him the night he won. (Since the night he won in MA, I've been predicting that we were looking at the next GOP candidate for POTUS). Brown would be an easy sell after the insanities of Sarah Palin as others have said above.

    While I think that's what the GOP is doing, there's the chance that Palin will fire up so much crazy support that she'll have bargaining chips of her own. She might go rogue on them. Then what will happen?

    At that point, it might be too late for dirt to come out, even if powerful people are behind it. She's not like other people, she doesn't care when bad things are said about her. Is that also a characteristic of a sociopath? So when she plays her bargaining chip game and they counter with dirt that they'll release, it may not faze her. Stories from her past, from Alaska? Anybody who's afraid to talk now will only be more afraid if her power grows.

    IMO, it's a mistake to wait on releasing the dirt. Why wait until she gets full-strength? Do it before she gets any more power.

  53. I absolutely agree with you. Palin has no interest in being president, she just wants to run to get the attention, so she and her white trash family can get the big bucks.

    What's even more frightening to me though is a large percentage of Americans actually agree with what this whackjob says, a sad indication of the true nature of the American 'intellect' :(

  54. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Sarah´ś son, Track, was deploying to a war zone. Sarah didn´t even know who her own son going to be fighting. She cares even less for the troops.

    Bingo! Mothers holding their special needs children in their arms waited for hours (some waited up to 14 hours) to hear Sarah speak in ´08. Those days are over.

  55. Anonymous2:52 AM

    8:26, Obama couldn't fill 1000 seats (free of charge) about a month ago. Who in heir right mind wouldnt want to see the President? I've met him, at an event in NY and he's quite the politician. Thats all I'll say

  56. Anonymous3:10 AM

    I was out yesterday registering voters and asking people if they wanted to volunteer for Organizing for America. Most of the people that were already volunteering were motivated when Palin was chosen by McCain for Veep. If anything, she will be a great motivator to get the Democratic voters to the polls!
    So, NO! We don't want $arah to sit down and shut up! The more she opens her mouth, the more Democrats will vote!

    mary b

  57. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Let us not forget the country elected Bush and bought his WMD crap. The majority of the people are uninformed and are happy with a little meme they can easily remember like commonsense conservative.

  58. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Several times I have read Senator John Thune, of SD will be the one to watch. He is conserative, but smart.

  59. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Thank you "SJK from the belly of the plane" for "Facebooking the Nation and Tweeting the Press wont cut it." That's a great line and very true.

    I'm incensed that the "lamestream media" continue to quote from her Facebook posts as they these are legitimate sources of information. Even the New York Times had a recent article about Palin's influence without including one quote from her. In a presidential debate, she'll have to defend her own affiliations because she's palled around with some nefarious fellows (not to mention that her family is a complete mess).

  60. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Good post and great comments!!

  61. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I don't remember where I read this or who wrote it, but someone had said Palin is an invention of, by and for the media. I agree it is the media, including MSNBC, who continues to elevate her to Presidential hopeful despite the continuing tabloid antics of her family. The media knows without Palin, the 2012 election is going to be a boring run-up to Pres Obama's re-election. And a boring, outcome-already-known election doesn't make money for the media. So they keep trying to elevate her to equal to the Obama. Everyone but the most hard-case Palin addicts know that is utter nonsense. Even if Palin won the primaries, the grown-ups would prevail and someone like Romney would win the nomination in a floor vote at the convention. Sarah Palins is not a serious human being and could not withstand the rigors of a campaign, physically or intellectually. She was easy to hide as second banana to McCain, but she wouldn't be able to hide as a Pres candidate. Conservatives think it's cute that she sits back and takes potshots at Obama on Facebook and Twitter, but they won't let her get anywhere near a debate with him. If you think otherwise, just look at her answer to "What does the VP do? Over the course of the campaign. After answering it wrong again and again and inventing powers for the VP he does not have, she never learned the textbook definition. Don't you think Steve Schmidt and co. begged her to learn the real duties of the VP? She cannot learn and she cannot stand to be told what to do. She might run in a few early primaries, she might win some of the caucus states, but no one who will let her get near the nomination. [/rant]

  62. Anne In DC7:34 AM

    After nearly 2 years of being subjected to her mindless, meaningless blather, I am surprised that anyone, including Republicans, considers her a viable candidate for the presidency.

    She has proven in her time on the national scene that she is divisive as well as dumb, and only someone who is completely brain-dead would think she could handle the rigors of a presidential nomination process, not to mention those of an actual presidency. This is someone who quit halfway into her term as governor because she couldn't take the heat. If the GOP is simple-minded enough to nominate her, they deserve to become a permanent minority party that is also permanently irrelevant.

  63. Anonymous7:44 AM

    3:24 am

    Bush had 2 things working for him. Voter apathy and Voter fraud. People are waking up. The Rove BS is going to be a little harder to pull off this time.

    Palin is just a small time country bumpkin who is way out of her league.


  64. emrysa8:40 AM

    anon @ 10:14 pm:

    read this, you'll feel better.

  65. She just wants the nomination because that would put her in the history books. She'll say she's the first woman ever to be nominated to run for president. (Even though it's a lie, she'd just be the first for the GOP). She got beat out for VP by Ferrarro, just as the GOP got beat by the Dems. Now the GOP probably knows it can't win 2012 against Obama. So why not give them Sarah as a sacrificial lamb? Why ruin a perfectly good candidate that might win in 2016? Sure. See Sarah run. Run, Sarah, run. Then she can take her loss, blame it on the media, and start rolling in more cash.

    It is simply amazing how she has parlayed that little term on the city council and as mayor into *this and in the process not had to learn anything about government or politics.

    I suppose it's a good thing she didn't decide to take off her shoes and steal planes. Who knows where she'd be now. In the Bahamas with Madoff's money?

  66. mommom11:09 AM

    If you click the link and read the article in the CSM post,you will see that it is not completely serious,and that the view of Mrs Paylin is much less positive than Gryphen's post makes it sound like.

    I am one of the many people who left the GOP and worked to elect President Obama because of McCains pick of Quitty Grifter Paylin.I and all of my friends and family will be among those working to keep her from ever getting elected again.We "stubborn donkey" moms will dig in our feet and put that moth-eaten grizzly down.

  67. FEDUP!!!12:52 PM

    I'm on an extended road trip right now, so have little time on the Net and virtually NO time to read any of my favorite blogs! :( ...

    Here is an interesting article i just saw from 'the Nation':
    "Sarah Palin, Paper Grizzly "


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