Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Karl Rove sums up the Republican's fears concerning the nomination of Sarah Palin backed Christine O'Donnell.

It is stunning to see Karl Rove speaking out against a candidate who just won their primary like this.  Karl is the consummate chess player, and if he is willing to upend the board and scatter the pieces all over the floor, you KNOW that the GOP movers and shakers are very upset about what is happening to their party.

I have asked this question before, but it bears repeating, "How long will it be before the Republicans realize that EVERYTHING Sarah Palin touches turns to shit?"

She doe not care about America.  She does not care about the Republicans.  She does not even care about her own family.  She cares about only ONE thing, and that is Sarah Palin.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Now, Gryphen. Give the GOP a break. They are a bit slow. They didn't realize how poisonous a crazy $arah endorsement really was until now.

  2. Great catch, Gryphen! It is a joy to hear Karl Rove sound reasonable as he talks over Hannity's nonsense!

  3. laprofesora6:50 AM

    Well, you bring up a good question, Gryph: will the GOP pin the responsibility where it belongs, on Paylin, for the loss of Congressional seats? We all saw what happened in NY23 and the GOP didn't do a thing to stop her. So will they finally wise up and shut her up? They're on such a self-destructive course, who knows?

  4. Anonymous7:19 AM

    These neocons are distancing themselves from the crazy tea bag candidates so that when they go down in flames come November, they don't reflect the GOP.

    But they still haven't come out against Sarah Palin, the craziest of them all. It's because Sarah's brand of crazy actually mobilizes people and some of those people might vote republican.

    Sarah is a special kind of crazy. That kind of crazy comes along only once or twice a generation.

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I find it interesting that everything rove was saying about O'Donnell he himself has done in order to get bush elected. And worse.
    He has a conscience now?
    Maybe he is seeing how gutter politics really works and it is backfiring on the republicans.

    Why isn't the media addressing the fact that outside money is determining these races?
    All this outside money poring in don't these people realize that they are being manipulated by big business?
    That the people they voted for will be beholding to somebody?
    Do the people of Alaska realize that Joe, if elected, will have to pay the price of accepting this money?
    And who is owed?
    Follow the money!!!!

  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    The GOP can't disown Sarah because they deliberately picked her as their VP candidate. They have to keep pretending like she's sane.

    Rove is frantically trying to build a firewall between the rest of the nutcases and what he likes to think is the Republican party. He's backing away fast, saying, "Don't judge us by Christine!"

    Too late, asshole; you courted the nutcases, now you own them.

  7. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I don't trust any of them. Rove should have been put in prison long ago so the inmates could take care of his ass, literally. His actions appear to be pure evil and those of an immoral person at the least.

  8. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Christine will get lots of publicity. She is younger and cuter than Palin who needs gobs of make-up, hair extensions, short skirts and peep toe shoes to maintain her "hot image". The MSM will give her a great amount of coverage simply because she is new and attractive. I imagine $P will not like the spotlight being shifted.

  9. anon 7:26 said:

    Too late, asshole; you courted the nutcases, now you own them.

    Where's the Like button??? :)

  10. imnofred7:42 AM

    Hannity is such a f'n weenie. Gotta love how he sticks up for O'Donnell. He's doing this because he has the hots for Sarah, and he will back anything that she says or does.

  11. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I believe Palin's candidates went 5-1 last night.

    It's going to be near suicidal around here on Nov 3.

  12. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I think it's refreshing to have someone in the running who supports purity over convenience. John Edwards felt able and moral enough to pursue high office and he was finally cast aside and forgotten. Why are we subjugating this woman for wanting to bring a little morality to the world. This planet is already being taken over by Muslims population wise. Whats going to happen when they gain complete power and force American women to wear that coverup shit and obey the men? Because that will happen if the US doesn't stop apologizing to everyone and starts maintaining strength and military.

    While I personally do not agree that masturbation is a sin, it's equally wrong to judge the believers. The tea partiers are proving they are the majority. It is that generation that moves the economy. While youth need to be targeted to make their difference, the youth are being poisoned by arrogance and world ignorance of the left.

  13. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Ooooh, the 'bots are here. What took you so long?
    Unable still to grasp the longterm ramfications of last night's primaries? Karl sure does. Still out shilling for $ister $arah....sad...In the meantime, dance, Bristol, dance.

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Anonymous said: "I think it's refreshing to have someone in the running who supports purity over convenience. John Edwards felt able and moral enough to pursue high office and he was finally cast aside and forgotten. Why are we subjugating this woman for wanting to bring a little morality to the world. This planet is already being taken over by Muslims population wise. Whats going to happen when they gain complete power and force American women to wear that coverup shit and obey the men?"


  15. Anonymous at 8 am:

    I wouldn't get too excited about that "tea party majority." Let's look at Delaware. Of 621,000 registered voters, 182,000 (or 29%) are registered Republicans. Of those, 57,000 votes were cast yesterday, which is 31% of the Republican voters and a mere 9% of total voters. Of those, O'Donnell received 30,000 votes, which is 16% of the Republican voters and not even 5% of total voters.

    Granted, primaries usually see a low turnout, but I fail to see a majority here.

  16. Anonymous8:38 AM

    There are two things going on here:

    First, I actually wanted to kiss Karl Rove. He sounded like the reasonable man I always knew he could be considering he is so damn smart. And I loved the way he shut down that primping jackass Hannity.

    Karl is right: integrity trumps everything (of course, I wish he'd always lived by this rule...but, regardless, thanks for finally coming to the party, Karl.).

    Second: This is not about Sarah Palin, Gryphen. Your statement that Palin turns everything she touches to shit doesn't work here.

    Sarah Palin did not create the Tea Party movement. She did not create the urge-born-of-anger in voters to run to the polls to vote. The voters are responsible for their own actions. And the Tea Partiers deserve credit for their own movement, which started without any help from Palin. Even if Palin had not been there, the wave of anger (at Wall Street, at the Federal Reserve, at having a black president, at unemployment etc etc etc) was/is organic and has a life of its own.

    Palin is merely attempting to harness and co-opt this movement for her own benefit. Her new lie is that SHE is the power behind the Tea Party. Not so. Palin is the carpet bagger swooping out of Alaska in an opportunistic flurry. She is a side-note here.

    Don't let the fact that Palin inserts herself into elections with Tea Party candidates confuse you into believing she is relevant. All she is doing is attaching herself to the conversation. The voter anger is there regardless.

    Whether Republicans/Tea Partiers wake up to realize Palin is nothing more than a sleazy, cheesy, inept fraud is another matter.

  17. Anonymous8:41 AM

    First of all I sincerely would like to apologize to the good smart white people in the United States, but I need to say something.

    You have a dumb white hill billy who was runner up Miss Alaska who had to go to around 6 colleges to get a basic degree. Then she used her looks to advance to governor and on the way up there she put our town way in debt by doing stupid things and she destroyed peoples careers. Then we had a stupid white presidential candidate who thought maybe he can hitch his wagon to this Miss Alaska loser and get the angry Hillary voters to vote for him and that did not work.

    Now we have this dumb hill billy who quit her job as governor who has a following of dumber white hill billies who look to Sarah as their Great White Hope and they send her money and do whatever she bids. She is so stupid she gives speeches and tells people that her hero Ronald Reagan went to Eureka College in California and other stupid shit like that. It is just astounding and funny how someone who is ignorant and can't even raise her own kids wants to tell us how to live. Everybody in the Palin household or people related to them are dumber than a bucket of rocks and enjoy living the life of grifters. Go figure!

  18. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Grypen, we must be doing something right. The bots have not been able to stay away.

    Your posts are in vain, fools.

    Even if voter rage brings you in in 2010, you'll be out in the next possible election cycle.

    The candidates you back CANNOT DELIVER your platform. Pretty gals with sticky fingers and lying lips are not going to deliver.

    You may be right about what's wrong with Washington, but you doing an awful job at finding a solution.

  19. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Oh boy it stings to watch the "establishment" finally come to terms with reality. Sarah has gone rogue and she doesn't care who she throws under the bus to stoke up the crazy. GOP, you thought she could winky her way to your victory in Nov. when what she really had in mind all along was either splitting the GOP in two or taking it full McCarthy. Either you expose the bitch, or she and her Paliban will make Hitler look like Harry Reid in comparison to her own vile ambition.

  20. Anonymous8:53 AM

    8:00 AM

    You really shouldn't post until your meds kick in...

    And don't forget to have them filled.
    The truth about your little 'refreshing' candidate will be coming out soon.

    Rove is just starting the damage control early.

  21. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Conservatives Trash Karl Rove After He Insists O'Donnell Says 'Nutty Things'

    With the battle won by the ultra-right in Delaware, the national conservative pundits who backed Christine O'Donnell in last night's GOP Senate primary have turned on a man who is presumably one of their own: Karl "The Architect" Rove. After Rove bemoaned O'Donnell's nomination as the end of the GOP's chances to take back the Senate in a heated interview with Sean Hannity last night, pundits and tea partiers have slammed him as a traitor and even called for Fox News to suspend him as an on-air analyst.

    In one five-minute interview, it seems, Rove went from keeper of the conservative cause to the next Jane Hamsher in the eyes of those who are ostensibly his allies. It's a stunning turn against the man who has recast himself as a right-wing media darling since Bush left office, and suggests that the next war on the establishment from angry conservatives could be aimed in part at the man who for close to a decade was the progressive movement's enemy number one.

  22. Anonymous9:06 AM

    @Anon 8:00 Shouldn't O'Donnell condemn Bristol Palin for having a child out of wedlock and then brazenly flaunting her nontraditional family? Shouldn't she condemn Sarah Palin's provocative clothing, hairstyle, and makeup? How about some consistency?

  23. Eunice9:07 AM

    Great fun to watch Karl Rove butt heads with Insannity. Maybe heads isn't the right word.

    Sarah succeeds in dividing the republican noise machine. GO SARAH!!!

  24. Anonymous9:13 AM

    It's hysterically funny to hear Komrade Karl whine about the fruitloops he and his minions begged for votes for 30+ years!

    LOL Oh and Christine is now saying that Karl is eating humble pie! PIE FIGHT. Geez, neophyte Chris better be careful pissing off powerful operatives that have been around longer than she's been alive 'cause it isn't just Karl against her.

    And now in the humble pie-eating department the National Repubs Senate feeders will be sending new Chris $42 grand! LOL First they try and oust her, then disown her after a win and now they capitulate and send her money. Too funny. They can't control the teabag they created. I hope they choke on tealeaves sprouting all over them.

  25. Anonymous9:16 AM

    And now that we are relying on Rove's comments, why not add another? Rove probably feels the same way about Palin but he's smart enough to not say what he thinks right now because he is afraid that Palin could go all the way to the presidential ticket. As many smart Republicans feel because few of them will discuss Palin and decide one way or another about her.

  26. Virginia Voter9:18 AM

    Bots, you don't have to worry about anyone on the left coming after y'all tea partiers have pissed off Karl Rove, the devil incarnate. He's one guy in the GOP who has the direct hotline to hell, and has proven he will do anything to destroy an opponent. Sarah will be on the next Swift boat to the island of political has beens if the GOP doesn't gain any seats.

    BTW, look for the new Republican talking point to be how the DCCC, DNC, and DSCC are pulling $$ out of races that are already lost for democrats. They will do anything they can to suppress Dem voter turnout and enthusiasm. Yes, anon the tea partier lunatics are running the GOP asylum, but you're looking at closed primaries. The Republican voter pool has gotten so low, that only the scum at the bottom is left.

  27. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Rove arrives in hell, Christine O'Donnell will be his torturer in chief. Rove will spend eternity talking to GWB, Sarah Palin and all the other STUPID, arrogant, mindless puppets that Rove has empowered.

  28. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Wow. I wish Rove was in prison right now for screwing up our country, but this is a tiny bit of karma coming back at him. I hope he stays awake at night biting his pillow, knowing he had a hand in starting The Crazy People parade.

    I have heard nothing about the "my opponent is secretly gay" rumor O'Donnell is denying but if so, this reminds me very much of Mrs. Todd Palin's "Mayor John Stein might be a secret Jew" rumor that helped her pretend to be "the christian" candidate.

    Younger, prettier, crazier! Watch out, she might start stealing those "conservative" speaking gigs from that other crazy woman.

  29. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Rove knows he's going to have to trash Sarah Palin soon to save his own hide. This Christine O'Donnell slam is just a dry run for the grovel to come.

    Poor little Rove! Such a dismal prospect to face each day.

  30. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:00 AM says:

    "Why are we subjugating this woman for wanting to bring a little morality to the world."

    A definition of subjugate is "to make submissive". I don't know why you think that applies to discussion of Christine O'Donnell's lack of credentials for the US Senate. But I do think you are using a 50-cent word you don't understand to disgise an ill-conceived attempt at presenting your slanted view of morality as normal.

  31. Grouchodawg9:39 AM

    Christine O'Donnell - The 41 year old virgin!!!!

  32. Anonymous9:40 AM

    You say: "I Imagine sp will not like the spotlight being shifted"
    I say: sp will go bats--t crazy when the light no longer shines on her.

  33. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anony@8:00 Morality does not compute when speaking of sp and her minions.

  34. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I wonder what they are saying to John McCain since he picked HER and brought her to the natonal scene? I can't type what I think they'd like to do with him!!!

  35. Anonymous10:36 AM

    To 7:25 - the TeaBaggers bring in money to support their candidate in the primary - as they did in Alaska. But, don't forget the Republicans also brought outside money in for Lisa Murkowski. She's thinking about running as a 'write-in' on the ballot in November. By doing so, she'll split the R vote and our D will be elected! Sounds good to me!

  36. Anonymous10:37 AM

    It often seems that the GOP is horrible at playing the long game. Not that any other group of politicians fare much better, but the GOP seems particularly more willing to suit itself for short-term theatrics over long-term strategy. Palin helped them generate anger and distrust towards the other when they wanted to consolidate the troops in opposition to democrats, but look where it's gotten them. Not to be fooled, though... A teabagger is effectively a Republican under a different name so as to keep their hands a little cleaner. But, for certain, Sarah Palin is not out for the interest of any part. Yes, as the posts already said, Sarah doesn't care about shit. Not any party, not policy, not politics, not family, not even God, as she proclaims. All of her life, Sarah has only cared about Sarah.

  37. Anonymous10:39 AM

    You can bet now that Rove is digging into the skeletons of Palin to take her down. He can't do much for the 2010 elections but he's not one that will leave her hanging out there for 2012. He'll be going after her, Newt (maybe as he's shown his whackness too!), Dick Armey et al. Rove wants to be the king maker and won't sit back to watch them destroy it. We all know - Rove plays dirty and will be willing to do anything - even to his own party - so he wins.

    Many back rooms meetings going on as Rove will not sit back and watch the baggers continue.

    I'm curious with the Lazio loss to whacko Paladino in NY in that in upper NY, they just got computerized voting machines. Paladino won by a big margin which seems suspect. State cut backs meaning less staff to show people how to vote amount many other possibilities. Could the machines be tampered with?? Hmmm??? That familiar possible sound heard many times before.

  38. Anonymous10:41 AM

    8:38 - I think Palin is endorsing folks so that she can turn to them and ask for their support should she run for President. I don't put anything past her...she does everything that will in the end benefit her.

  39. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Karl Rove is trying to clean up the mess for which he bears responsibility.

    Had he not schemed to put GWB in the White House, schemed with Cheney to con U.S. into two bad-faith wars, and cheered on the scheme to line the pockets of greedy pals on Wall Street, his Party would not have a rabble of pissed off constituents going into orgasmic strokes over Average Jane grifters such as Palin and her new sidekick O'Donnell.

    So much for the best laid plans...

  40. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Bill Maher, who I like, maybe a bit less today, appeared on Larry King on Tuesday night and made statement that he wants O'Donnell to appear on his show as he likes her - "She's a nice lady". When he verbalized his request she appear on his show this week as his new season starts, he made mention that he helped 'make her'. Thanks Maher. Don't do us any more favors.

  41. I just left the Media Matters site that has a collection of posts from the rw blogosphere calling for the non-news network to investigate, suspend, and/or fire Rove for his comments about O'Donnell.

    I don't think things are working out quite like the top right-wingers thought they would. The Republican Party is caught in the middle. The party can't afford to oppose the tea party groups, and it can't afford to appear to be too moderate. What an untenable position to be in less than two months before the midterms.

    The one thing I have to say about their predicament is that the Bible is 100% correct when it states that you cannot serve two masters because you'll either love the one and hate the other, or hate the one and love the other.

  42. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Ironic, Rove who learned from the best of the worst Republican dirty tricksters is complaining.

    It's really his loss of power to the "rogues" he's lamenting since there was nothing too crazy, crooked or immoral for Rove when it came to his Republican masters.

  43. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Well said, Anon 8:38 am.

  44. Anonymous12:53 PM


  45. Randall1:19 PM

    Anonymous 10:41...

    I agree with you - and that's why the philosophy - the ends justify the means - doesn't work:

    because as one corrupts the means, one corrupts oneself.

    A perfect example is Dick Cheney (with GW Bush's approval) sanctioning torture
    ...thus becoming the very monsters they're seeking to destroy.

  46. Anonymous1:33 PM

  47. Wow, Someone got the bull fired up. This is one of the guys that outed a CIA agent and got away with it. Rove is a pro. He is a slimey piece of shit, but he's a pro. Look out Sarah, here comes the IRS.
    As my good friend says"better count up your change, put a smile on your face, be bending down when you walk by my place"

  48. mommom2:22 PM

    Has Sarah seen this ?'donnell_in_1995%3A_women_in_military_colleges_damage_national_security/

    Looks like she believes womens role is in the bedroom,the kitchen,and as caretaker

  49. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Amazing how when he is not lying his head off Herr Karl sounds almost human. It is a good imitation.

    My personal opinion, the RepoTaliban will ride Sarah till she gets blown.
    She is rasing money for them and that is enough to keep them facilitating her ego.

    It looks like her popularity has probably reached it upper limit.

    My question is - is the Republican Party asking her to endorse people like Ms. Master Bation, and other Tea Baggers who are running against, and defeating Repo incumbents. If Sarah is turning Rogue on them they will eventually dump her.

  50. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Can the old RepoCons stand against Murdoch and the Kahn brothers?

    Cause it looks to me like the billionaires are blowing the poor little millionaires out of the political duck pond.

  51. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Anon 8:00
    Please look up the definition of "subjugate."

    Anon 8:41
    Notice Ms. Master Bation claims she has the Hillary voters.
    Yeah sure. Just like McCain got them with Sarah. Not.

  52. Anne In DC3:21 PM

    The GOP created these Frankensteins, and now they own them. It's really hilarious to see the evil Rove showing buyer's remorse. They have opened a veritable Pandora's box that they can't close again, and they don't like the results of their own handiwork.

    It's called, in one word, karma, or reaping what they have sown over the years. Now they can't control what they've unleashed. I sincerely hope this will result in the defeats they so richly deserve in November.

  53. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Rove has absolutely no business calling out O'Donnell as unelectable or unsuitable for office. He is calling her out for almost exactly what he defended Sarah Palin about to her critics during the 2008 campaign.

    No record of accomplishment, no real experiences? Disingenuous about her education and personal debts?

    You made your bed Rove, and we are all lying in it.

  54. Anonymous4:36 PM

    True Conservative

  55. Anonymous8:41 PM

  56. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Rove is the outside money supporting the bagger, Rand Paul, in KY. Agree with Anon@7:25 AM.


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