Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nine years after 9-11 Islamophobia catches fire and roars across the American psyche.

It has NEVER been this bad before.

After 9-11 there was anger toward the Islamic community, but the President, who probably did not want to upset his Saudi pals, put a cap on it and made sure that the focus was on the terrorists NOT the every day Muslims who were not part of Al-Qaeda.

But today we see a completely different attitude by those on the Right.  An attitude that seems desperate to inflame passions against the Muslim faith and to create and atmosphere of racial and religious disharmony.

For the evidence of that just take a look at this trailer for a film put together by Citizens United and featuring future presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich, and his blow up doll of a third wife.

In my opinion there is NO defense for making a film like that in this day and age.  That is a Right Wing, anti-Islamic snuff film, and the fact that they feel confident enough with the mood of the country to promote it out in the open proudly, instead of showing it in the darkened basements of radical Evangelical churches, should frighten ALL of us.

And of course it does not end there.  Just today the most hate filled simpletons on TV, the hosts from Fox and Friends, used a map put together by the NY firefighters of the body parts found amidst the destruction from 9-11 to gin up even more intolerance and hatred.

There are also rallies planned to in New York, hosted by organizations like "Stop Islamization of America" and the "Freedom Defense Initiative" that are only adding to the inferno of hate and religious intolerance.

Even after Terry Jones finally came to his senses and decided NOT to burn Qurans today, the flames which his rhetorical gasoline helped to spread are now raging out of control.

And NONE of this is accidental by the way. Oh no, this was purposefully done by our "friends" at Fox News and the Republican hate mongers to keep this President, who many of their viewers and supporters still view as a secret Muslim, off balance and on the defensive, so that he so busy addressing ridiculous charges and trying to calm the populace that he has no time to move his agenda, and that of the Democrats, forward.

These bastards are willing to inflame passions to such an extent in this country that it puts our soldiers overseas and the Muslim Americans living in our country in peril, simply for political gain. These people care NOTHING for our soldiers, and NOTHING, for the innocent people who may suffer in the wake of their naked ambitions. It is all about political expedience and the opportunity to gain back the power that they lost in the 2006 and 2008 elections.

What I find to be truly sad is how readily many Americans respond to those Pavlovian bells that Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the Fox "News" folks are ringing.  How do we fight such a primal response to the incitement of hatred and intolerance?  It does not seem that the use of facts or intellectual discourse have any impact anymore.

Sarah Palin tweets, Fox News amplifies the message, and the flames race across the country igniting hatred and religious intolerance in their wake.

We simply cannot allow this type of tactic to succeed. We must call them out on their bullshit every time we see it, we must fight misinformation with truth, and we must VOTE in the next election as if the very soul of our country depended on it.  Because my friends, I think it just might!


  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    American Christians need to support the building of a mosque as tall as the WTC was at ground zero. Only then will they become what they claim to be.

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Very well stated, sir.

    They are attacking our Constitution with their propaganda funded by the Aussie with the Chinese Communist wife and the Saudi Prince.

    We all need to speak the Truth loudly.

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Holy hell. Newt and Sarah sound exactly alike these days, which shows she's actually grown since mangling his speech introducing Michael Reagan at the Performing Arts Center in Anchorage last summer.

    How is Newtie going to distinguish himself from Sarah if they both are going to make a run for the White House?

  4. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I absolutely agree with you. We need to vote and send a message to Faux News and the GOP that their form of terror is not working. Either they change or they will die. So for those out there who think there is nothing they can do to make a difference, well, here you go. Now we have a plan.

  5. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Why would secular, socialist countries like Britain and France continue to fight with us in Afghanistan when we have so many backwards, intolerant, racist, neo-fascist religious zealots in our own country?

    Who can blame the Dutch for bailing out of Afghanistan?

  6. Are these people TRYING to make the Taliban/Al-Queda/etc hate us more? Yeah, let's put the soldiers in even more danger than they already face everyday.

    I am just astonished at all of the hate coming out of the woodwork nowadays. I am turing 27 in a couple months. How much hate is going to be around years from now. It is a scary thing to think about.

    And these people actually have the GALL to call themselves good little Christians?!

  7. Anonymous11:17 AM

    That was absolutely disgusting.

    While I agree that we shouldn't bury our heads in the sand regarding terrorists (and that's ANY terrorists no matter what religion they practice), this trailer paints all Muslims as radical. There's a reason we have government agencies that investigate terrorism. Let them do their job!

    They're so scared that islam is going to "ruin" their "christian nation" that they have to put this propaganda out there to scare the misinformed masses.

    There is another video on youtube, Gryphen. Not sure if I got it from you or one of the other bloggers. It's by Max Blumenthal and illustrates exactly how some so called "christians" view Muslims (or "Moslems" as they call them). It's not until later in the video where Muslims are discussed, but the whole video is worth viewing. Scary.

  8. beandubh11:18 AM

    Bravo, Gryphen! An inspired--and inspiring--post.

    Anon @10:18. I'm with you. A must-read is this article in today's New York Times, which reports there was a Muslim prayer room in the South Tower: "Muslims and Islam Were Part of Twin Towers’ Life"

  9. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Agree Anon@10:20 AM.

  10. Ted Powell11:25 AM

    Terry Jones' actions in Florida and the Manhattan cultural centre protests are equivalent, just like Sarah Palin said.
    Terry Jones is blaming all of Islam for what al Quaeda did.
    The cultural centre protestors are blaming all of Islam for what al Quaeda did.
    Errr…… that is what Sarah said, isn't it?

  11. Perhaps the hate mongers will have a bullseye on their backs. Hate has a way of coming around and biteing you back. We Americans with any brains recognize disturbed people in front of cameras. Eventually we tune them out.......Newt can go stick it where the sun don't shine....Newt showed his a$$ a long time ago and I'd sure like to see more reminders of that in the news lest we never forget!

  12. Rick Hill12:10 PM

    Re. your comment about being shown in church basements, back in the '90's my mother went to the Way ministries. They gave all kinds of lectures, one of which dealt with the gay agenda to make more youths gay so there would be a majority. Perhaps around '04 i saw some tapes a catholic friend of mine had from his church, basically the titles reflected the same kind of teachings. I just want to say that that is not far enough from the truth as it should be in a religion that preaches against that sort of behavior.

  13. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Thank you for posting this. It makes me have more faith in your country. I cannot believe how the small minded bigotry of Pam Gellar, Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Newt Gingrich, and the so called "news" at Fox have put your country at such risk.I fear for your safety and that of your neighbors(like me).Do they not know that hate feeds on hate? Why are not more people in the main stream denouncing this hate speech every time it is uttered? I am starting to think that the only thing that matters to many politicians is that they are re-elected no matter what foul or devious means they use to secure that end.

  14. Anonymous12:26 PM

    It is unfortunate that when Newt converted to Catholicism for his newest wife, he never studied further than the church history on the Crusades. If he had, he would realize that the Roman Catholic Church and even the Eastern Orthodox Catholic church haven't had Popes who endorse that blind kind of hatred and warfare mentality for quite some time.

    He needs to more deeply understand the faith that he himself says "guides him now." The Protestant faith he had before conversion does not endorse hate either. So, you'd think by having been immersed in two faith traditions that have evolved past racial, ethnic and religious hatred he'd be best equipped to understand that. But no, the man never learns because being pious, being compassionate doesn't seem to rake in the money he craves.

    His only faith is based on anything that accumulates wealth. He was born poor and is afraid, very afraid, of being poor again so he'll say anything and do anything he has to keep that money, money, money pouring in.

  15. Chenagrrl12:31 PM

    My youngest son was 7 when 9/11 occurred. We were saturated in the horror, friends and neighbors died in the towers and on the planes. Suddenly the pictures he was drawing at school included incoming airplanes -- in addition to the birds, animals and trees. He was taken to an airplane museum, and realized that planes could be used for defense also. So the artwork had attackers and defenders. Finally, he was asked to draw a picture of new Twin Towers. He carefully counted out the floors and delivered. On the North Tower was the huge antenna. On the South Tower, where there had been a helipad, he drew another spire. I asked him what it was and he said, "It's that place where the guy hollers prayers." Defense!

  16. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I agree with you. The November election has importance far beyond the usual shifting of seats.

    We no longer have a "loyal opposition" that offers alternative constructive solutions.

    All that remains in the Republican Party is a crazed quest for power and money.

    All that exists in the candidates from the Tea Party is a zealot's quest for ultimate control of anyone who does not agree with him or her.

    The link between the two are money people like Murdoch and Koch who will use both parties to their own ends.

    The rest of us will have to pick up the pieces of a broken country. There's no telling how long the wounds will take to heal because some are still nursing sentimental resentments from the Civil War. The wounds from the current madness will be much deeper and last much longer unless we can stop the madness by turning out the moderate and progressive votes.

  17. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Anyone who supports these crazies is a traitor to everything we love about our country.

    Anyone who votes for Joe Miller or any other radical conservative is a traitor to the hope that this country represents.

    Anyone who says they love America is a traitor and a liar if they stay home on election day because they have to vote to stand against this insanity.

    Apathy cannot be tolerated any longer. It has come down to the wire. We have to vote to break the ring-wing hysteria. We cannot sit back and hope. We have to vote against these fools.

  18. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I just came from the financial district in nyc and there are no huge protests. there are separate areas for anti-mosque and pro-mosque people but it's pretty calm considering whatcouldve happened.

  19. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I disagree that Sarah tweets intolerance. It isn't wrong or immoral to be against a new constructiion right beside the WTC site that caters to Islanic practices. TO be honest, I want to know who will be willing to work in the new WTC structure being built. The construction's progressing and it;s going to take guts and strong will to work in that building.

    Sarah has never come out against anyone. Glenn has. Fox supports whatever is being poorly masked by the other media. Sarah has strongly supported acceptance of everyone

  20. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Remember, Islam is a retarded version of Christianity. Muhammad (sp) is a hack. I'm not saying any religion is concrete and not a hack job, but historically speaking, Islam is a pure hackjob. I feel for the Muslims who do not seek violence and see bad seeds in all religions, but let's be real. Sarah, Glenn, Fox, are not bad seed. They're illuminators that are trying to shine light of Obama's anti American ways

  21. Anonymous1:18 PM

    This is the same reptile that gave us what he called the Contract With America. The accurate name for it was Contract ON America, which is what we would get if we voted this clown, Palin, or anyone else like them into office.

    What's pathetic is that they are purposely whipping up anti-Muslim frenzy for political gain. They obviously see being American and Muslim as being mutually exclusive, which is why they have been able to sell the phony idea of "sensitivity" to some of the survivors of 9-11 victims. Apparently, there are some among us who forget, or choose to overlook, that there are American and non-American Muslims who are also survivors of 9-11 victims.
    The evildoers perverted Islam in order to implement their twisted worldview and they didn't care if even fellow Muslims got killed in the process.

    The mosque should be built exactly where it was originally planned, because if they give these lunatics an inch, they'll want a mile. They are not about reasoning or compromise, or they would not be fanning this hatred in the first place

  22. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sadly, I totally agree with this post.

  23. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Gryphen: I know you moderate and I hope you take the intolerant and bigoted post off your site. There's no place for that.

  24. A most excellent post, Gryphen! Thank you.

  25. These so called patriots don't love our country. They are willing to sacrifice it for a return to power. They will be very happy to see another attack while Obama is president, then they can blame him. They have already started us on the path that the terrorists want us on - the path to destruction. A house divided against itself will not stand. This is where their hatred will lead us...

  26. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:06 PM

    It's always so much easier to rule over a frightened population.

    If these nimrods rise to power, they'll be poking Iran and North Korea with a stick. We WILL be living under a constant nuclear threat in addition to terrorism incited by the intolerance and hatred spewed by King Newt or Queen Scarah and their favorite court jester, Sir Cries-A-Lot. And the Queen will be giddily preaching about the End Times from the safety of her bunker. Think it can't happen?

    How can we rebuild America if we're busy cowering in fear and trying to live day-to-day? Oh, right, we couldn't.

    Get. Out. And. Vote!

  27. we can no longer allow the radical right christians who have taken over the republican party to take any further hold in our country - something is very wrong when fox news owners and 28% of the population think they are going to control the country - any way they can - even with incitement of violence amd even with their contast divide and conquer by pitting american citizens against each other - we must vote out all republicans in the mid terms across the country - if everyone, took just 5 friends to the polls and worked just one weekend a month for their party - we could do it - and if you facebook, please check out and join the national and local chapters of "the coffee party movement", "coffee party usa", iif you can. it's a great movement that is going to put the tea party to shame in in terms of numbers and the moral compass that is guiding them. the first national coference is the last weekend of September. we cannot allow the radical right christians to invite more terrorism onto our shores with radical islam ... hate vs hate will never equal a win for anyone ... these people only want war for their rapture ... palin is only a puppet for their cause ... we all know .. she thinks God wants her to be President! Let's show these teabaggers the door! VOTE HELL NO TO the GOP in the Mid Terms. These People are putting every single american in danger!

  28. Anonymous2:32 PM

    to 12:56 and 12:59 - you are not going to make any headway with anyone outside of Palin's true believers because we have heard and we have read Sarah's rants. We base our condemnation of her Beck, Fox News and all those like them upon objective evidence recorded in print, on film or online. We do not make things up. We don't even have to analyze anything because the messages they spew are so clearly those of hate.

    Sarah is nothing but intolerance personified. She has always using her public forums to stir up unrest, mistrust and hate. It's what she has built her power base upon. She has nothing positive to offer, not even an honest smile.

    She is the one who screamed about Death Panels when the nation was seeking affordable health solutions.

    She is the one who was insinuating that our President was a "pal to terrorists." She has continually tried to undermine his Presidency with lies and innuendos that he is not legitimate or honest.

    Just this week she tried to condemn Pastor Jones when it became apparent she'd be on the wrong side of the issue if she didn't make a statement against the proposed burnings of the Quran. She cheapened the attempt by trying to equate the burning of a sacred book of another faith with the opposition to the building of a community center which will be dedicated to interfaith understanding.

    To try to elevate the vicious rantings of Beck, Palin and the bias of Fox News is futile. Any one with any sense can see your attempt for the pathetic and twisted reasoning it is. There is no way that Sarah Palin and the rest are speakers of truth and light.

    If you believe that, you are so far gone, you are lost to the darkness and the rest of us will pray that one day you find your way back to reality.

    BTW, the correct spelling is "Islamic" not "Islanic" and as a defender of Palin you are the victim of hack jobs.

    Islam, Judaism and Christianity are all considered Abrahamic religions, with common roots and similar messages. To say one is untrue, is to say they all are for they share many foundational beliefs. So be very careful in your condemnations unless you do not believe in any of them.

    America is about allowing each of us to worship (or not worship) as our hearts dictate as long as we do not hinder the worship of others. We are Constitutionally equal. To deny someone else the right to worship simply because it is different from ours is to deny that equality and to stand against the Constitution.

    I don't know what America means to you, but to me and I suspect to most of us, the hope our country represents is that of a nation with equal rights and responsibilities for all of us so we all have the opportunity to live our lives in peace, nurture our friends and families as well as ourselves so we all can be the best we can people we can be and make sure our children and grandchildren will live in safety and health.

  29. womanwithsardinecan2:45 PM

    Fuckin' fascists. They are quite simply evil. Just plain evil.

  30. They are trying to shove christianity up our collective asses, and I for one will not bend over and take it. I've fought this evil scourge for 38 of my 44 years and will continue to fight the good fight.

    Keep your religion to yourselves, whatever it may be, and leave others out of it.

    This is just a high tech postalizing device full of scary imagery and messages meant to frighten the low information christian faithful. Their religion is based on fear so it's not that hard to stir them up.

    One word: Pathetic

  31. Anonymous2:56 PM

    About the mosque that had been established and was in use at WTC on & before 11-Sep-2001:


  32. Perhaps slow ticket sales for the show tonight in Anchorage is a good sign.

    I checked Ticketmaster about 20 minutes ago. It looks like a lot of AKns are passing on the 'evening of deceit'. Or are they waiting for the ticket price to be slashed?

    Just hours before show time, there are lots of empty seats...rows of empty seats. The best available blocks of 8 seats at $104 each are:

    Sec B, Row 39 (Wet) Seats 3-10
    Sec E, Row 48 (Dry) Seats 6-13

  33. Anonymous3:19 PM

    “Normal fear protects us; abnormal fear paralyses us. Normal fear motivates us to improve our individual and collective welfare; abnormal fear constantly poisons and distorts our inner lives. Our problem is not to be rid of fear but, rather to harness and master it.” – Dr. Martin Luther King

  34. Don't forget the allies.

    53 countries in all took part in or assisted in various ways.

    That is the one thing I never hear, Americans thanking allies and honoring THEIR war dead on 9/11.

    In fact most of what I see today on TV and the bloggesphere, is fighting because of anti Muslim sentiment that the right wing has CREATED to score political points.

    They had 8 years to destroy American foreign policy, and they cannot leave it alone for one day.

    FOX "news" on 9/11;

    Giuliani on "bad imam" Rauf comments: "It sounds like a threat"

    Cal Thomas suggests Rauf could be a "terrorist" and an "infiltrator"

    Fox on 9/10

    contributor Santorum: Imam Rauf "is not a moderate Muslim ... He's a jihadist."


    Country Total
    Australia 21
    Belgium 1
    Canada 152
    Czech 3
    Denmark 36
    Estonia 8
    Finland 1
    France 49
    Georgian 1
    Germany 42
    Hungary 4
    Italy 27
    Jordan 1
    Latvia 3
    Lithuania 1
    Netherlands 24
    New Zealand 1
    Norway 9
    Poland 20
    Portugal 2
    Romania 15
    South Korea 1
    Spain 30
    Sweden 4
    Turkey 2
    UK 335
    US 1278

    Total 2071


    Country Total
    Australia 2
    Azerbaijan 1
    Bulgaria 13
    Czech Republic 1
    Denmark 7
    El Salvador 5
    Estonia 2
    Fiji 1
    Georgia 5
    Hungary 1
    Italy 33
    Kazakhstan 1
    Latvia 3
    Netherlands 2
    Poland 23
    Romania 3
    Slovakia 4
    South Korea 1
    Spain 11
    Thailand 2
    Ukraine 18
    United Kingdom 179
    United States 4418

    Total 4736

  35. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I have a feeling that if the Republicans get into power - there will be a draft of your sons AND daughters to fight the Right Wing's Holy War. My daughter and Granddaughter are already planning to leave the Country.

  36. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I can empathize with the President's position; it's a no win situation for him. He either has lousy advisors or isn't aware of the conflicting sentiments he's expressed lately concerning issues which pertain to Islam.

    Both the building of a mosque near ground zero and the burning of a Quran are activities permissible in America. the president, however, despite the possibility that a mosque near ground zero could ignite anti-Islamic sentiments that tip over into violence, distanced himself from the issue. At the same time he insinuated the Oval office into the Quran burning debate.

    While I applaud him for the latter, he would have been better advised to weigh in similarly on the Mosque issue considering it will instigate violence and one way or the other, escalate tensions between Islam and the U.S.

  37. Anonymous4:16 PM

    This is almost the same fury level that the KKK exhibited back in the 60's and early 70's toward ANYONE that didn't have white skin and/or go to CHRISTIAN church at least 3 times a week, and didn't have a white sheet they could change into in three minutes flat...

    "Blow up Doll"...that's a good one.. I've been using Automaton but the Blow up thing works for me too.. Thanks!!

  38. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Great post, Gryphen.

    Many folks have been scratching their heads why the right-wing extremists have been getting an inordinate amount of camera face-time in the last 18 months. The media hang on every bigoted word dripping from the mouths of Palin, Beck, the Tea Baggers, Gingrich, etc. Why has the media coverage been wildly out of proportion to the extremists' numbers or influence in this country?

    If the insanely immoral media frenzy over a lunatic fundamentalist threatening to burn Qurans in Florida doesn't open folks' eyes to the cynical goals of right-wing extremists in this country, then they are hopelessly blind and ignorant.

    Much of the media are bought (and driven) by the likes of Rupert Murdoch, the Koch brothers, wealthy corporations against regulation of their interests, and other well-heeled right-wing extremist interest groups. They could care the less whether their political machinations result in more of our soldiers dying on the battlefield, or domestic terrorist threats being ramped up, as long as they get control of our government.

    Open your eyes, all you foolish people who are blindly repeating the hate-mongers "Hate-flavor of the day!" Today it's the Muslims. Yesterday, it was illegal immigrants and gays. Tomorrow, it could be you and yours.

  39. [10:18 AM Anonymous said...
    Very well stated, sir.

    They are attacking our Constitution with their propaganda funded by the Aussie with the Chinese Communist wife and the Saudi Prince.]
    This, a must read [] would explain my suspicions in an earlier post about $ara'$ talk to Chinese busines men. I would wager that old Rupert's 38 year old manipulating Chinese wife, Madam Ding had a hand in it.
    What these warmongering a$$holes want is to stir up another attack on the U.S. so they can make more money with another, and bigger war and blame the "moslam nigger" in the white house while they are gaining more control and power over the ignorant bible thumpers who have been terrified and raised in fear and superstition since birth!

    Suggestion for the christionist tea bagger bigots, IF YOU CAN'T BRING YOURSELF TO SUPPORT A BLACK PRESIDENT IN THE WHITE HOUSE, TRY SUPPORTING HIS WHITE HALF! Your life, the lives of your family, relatives, friends and neighbors depend on it!

  40. Hey, Anonymous, 2:32, that was one hell of a beautiful post!

  41. Anonymous6:41 PM

    You people are so clueless and misguided that is beyond comprehension.

  42. Anonymous7:02 PM

    You guys read the interview with Newt's second wife -- not sure if it was his second, it might have been the first, regardless, it was the one that he divorced while she was sick with cancer.

    Apparently, he gave her the old heave-ho after confirming a relationship with another woman that the wife suspected. This came THE DAY AFTER a speech about family values. She asked him how he could do that, how he could say that stuff when he lived such an opposite life. He said -- and I shit you not -- "It doesn't matter what I do or how I live" blah blah blah, these people have a point of view and I need to express it. Basically: He's a giant hypocrite whose entire political career is based on "do as I say, not as I do." The fucking idiots! How can they fall for this?

    PLEASE, sign up with Organizing for America. Get your progressive friends out to vote. Let's make sure we take these motherfuckers by surprise. It'll be pretty hilarious to see John Boehner's face on November 3 once he realizes he WON'T get the special gavel of Speaker.

    PLEASE, Gryphen, keep telling your followers to get out there and vote. Tell them to volunteer for Democrats. PLEASE! The GOP is playing extra dirty this year. You guys have heard about the plot by the GOP to have street people run as Green party candidates, right? This is a fucking war, and we progressives need to stand by our man.

    Let's make 11/2/10 a new day to be lamented by those punk ass dipshit Republicans...

  43. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Tom and Lou Say~~~ Malia Litman's Blog Said correctly"The right is trying to start a war"Makes more sense every time the right opens up with the hate and venom toward Muslims.We must speak out as real Americans who stand for equality and respect for the rights of others.

  44. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Good Lord do you know that woman is ONLY 44 years old? You know until you confirmed it gryph I couldn't believe it was Callista simply because I knew his wife was young enough to be his daughter and to me the woman in that hideous trailer of profitting off 911 looks possibly even older than Newt.
    I went to Wikipedia to confirm and recoiled in horror at the ghoul in the profile pic with it's dead eyed stare and gross yellow zombie teeth.
    It's nice to know that sometimes inner ugliness is reflected on the outside though not nearly enough for our favourites on the right Palin, Bachmann, Malkin, etc etc
    What an awful ghoul of a woman. I'll be having nightmares featured Mrs Gingrich from now on; fake sweet voice, teeth fresh from her latest kill, saggy tits, old lady style in the manner of the equally ghoulish Cindy McCain. *shudder*

  45. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Why are you angry that the NYFD marked where body parts landed after 9/11? And why are you angry that someone put together actual footage of Muslims saying what they actually said? It's not like the stuff was made up.

    It is so interesting that you are bothered that someone released video made by followers of Islam. It is not like someone forced them to say these things. It is what THEY chose to say.

    Your anger seems misdirected, no?


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