Thursday, July 01, 2010

Mercede provides update and information to explain her long absence.

I have been receiving numerous questions about Sadie and why her blog had not been updated. However I was not able to respond because of the private nature of her difficulties.

I have confidence that today's post should explain to everybody's satisfaction the incredible pressure that Mercede has been under lately and how difficult it was for her to decide how to share it with her public.

Please give her a little love, it has been a rough couple of weeks for the poor kid.

Update:  For those having trouble accessing Mercede's blog part of the reason is undoubtedly beacuase Andrew Sullivan linked to her as well. The last time Sullivan linked he was followed by a slew of other websites, so it may be awhile before things calm down.


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    OMG, Gryphen!

    Look at these remarks written by Bristol and addressed to Sadie.

    Actually, these are the many questions/comments we ALL have for Sarah!

    Do you think it's fair to have your friends make threats towards myself and my household?...

    I think this limelight gives you some sort of sick high...’re desperate for attention, but enough was enough about a year and a half ago.

    You hold no title, and you have no class...

    You are the biggest contradiction...

    Do you think you’ll go far in life by making fast money solely on untrue, completely illegitimate accusations?...

    Like I said you’re seeking attention, and you don’t have enough friends, or a job, or even a hobby, occupying your time.

    Amazing! Is this what they call projection?

  2. laprofesora6:46 AM

    I'm really not in interested in the Bristol-Levi-Mercedes angle to this story. As far as I'm concerned Levi and Mercedes had the misfortune to become involved with the Paylins. But I just read Mercedes latest post, and I will say she is the only one who has shown the slightest bit of class.

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Thanks Gryphen,
    I Just checked her blog. I could not comment because I am speechless.

    Bristol is very childish and vindictive. Like Mother, like daughter.

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I think Mercede is proving herself to be more mature than Bristol, but then her family life has apparently been more nurturing than Bristol's.

    Children often reflect the patterns they were raised in, and Bristol is reacting in a pattern we now know is standard for her mother.

    I hope these two young women can work things out and create a new dynamic, but at this point, the ball in Bristol's court. She can cling to her mother's pattern of paranoia or she can take a chance and trust Sadie. It's really up to her. Bristol's image will be determined by her decision.

  5. Anonymous7:16 AM

    No shock here. Bristol is a nasty backbiting bitch, just like her mommy.

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Mornin gyph,

    One of Bristol's FB 'friends' did a dirty deed and leaked her nasty comment to a few lower 48 blogs. Like within minutes after Bristol posted it.

    And not that I'd want facts to get in the way of a Palin, but the folks over at Palingates clearly admit to sending someone over to Bristol's condo to get photos.

    There is one fact that appears to be a given with the Palins. They like living in the gutter.

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Let me get this straight, Bristol incorporated into a PR firm? And she posts that nasty and unfounded signature Sarah Palin style attack on Sadie under her anon FB identity?

    People pay her mother and her for their bad spelling, bad sentence structure, wooden acting, folksy affectations, nasty attacks and concrete virtue?

    Nasty. The Heaths and Palins are disgusting and shameless thugs, believing everything they do (even if it is threatening and lying) is innocent and righteous and anything anyone else does is simply lying and profiting off their (snark) good name.

    Go to hell you brutes.

  8. ManxMamma7:20 AM

    This is disgusting. There are so many hate-filled people out there.

  9. Ratfish7:26 AM

    Bristol has become a chip off the old block- nasty!

  10. My heart aches for Mercede and Sherry. It is a very difficult situation for their family. I hope that things get better for them soon.

  11. Anonymous7:33 AM

    The attacks from Sarah supporters were going to keep coming regardless of Mercede starting a blog.

    No doubt they have increased to an extreme level due to the blog.

    Chin up Mercede... truth will win in the end.

  12. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Bristol Palin is the guilty party in all of this.

    She went out of her way, with the help of high cost attorneys, to hide the fact that she purchased a townhouse in Anchorage under a bogus name.

    Deceit and obfuscation will eventually be discovered - as it was about Bristol.

    You can't have it both ways, Palins.

    The PALINS are the ones who "took a vote" and said "Yes" and "Hell yes!" and "did not blink" about becoming international public figures.

    The Palins are guilty and responsible for every single thing that happens to them. Have no pity for them.

  13. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I just wish to point out that all of Levi's tv sppearances where he trashes Sarah contradict themselves - in a big way. On Joy Behar, he comments that maybe Todd snores (and says he stayed there for 3 years!!)yet in Vanity Fair he said he knew Todd doesn't snore because he slept in the living with him. Really Levi? 3 years? We all know Bristol hasn't been in a 3 year relationship and you dated at least one girl previously. And - as you say - if her parents hated you from the beginning, why would they allow you into their house for an extended period of time. (barring election time) You are maybe as big a liar as your almost mother in law.

    And no, I do not believe Tripp was planned. Bristol was quite candid in that first interview with Greta when she remarked "no not at all"

  14. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Who is that Alice character? Those two sure feed each other harmful crap.

    Was Bristol writing to Sadie? I'm a little confused.

  15. I went to read her post, wow. What smacked me in the face was pure jealousy and envy by Bristol. Those comment are suppose to be coming from a young women, mother, professional and it still sounds like she is in high school.

    Mercede I am sure you read these post also, so listening those mean spirited things Bristol said was nothing but jealously.

    Think about it, you are a young, very beautiful girl, you have your education and your whole life is still open for you to explore. Bristol made some poor decisions and her youth has been taken away. You are still carefree because the decisions you make.

    I can see why Bristol is so ate up in envy, jealousy and spite. It is nothing you did or your mother did. Levi made the same bad decisions and he will definitely have to pay for them. I just hope the price is not to high for him to pay, by letting a wedge come between him and the family.

    I wonder if the Palin family girls ever heard this quote:

    "We fool ourselves so much, we could do it for a living"

  16. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Surprised by the mean and dangerous? How can anyone be surprised? Have they been living on Mars for a few years?

  17. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Poor Sadie. She's caught between a rock and a hard place. Now her own brother has turned on her because he's too chickenshit and pussy-whipped to stand up for his own sister.

    AND too brainwashed. And his relationship with his sister is pretty much ruined, because if Levi can really be that easily led to believe that Sadie provided those pictures of his truck at Bristol's condo to some blogs, then it's now rather anticlimactic for whoever did take them to come forward. The damage has been irrevocably done.

    If it weren't those photos, it would have been something else. Because it's not about the photos and Bristol being afraid of the exposure of her whereabouts. If that were the case, she would hardly have posed for the Vanity Fair photos in her own condo with enough clues given to make it easily detectable for anyone with the motivation to do so. And plenty of people do have that motivation.

    No, Bristol is clearly looking to keep prying Levi away from his own family, and this was just one more way to do it.

  18. Just like Mommy Dearest9:50 AM

    Bristol had her condo photographed when she was promoting Sarah Palin for prez in that glamorous magazine spread. I betcha she made plenty of money from SarahPac. She is the one that outed where her condo is to the world. Now she wants to smear Mercede and blame her alone for photos? Bristol and that Alice are vindictive and nuts.

  19. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The Palin pacs don't have much going for them except being mama grizzly and the military.
    Palin’s Motto: Don’t Make Love, Make War When they can't make war on other countries they will start a war at home.

  20. Steve9:56 AM

    The Palins are confirmed liars.

    There is a consistent pattern of lies now not just with Sarah Palin but with their whole family - including Bristol.

    It really leads one to believe that they cannot be trusted with anything at all.

    It certainly shows that everything they say and have said about the birth of Trig Palin could very well be a lie.

    The more they lie, the more they must be questioned about everything that they have said and will say.

  21. Lani K.10:05 AM

    Threats are part of life for celebrities, it is ugly but it happens. Bristol is in favor of being in another campaign for the highest office. She knows what that means. More threats, more safety issues. She knew that and it had to be a consideration when she bought her condo. She knows anyone from anyplace can drive by, walk into the parking lot, rent a nearby house and any number of things.
    Why didn't she tell Levi to park somewhere else or take a bus? If she didn't want anyone to know they were co-parenting that is. Why does she care to hide that she is co-parenting overnight?

    What happened to her View guest appearance? What is Bristol hiding?

  22. Pat in MA10:19 AM

    Bristol can't have it both ways - right or wrong in this country, anonymity does not come with celebrity. For crying out loud, she has a child to raise, time to grow the hell up. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in most cases, but I really hope she can do better than her mother who is still stuck in middle school mean girl mode.

  23. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "If it weren't those photos, it would have been something else. Because it's not about the photos and Bristol being afraid of the exposure of her whereabouts."

    @ 9:45 AM That is so true. Bristol is not about to take responsibility for the Harper's pictures. There is not much for her to use against Mercede. After advertising where her condo is, she is responsible for opening the door to pictures. It serves her lies to put the blame on Mecede. She is as ugly as her mother. Was Sarah that awful at her age? What will Bristol be like by 30? If she is still putting on the weight that could cause her to hide and stew in all her petty emotions. She needs a target to keep from looking at her part in all this.

  24. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "you hold no title"

    Bristles mother wrote this.
    She is the one obsessed with titles.

  25. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Like Mother, like daughter, the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

    At one of Sarah's recent speaking events, conservative bloggers were first given the right (so they thought) to take still photos and do live blogging. Five minutes into the speech, they were removed and wrote about it. Sarah shot back with an angry face book post that she wasn't responsible for their ouster.

    Well, yes she was. Maybe Willow didn't come over and say "Get outa here," but Sarah told someone to get rid of them, in the style of Gryphen and Zaki go to a book signing event. When her lawyer threatens people with a law suit, VF doesn't do that on his own; Sarah tells him to get out there and shut them up.

    The response in her childish "oh no I didn't" was immature. Sarah should have had the grace to write that she regrets the misunderstanding, and hopes that they can resolve their differences, and maybe meet up at a future date. In return for their understanding, she could send them a couple of signed copies of that national best selling book of hers. It would have been the gracious thing to do.

    The reason for this long post is the explain that Sarah has taught Bristol that an immature nasty reaction is the only way to deal with an uncomfortable situation. A real leader, some one who might be interested in our nation's highest office, should show real leadership skills instead of revisiting her mean girl high school girl persona. Like mother, like daughter.
    Sarah, you reap what you sow.

  26. Seriously, who gives a hoot who took those photos of Bristol's condo?

    The pics just capture a real scene of a real place in Anchorage. It's not anything than anyone else wouldn't see. It's not like some photoshop job.

    Why does Bristol fear the truth so much? Seems like she doth protest too much.

  27. Mercede is doing the right thing by taking the high road in this entire mess. She is showing how much more maturity & class she possesses compared to the Palin clan.

    Does anyone know why Bristol backed out of her appearance on The View? I would have thought since Bill Getty, the producer, is a Palin supporter she would have had little trouble answering any of the soft ball questions she would have been asked and would have loved the exposure it would have given her. Something must have happened to make her change her mind.

  28. Anonymous11:13 AM

    "you hold no title"

    That one stood out to me. Kind of comic in a way. Who in their right mind would say "you hold no title" but especially a Palin after that quitter speech. Can Bristol comprehend what Sarah said or is she even dimmer that we saw before?

  29. So why didn't she show up for The View?

  30. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I may be off base, but I am having a hard time believing that Sarah isn't livid about Levi being involved with Bristol. His statements about Sarah in Vanity Fair could never be forgiven by Sarah. I believe Bristol is currently involved with Levi to spite her mother and make her furious. The more tightly Sarah tries to control Bristol's image, the more defiant Bristol becomes. She scored big in the defiant category by inviting Levi back into her life. I believe living with Levi is a big middle finger flipped at mom.

  31. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Your mama outed ya Bristol. You do not get on tv, Harper's, and all the other gigs being a no talent person. The neocons like your mama because she is willing to spread hate against the POTUS for $$. So your mama, and the neocons are to blame, not Sadie. Keep up the lies, and you will be a jutting jaw hag like ya mama.

  32. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Starting a college fund for Sadie sounds like a great idea.

  33. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Bristol and the Paylins are trailer trash-like. Facebook rants?? Really???
    Can you imagine the Biden kids doing this, or Chelsea Clinton, or the Gore kids? Of course they are the pre FB era, but they would stay clear away. Imagine if these idiots were in Washington. What a joke!! Do they nto get that they look like IDIOTS??? GO LIVE YOUR LIVES QUIETLY, discreetly and with grace and honor you morons!!!! It's not too late but will soon be too late to salvage any of your self respect.

  34. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I am sorry to hear about Mercede and Levi. Without a crystal ball it is hard to say what will happen but if you look to the Palin history it is likely that he will be screwed again. He may be a masochist and let them screw him over and over. The day will come when it all breaks and Levi will see his mistakes but who knows when.

    The contrast between the pretend Bristol and the actual Bristol is astounding. No wonder she was so stiff in her TV show it was hard to act like a normal teen with cute lines. She is bad to the bone in the worst way. Bitter for one so young in years. Karma is already effecting her in how she looks and it is only starting. Karma will be relentless.

    I would think that Bristol would spend more time at the gym and less on the computer.

  35. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I just tried to send her a message of support and apparently the site is being hit pretty hard with traffic. I hope it is from people with supportive things to say and not the Bristollites spewing Palinite Poison.
    M. Aragon

  36. Anonymous11:40 AM

    In my opinion, Bristol is the classic ugly ducking daughter of a narcissistic beautiful woman. Mom probably never bonded with Bristol because (a) mom is a narcissist; and (b) Sarah couldn't see herself reflected in Bristol with Bristol's less than perfect nose and other shortcomings that keep Bristol from being a pretty beauty queen like Sarah was. Bristol undoubtedly has massive issues because of this, which probably contributed to her getting pregnant. Even though she clearly wasn't pretty like her mom, somehow Bristol landed the "hot" hockey player. She even apparently got him back after she fixed her nose.

    Bristol clearly resents Sadie because Sadie is pretty like Bristol's mom was when Sarah was young (unfortunately, beauty doesn't last forever, and Sarah, even with her facelift, is no longer pretty, although she looks okay for a middle-aged menopausal woman)

  37. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Bristol: Do you think its safe for my one year old son to have stalkers driving by his/our home constantly?

    Bristol should have thought about that before she did this. See the Bristol Palin photo shoot.

    A ten year old or anyone in the world can easily check real estate records and ads. She is the one that disregarded her one year old son while using him for a prop. After she showed off the condo she bought she thought no one would want to verify if she was telling the truth and find out where she lived? She had to know that Levi was sleeping over, she never thought about where he parked? Can't she take any responsibility? An idiot would know if you don't want others to know when some one sleeps over have them park somewhere else. Stop blaming the wrong people, Bristol, grow up! She is not even on your own now that she moved to Anchorage, she and Sarah are more of a symbiotic mess than ever.

  38. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Who is that Alice character? Those two sure feed each other harmful crap.

    Was Bristol writing to Sadie? I'm a little confused.
    9:35 AM

    The name is April not Alice. I'm guessing Bristol's very good friend April Morlock.

    So Bristol is using her "friends" to spread her vitriol hate. Seems she inherited that genetic trait from Old Ma Griz. If April stays loyal, Bristol might give her a job in her BSMP LLC.

  39. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Canadian Observer,
    The fact that Bristol did back out of her promotional on the View is big in the land of TV and promotions. Even bigger because they are NOT mentioning it. When they do it will be more crap anyway. But the language of selective silence speaks volumes.

    She may have looked in the mirror and changed her mind. One can only imagine how she looks a month after that taped interview in Orlando. An interview that no one can see. When is Bristol's next acting job or $30K speech?

    The National Enquirer took years to catch John Edwards in his lies. Does Bristol think that no media has been staking out her place for months? Wait until they tie up the loose ends and publish more photos with a story. She will only have the media to blame for doing their jobs.

  40. Anonymous12:56 PM

    *** Bristol had her condo photographed when she was promoting Sarah Palin for prez in that glamorous magazine spread. She is the one that outed where her condo is to the world ***

    The photos were taken INSIDE. The outdoor shots were taken on the Coastal Trail near Lynn Ary Park.

    Bristol didn't show the outside of her condo or the license plate on her car.

  41. Anonymous1:01 PM

    === She went out of her way, with the help of high cost attorneys, to hide the fact that she purchased a townhouse in Anchorage under a bogus name. ====

    Gosh, I wonder why?

  42. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I'm all for people getting an education ASAP and all. Sadie has a plate full of things to do, it may not be the time to add one more. She needs to purge some of the emotional stuff before she can focus well on school. I look at her as someone with PTSD. Education should be a goal but when a person has other immediate needs it is not a quick fix answer. If she is ready for school that's great. If she is not, I don't think adding stress that she should do something she isn't ready to do is healthy.

    She started the blog to get somethings out into the light of day. I would favor that she write and earn of money at that job. The goons have been successful in intimidation and keeping her from telling her truth. They use the the making fast money on untrue accusations type of bull to keep her from doing what she needs to do. Write and rightfully earn money.

    I would like to hear from Johnny Chandler and a few more of their friends. I hope they make lot's of money and get the truth told soon.

  43. womanwithsardinecan1:02 PM

    Too bad little Tripp's mom is an ass. Another generation of assholes passing on their nasty attitudes and behaviors. Bristol and her mom will teach Tripp how to play the victim and how to throw people under the bus. Willow will teach him how to be a drunk, destructive slut. Piper will teach him 2+2 and tell him that's all the school he needs. Tawd will teach him how to cheat, because winning is more important than honesty and integrity. Track will teach him how to endanger lives by cutting brake lines. Great grandpa Heath will teach him how to break the law using other people's hunting permits. Great grandma Heath will teach him that every family needs a doormat.

  44. No SPVS1:04 PM

    Mercede posted:
    "But if Bristol wants to talk about THREATS then I can print out literally hundreds of threats that I have received from her friends and supporters beginning last year and becoming even worse since I started blogging."

    Gryphen, as an adult Mercede trusts, you should advise her to take any threats to the authorities & media - not Wasilla authorities that she cannot trust.

    A lot of people are joking around and just sitting back watching this happen. This is serious. The multi-millionaire ex-governor's kin and supporters are threatening and intimidating Mercede.
    I read on Phil Munger's blog that his property has been vandalized and I remember you posted about the scary threats Shannyn Moore was/is receiving. And, I remember what happened to you.
    The few remaining honest Alaskan adults need to put an end to this.

  45. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Once again, raise your hands if you're glad Barack Obama is in the White House!

    Jebus, it could have been so much worse...

  46. erica1:15 PM

    I was starting to really feel sorry for Bristol till I read her letter.There is no excuse for such attacks!
    I was hoping Levi and she would get back together and live happily ever after but after the letter,I hope Levi can move on to more healthy young woman and a better family.
    Bristol is mean and creepy
    Mercedes and her mom have my support.
    I would love to help pay into Mercedes college fund.

  47. Anonymous1:15 PM

    So what 'title' does Bristol have ?

    Also, Bristol must have been out with 'mono' or something when they were teaching possessive determiners in English class.

    Here's a sentence from her Facebook post:

    I know you're life must be depressing hun, but that's why there depressants.

    First of all Bristol, it's "your" life, not "you're" life, which is a contraction for "you are".

    That is an example of a possessive determiner (a part of speech that modifies a noun by attributing possession (or other sense of belonging) to someone or something.

    Secondly, you forgot the word "are" before "depressants".

    Go to the back of the class dear.

  48. Anonymous1:18 PM

    April Morlock!

    Since reading about Bristol and reminders of her tea party I am hearing Jefferson Airplane in my head. Bristol going down the rabbit hole, go ask Alice and also the queen of hearts at her worst keep dancing around. Sorry about that. I do think that Bristol is metaphorically "down the rabbit hole" like her mother. In some stage of drug psychosis.

  49. gimme a break2:18 PM

    If Bristol hates being a Public Figure so much, why the hell is she always putting herself out in Public with magazine photo shoots, interviews and TV appearances?

    Get a normal job like nearly everyone else in America.

    Bristol is just another hypocritical freak.

  50. Anonymous2:27 PM

    What kind of people raised you all? Bristol is not unattractive by a general standard. While I agree that every human has right to disagree based on any one condition, you all do realize that you show the same true colors as you say Sarah displays when you attack Bristol's looks. Sad state our society's in, but what can you expect from a political party that generally allows the murder of a fetus so a woman can live selfishly.

  51. Anonymous2:31 PM

    What's so funny is that SP facebooked many times where she and her kids were, about the fence-gate, sent pictures of the fence to Greta? and invited, INVITED speculation and curiosity-seekers, which brought reporters near their home and on Mr. McGinnis' property. SP loves inviting attention. And SP didn't worry about Bristol's private life during her pregnancy, in fact she opened this Pandora's box of publicity on her kids lives.

    These Palins seem to thrive on drama, they are addicted to it, and it seems it's been passed on down through the generations. What an entrapment for the Johnstons, as Mrs. J. can't move at this time. I can imagine they cry a lot of the time. I feel so bad for them.

    You know, I have a personal faith in Jesus Christ, and He has not failed me. I have had similar situations with family that had some harmful personality disorders, which caused deep emotional scars in me, but I got through it, because I had a promise in the bible that told me He would take care of the oppressed people who were tormented by wicked people. That He would take care of those who are scorned, lied about, cheated, and that justice in the end would be delivered. If I could encourage the Johnston's, it would be that I held on to that promise and it was kept. I hope they keep the faith and believe that things will get better.

    Isaiah 48: "There is no peace", says the Lord, "for the wicked".

  52. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Gryphen, thanks for hanging with these ladies. Sounds like Levi may need a swift kick to the crotch to make him wake up to who his friends and supporters are.

  53. London Bridges3:18 PM

    What if Bristol's posts were actually aimed at Mother Sarah? She couldn't exactly admit they weren't aimed at Mercede.

    Does Sarah eat her young?

  54. London Bridges3:39 PM

    Sarah Eats Her Young - The Prequel!

    How did Track end up in Iraq? Sarah likely applied extreme pressure on him for this to happen to make her POTUS aspirations happen. Only partially successful. 60 Per Cent correct to be exact. She got the POS part right on!

  55. Anonymous3:44 PM

    @ 2:27 PM
    If you are concerned about political parties that generally allow murder of a fetus be sure to read about what happened to Spc Jeremy Morlock.

    Whole families are murdered. Some families are not only murdered but also tortured and long suffering. At least fetus don't know or feel what happens to them and by law it is not murder in the states if you are talking about abortion.

  56. lol...took me about 30 seconds to find the "other Bristol" on facebook

    Come & get me

  57. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Anon 2:27 - Bristol's looks (or lack therof) are fair game. Once you start doing magazine spreads attempting to look like a glamourpuss, become a spokesperson/spokesmodel for a major clothing brand (Candies), and do "acting" on TV, you have entered into the world of the performing arts. And in that profession, it is 100% about your looks. And Bristol "don't got none," which makes her entire attempt at appearing pretty, glamorous, and anything other than monosyllabic (under the best of circumstances) pretty damned funny. She's even more of a joke than her mother is in this new "profession" she's entered. Both ma and daughter are the biggest jokes in their respective two professions.

    And did you SEE how huge Bristol was the last time she did promotional appearances? She is definitely breaking the agreements she has no doubt made with various agents and so forth who are getting her work with these networks and companies. Usually when you're a - *ahem*- spokesmodel you have strict legal requirements as far as the weight you have to maintain if you want to remain under contract, the length of your hair, and general "look", and Bristol is obviously failing at all of these - despite the pitiful plastic surgeries she's had.

    Bristol, get a grip. You're dumb, unattractive, knocked up times three or four in your short life already, and a total loser in every way. People who are ugly like you are, inside and out, would be wise to show a little grace (faked, of course) and kindness (faked, of course) to others - otherwise we all end up seeing you EXACTLY as you are.

    And reality with you and your mother is NOT pretty in any way, shape, or form.

  58. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Amen to 2:31! I read somewhere - I think on Huffington, a writer wrote yesterday and said to read Psalm 10 with Sarah Palin in mind - especially verses 12, 13, 14

    "...Do not forget the helpless...Why does the wicked man revile God? Why does he say to himself, 'He won't hold me to account?'...but You, O God, do see trouble and grief; You consider it to take it in hand. The victim commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless."

    Hang in there, Mercede. It may be driving all of us wonkers because it looks like Sarah and her ilk will never be held to account (I do have to say I feel badly for Bristol and the rest of the kids. Not that it justifies Bristol's meanness - but Sarah did make her the most well known unwed pregnant teenage girl in American history. That has to hurt in a way none of us can understand). God sees this mess.

    Remember what the good book says about lying and liars - Proverbs 6:16-19 "There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." Like I said, God sees this mess. He won't be silent forever.

  59. Sally3:54 PM

    2:27 - I don't care how fat and unattractive someone is to my my eyes. Bristol's problem is that she is also ugly inside. That carries over to the outside. I can understand that people get mean and ugly when they attack an enemy. What is beyond that kind of ugly is what she did to her friend April Morlock. Not only that she would use April for her own hate towards another, but at a time when April has her own to think about. To me that is what is dark and rotten about Bristol.

  60. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Oh yeah Britta... has anyone seen her car parked at the condo overnight? Has anyone seen her going to and from work from the condo? Does anyone know where Britta actually lives or stays? She wouldn't be having sex with Track of the military at the Palin chateau?

    It was once said that Tripp was at the chateau a substantial amount of time. I never hear about Bristol and Tripp together except when he is a prop for her career as an actress, when she promotes SarahPac for president or she lies to kids about sex and having babies.

  61. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Gryphen, I thank you too for hanging with these ladies.

    Mercede is doing the right thing by taking the high road. I feel so sorry for April, both for what is happening to her family and what her friend is doing to her on top of that.

  62. Anonymous4:31 PM

    The "you hold no title" indicates mental issues. I knew enough at age 18 to reject and avoid that kind of person. Hoping Mercedes does too.

  63. Aussie Blue Sky4:59 PM

    Mercede ought to have her own Wasilla documentary. Just showing her shopping, with Sarah Palin's cult followers abusing her would make a statement. If those creeps knew Mercede was being filmed every time she left her house, they would soon STFU rather than have their ugly cowardly behavior shown on TV.

  64. icstraights5:46 PM

    I think Sadie should go ahead and start her own consulting firm Sadie Media Consultant LLC:
    The press can pay her for consulting on the ins and outs of the Mat-Su valley from a dedicated teen determined not to be muzzled, bullied or threatened!!!
    What do you all think? This could pay her way through college!

  65. icstraights5:49 PM

    PS Rather than pitch in for a college fund, I would rather pitch in for a secure job 'TITLE' that can generate more money as time goes on and protect her at the same time (LLC). A lawyer is a good idea at this point.

  66. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Living with her children out of the eyes of the media is not what Sarah is planning to do. She is a wanna-be Ivana Trump (don't forget she drove all the way to Anchorage from Wasilla to be in Ivana's presence: "We don't have that kind of glamour up here!" Anchorage Daily News story in the archive, just Google Ivana Trump Sarah Palin and Nordstrom ... she is all about this kind of trashy celebrity. No, her children have never attended private schools like the Biden's, Clinton's or the Obama's children did and do. There is a reason for this: Education doesn't mean a thing to this woman. It wouldn't line up with the anti-education values she thinks her base holds.

  67. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Bristol is too funny. I did not want to call her an idiot. She complains that Mercedes posted pictures of where she lives and endangered her and her baby's life, but then Bristol describes in the Harper article the vicinity where she lives and who lives with her, who comes over, how manu rooms.

    Come on act like an adult, don't give out that info... I'm sorry, I forgot you were knocked up at 17. It sound as if Bristol was not mature enough to leave the nest.

  68. Anonymous6:22 PM

    In response to:

    bws said...
    lol...took me about 30 seconds to find the "other Bristol" on facebook

    Come & get me

    3:44 PM

    Tell me, my head hurts too much to figure out the palin family and the word salad speeches.
    Who is the other Bristol?

  69. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Last night on Show Business Tonight Bristol Palin was featured
    "Daughters with famous names get TV jobs and fail."
    Jenna Bush Hagar was first. Bristol came in second.

    SBT also said that Bristol was panned by all critics. Not even Team Sarah could imagine an excuse. She undeniably stank the most, no argument about it. The hosts of the show went to say she was a "failure" and a"total flop." They were at a loss to try and sugar coat her.


    Bristol is a brand, a celebrity and a political entity that works for SarahPac. She put herself into the fashion and television industry. Her style and looks are legitimate to pan. It is all part of the territory. She will add a book to her list of fake resumes and ask for more scrutiny. She will never reel it back in after that strange picture of her townhouse and all the cakes and bling and there was poor Tripp looking forgotten and neglected on camera. The Palins use their kids as props but it made no sense that she would choose to depict herself as a self adsorbed bad mother.

  70. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Anonymous 12:56 PM

    She did show the outside of her condo, you can see the outside from a window. The kitchen was also on-line with more that showed the same condos. It does not take a high IQ to find real estate. She outed herself with the whole set up of how whatshisname set up their scheme to hide her condo in a mumble jumble of paper work, it is clearly not something that Bristol did as independent. She is dependent on the whole Wasilla Mafia operation. Bristol is allegedly getting an on-line education and she doesn't know zip about on-line research.

    If Bristol's handlers know she isn't bright enough to know how she was exposing herself and Tripp, that is their job to tell her how the world works. Now that she's embarked on a life of celebrity and she is pushing politics someone should wise her up.

    Bristol didn't show the license plate. That came after she let the world know where her condo was.

    Extreme make over

  71. Presumably this little girl has some kind of legal counsel available to her; threats via email, facebook, telephone etc. can be reported to the police, even in Wasilla if that's where she still lives.

    As for the Palin family, their day of reckoning will come. That's why every report about them is a magnet for public attention. No one really wants to miss a good train wreck.

  72. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I wonder if Palin would be referred to as 'beautiful'
    if the term hadn't been used by the Repubs early on
    in the campaign, along with 'tough,' 'brilliant'
    'oil expert', 'DS expert' 'hockey mom,' etc. It's almost like if any woman is considered a 'celebrity'
    on any level, & doesn't look like the back end of a
    bus, the media will call her beautiful. Anyway, Levi is one silly chump if he's relying on Bristol's
    promises re access to Tripp instead of going for Court stipulated joint custody. Mercede is drawing
    attention to herself? What was Bristol doing gowned
    up like a tart playing dolly domestic in her condo
    kitchen for Harper's, trying to hide?

    Sharon TN

  73. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Mercede would do well to seek some counseling or at least a support group such as Al-Anon to help her deal with the dangerous and toxic acting out by those around her.

    The Palin family obviously has serious mental health and ethical issues.
    There are patterns of addictions in the Johnston and Palin families.

    I think Mercede is brave and I hope she will seek much support and not try deal with all this by herself because the behavior of untreated addicts, co-dependents, and those with other sorts of mental illness does not get better without treatment.

    Toxic people want to spread their pain and will take others down with them. If I were Mercede I would stay far away from Bristol Palin and Not engage in her games or respond to her in any way. I would also like to encourage Mercede to make a life of her own and avoid those whose sickness wants to draw her in and degrade her.

    The Palins have no power except what others grant them. They are bullies.

  74. I'm convinced it was Sarah who wrote that facebook post. As the first poster pointed out, it was pure, perfect projection. Her regular mind may be as dumb as a box of rocks, but her subconscious knows the score!

  75. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Cannot wait until the IRS gets done with Sarah and Todd and starts digging into Bristol's finances. Hope you kept all the receipts hun !


    "it's Bristol who has picked out and paid for everything: the big leather couches, the flat-screen TVs, Tripp's toddler-size bed (though he sleeps with his mother), and the Subaru wagon in the garage. "I'm on my own," she says, in between constant texting on her BlackBerry.

  76. Anonymous5:41 AM

    onething - I am familiar with that facebook. It is not Sarah.

  77. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I think Bristol didn't go on the show because she would have to admit she is no longer abstinent. Plain and simple, it would have been brought up and she would have to be honest in response. She would be off topic as a Candies representative.

  78. pat c.7:51 AM

    Bristol- "How does it benefit Tripp to provide pictures of my home, my truck, and even my licenses plates? Do you think its safe for my one year old son to have stalkers driving by his/our home constantly?"

    I just heard an MSNBC a host call Sarah Palin a genius when it comes to marketing.
    Bristol was set up to do the Harper's Bazaar magazine to market and promote Sarah as running for President and to show Bristol as an independent single mother for the purpose of winning full custody. They got what they wanted out of Bristol and still allowed her to be collateral damage. If these people are so genius why didn't they stop her from providing the pictures of her house? Once she did that no one could control who would take pictures of her truck with "TRIPP" on the tags. Why wasn't she more truthful in the article and tell her fans that she drives a big truck with vanity plates? What happened with the Escapade?

    What was learned from and after Harper's is that Bristol does not have only a Subaru in the garage, she is not independent (read about how the condo purchase was set up), there is no verification that Britta and Track also sleep there, she failed to mention Ben Barber (hockey player and Levi look alike boyfriend until she switched again) and when Levi got involved she was forced into claiming they co-parent, btw in their sleep at night. HB only proved more so that Bristol LIES like her mother. That is not marketing genius.

    The Palin's latest promotional tour and marketing genius will target parents and kids. "Speaking Up" Sarah Palin for kids, Christian publisher Zondervan will bring out a Sarah Palin biography for young readers this fall.

    Tripp will be benefited when the truth is told. It would be foolish to wait for Sarah and Bristol to do that. It doesn't look like the media will do much better with research or getting the facts. As a public figure who is backed by a political organization, she is messing with children and giving advice and she needs more examination. Everything she says must be verified. Bristol gives no one a reason to take her at her word.

    Where and how often does she actually work the Dermatologist job she keeps mentioning? Is she credentialed or is it some fly by night operation? Can she verify she attends school? I know people that do the online schooling, I also know that someone can do that under another name. Bristol's name may be used but there is no way to verify if Bristol is the person who does the study and tests.

    Intimidation works in Alaska but I hope the courageous few will not stop doing what is necessary because of the highly successful Palin manipulations.

  79. Anonymous8:28 AM

    It sounds like that is Bristol's low self esteem talking to her in the mirror--it doesn't even seem to have anything to do with Mercede. And how weird to post it on a friends facebook without telling them first. sheesh.

  80. emrysa8:34 AM

    "you hold no title"

    whothehell says that to an 18 year old? seriously?

    bristol is sick just like her mother, and levi is being USED, again.

    mercede, I know it's easier said than done, but you have a life to live and you probably need to forget about tripp and levi. both of them are doomed for being involved with that sick family, and their situation is only going to drag you down. I'm sure that in your mind you are thinking "no way" but girl, things are not going to get better there. you can't have a happy ending when people have serious mental health issues - people who will never admit it and seek help, because they think they are the ones who are right and everyone else is wrong. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE. I'm sorry, it's harsh, but the sooner you accept this the better your life will be. how long is your mom confined to the house? I know that y'all have lived there forever, but you might want to consider moving and starting over when your mom is finished with her sentence. get out of that sick vibe.

    you seem like a decent person and I wish you the best. please get away from those sickos. you have your whole life ahead of you.

  81. Bristol thinks Sadie gave out her address?! Not once have I read anything on Sadie's blog about where Bristol lives.

    People know what she drives all they had to do is follow her home. Can you say stupid? I live in a small city. I put my name on my license plate and people would see where I park my car.


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