Thursday, July 01, 2010

Sarah Palin has a new book aimed at kids. I guess screwing up her own children is just not good enough for this lunatic!

From the Christian Science Monitor:

"Speaking Up: The Sarah Palin Story," expected in bookstores this fall, is part of the ZonderKidz biography series. Other books in the series tend to be inspirational rather than political, featuring figures like Tim Howard (a professional soccer player who has struggle with Tourette's syndrome) and Ben Carson (a pediatric surgeon once taunted as a "class dummy"). "Speaking Up," by Kim Washburn, is also cast as the story of a strong figure who struggles against the odds to reach success. The tagline on the book's jacket reads, "The story of a girl from Alaska who grew up to run for the White House."

Good Lord the lying has started already!  She did NOT "run for the White House!"  She stood on stage next to the man who was running for the White House in an attempt to distract people from the fact he was really old, really cranky, and completely despised by the Evangelicals.

"Speaking Up" also draws heavily on Palin's religious background, occasionally quoting from the Bible and focusing on Palin as a strongly committed Christian who refused to compromise her beliefs to suit either fellow politicians or the American public. Her insistence on speaking out about her belief in creationism, for instance, shows her standing up to Republican Party "handlers" who worried that she would alienate some voters.

It looks like this book is aimed squarely at the home school crowd.  This is heavy on the religious language and extremely light on facts.  You know like everything Palin's fans write about her .

The real enemies in "Speaking Up" are "the members of the media." Washburn writes that, "With one-sided sources and one-sided facts, some of their stories had more spin than a twirling igloo."

Ah of course!  In Palin's world who is a worse villain than those who want to expose the lies and get to the truth...damn lamestream journalists! 

"One-sides sources and one-sided facts"? Do "facts" have a side?  I think her main bitch is that the media wanted to put too much of that completely unnecessary "truth" in their articles.  The Palin people just HATE the truth!

Personally I have no idea why anybody felt the need to write a separate book just for kids.  Her first book, "Going Rogue", was so full of imaginary stories, and fantastical tales of mythology, that I assumed it was written for a naive and emotionally immature crowd.  Oh I guess that kind of describes the Palin-bots as well doesn't it?


  1. Anonymous2:08 PM

    It's debatable that she grew up. She got older.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Uh, Gryph, I think you meant to say "HE was really old, really cranky, and completely despised by the Evangelicals."

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    More like "talking down." This is seriously fucked up.

  4. Anonymous2:34 PM

    " distract people from the fact she was really old, really cranky, and completely despised by the Evangelicals. " You might want to fix this.

  5. You probably want to change "she" to "he" in the paragraph on the White House.

    It will be interesting to see what kind of "chopping down the cherry tree" stories are developed. Could get SP in trouble in a national campaign.

    Are there really "twirling igloos" in Alaska?

  6. WakeUpAmerica2:42 PM

    Here is the link for the contact page of ZonderKidz. Let them know what you think. I did.

  7. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Shouldn't that read "he was really old" not "she?"

  8. This is just pathetic. Zondervan is really trying to cash in on Palin while they can. This is their 2nd book about Palin.

    I am surprised they didn't wrap her in the flag as she read the Bible for the cover pic.

  9. Anonymous2:54 PM

    She must have paid them to publish this tripe.

    I just looked up the author of this horrid little volume, Kim Washburn, on amazon. Here's part of what I found:

    "Kim Washburn began her career in Christian publishing with Focus on the Family. After working with the marketing and publicity team for the organization's books, she became an associate editor for its monthly magazine Clubhouse Jr. Starting in 1997 she evaluated fiction and nonfiction for young readers, contributed original pieces and helped create a polished, entertaining and edifying publication for 4- to 8-year-olds. Two of her stories for Clubhouse Jr. were recognized by the Evangelical Press Association, including first place in the fiction category in 2006."

    Okay so it is firmly written, designed and published for the evangelical crowd. I guess this should be under the "fiction" category or it is meant part of the brainwashing they do early-on.

  10. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I found the following "About ZonderKidz" on a page by Faithgilz (what is it - can't any of these people spell or are they terminally adolescent-cutesy?):

    "Through imaginative and innovative products, Zonderkidz is feeding young souls."

    So, they are in the business of feeding crap to kids. Nice.

  11. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Noooo! No more! Enough from this crazy lady!

    WHEN will the nightmare end?

  12. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I knew it!

    "Zondervan Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of HarperCollins Publishers, is one of the largest Christian publishing companies in the world."

    These folks publish the ZonderKidz crap as well as the VeggieTales and they have teamed with Amazon to create an online "Bible" store (}

    Unfortunately, they also publish the highly popular Bereanstain Bears books. Though the company was created in the early 1930's, Gryphen, they came into their own with Rick Warren's The Purpose-Driven Life.

    So, really, this is a huge push for Sarah Palin.

    I don't think we can overlook the kind of big money that is behind her anymore. It was estimated that this subsidiary of Harper Collins earned $160 million dollars in 2005 - and has only grown more since then.

    Thanks for opening the door to this hidden power behind Sarah's little throne. Harper Collins is promoting her on all levels.

    Maybe it is time to investigate who owns Harper Collins.

    -ks sunflower

  13. Thanks for the correction gang.

    Somebody once told me that I needed an editor. I said "Are you kidding? I have thousands of them!"

  14. quills3:18 PM

    oh we go again. another 5 mill in the bank, cuz you know them xtians lurvs some stories bout palin and jeebus side by each telling tales bout heaven and stuff also and too... oh god just blungeon me now with a wooden spoon! will there be another world tour with little chilrens made to stand outin the cold for ever just to see and touch st. sarah - our lady of immaculately trumped up conception's hem???

  15. Anonymous3:20 PM

    holy shit I almost peed myself looking through these

  16. Anonymous3:23 PM

    That is just so sweet how Zondervan - one of the largest evangelical publishing houses in the States - wants to tell all about Sarah to evangelicals, especially the home schooled crowd. I wonder if they'll include how she doesn't attend church, except once or twice a year (Hey Newsweek - this might make it hard for her to be the next Jerry Falwell); how her teenaged son committed massive vandalism on over forty school buses while she was running for governor; how Bristol and she have their knock down drag out yelling matches (forget speaking up - try Yelling Out); how close family friends say in private that their mother's blind ambition has wrecked havoc and sorrow in her family; how her mother and younger sister raise her kids; how Todd is just glad he got his massive hangar and lots more Boy Toys out of the deal; how her ability to flat out lie is unparalleled in our nation's history; how she put Trig's life at considerable risk (assuming she actually birthed him); how, again, according to people who have known her out here for years, she has no true friends. Yes, a lot of blind "hanger's on" - but she is incapable and not interested in friendships; how she destroyed Alaska's economy with her anti-private sector agenda; how those who have worked the most closely with her on her campaigns and the few months she held in office describe her number one characteristic as "viciousness."

    Swell, Zondervan. You must be so proud. Too bad you and Kim Washburn were more interested in marketing and selling a product than the truth. Jesus said the truth will set you free. Can't wait till Christians and Republicans are free from this self-serving woman who has single-handedly done more to damage the name of Christianity in this nation than any one else who comes to mind.

  17. Anonymous3:28 PM

    oops - that should be "faithgirlz" not "faithgilz"

  18. Anonymous3:29 PM

    book for baby bots.
    A~ is for appalling,apathetic
    B~ is for batsh!t bigot
    C~ is for 'Can't make this stuff up'


  19. ks sunflower: Harper Collins is owned by News Corporation, whose founder and CEO is Rupert Murdock.

    Anyone still wondering how she got this piece of crap published?

  20. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Does Zondervan have an inspirational story of President Obama's rise to politics?

    At least his story is verifiable...

  21. sewnup3:56 PM

    Well, I just sent a scathing email to Zondervan, for what it's worth (nothing, in their eyes, I'm sure, but it made me feel like I'd done some tiny thing.)

    If she were truly a Christian with a 'mission from God' she wouldn't be crying about the media but instead speaking about how the devil was standing in the way of her service to God....only a human--a paranoid, stupid human--would whine about "the media" instead of trusting in the God who sent them on such a I guess we can see that she admits backhandedly that she has no mandation from God.

    What a crock, all the way around.

  22. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Oh, hey! Let's indoctrinate the kiddies, just like Obama did! You remember--the Neocons got all freaked out and slathery when a grade school class sang a song they wrote for the President awhile back. But, I guess it's A-OK when Sistah Sarah spins her Naughty Monkeys off to the homeschool set. Is there a "Grifting for Juniors" guide in it as well? What a fine, upstanding ideal for these children to strive for--lie and cheat your way to the top.

    Just like another "family values" Zondervan author, Kate "No I Am NOT Using My 8 Kids for My Own Personal Profit" Gosselin.

    Love and knishes . . .

  23. Anonymous4:10 PM

    See kids, ya can be all sorts of stoopid and still make lots of money and have big houses. I'm sure all you little homeschoold kids realize that functional families are wayyyy over-rated. You just read my book and then you'll see how to live your life; life should be lived full of lies and just doin' things to make the money. Jesus forgives you all the time, as long as you don't kill anyone, that's bad. I'll be doin' my book tour travelin' around this great nation on my big wheel tricycle; gotta appeal to those readers!

  24. Oh, pardon me while I upchuck......again.

  25. sewnup4:18 PM

    Well, I just sent a scathing email to Zondervan, for what it's worth (nothing, in their eyes, I'm sure, but it made me feel like I'd done some tiny thing.)

    If she were truly a Christian with a 'mission from God' she wouldn't be crying about the media but instead speaking about how the devil was standing in the way of her service to God....only a human--a paranoid, stupid human--would whine about "the media" instead of trusting in the God who sent them on such a I guess we can see that she admits backhandedly that she has no mandation from God.

    What a crock, all the way around.

  26. Anonymous4:18 PM

    This looks interesting:{9C0B2B74-E183-4F29-997F-EC7D5C6F0E25}&NRCACHEHINT=Guest&QueryStringSite=Zondervan

  27. Anonymous4:35 PM

    When is the last time Sarah Palin went to church?

  28. Anonymous4:42 PM

    This woman that almost had it out with a 4 year old because the child said Trigg looked 'awkward" writing a book directed at children. What is she going to try to teach them, if someone makes you mad, pull their hair.

  29. Anonymous4:45 PM

    "Speaking Up," by Kim Washburn, is also cast as the story of a strong figure who struggles against the odds to reach success."

    What freakin' odds? her own inability to form a coherent sentence???

  30. Anonymous4:48 PM

    "The story of a girl from Alaska who grew up to run for the White House."

    Could be true, some people live in brown houses, some in green houses, some on a corner, some near a lake... this dipshit happens to live in a reddish house. Just get ReT0dd and the good old boys to paint it white and you do not have to run... just walk!

  31. sewnup4:53 PM

    Well, I just sent a scathing email to Zondervan, for what it's worth (nothing, in their eyes, I'm sure, but it made me feel like I'd done some tiny thing.)

    If she were truly a Christian with a 'mission from God' she wouldn't be crying about the media but instead speaking about how the devil was standing in the way of her service to God....only a human--a paranoid, stupid human--would whine about "the media" instead of trusting in the God who sent them on such a I guess we can see that she admits backhandedly that she has no mandation from God.

    What a crock, all the way around.

  32. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Rupert Murdoch is going to 'hell'...their hell anyway.
    I don't buy any of the biblical nonsense. And it certainly has NO PLACE in politics...WTF happened to Separation of Church and State.

    Do all these lunatics need a history lesson in "The crusades"? Thankfully, they all ended up turning on each other if I remember correctly...

  33. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Will it be written for first graders to comprehend? Just asking to see if it was meant for the Wasilla Hill Billies. No need to write a book that the Palin parents and kids can't read.

  34. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Sarah, leave our kids alone!!

  35. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I understand the books will be a series that comes to your door every month.

    Book 1: How to get pregnant at 17 and turn your baby into a cash cow.

    Book 2: How to cut school bus brake lines and not go to jail.

    Book 3: How to break into a house and party and end up being a witness.

    Book 4: How not to go to school for several years and hang out with your mom and go to hockey games and stuff and avoid the truant officer.

    Book 5: How to build a house with free stuff and free labor.

    Book 6: How to turn pageant walking and winking into 12 million dollars without a brain.

  36. sewnup5:04 PM

    Well, I just sent a scathing email to Zondervan, for what it's worth (nothing, in their eyes, I'm sure, but it made me feel like I'd done some tiny thing.)

    If she were truly a Christian with a 'mission from God' she wouldn't be crying about the media but instead speaking about how the devil was standing in the way of her service to God....only a human--a paranoid, stupid human--would whine about "the media" instead of trusting in the God who sent them on such a I guess we can see that she admits backhandedly that she has no mandation from God.

    What a crock, all the way around.

  37. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Well, just as she blackmailed/bribed Todd to stay "married" to her, I guess the grand spin-master is gonna have to jump in the 2012 race just to make the title work. She's tell us she's "progressing the country" but we'll know better.

  38. Anonymous5:25 PM

    "Through imaginative and innovative products, Zonderkidz is feeding young souls."
    So, they are in the business of feeding crap to kids. Nice.
    2:57 PM


  39. sewnup5:37 PM

    Well, I just sent a scathing email to Zondervan, for what it's worth (nothing, in their eyes, I'm sure, but it made me feel like I'd done some tiny thing.)

    If she were truly a Christian with a 'mission from God' she wouldn't be crying about the media but instead speaking about how the devil was standing in the way of her service to God....only a human--a paranoid, stupid human--would whine about "the media" instead of trusting in the God who sent them on such a I guess we can see that she admits backhandedly that she has no mandation from God.

    What a crock, all the way around.

  40. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Belongs on the fiction shelf with the Bible.

  41. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I'm not convinced this movement is really about religion. I think they want us to think it is, but I suspect it is really about manipulating the evangelical faithful in order to grab power and wealth.

    Organized religion - Christianity in general and evangelical Christianity in particular particular - has always used its vested interest in protecting its hierarchy and power by instilling suspicion of "the other," by generating hate of "the other," and by convincing its faithful that is alone has all the answers and deserves all the blessings that can be bestowed on humankind if - and only if - (if we are talking about evangelical Christianity) it can recruit more into the group and destroy or neutralize the non-believers.

    Murdoch is not known as an evangelical, but he is known as a greedy bastard who is never satisfied with what he has - always wanting to wipe out the competition any way he can. Koch Industries founders have the same MO. If they can use peoples' fears and their faith against those who do not give in to their domination, they will.

  42. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Good for you, sewnup. Thanks for writing that letter. You said what needed to be said.

  43. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Thanks snowlady for revealing Murdoch and his News Corp as being the power behind Harper-Collins the publisher of SP's first and soon-to-be second book and the umbrella corp for ZunderKidz and Zondervan. Sure explains a lot.

    What I wonder is are there foreign investors in News Corp. I have a feeling that could be interesting as well if the foreign investors are holding large amounts of stock. Haven't looked into that yet. - ks sunflower

  44. Anonymous6:34 PM

    A fine christian woman....I call bullshit! She doesn't even go to church on a weekly basis or practice living as a true christian.

    We need to get the word out to people in the lower 48 about her many, many lies.

    I just keep shaking my head!!!

  45. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Have you been hearing how the Republicans are uniting to stop President Obama's broadband initiative that would bring affordable, reliable and fast internet service to rural areas?

    Judging how much the readers of this blog have shared tonight on this one issue - so many links, so much vital information - I would say the Republicans are afraid that their mostly rural base might use that broadband access to learn things, to ask questions, and to wonder if the Republicans are really working in their interest.

    We now know who is backing Sarah's publishing efforts and a pretty fair idea of why. Evangelicals have aggressively infiltrated themselves into positions of power in the media with plans to develop even more power. Think about that Supreme Court ruling where corporations can pour unlimited funding into elections and consider how financially powerful the evangelical corporations are becoming. They are not a joke any more. They are becoming dangerous, very dangerous. Sarah Palin is their point person. She is their front man. She has to be discredited soon.

  46. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I'm not convinced this movement is really about religion. I think they want us to think it is, but I suspect it is really about manipulating the evangelical faithful in order to grab power and wealth.

    BINGO Anon @ 6:20

    It's all about appealing to some of the weaker minded among us who believe their Pastor is God and that the GOP holds the patent on Christianity (not to say that all Christians are this way -- I'm a Christian, but I don't go around trying to shove my beliefs down people's throats, nor do I let others do my thinking/decision making for me, etc., etc.)

    These 'politicians' know if they invoke God and Jesus enough, they will get the votes of the evangelical faithful, some of whom are just as hateful and wrong-headed as they are -- but because they sit in a building with a cross on it every Sunday, that makes them better than everyone else and absolves them of their sins from the other six days of the week.

    These people, Palin, Boehner, Bachmann, Brewer, Beck, Limbaugh et al would be the first ones to re-crucify Jesus if he came down and told them their ways were far from His ideal.

  47. sewnup7:31 PM

    Well, I just sent a scathing email to Zondervan, for what it's worth (nothing, in their eyes, I'm sure, but it made me feel like I'd done some tiny thing.)

    If she were truly a Christian with a 'mission from God' she wouldn't be crying about the media but instead speaking about how the devil was standing in the way of her service to God....only a human--a paranoid, stupid human--would whine about "the media" instead of trusting in the God who sent them on such a I guess we can see that she admits backhandedly that she has no mandation from God.

    What a crock, all the way around.

  48. Anonymous11:14 PM

    alvin greene meet democrat plant sara palin

  49. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Funny how Babylon described in Revelation is a woman sitting on a beast, where it allegorically means a "city" on seven hills. Seven? Seven mountains of the dominionists? Funny too that this woman wears red and purple. Just funny, just sayin'......

  50. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Zondervan is some kind of christian publishing co isn't it? "Children, you too can lie your way to the top!"

  51. BAustin5:55 AM

    not Sarah's best picture...her nose looks squished. And her neck is really muscle-y. She looks strained....

    The book sounds like a snore. I can't imagine that any kid would want this book. I can see evangelical parents buying this for their kids (and their kids not reading it!)

    Remember that old informercial....Stop the Madness!!!

  52. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Bristol Palin is Sarah's greatest asset. If you want to know how your kids can turn out by listening to Sarah Palin, who was taught by Chuck and Sally Heath, look at Bristol Palin's public life as a servant and advocate for abstinent-only. What better vision of home school is there except Bristol and Levi. they were not only home schooled THEY WERE HOME SCHOOLED BY PALIN AT HER FAMOUS FENCED IN HOUSE.

    Sarah, Bristol, Levi, Murdoch, News Corp, Harper-Collins, ZunderKidz and Zondervan!

  53. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Sanctimonious wretch... Just the short description of this scribble makes one need to find a porcelain bowl somewhere and exert industrial-scale hurl in it for hours...

    It is mind-numbing that someone would actually BUY this thing...


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