Sunday, October 31, 2010

Joe Miller's campaign is a lost cause. Don't believe me? Would you believe Sarah Palin?

From Sarah Palin's very own Twitter page:

Joe Miller - do not give up. It's you against the machine. This is it. "'Lost causes' are the only ones worth fighting for." Clarence Darrow
about 21 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

You know usually when you are trying to encourage a guy not to give up you don't refer to his cause as "lost."

Hey not that I don't agree with you I am just saying that, once again, you are not exactly helping.

And hey Sarah did you know that the guy you are quoting is a famous agnostic who argued in court to allow Evolution to be taught in the classroom?

He also had a few other notable quotes you could have chosen from. 

Such as, "I do not consider it an insult, but rather a compliment to be called an agnostic. I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure - that is all that agnosticism means. "

As well as, "I do not believe in God because I do not believe in Mother Goose."

Hmm,  I wonder how your fundamentalist followers will react to the fact that just you quoted the hero to atheists and scientists all over the world?


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Never mind. I just rechecked his records. I does appear he was a platoon leader in combat.

  2. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Her followers don't look things up, so she's in the clear. Also, I think she's doing a little lowering of expectations so, if Miller wins, she looks even better.

  3. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Quitting Lame Duck Commission appointees and Governors recognize Lying, Paranoid, Lame Duck Candidates.

  4. Anonymous5:32 AM

    It's not his "rating",i.e. his "position" in the Military you need to look at. It's his discharge code. WHY he was discharged early. You will likely not be able to see any performance ratings, but the "discharge" code on his DD214 should tell it all.

  5. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Can you believe she's quoting Clarence Darrow? Has this woman lost her f*cking mind?

  6. Gryphen, deepest thanks to you and all the others who dug into their wallets and made it to DC:

    "According to CBS News, 215,000 people showed up for the rally on Saturday. By comparison, CBS estimated that 87,000 -- just 40% of the Sanity Rally estimation -- attended Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' rally in August."
    (From HuffPo)

    To quote M&H, I mean it. Really.

  7. GrainneKathleen6:16 AM

    hey gryph, how's the jet lag and possible slight yet reasonable hangover treating you?
    here is another sarah-ism:
    she was on fox news sunday with wallace. i don't know anything else about the interview other than what you see in the clip.

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    How do you stand behind a paranoid, delusional, self-important, NPD, emotionally disfigured and stunted grifting liar?

    Simple, you vote for her candidates.

  9. GrainneKathleen6:25 AM

    i read somewhere that she spent all of 40 minutes at the miller/palin/my god is that janine turner rally, and that while miller was speaking she was blackberrying. also, too she showed up in a pink hoodie, which seems a wee bit disrespectful if you ask me. something tells me all's not happy with them at all, as of course we already knew from todd's email diplomacy. she is doing the damge control, making it look like she was for the underdog and unlikely winner all along - oh well, she did her best, but can't do the impossible, right sarah? i wonder if his experience with the media was an eye-opener for her. probably not.

  10. Virginia Voter6:29 AM

    WTF is on Sarah's head today?? Look at that hair helmet from her appearance on Fox News Sunday...she is out pimping her TLC show:

    She is seriously messing with the wrong dude by feuding with Karl Rove. He is Resident Evil incarnate.

  11. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for.

    This quote is from Ethel Lina White’s The Wheel Spins (1936). It was popularized in the film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939). In this film a similar line was spoken by “Jefferson Smith” (Jimmy Stewart ).

  12. Trig is Cute6:50 AM

    Clarence Darrow's reputation as a progressive was ruined when he defended Thalia Massie, a wealthy socialite, who had helped to arrange the kidnapping and murder of a black man who had been accused of raping her. It is a fascinating case and determined attitudes towards race in Hawaii for decades to come, attitudes that were not at all positive.

  13. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Hey, Stupid Sarah Palin: You maligned Ronald Reagan today on FOX with Chris Wallace. You called him "an actor," and made fun of his movies. Lil' Brain, he was also a governor of a huge state. By the way, he did not quit his term. Being on TLC does NOT make you an actor, 'Lil' Brain, and never selling a screenplay did not make RAM a screenwriter. Being on DWTS does not make Bristol a dancer.

    Take your lousy entertainment standards and start a studio in Wasilla. And stay there.

  14. laprofesora7:08 AM

    That Scarah is a laugh a minute. What an idiot.

  15. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I get the feeling that Sleazy Sarah's quickie visit to Miller's "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" thingy was not to help him but to finish him off in revenge for not supporting her for the 'presidency'. That's why she left quickly and didn't mingle, to try and stir up a little enthusiasm. Old Sarah better hope Skuzzy Joe wasn't released from duty on a section 8 because as soon as he figures out what she did he may get some of his drop zone thugs and seek a little revenge himself.

    Holy shiat!!! Anyone else watch ET last night? Almost the whole damned show was bits and pieces and excerpts of The Wasillabillies from news, her "FAKE Alaska" show and the phony ...gushy...mushy interview with that blond bimbo she did in her house in Alaska.

    SP did her best eye batting, cutesy, modest mommie impression of one soooooo patriotic she would be willing to sacrifice herself to the presidency if there was no one else fit to do the job!!

    Must put a sign up in my kitchen saying DON'T EAT BEFORE WATCHING ANYTHING PALIN!

  16. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Sarah is off the deep end again on Fox News this morning. Did she actually say, "corrupt bastards" to describe your local media?

  17. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Palin ever the professional victim..

  18. Anonymous7:56 AM

    This nauseating interview ends with a near-declaration from Palin. Wallace feeds her preplanned questions to let her respond to Rove on the gravitas issue. Conflates herself with Reagan again, who was an actor in silly movies. Insists her show is a "documentary" about Alaska, but then they cutaway to a clip that's all about her rock climbing (or her double...I think she even has a hand double...fakest looking clip I've ever seen).

    Then Wallace tosses her real meat: would you actually give up all the money and fun to run for Prez. The country is worth the sacrifice, she says. FUCK YOU, YOU BITCH C**T.

  19. GrainneKathleen8:07 AM

    ahh, you'll like this bit of dialogue from the wallace interview with sarah, too.

  20. Anonymous8:38 AM

    As we can see with the smearing between Murkowski and Miller - If Sarah ran for prez, her primary opponents would eat her alive.

  21. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Neither Scarah nor her followers have any idea who she was quoting nor will they be looking it up. SHe is making plans on whom to blame so it doesn't end up on her.

  22. Anonymous9:08 AM

    SHe could have attributed the quote to Micky Mouse and her fans would not have known the difference.

    Think Rove will take her on? THink he will win that one? I am not sure....they are both ruthless and evil. Think Rove can withstand an attack on his manhood? THat may be his weak spot.

  23. Ted Powell9:08 AM

    FWIW: "'Lost causes' are the only ones worth fighting for." is not quite the same as "Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for."

    The former is about causes that people other than the writer say (note the quotes) are lost. The latter is about causes that the writer him/herself believes are lost.

    The former makes more sense when uttered by a fighting lawyer. Which meaning SP actually had in mind, or whether she would appreciate the distinction, is not clear.

  24. Anonymous9:09 AM

    palin is so ill educated and so intellectually stunted, I doubt she even knows who Clarance Darrow is.
    All she needs to know she has been told.
    For someone who has 5 children you would think she would want the best for them educationally.
    Nope, those elite colleges, where most of us would wish our children could be educated is, no good.
    Never trust anybody that does not believe in education.
    They will always tell you how to think and act!!!!

  25. Anonymous9:27 AM

    RE the Progressive Blog update to the Briebart story: You really htink there is ANYONE in Alaska that has the balls to indict Palin on ANYTHING?

    As for the transcripts of the alledged cell conversation regarding Miller's rally: FAKE.

    Except maybe the last part of setting up a senario where someon report bunches Miller. Of course, THAT would justify Miller's having his goons handcuff a report at the last rally.

  26. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Joe is whining again. He's accusing KTVA of fabricating a story. They have a voicemail recording of 2 reporters discussing "Which one in his campaign is the child molester" and "find someone in his campaign who's a sex offender" They had Scarah on saying they are corrupt bastards. Fox unfair and unbalanced will interview joe at 4pm EST.

  27. She must to have found this right beside the quote from Coach John Wooden; oh wait, well at least she is 'evolving' to the point that she actually is able to correctly credit the person that she is quoting. That's good, right?

    She, as my mother is fond of saying "just tickles me to no end", meaning, she "provides me with vast amounts of amusement".

    I feel so kind and gentle after watching the rally yesterday; it really and truly reset something in my brain and allowed me to not be angry towards people that I don't agree with but to see them as humans instead of 'the enemy'; fellow flawed humans on the same road.

    However, that woman is still an idiot!

  28. Anonymous9:49 AM

    wow. bitch is stupid.

  29. Up on Daily Kos this AM. Miller has tanked so much in the polls that R's have given up on him & are hoping that Lisa M holds the seat.

    "Given that Murkowski received a quarter of her support from Democrats afraid of electing Miller, it was clear that McAdams could win if those Democrats came home." Please, Alaska, vote your beliefs not your fears.

  30. Ratfish10:14 AM

    How did she know his cause was "lost?"

    Did he send her an email, or just a tweet?

  31. Anonymous11:13 AM

    As much as I dislike Rove, I would not fuck with him if I were a potential Republican candidate of any stature, especially since the Tea Bag movement has no viable (read "sane") strategy of is own to speak of.

  32. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Hey, it has been almost 10 hours since you posted this and not one peep or tweep out of Alaska's hag from hell.

    What dastardly surprise is she working on for us next?

    Perhaps she is in a prolonged meeting with Toad and family trying to figure out who the hell Clarence Darrow is. (When you read this Sarah old girl, Clarence Darrow is the one who called you a monkey! LOL)

    Better yet she and Toddy are out driving around looking for another TURKEY farm for a photo shoot of Sarah gutting a live turkey to show how tough and rogue she is. ;O)

    OOOPS, almost forgot SP's refurbished virgin daughter is doing another attempt at dancing tomorrow night and Sarah gotta go pay off da judges again.

    OH my, the busy busy life of a typical Alaskan homemaker/wife and mama, so willing to sacrafice herself for the GOOD OF AMERICA, if no one as good as her is going to run for POTUS!

  33. Did his unit ever see combat? Seems the commendations were for *readiness* which would not necessarily mean actual combat.

  34. AKPetmom said, "I feel so kind and gentle after watching the rally yesterday; it really and truly reset something in my brain and allowed me to not be angry towards people that I don't agree with but to see them as humans instead of 'the enemy'; fellow flawed humans on the same road."

    That's good to hear. Now if we could only find something that will reset the Tea Partiers' brains so that they have a reciprocal realization and stop blocking that road.


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