Thursday, July 01, 2010

Republicans lying again that foreign ships are being kept away from Gulf clean up efforts because of "Jones Act".

From Miami Herald:

From former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to Arizona Sen. John McCain to junior members of the House of Representatives, conservative Republicans have accused President Barack Obama of failing to do all he can to help clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill because he hasn't waived a U.S. maritime law called the Jones Act.

That statute, established in 1920, requires that all goods transported between U.S. ports be carried on U.S.-flagged, U.S.-built and U.S.-owned ships crewed by U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Critics say that's needlessly excluded foreign-flagged vessels that could have helped.

"It's a little shocking to me that a president that has such a multinational orientation as this president didn't immediately see the benefits of waiving the Jones Act and allowing all of these resources to come in," former House Majority Leader Richard Armey, R-Texas, said in remarks to, a conservative website.

Maritime law experts, government officials and independent researchers say that the claim is false. The Jones Act isn't an impediment at all, they say, and it hasn't blocked anything.

"Totally not true," said Mark Ruge, counsel to the Maritime Cabotage Task Force, a coalition of U.S. shipbuilders, operators and labor unions. "It is simply an urban myth that the Jones Act is the problem."

In a news briefing last week, Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said he'd received "no requests for Jones Act waivers" from foreign vessels or countries. "If the vessels are operating outside state waters, which is three miles and beyond, they don't require a waiver," he said.

On Tuesday the State Department announced that new offers of aid would be accepted from 12 foreign countries and international organizations, but spokesman P.J. Crowley noted that booms donated by Mexico, Norway and Brazil had been in use since May 11,and that 24 foreign vessels from nine foreign countries already have been helping with the cleanup.

To read more simply click the link at the top, the article goes on to spell out exactly how the Right is using this misinformation to attack the President's response to this crisis and to make political points on the backs of those along the gulf coast who are suffering due to this spill.

I find this particular lie especially insidious because it has filtered down even into the progressive community.  I have been confronted by liberal acquaintances who demand to know why the President is keeping foreign ships from helping, when of course that is actually not the case.

So if you hear any of your friends or colleagues saying anything similar please direct them to this post or perhaps to to help educate them.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Perhaps it is time for legislation to be created to address lies or deliberate factual omissions by "news" media. Not that I am saying censorship - quite the opposite. That if a media news organization is claiming to deliver news, it must be factually accurate and not cherry-pick information. It might be able to be done under for the common good doctrine. Fines or revocation of licenses could perhaps be levied against egregious offenders such as Fox or CNN (which is tending towards entertainment news) or - perhaps most important of all, all those financial news channels and programs that misled investors.

    Laws govern libel, slander, and defamation - why not extend them to cover willful misrepresentation of the news to politically manipulate the voters or to misrepresent economic trends. The nation needs reliable news. There would have to be adjudication of allegations of abuse, but after a while, I think news organizations would regain pride of accuracy.

    Just saying something needs to be done to reign-in flagrant abuses such as we see on Fox News network. It is harmful to society and to individuals for corporations to be the sole determinate as to what people learn or know about what's going on in the nation or the world.

  2. isn't it time for both sides to stop playing politics?

    from the article: “Everybody in Europe, where the standard practice is to raise the oil and collect it, is scratching their heads, and quite honestly laughing at what’s happening in the Gulf.” He added, “Everyone is looking at us and wondering why we’re allowing this to happen.”

    I am as left as they come but it is monstrous to me that this govt. (Obama) has basically allowed BP to get away with this....nothing is being done to BP. that fund is nothing compared to the destruction of the ocean environment. how is that ever going to be "repaid"? someone slips on your stairs and they can sue you -- why hasn't this govt. slapped BP with any number of lawsuits? there are NO LAWS against destroying an ocean? apparently not!

  3. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I'm really glad you posted this.

  4. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Actually, it isn't just Republicans. It's Democrats and "authentic" liberals (as they describe themselves) who are saying this.


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