Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Crazed Palin tweets of the day.

I am pretty convinced she tweeted these her own damn self:

Wow,media goofballs rearing heads this wk,big time!Wonder what's up?Taking the cake:ink re:Bristol=a diva? Silly;obviously have nvr met her
about 4 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

I am guessing the above tweet is in response to this article.  But hey lady if you are going to send your teenage daughter out to Hollywood, and you know how THEY feel about you, you cannot expect them to treat her with kid gloves. I anticipate that it will only get worse, and I would not be surprised if Bristle quit pretty soon.

It IS in the genes after all.

When yellow journalism gets ratcheted up for a period of time over an individual or an issue it makes u wonder what's up? What's the threat?
about 4 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Hmm, I wonder what example of "yellow journalism" she is referring to in this tweet?  Any ideas?


  1. Pat in MA6:16 PM

    Oh golly gosh gee, just innocent 'lil ole me here, now shucks, why would anyone ever feel threatened by me? See my devoted Palinbots? I took my anti-screeching meds today and am playing the calm and rational victim. And oooh, 'yellow journalism' - wow, did she dust off one of her old textbooks? Pathetic.

  2. Anonymous6:16 PM

    first tweet hers, but she missed the fact that they were referring to HER as a diva. second tweet: too coherent. obviously staged. Bristol/Sarah one in the same. Narcissists, unable to incorporate what others say without attacking. "Yellow Journalism" Please, Sarah. If someone does not fawn over you it is not "yellow journalism"
    Put yourself and your panties/Spanx in the limelight and this is what you get. Welcome to the big stage where you cannot control all the folks in Wasilla, nor can control all around you as you are used to doing. Sorry, Ms. Botox, if you want to be on the national stage, then you have to play on the national stage. Good and bad.

  3. Pat in MA6:20 PM

    I just read the Bristol/Diva link. What a surprise to hear Bristol is sulking and whining. Hey YOU chose to be in the spotlight you twit. If you don't like it, get a real fucking job.

  4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:20 PM

    Yo, BEEYOTCH! Ya can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen!!

    Drop the cans first, though...

  5. Wonder if Sarah knows this is the beginning of the end? Could the old GOP guard be fed up with all her BS?

  6. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I have no idea what she means by yellow journalism (surely she is not referencing the symbolism of yellow in the Great Gatsby), but I do know that tweet is projection of some kind. What is the threat? Hey Sarah...just what is the threat????

  7. Anonymous6:25 PM

    People are just pissed that 1. Sarah has the cojones to call people/legislators out on their scandals and BS. 2. she raised her children not to take shit, even it it comes from her haha

    Bristol's a strong young woman. It took guts to sign on to a VERY popular dance competition which showcases some of the hardest dances created. She's got grit like her momma

    I appreciate that she's not dead inside, that she shows humanity and gets pissed. It is not natural to remain calm in every situation. Thats whats frightening about the world - when you cannot tell what someone's up to. Thats why the majority of Americans have NO trust in the current President and rightly so.

  8. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I am trying to remember who put Bristol out there on the national stage to start with? It must have been Sarah, who was trying to figure out if it would be to her political advantage to have Bristol and Levi wed before the election (as opposed to thinking about respecting their privacy and leaving them at home).

    There are not too many teen aged girls who can call up a magazine and command a $100,000. photo spread. But, Bristol's mommy can, or at least mommy's agent can do that for Bristol. Whatever Bristol is and how she has turned out is a credit to the influence of her diva mother. Sarah stamps her foot and has a sense of entitlement, and if we believe only one tenth of the Vanity Fair article, like mother, like daughter.

    It is also that we are being played, just like Levi was when they announced their brief engagement. If DWTS creates this Diva impression of Bristol, and Sarah hypes it with her phony outraged tweets, it will boost their ratings. Bristol doesn't have very much else going for her other that this "drama." Let's face it, after watching Bristol's leaden performance as an actress and spokesperson, I don't think that her natural talent is dancing.

  9. ramalamadingdong6:34 PM

    Do you suppose as a former part time rilly bad sports reader on Tee Vee, she knows all about "yellow journalism", William Randoph Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer, et al?

  10. Anonymous6:44 PM

    at 6:22 PM, if you don't know what 'yellow journalism' is, you are an idiot beyond epic proportions

  11. laprofesora6:48 PM

    Hmmm, these are much calmer than I expected. They must have waited to give her the Blacbberry til the meds kicked in.

  12. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Hello! Can you say "projection"? The "threat" she mentions is how she feels when the truth about her crazy tantrums and power plays come to light, and her image takes a hit.

  13. laprofesora6:51 PM

    I wonder if the folks of Wasilla are cowering, afraid they'll be busted for talking. I'm sure Toad the Thug is working overtime trying to figure out who said what. How are the Paylins going to be able to live in Wasilla, knowing that people are ratting them out?

  14. Pat in MA6:55 PM

    6:25, oh yes we have that calm, rational, sneaky BLACK president in office. Be afwaid, be vewwy vewwy afwaid. It would be SO much better to have someone "human" that gets pissed off over any and every comment have access to the nuclear codes. Yeah, take that Mexico, take that Iran, we don't take no shit from anyone!

    Please visit, click on ISSUES and select any topic you'd like to find out what your sneaky President and his administration have been up to. Oh, but then we wouldn't want FACTS to get in the way of the fear mongering kool-aid Faux provides daily.

  15. imnofred6:55 PM

    The threat is that if Sarah Palin ever got into the White house that this country would be the laughing stock of the world, would be comparable to Hitler's Germany, along with the probability that she would trigger a nuclear war.

    As far as "yellow journalism", that is what she and her ilk engage in on Fox News.

  16. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Anon@6:25 wrote: "Bristol's a strong young woman. It took guts to sign on to a VERY popular dance competition which showcases some of the hardest dances created. She's got grit like her momma."

    GIVE ME A BREAK. It's a dance show. It's not like enlisting. Showing grit, like her mom? Yeah, between their unwashed teeth.

    Bristol would be brave to stay in one state, stop being a hypocrite, and take care of her kids while they're young.

  17. Anonymous7:20 PM

    LOL. The story you linked about Bristol is on a Fox affiliate!!

  18. Anonymous7:24 PM

    The story here is, Dancing With The Stars, offered anyone and everyone who has been in public a slot and America's slut, with the crazy bs artist of a mother wanted money and attention, since she dropped out of nursing school and the doctor's office she worked in. What else is she going to do with her life? If she wants to go with the joke of being famous for being easy with the boys, let her take the punches that goes with that. Sarah sure did a great job raising her. She got knocked up like her mother, she quit like her mother. Let her be famous like her mother.

  19. BAustin7:32 PM

    First.....i am sure that DWTS discussions started well ahead of one of the US magazine re-engagement article.

    Also, while all this tawdry palin drama is going on...the president is busy trying to solve peace in the middle east.

    When will ALL the palins go away?

  20. sewnup7:33 PM

    "LOL. The story you linked about Bristol is on a Fox affiliate!!
    7:20 PM "

    Well, since all you Foxyites believe everything Fox stands behind, you must then know that article to be akin to gospel, not? You are surely not thinking it might not be true, are you?

  21. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Funniest video ever. Watch until the end!

  22. sewnup7:52 PM

    By the looks of the photo in that link it seems Bristol has been afflicted with the Poorly Disguised Bumpit Syndrome.

    The kid is clearly not prepared for this move and it's trials and doesn't quite have the cool not to show it. And what kind of mother lets her 19 year old kid with her toddler move to a town that far away and then brags about it?

    It's just more sickness laid out for the world to see....does this woman never feel embarrassed? She calls herself a Christian parent? She's supposed to be in so tight with that church; you'd think they'd be on her like a duck on a JuneBug for the parenting issues alone. Some Christian. She has shown absolutely no evidence that she deserves to be called either parent or Christian.

    I don't care whether she is or she isn't but she oughta choose her side; this nuttiness just shows her up for the unbalanced & inept person she is.

  23. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Yellow Journalism is faux news.

  24. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Anon 6:28 makes a point about "drama" of Bristol being a diva. The Palins are creative to orchestrate high drama setting things in motion then cry they are the victim. The recent faux engagement is an example of profiting from engaging in drama (no pun intended:)

    I expect a Facebook implosion soon painting all people except Palin as liars, the victim meme,bash the media (they seek out entitled it portray their fantasy perfect fake family)and maybe that Obama, Dem operatives are behind these "attacks". Truth shoots holes in the crafted false image and her rage due to entitlement to convince others of the pretend Sarah shall hve no bounds but to destroy people as she perceives people are destroying her...myth.

  25. Anonymous8:06 PM

    "Crazed Palin tweets of the day."

    The s.o.c.i.o.p.a.t.h defends her daughter on a "diva" charge. LAME

  26. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Been musing on the VF article all day, in particular the bits about Becky.

    Given Sarah's long history of throwing people under the bus, it's only a matter of time before she does the same thing to RAM. But RAM is as batshit crazy as Sarah, and will not go gently into the night like a good little martyr for the cause.

    Will be interesting to watch.

  27. Anonymous8:08 PM

    How does the Tripp visitation work between Hollywood and AK?

  28. I think Palin's head must have exploded when she read the VF article.

    Uh, why would Bristol drive from AK to LA, CA with a 20 month old???

  29. Every tweet, every facebook post, every speech and every word Palin utters just confirms over and over the Vanity Fair profile. Except to the exceptionally delusional.

  30. Anon @ 6:25,

    People are just pissed that 1. Sarah has the cojones to call people/legislators out on their scandals and BS. 2. she raised her children not to take shit, even it it comes from her haha

    Bristol's a strong young woman. It took guts to sign on to a VERY popular dance competition which showcases some of the hardest dances created. She's got grit like her momma

    Uh, what a random stream of, uh, crap.

    Palin is whining, not calling people out. Seriously. SHE IS WHINING ON TWITTER! T W I T T E R!!!

    As far as raising her children not to take crap. Actually, she raised them to take as much crap as they could hold in their hands at any time. She raised grifters!

    As far as Bristol's guts. Would this be the same one that faked an engagement to make $100K?? And then to sign on for more break up articles?

    It didn't take guts to get Bristol to sign on for DWTS. It took hard cash, and lots of it. Wave cash before a Palin and they take it every time. Then whine about having to follow through with the agreement.

    She is a grifter like her Mother.

  31. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I just laugh SO hard when I read the TWEETS the Quitter does,and you KNOW when RAM writes them. One has a college education and the other does not.Guess which one?

  32. Anonymous8:44 PM

    I guess we have to start calling her Ms.Spanx? What about those tight ABS she talked about,the reason she didn't appear to be preggers.....because she wasn't.

  33. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Maybe Sarah can lone her one of her 3,000K worth of Spanx to Bristol? Can someone wash them first? Toad?

  34. Here's a link to a great (imaginary) conversation between Palin & Beck

    Note: the first third of the page :)

  35. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I wish Bristol would get out of my city. BTW, the paparazzi in Los Angeles have no mercy so good luck with with trying to protect your whorish daughter.

  36. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Palinbot anon 6:40!!!! Please learn English! There is no such thing as "an idiot beyond epic proportions." That isn't a grammatically correct sentence. Plus attacking others like that isn't very Christian of you!

  37. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Palin tweets, RAM facebooks.

    I swear, the 2 best things about the VF article were the RAM exposure and the money laundering.

    They are freaking out.

  38. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I just love these brainwashed palinbots, when they have nothing else, they resort back to calling President Obama names.

    Hey bots, President Obama is ranked #15 as the BEST PRESIDENT! Pretty accomplished for only being in office for two years, don't you think?

  39. The Grammarian9:33 PM

    Why does she have to use "u" for you all the time and 4 for "for"? It is like fingernails on what we used to call a black board. Do you think she would sharpen her claws that way in high school just to annoy her teachers?

  40. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I read the VF article with glee! It reassured me that I wasn't hallucinating after all! All that careful planting, er, I mean, planning things in her life aren't working anymore.
    I'd guess with the EXPOSURE she got today, along with her probable rage with Bristol for escaping to Hollywood with the kid might cause another can-throwing episode..let's hope.

  41. Anon 6:25 is a Palin Ass kisser. I mean really, saying that Palin has cajones. Sure, that's why she tweets and has RM rant on FB for her.
    and her suttle reference to the POTUS and how it's unnatural to be calm all of the time.
    Honey, it's called Class. That's why Palin will never be POTUS. Palin has NO CLASS!
    And Bristol isn't going to quit, she's going to get kicked out. If she dances like she acts, she's done.

  42. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Roid rage, but why is Sarah taking Steroids?

  43. Anonymous1:05 AM

    I am totally convinced now, that if Sarah Palin were to take a knife and cut up a screaming baby on tv (it'd be Fox Channel, of course) that some 20% or so of Americans would say "she must have had a good reason."

    That is a very frightening situation.

    It is making me more wary of walking down the street past a CHURCH, than if I found myself on a street in Harlem, at night.

  44. Anonymous1:44 AM

    have you visited Adrienne at Motivation Truth? She has a comment from Ivy Frye

  45. Anonymous1:47 AM

    These tweets are quite tame. Not Palin's usual overreaction. She might actually be learning, or someone has given her a severe warning about responding.

  46. Anonymous1:51 AM

    6:25, i might have given you some credit, but then you had to turn your lovefest into a statement about obama. what is it with you people? it's like you are programmed. the man is calm and cool. who the hell wants a president to be a flaky, reactionary like palin?

  47. Anonymous1:55 AM

    8:06, you don't have to disguise "sociopath." this isn't huffpo. you can even say fuck. see i said it: fuck.

  48. Anonymous1:57 AM

    So in Game Change, Palin was depicted as a quick study and someone who liked being schooled and educated by her advisors, also claiming she is an idiot. Here, it's like none of that existed. I trust Halperin and the other author I can't name at the moment over this VF writer. Really? Vanity Fair? Just stick to fashion and Hollywood. Obviously you have no ethical "journalists" working there.You have ambitious, ass kissing dipshits

  49. Anonymous1:57 AM

    8:28, i don't think bristle drove to la just today. she's been there a while.

    maybe that's the RV trip she said she was going to take with tripp.

  50. Anonymous2:05 AM

    I agree, the DWTS negotiations must have happened some months ago. I wonder if the whole "engagement" followed by the expected breakup wasn't merely upping the drama to drum up notoriety for Bristol? The poor gal has zero personality, her acting is horrible, and she has no talent. She's just Sarah's perennially pregnant daughter.

    I can see the Palins putting in a lot of time coming up with their schemes. Look at Palin: the McCain Visor sharpie incident, the writing on her hand. Both of these, to me, were clearly deliberate efforts to drum up drama, either to keep her in the news, or create news to get people to stop talking about something else (the AFT ethics violation or whatever else was going on). I remember at the time of both incidents, people kept commenting, "well, it's got people to stop talking about X."

  51. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Anon 6:25 wrote:
    "I appreciate that she's not dead inside, that she shows humanity and gets pissed. It is not natural to remain calm in every situation."

    You appreciate that she and Todd are mutually combative in front of their children?

    You call it "fire in the belly." I call it domestic violence, treating people like shit, teaching your kids to treat other people like shit (when you're not using them for your own advancement and depriving them of stability), and being severely unhinged to the point that people who work with you don't know which Sarah they will be getting from one moment to another.

    I'll take calm, even-keeled, and mentally stable any day, especially in my POTUS.

  52. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Noun: Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers.

    Sarah, do you mean like how you and your death panel BS, the refudiating Mosques because it stabs hearts and the tea party movement ALL being stirred up and exaggerated by your sponsor Fox News?!

  53. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Narcissist spawn learned from the master how to diva up.

  54. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Bristol is not a diva, she is just a hockey puck.

  55. Anonymous3:25 AM

    I guess Mr. Toad will be putting his fencing skills to work in LA. Going to be some ugly arse architecture going up! Or maybe he and his gang will be belly bumping the paparazzi where he'll find out LA'ers don't don't take crap from the bullies of Wasilla.

  56. Anonymous3:27 AM

    8:44, I think the funniest name I;ve heard her called is "Skidmark Sarah" in reference to her not letting anyone but campaign aides touch her undies.

  57. Anonymous3:40 AM

    This morning, I am going to hug and kiss my daughters for being the fine young women that they are. They are intelligent, caring, and articulate. And, they haven't embarrassed me, since they were two.

  58. Anon@6:25

    You wrote: People are just pissed that 1. Sarah has the cojones to call people/legislators out on their scandals and BS.

    Riiight. Every day, the POTUS is dealing with many important national and international issues that we know about, and likely many more than we don't know about. SP, on the other hand, just takes to Twitter like a teenager and whines without offering any alternative solutions. Tell me, who has the cojones in this scenario?

    You wrote: Bristol's a strong young woman. It took guts to sign on to (DWTS). She's got grit...

    No. Grit is being a single mom who gets an education and goes to work every day without notifying the press of her every decision.

    You wrote: It is not natural to remain calm in every situation. Thats whats frightening about the world - when you cannot tell what someone's up to.

    So the next time you go to the emergency room, do you want your doctor screaming in fright at your injuries rather than calmly assessing the situation and discussing it with his medical team before calmly informing you as to what is going on?

  59. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Palin has always been an OFFENSIVE player (in more ways than one)...she takes the preemptory strike, and her opponent often has to take a step back to gather themselves before they can strike back. She's used to that. When she is forced to play defense (you know, ol' mama grizzly and stuff) she actually has LESS power and shows some vulnerability. She called the media "lame" before they really were, and now they are ( a self-fulfilling prophesy...go figure!). But I want the attacks to amp up, to be vicious and unrelenting, and to be filled with truth. It's incredibly ironic that the woman who coined the careless phrase "death panels" accuses others of yellow journalism. If the press doesn't take the kid gloves off NOW, they are dooming ALL of us to a lot more of this woman's hate for years to come.

  60. Anonymous4:10 AM

    If Bristol is skewered by the gossip press, it is her mother's fault. You can't expect to throw a girl with nothing but fame for getting pregnant, with NO acting talent, into that lion's den without expecting it.

    Shame on mom for even letting her do DWTS. Like painting a target on her back.

  61. Anonymous4:11 AM

    If you've ever been in a relationship with a verbally abusive person, you'll recognize Sarah's words for what they are: emotionally abusive.

  62. Anonymous4:21 AM

    To follow up, below is a list of verbally abusive behaviors. Remind you of anyone?

    Does the person:
    ignore your feelings?       
    disrespect you?              
    ridicule or insult you then tell you its a joke, or that you have no sense of humor?            
    ridicule your beliefs, religion, race, heritage or class?
    withhold approval, appreciation or affection?                
    give you the silent treatment?                                    
    walk away without answering you?                              
    criticize you, call you names, yell at you?                      
    humiliate you privately or in public?                             
    roll his or her eyes when you talk?                             
    give you a hard time about socializing with your friends or family?     
    make you socialize (and keep up appearances) even when you don't feel well?
    seem to make sure that what you really want is exactly what you won't get?
    tell you you are too sensitive?                             
    hurt you especially when you are down?                
    seem energized by fighting, while fighting exhausts you?        
    have unpredictable mood swings, alternating from good to bad for no apparent reason?    
    present a wonderful face to the world and is well liked by outsiders?
    "twist" your words, somehow turning what you said against you?       
    try to control decisions, money, even the way you style your hair or wear your clothes?
    complain about how badly you treat him or her?             
    threaten to leave, or threaten to throw you out?            
    say things that make you feel good, but do things that make you feel bad?
    ever left you stranded?   
    ever threaten to hurt you or your family?            
    ever hit or pushed you, even "accidentally"?     
    seem to stir up trouble just when you seem to be getting closer to each other?
    abuse something you love: a pet, a child, an object?
    compliment you enough to keep you happy, yet criticize you enough to keep you insecure?   
    promise to never do something hurtful again?                   
    harass you about imagined affairs?                               
    manipulate you with lies and contradictions?                    
    destroy furniture, punch holes in walls, break appliances?
    drive like a  road-rage junkie?
    act immature and selfish, yet accuse you of those behaviors?         
    question your every move and motive, somehow questioning your competence?
    interrupt you; hear but not really listen?            
    make you feel like you can't win? damned if you do, damned if you don't?
    use drugs and/or alcohol involved? are things worse then?   
    incite you to rage, which is "proof" that you are to blame? 
    try to convince you he or she is "right," while you are "wrong?"
    frequently say things that are later denied or accuse you of misunderstanding?

  63. Anonymous5:14 AM

    I don't know why I'm still surprised that Palin has learned NOTHING in the last four years.

    The correct response to things like this is to IGNORE IT. That's what professionals do. That's what confident people do. That's what mature adults do.

    Her complete inability to keep her figurative and literal mouth from spouting off some reactionary dribble is just one sign the woman is not a "woman" at all, but a spoiled child in need of constant attention. Normally one only sees this level of maturity in people who can't get a driver's license, you know?

    And Bristol is as dumb as her mother if she thought there wouldn't be any blowback. It's "Dancing with the STARS". Bristol is a "D" list celebrity famous for having a famous mother and a child out of wedlock.

  64. Strangely, no tweet about the Vanity Fair article? Hmmm. . .

  65. Anonymous7:02 AM

    6:06, She did tweet referencing the article, in a classy above the fray manner shooting down yellow journalism. Ivy Frye commented as well

  66. This shows us everything we need to "know" about Bristol Palin...

    Rude, gum smacking, rude, snotty, rude bitch.

  67. I just love how when anyone says anything Sarah Palin doesn't like in the media she goes on the attack. Now she wants to know what the threat is? Sarah, seeing you won't answer any questions for anything written about you and you go after anyone who does speak on the record about you. That is our question to you Sarah! What's the threat Sarah? Why are you so scared you can't answer questions from anyone other than FOX NEWS, Sarah?

    The article in Vanity Fair is a scathing review of the failed politician who was first exposed by ABC and CBS news as America's most "woefully prepared" person to ever make a run on a Vice Presidential ticket in 2008!

    Vanity Fair continues to expose the real Sarah Palin, who has emerged as a complete fake and a fraud with a lot to hide and she wonders, "What's up?"

    I will tell you what is up Sarah Palin - The American media is finally vetting you and doing their job!

    It's about time considering you think you are fit to serve our great country and are making millions fueling speculation of a run for high office. Exposed as a fake, a phony and not very bright - you also sound completely INSANE and UNSTABLE and like a rotten Mother to your children! For someone who claims to be a Christian, you sure do not walk the talk! Even your children were on record as asking, "Why are you pretending to be someone you are not?

    The media made you into that North Star your Christian Prayer Warriors think you are Sarah, and they can take it away when they decide to do their JOBS instead of aiding and abetting the building of Brand Sarah!

    Don't look now Sarah, but your BRAND has hit a tipping point and it's swinging in the other direction! And, you know what they say about the door Sarah!

  68. Anonymous8:54 AM

    7:02, I guess there's always a first time - even for Palin!

  69. Anonymous8:57 AM

    1:57, I don't remember Game Change being that effusive about Palin.

  70. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I have watched DWTS a couple of times. I wonder if Bristol will demand that all questions from the host be pre-screened. I just can't imagine her being very articulate during the Q&A sessions. I did hear she has demanded bendy straws.

  71. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Defensive much? If Bri$$tol is old enough to shake her ass on network television she shouldn't need her Mama Grizzley twatting about the media treatment she receives.
    And yet again, Sarah finds a phrase she thinks makes her sound in-the-know, this time - "Yellow Journalism" - to whine about the MSM she refuses to engage with. You know, interviews with real journalists from networks other than Fox, Sunday morning talk shows, press conferences, etc.
    She bitches and bitches and yet she's too chicken to face any media that she and her bots perceive as "hostile", ie: the media that every other politician faces nationally and locally on a daily basis.
    This fight that she has picked with the MSM is tiresome and she's looking more and more like a petulant toddler. She won't expose herself to any platform in which she has to do more than tweet or post on facebook, and yet she portrays herself as the innocent victim in the war she started.
    Ask Katie Couric: she had the nerve to ask Sarah what newspapers she reads, and from SP's and her bot's perspective that was a crime against humanity that no politician has ever had to endure!


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