Sunday, September 12, 2010

The way REAL leaders spent 9-11.

Now just compare that to the self serving debacle put on by Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.

Elections are important.

P.S. You can see more of these amazing photos at this site.


  1. I saw a link for thes pictures on the comments for another posting here. Very moving. Much more so than the flogging of the teabaggery in Wasilla.

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I love how genuine the respect appears to be between the First Ladies.

  3. Anjaak7:10 PM

    Wow! You hit it right on the head.

    Those tea-buggers should be ashamed of themselves.

    Where was GWB? I've always respected his wife. I couldn't believed it when I found out she killed someone driving home after a party when she was a teenager.

    I'm sure if Michele had done something like that, we would never hear the end of it.

    At least Laura has the decency to show up & be respectable, while GWB is no where to be seen.


  4. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Wow. The contrast is almost unbelievable. I was feeling hopeless after seeing the trailer for Gingrich's snuff film, Boehner's take on taxes, and the news about poverty numbers. I saw these pictures and realized the wonderful people we have in office who try to do the best for their citizens no matter the personal cost.

  5. Anonymous7:13 PM


  6. Oh my goodness Gryphen. Thank you much for posting these photographs and the link to the others. What love and compassion are show in those photos! Again, thank you.

  7. Just beautiful. To compare these photos to the trashy Beck/Palin crap fest is simply absurd.

    Look at the genuine emotion on the faces of the crowd - from real joy to profound sorrow.

    Plain to see who the "real" Americans are.

  8. erica from texas7:36 PM

    Thank you for reminding us,this is a time for healing and reflection

  9. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Shame on the money makers who used 9/11.

    Thank you so much for posting this.

  10. Why do our National Leaders and wives of Former National Leaders have to continue to remember this day? When the buildings are finally rebuilt will we stop it with this remembrance of the attacks or is it just too good of an opportunity to spill the good old patriotism?

    Let it go America, just let it go and move on. If we don't then we'll keep dividing the religious people, the muslims and christians. We'll keep fueling that fire until another 9/11 happens and then we'll have two events to worship each year and then it will become nothing but another Crusade and self fulfilling prophesy.

    Let the victim's families mourn this day; it's not a national tragedy, but a personal one now, for those that lost someone.

  11. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Classy vs trashy.

  12. linda7:53 PM

    thank you! you inspired me to post the obama website on my facebook page w/ virtually the same message you have. i have a lot of facebook "friends" who are right wingers so maybe this will make them think. maybe?

  13. Thank you for posting the pictures of President Obama at the Pentagon, Michelle Obama and Laura Bush in Pennsylvania, and Vice presient Biden and his wife Jill in New York. They exemplified the day by their concern and their conduct.
    I am from New Jersey and every day when I traveled to work, there was an area on the highway where if it were clear, you could see the twin towers. On that day, at 8:00AM, They were soaring for the sky. On my return, one tower had collapsed and the other smoke filled was soon to go. There was panic in the air. Misinformation spread like the fires raging in the twin towers. To reach anyone by cellphone was impossible.
    However, this was a day when strangers came together and united. We were there for one another. Upon return to my little town, I watched as volunteer fireman stood watch while other volunteer firemen were on their way to NYC to help.
    Although, I didn't know anyone personally who was killed in the Twin Towers, I know people who suffered "survivor's guilt". My daughter's friend was the sole survivor of his division. He was outside smoking. He hasn't been the same since. I did know a victim from the United 73 flight.
    So, when I tell you, I hate what occurred in Alaska this weekend, I speak from my heart. What base commercialism from two people who sought to exploit this tragedy for their own gain. Yes, stay in Alaska and capitalize on the moment. You just wanted to be the center of attention.
    PS: Their crass commercialism has nothing to do with Alaska nor most Alaskans. The venue was not an issue. No matter where they were, the duo has show total unconcern for this most solemn of days.

  14. Anonymous8:08 PM

    You cannot judge how people deal with loss and tragedy. People shoe leadership and patriotism different ways. My roommate and I had brunch and several mimosas, bought flags off the street, wandered from mosque protest to mosque supporters, visited cementaries, lit candles, attended Mass, and took crazy pictures on firetrucks with NY firefighters to brighten their day. Free to be man, Free to be.

  15. angela8:21 PM

    AKM PetMom
    There is healing in collective remembrance. You cannot tell the families of the victims that we just want to publicly stop memorializing their loved ones because some billionaire backed bigots try to rampage and divide.

    Would you have people move on before they've healed? Stiff upper lip and all that? And I'm talking about the families. Many of them seem to want us to remember.

    It's sad that you are so freaked out about the nuts you'd be willing to take away what some of these families still might need. Collective compassion.

  16. Lynne8:27 PM

    Amen to your comments, Miller from New Jersey. I think we all needed that dose of reality from the honest, caring leaders of our country. I know I sure did. And it made me very happy to see Laura Bush there too.

  17. Anonymous8:29 PM

    There is a world of difference between those who wear their "faith" and their "patriotism" on the outside for all to see and admire and those who are literally the living embodiment of true faith and love for their fellow CITIZENS.

    I don't think I have to point out any examples of the former---you'll know them by all the flags and crosses they wear. They'll also be quoting quite narrowly from the Good Book. Notice how they skip right over the part where they are warned against praying publicly.

    Most importantly, the latter isn't a club exclusive to those of a political group, as demonstrated by Laura Bush.

    While one group "never forgets" by hanging on to their hate, the other seeks reconciliation to prevent it from happening again. I can't think of a better way to honor the memory of those who died on that day.

  18. Anonymous8:37 PM

    8:08, sounds like you had a great day. but..did you profit financially or otherwise whilst honoring the day? i suspect not.

    don't miss the point, man. the judgement aimed at beck/palin isn't about freedom or how they chose to "honor" the day. it was about their shameless opportunism, financial and otherwise.

  19. I believe the picture of the seated man wiping his eyes is GW Bush. He was there with his wife. While, I will always think he was the worst President of modern times, I will give him credit when it is due.

  20. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Gryphen, two items struck me from that link to the "self serving debacle" you provided:

    The woman who shouted "Where were you Obama?" on 9-11 and the man who said "On his watch we got oil in the Gulf of Mexico."

    Wow. How can people like that be educated? I say they can't. They are happy to be ignorant. These two are absolutely hopeless. And there's more where they came from. Such willful hatred and ignorance is astounding. That is what we are up against, people.

  21. Elizabeth that is Pennsylvania Governor Ed Randell.

    I have not seen hide nor hair of ex-President Bush anywhere on this ninth anniversary of 9-11.

  22. Thank you for the photos. Malia Litman wrote an eloquent post contrasting Beck and Palin to the first ladies who's focus was on the heros and true patriots who sacrificed their lives on that plane to protect the captiol and nation.

    Perhaps you can post a video of Michelle Obama;s speech. then people can hear the contrast to Sarah's screeching and wahooing which refudiates she was there to commemorate the day and was self serving as usual putting self above even servicemen.

    It was neither the time nor place for her "apology" she put the kids first. That deserved a big laugh from the crowd. Piper as usual exists to serve her mother's needs for fame and fortune at the child's expense. Good for Piper to lag behind unwilling to be a prop furnished for Palin's deceptions.

  23. Anonymous9:44 PM

    How the hell does Laura Bush stay married to that criminal?

  24. That you Gryphen for correcting my error.

  25. WalterNeff10:29 PM

    Fav first ladies (in my lifetime) - in order:

    Lady Bird

  26. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen.

    The true spirit of America shines through in these photos. An America we can be proud of.

    The Palin/Beck white-hot hate fest is an embarrassment and source of sorrow for this grand country of ours.

    I'm so proud of our intelligent, compassionate POTUS and First Lady.

  27. Aussie Blue Sky12:11 AM

    WalterNeff, I agree with your choice of Michelle, but I recently read a biography of Lady Bird Johnson and she was a pretty cool chick although nobody seemed to know it. Her real name was Claudia.

  28. Anonymous3:54 AM

    AKPetMom, I think this event is commemorated because it is OUR event.It does not belong just to the victims families, but to all Americans. My Mom always remembers Pearl Harbor day which I guess was the 9/11 of her generation.

  29. Olivia4:19 AM

    You are so right. And the saddest most pathetic thing is that Palin, Beck and their fans would look at this and totally not get it.

  30. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Beautiful. Thank you for posting these.

  31. Anonymous4:37 AM

    "I believe the picture of the seated man wiping his eyes is GW Bush."

    That's the Gov of PA, Ed Rendell.I'm glad GWB stayed home. He's a divisive player in anything related to 9/11. He ignored the Aug 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing titled " Bin Laden Determined to Strike within the US" which said in part "AI Qaeda members -- including same who are U.S. citizens -- have resided in and traveled to the U.S. for years." Didn't you ever wonder why he made that funny face with the "O" mouth when they whispered in his ear that planes had hit the building. It wasn't exactly a surprise. Fuck him.

  32. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:55 AM

    Unfortunately, the majority of the Palinbots and Baggerz will never appreciate the class, intelligence and quiet dignity of the Obama family. Many of them, sadly, relate more to the Palins' hijinks because they're buying the mantra that SP and her family are "real". Heh. They're also being told that the Obamas (and anyone else in this administration who conducts themselves like a rational adult) represent the "elite" and must be opposed. What have we become?

    BTW, great photos to share. I always liked Laura Bush and for some reason, often got the vibe that she was "trapped" in her marriage, but made the best of it.

  33. Anonymous4:59 AM

    I'm going to try to get "W" off there hook here.

    It's probably no-win for him, whether he comes to an event or not. If he comes, people will say he's trying to upstage the current president. You know people will expect him to make statements. Anything he says will be over-analyzed and turned over and over to look for the tiniest hint of criticism of Obama.

    If he doesn't come, people cast him as uncaring. It's possible he wanted to spend the day with family rather than the stress of a public appearance. I can respect that. We have a president to mourn with us; W doesn't have to mourn in public if he doesn't want to.

    It's also possible he wasn't invited to be a part of any of the services, or at least any he felt wouldn't be in "competition" with these. Ex-presidents try to be keep a respectful distance, I think.

    I also agree with AKPetMom that enough is enough. It was a horrible thing, but it's time to move on and stop picking at the scab. I don't mean for that to sound as harsh as it does, but constantly reliving trauma is actually not good for you.

  34. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Gryphen...I agree that contrasting the humanity, humility and ethics of the leaders in these pictures with the hate of Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh is so important. If that is the case, why are they buried so deeply. Why have we lost the message to absolute nut cases like and Palin and corporate shills, i.e. Boehner?

    I think that is the frustrating part. These are people who care about all Americans, not just the wealthy. If that is the case, why aren't we controlling the message?

  35. Anonymous7:12 AM

    "Let it go America, just let it go and move on. If we don't then we'll keep dividing the religious people, the muslims and christians. We'll keep fueling that fire until another 9/11 happens and then we'll have two events to worship each year and then it will become nothing but another Crusade and self fulfilling prophesy."

    AKPetMom, I so rarely disagree with you, but I think we should definitely NOT move on from 9/11 any more than we should move on from Memorial Day or commemorations of Pearl Harbor or...etc etc. But especially regarding 9/11, we should not move on until Barack has prosecuted Bush/Cheney and their lawyers for war crimes. If we do we're done as moral leaders.

  36. imnofred7:14 AM

    Real leaders have class. They took 9/11 as a somber day and used it to remember those who lost their lives.

    Idiots like Palin and Gingrich used 9/11 for self-promotion and turned it in to a political event. No class.

  37. Anonymous7:19 AM

    What a contrast. These photos tell of people wanting to heal and showing respect. God bless President Obama and all who chose to be present.

    While 2 others use the day to be critical. Regardless of the fact that Glen Beck donated proceeds from his rally to an honorable cause, he used "that" day, 9/11, to "money-change". Why couldn't he have done his fund-raising on another day?

    Beck and Palin's disrespect for the victim's families was evident; they couldn't be upstaged by events in New York. They had to exploit a day of sadness, a day to reflect; all to self-glorify and bring attention to themselves.

    Am certain that people see through these charlatans. Am hoping that day is soon approaching that they will be ignored at rallies where they plan to spread their poison.

  38. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Wow--great photos. And class all the way. Really nice to see the First Ladies together (looking very nice and age appropriate BTW). That one of Ed Rendell really is touching -- a Governor who cares about what happens in his state!

    Actually touching the lives of those affected by 9/11 and doing/encouraging service in honor of those lost.....

    ......versus the self serving PAID event with Swinderella and Beckerhead to just bitch and complain some more. What a disgrace those two are.

  39. Randall7:57 AM

    Olivia, you hit the nail on the head - sadly, the Beck/Palin supporters won't - can't - even see the difference.

    As far as Beck or Palin being "real"
    ...Palin made $12 million last year and lives in a compound surrounded by a 14' tall fence.

    Beck had to wear a bullet-proof vest at his own rally!

    Real my ass.

  40. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I love the pictures... I will never forget. I may move on in life, but never forget... I have been healed, my mourning is over and sadness faved away... but what happen September 11, 2001 will always be remembered. Not in angers or in revange, but remember what can happen in the USA and that we are not extempted from having war right in our country. Instead of divisions, angers, hatred... we need to unify and love... A house that's divided can not stand or survives, we will kill each other.

    Proverbs 6:12-19 (Amplified Bible)
    12A worthless person, a wicked man, is he who goes about with a perverse (contrary, wayward) mouth.

    13He winks with his eyes, he speaks by shuffling or tapping with his feet, he makes signs [to mislead and deceive] and teaches with his fingers.

    14Willful and contrary in his heart, he devises trouble, vexation, and evil continually; he lets loose discord and sows it.

    15Therefore upon him shall the crushing weight of calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken, and that without remedy.

    16These six things the Lord hates, indeed, seven are an abomination to Him:

    17A proud look [the spirit that makes one overestimate himself and underestimate others], a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,(A)

    18A heart that manufactures wicked thoughts and plans, feet that are swift in running to evil,

    19A false witness who breathes out lies [even under oath], and he who sows discord among his brethren.

    This is what Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck is doing, causing discord... It is not about God... They are hiding behind God to deceive the weak minded. The Bible tell us to judge according to their fruit. What is manifested, Love? no.. unity? no.. peace? no.. But what do we get? anger, hatred and discord!!!

    I was born in NY, raised in NJ, and now live in Miami, FL... when I saw the News that morning, I screamed from the top of my voice and cried for days... It was more than I could bear... I remember calling my friend over and over still I was able to reach her. She work in NY... She said, she got to work early and look out the window at the two beautiful buildings, went to get breakfast came back to see one building complete down and the other about to fall.... She panic... she didn't know what was going on... she left work and ran to her car... she was able to drive out of NY, but it took hours.

    I lose contact with many friends I went to Rutgers and High School with... I still wonder how many were killed in those buildings... I had one friend who used to work on the top floor... as I was praying, God reminded me he moved to Texas and in full-time ministries... No, he is black and not a teabegger, he used to be my prayer partner, and he is full of love...

  41. I just broke down completely after seeing these pictures, and cried out to God to do something about Beck, Palin, Gingrich, Hannity and the millions of others who have made a mockery of 9/11, and of what America stands for. These pictures show that 9/11 affected many Americans and others who live in foreign nations without respect to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexuality, etc. Those who are working hard to separate us and make us less human do not know or care about the damage they have/are done/doing.

    I was also hurt deeply on yesterday when I read about the two First Ladies' trip to PA on Yahoo! and read some of the comments that called the FL an ape, questioned her patriotism and intelligence, her religion, and asked when she'd begin wearing a burka, among other things. The comments were also filled with hatred for our president, Muslim-Americans, and Islam. My heart and soul hurt, and part of the reason is I remember what life was like for my parents, siblings, myself, and millions of others who were forced to live in a segregated America.

    Do these people have any conscience, respect for our nation and its institutions, patriotism, shame, charity, empathy, or any redeeming qualities left?

  42. Anonymous10:13 PM

    The pictures say one thousand words each, and they clearly convey the class, dignity, and empathy each of the leaders showed on 9-11 this year. They are a refreshing contrast to the self-promoting hatefest of Beck-Palin in Alaska.

    People across the political spectrum like Michelle Obama and Laura Bush, not to mention our president and vice president, spent the day honoring 9-11 victims and comforting living victims and survivors. Beck and Palin spent their time being as negative and disrespectful toward President Obama in particular, entirely missing the point of what the day was about.

    In a nutshell, it was a striking contrast between class and dignity on one hand, and crass hucksterism and ignorance on the other.


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