Sunday, October 31, 2010

Now we know why Joe Miller has his own security goons. The guy is terrified of his own shadow!

From Alaska Dispatch:

Days before he was caught using the borough computers for the poll, Miller had spoken openly with members of the borough office about a potential threat coming his way. The Alaska Republican Party was out to get him, Miller told them, and he warned them to be careful about what they did on their computers. Miller claimed a public records request was in the works aimed at scrutinizing employees' computer use, adding that, if granted, he feared it might reveal child pornography on his computer. If any inappropriate material was found on his computer, Miller told them, they needed to know it would be the result of a sophisticated setup -- someone hacking the Fairbanks North Star Borough's computer system and planting inappropriate material on his computer.

You know what they say about people who deny that they have done anything wrong before anybody accuses them don't you? But those are just the first steps down the Teabagger Joe rabbit hole, keep reading.

But Joe Miller's wariness went far beyond the alleged computer plot. He was also convinced his office was bugged, the borough employees told Alaska Dispatch.

And he believed there was a murder plot under way to kill him and then-Gov. Sarah Palin, who at the time also was trying to persuade her fellow Republicans to dump Randy Ruedrich as the party chairman. Miller feared someone might tamper with his tires, causing him to have an accident as he drove to Anchorage, the borough employees recalled.

With his worries mounting, Miller wanted Jim Whitaker, then the mayor of the Fairbanks North Star Borough, to provide a security staff for him, his former co-workers said. Miller wanted doors locked and security cameras mounted in the borough's legal offices (The New York Times has reported that Miller has security cameras at his home). And he wanted an escape route -- a second exit in case the main one was somehow blocked or unsafe.

"He was just very paranoid about the whole thing," one employee said.

Do you want to know WHO Miller thought was out to snuff him?  Go ahead, guess.

Miller believed the people out to get him included Ruedrich and former Gov. Frank Murkowski, the father of Sen. Lisa Murkowski -- one of Miller's opponents in the Senate race -- and the man who appointed her to the job in 2002.

Miller told one of his co-workers that Frank Murkowski and Ruedrich were men who "had the power and money to pull something off," the borough employee said Friday.

Well perhaps that explains Joey's unfathomable fear of the press and his outright animosity toward Lisa, this "combat veteran" is convinced that his life is constantly in danger, and that Lisa's pop might gut him and leave him to bleed to death in a gutter.

Look I know we don't have any real proof, but this has PTSD written all over it.

And regardless of his true diagnosis, I think we can all agree that Miller needs serious psychological counseling, not a Senate seat.

Please click the Alaska Dispatch link at the top and read the rest of this amazing article.


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Not that CBS reporters are on tape plotting to frame him for child molestation or anything, cause, you know, there is a tiny detail about paranoia that it is not paranoid to be afraid of a real threat, like CBS reporters trying to frame you for child molestation.

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM

    This is interesting. I had a message after I got on your page saying in order to see it I had to log in. Weird. I mean there was your page, and when I clicked no, I could still see your page.

    Have you done something new?

  3. What a fraidy cat. When it comes to elections, people just LOVE votin' for the fraidy cat candidate.


  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    A child pornography addiction would explain his abrupt dismissal from the military, the co-worker misdirection talk, and the treatment by Magellan Behavioral,

    It goes a long way in explaining for me why he is so creepy.

  5. Anonymous10:22 AM

    WTF is going on with the hillbilly gov's latest ramblings about the corrupt bastards at the rally trying to find child molesters in the crowd? That bimbo has been drinking crazy from a firehose. Those are some serious allegations against a news organization, she claims to have video of it, so let's see it.

    And what's she doing talking about child molesters w/this latest info about miller? She should be avoiding those words like the plague. Google cache search!

  6. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Terrific journalism by Jill Burke!

    Ironic, if Miller wins on Tuesday, it will be due to the Murkowski write-in campaign. McAdam's name is officially on the ballot; he won the primary. McAdams is a great candidate without baggage. Seniority on senate committees (Murkowski) isn't necessarily a good thing.. I hope Murkowski supporters realize this. I voted early for McAdams. If you are confused, and unsure, just vote for McAdams, and you'll feel great.

  7. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Palin just can't keep herself out of the spotlight..who edited the tapes? Tapegate?

  8. Virginia Voter10:38 AM

    This is some seriously messed up shit. How did this not get out during the primary???

  9. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Joe "Shaggy" must have a dog named Scooby-do!

  10. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Right, it's just so out there to express concern about potential child pornography accusations. Why would he go there at all, as a public figure?

    He sounds like he has either PTSD or some other paranoid diagnosis, that's for sure. Delusional component, as well. There are a number of disorders that could bring up sexual ideation like that. He could be bi-polar, though many many people function well with the appropriate treatment.

    Or, he honestly was worried about getting caught doing something despicable, and he thought he'd pre-empt with his story about being framed.

    Weird as all get out, either way.

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    IF Miller were to win, he wouldn't last long in DC. He would breakdown. Then, guess what? The governor can appoint someone. Let's make sure Ethan wins the gubernatorial race! Vote for Ethan!! (or else Parnell will appoint Todd Palin)

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM

    His own shadow or his own actions? Maybe he had child porn, it wouldn't surprise me.

  13. Anonymous10:54 AM

    The twitter queen sees this as the lame stream media out to get her and her flock.
    Would she really want somebody that had child porn on his computer as a senator?
    Are these the new common sense conservative values?

    Who really is paranoid? Palin has a healthy dose of it herself!

  14. Just got a robocall from Clinton for McAdams!

  15. Olivia11:25 AM

    I think this is a perfect example of being paranoid about someone doing to you the same things you are doing to others.

  16. He is assuming that Frank gave a sh-- about him? That right there is a sign of him being extremely delusional. Frank is such a jerk and he doesn't notice or care about anyone other than himself.

  17. WakeUpAmerica11:30 AM

    Totally agree on the PTSD. Who needs that in the senate?

  18. Anonymous11:42 AM

    But don't you think he was right to be paranoid now that this whole mess with CBS and AK dispatch is out? I mean come on, most people aren't naturally paranoid. Sarah is not naturally paranoid. She never showed intense concern with media until you had your first/only interview with her at the basketball game and I believe she is in the right to be cautious. There are lots of ladder climbers who will write anything to take down a powerful politician. Everyone has motive. I don't know joe any better than you do so I can't form an opinion about his past but I know his supporters are good, honest people who work hard for their communities and show great characters. Bad people don't attract bad followers. However, Strong personalities DO attract flamboyant and passionate followers. That goes for both parties.

  19. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Not too long ago I commented that every time I saw a pic of Joe Miller, I immediately thought "ped".... now I read about his defensive the-child-pornography-they-will-find-on-my-computer-is-not-mine rantings... well, what else can one say?

    This guy is creepy. It is no accident the Palin's are behind him.

  20. From the AD article:

    "Miller feared someone might tamper with his tires, causing him to have an accident as he drove to Anchorage, the borough employees recalled."

    Maybe he should be worried about Track or Todd or the rest of the Palin Mafia.

    He's not afraid of his own shadow, he's in need of anti psychotics and needs to hang around with more ethical people so he can see what that really is.

    Hope McAdams wins and wins BIG! Lisa blew it by not doing a better job in the primary to out this psychopath.

  21. Anonymous11:52 AM


    They're trying to manufacture a scandal! breitbart is trying to strike again:

  22. Anonymous12:08 PM

    The only threat I´ve seen was Sarah warning Lisa not to run via her Blackberry. This could be Miller pulling a Sarah and playing the victim card. The problem is he is coming across as a lunatic - just like Sarah.

  23. Anonymous12:09 PM

    This guy is a nutcase I would be afraid to have him representing ANYONE in DC... he needs a padded room..... and you know with all his anger issues I actually feel sorry for his wife because I can almost bet that she is abused.....

  24. slipstream12:10 PM

    I hate those plots to kill me and Sarah Palin!

  25. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Out of all his crazy rants, fears, etc.. the most disturbing and troubling one would be his reference to 'child pornography'. He needs to be looked at closer.

  26. As I never believed that Joe's discharge was based on dadt,not with all those kids, I had always wondered whether it was PTSD. This would make sense. If he were wounded, he would be touting his bravery. He shows signs of panic every time he is going to get caught in a lie. Could that be a trigger? Perhaps, he was terrified of being captured when he was in the Gulf War. He even shows a "flight and fright" response when questioned by the press. In addition, he will shove anybody under the bus to save his skin. Psychological counseling not the Senate should be a "must do" for this man.
    I have a question. If Joe Miller had all this baggage, why would he ever consider running?

  27. O/T, I am glad that you had a great time in DC at the rally.

  28. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Well, this may explain why the military let him go early. Good grief, exactly what kind of duty did he have? Can anyone find out?

    They usually don't put military lawyers out on the front lines, after all.

  29. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The Wicked Witch of Wasilla is busy spewing "corrupt bastard" allegations at CBS, still trying to get even with Katie Couric for asking her questions in an interview.

    Why can Palin get upset with Rahm for using the word, "retarded" to describe a decision, since it is an offensive word that some would use to describe Trig, but can use equally offensive terms herself. Isn't the word, "bastard", an offensive word that some might use to describe her grandson??? You can't have it both ways, Palin!

  30. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I think Miller should build a big wall around his house and never ever come out in public again. It worked for east Germany for a little while.

    Hid Joe.......tuck and duck.......drop and!

  31. Anonymous12:36 PM

    o/t but Bristol definitely has no intention of moving back to Alaska. Probably to start over and be closer to more work. Good for her. and with her family always traveling and her entended fam down here, I don't blame her

  32. Now I start to understand the discharge from the Army and the reluctance of former employers to say something. Regardless of the psychiatric diagnosis, this man has some serious mental health issues. It also explains some of his body language. This man does not belong in the Senate making any kind of foreign relations decisions.

  33. Senator McCain has PTSD and he's okay, right? RIGHT??

  34. SME1311:18 PM

    I am so glad someone finally looked into the supposed threats he was claiming back then. I don't see it as PTSD, but do see it as a serious case of paranoid delusion. I think Miller had mental issues long before he entered the military - which is most likely why he got out early.

    He and Palin are both obsessed with child molesters, child porn and perverts which also says a great deal about the mindset of these people and their supporters.

    If by some freak chance he actually gets elected Alaska is majorly fucked. We all need to be ready to back a recall of this asshole.

  35. Anonymous1:19 PM

    How convenient that Palin has this story at just the moment when it is coming to light that former co-workers of Joe Miller are coming forward with their recollections that Joe Miller told them child pornography would be found on his computer.

    He was trying to get ahead THEN of any potential discoveries by misdirecting his co-workers.

    Palin's reputation is on the line and is misdirecting NOW to get ahead of the Joe Miller they-will-find-kiddie-porn-on-my-computer story.

    Now, at the 11th hour, she comes up with a story that will likely not get wrapped up before the election.


    Don't fall for it. And don't fall for the bullshit posed by 11:42. More misdirection.

    These people are SICK.

  36. Anonymous1:25 PM

    "Bad people don't attract bad followers?" Really? How about the people who yelled "Kill him?" Or the one who said then candidate Obama was "a A-rab?" Or the nuts who follow Beck?

  37. Anonymous1:32 PM I won't! :)

  38. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:36 PM

    Oh boy. Hallucinating about kiddie porn pix planted on his computer and a murder attempt, now? Will they stop at nothing to play the desperate victim card two days out? And I'm not even gonna get into Screecharella's shameless promoting of all this crap.

    The most important question, however: Where's Rod Serling when you need him?

    Happy Halloween.

  39. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Joe Miller is a freak, but it makes me cringe to see all of you painting people who have PTSD as being mentally scary or dangerous. Miller has way more problems than PTSD. Many if not the majority of people who have experienced domestic violence have suffered from PTSD and they are fully functioning and wonderful people. And with 1 out of 3 women in AK experiencing DV at some point in their lives, you are discriminating about a bunch of people you know, respect and love.

  40. With PTSD the hypervigilance includes constantly checking for threats and trying to protect yourself. The incidents that cause the PTSD are real and have been significant enough so you then are expecting something to happen again. Often ex-military with PTSD will not sit with their back to a door and check for alternate escape routes in every building they enter. In countries where there are a lot of bombings lots of people do this everywhere they go. Many people have video cameras for security at their homes, that is not unusual because if you are robbed you can identify the perps. There are lots of people with PTSD who have episodes of hypervigilence and function just fine. Any time of stress will cause a flare up of the PTSD. I know someone from the Vietnam era who after all this time is constantly checking for threats. He is a brilliant man who functions very well. In Miller's case it seems this may have been a combination of hypervigilence and assuming other people thought the way he does. You could see where Miller would think someone might put child porn on his computer to retaliate because Miller is retaliatory himself.

  41. Anonymous1:51 PM

    doesn't sound like PTSD to me and I spent 50+ years with a WWII specimen

    Plenty of other mental disorders fit Joe, though

  42. IC 20/201:53 PM

    Joe Miller doesn't NEED a diagnoses of PTSD when it is so obvious.

  43. Anonymous1:59 PM

    My mantra.
    What ever bad things a (the) Republican(s) accuse others of doing is what they are planning to do themselves.
    That's why it is on their minds.

    They have thought about and plotted and dreamed of every conceivable way of harming Democrats, Liberals, Americans, including murder, stealing elections, and armed insurrections,so much that that has become their reality.

    Since they assume they are rational normal people, when they are really terroristic sociopaths, they therefore assume everybody else is as evil minded as they are.
    They have literally scared themselves half to death.

    Another possibility of why Joie dropped out of the military academy is that he is a coward (kind of the like the weeny jet fighter pilot Duhbya.)
    It's possible that he could not perform some of the field exercises without caving. (He could have served in Kuwait as a paper pusher, and suffered a severe paper cut,to serve out his responsibility to the military and end up a disabled Vet.)

    He and Sarah are classic bully cowards.

  44. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Anonymous said...

    This is interesting. I had a message after I got on your page saying in order to see it I had to log in. Weird. I mean there was your page, and when I clicked no, I could still see your page.

    Have you done something new?


    I got the same thing a couple of days ago.

  45. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Blogger miller said...
    As I never believed that Joe's discharge was based on dadt,not with all those kids, I had always wondered whether it was PTSD.

    I think I am correct in saying the he resigned from the academy. That then would not be the cause of PTSD. He did then serve out the rest of his obligation to the military and was in Iraq or Kuwait, where he was apparently so "severely wounded" that he can still hunt an fish.

  46. Anonymous2:12 PM

    There must be something about Joe Miller's status I don't understand. The guy was working as a part-time attorney in some small town office and he's asking for security cameras and escape routes? I guess I missed his high up status in the Alaska Republican Party or something. Why would anyone want to tamper with his car or attack him at his part-time job? That is a true narcissist that inflates their value like that.I don't think he's PTSD, I think he's narcissitic and paranoid.

  47. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Sarah palin ya backed a real weiner.

  48. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...

    This is interesting. I had a message after I got on your page saying in order to see it I had to log in. Weird. I mean there was your page, and when I clicked no, I could still see your page.

    Have you done something new?
    [10:11 AM]


    I got the same thing a couple of days ago.
    2:00 PM

    I have noticed this same thing about 4 times over the past week or so: a small pop-up message, which goes away when I click the IM page.


  49. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Troll @ 11:42

    1) CBS isn't involved.
    2) Breitbart has a history of doctoring tapes see O'Keefe and ACORN, Shirley Sherrod, and Pimpin' for the party for starters. Not to mention the break in/phone finagling at the Louisiana senator's office.
    3) taking an overheard conversation out of context is hysterical. Taking it thirdhand out of context is even worse. One can really get punked that way, especially if one is no the brightest bulb to start with - e.g. Sarah Palin and Sarkozy phone call.

  50. A little off topic...have you seen this video by Michelle Obama? When I was listening to her, I was thinking about the screech of Sarah Palin's voice...quite a contrast. I think this is the piece to send to everyone you know. Get out the vote...

  51. Kimosabe2:27 PM

    Enough with the armchair psychanalysis. Just plain creepy is enough for me.

  52. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I wonder if Miller's unit was exposed to nerve (mustard) gas at the weapons demolition at Khamisiyah?

    There is a 2nd battalion, 34th armored listed on the 'exposed' lists, but I cannot tell if it is his. (Google)

    According to his records, his unit is described as Company A, 2nd battalion, 34th armored. (Fort Riley)

    Perhaps someone with better military knowledge can suss this out.

    It certainly would explain the paranoia. . .and the military disability.


  53. Anonymous2:51 PM

    A supporter of Joe Miller's on a Free Republic post dated Sept 15, 2010 comes to the same conclusion regarding the possibility of Miller having been exposed to nerve agents at Khamisiyah:

    His post is number 28 - signed ASOC.


  54. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Maybe he should've called Toad to build a redneck fence around his office, that would keep those perverts, er child-porn-false-accusers out!

    I think Miller & Grandma Grizilla
    should share a padded room and get some serious help, they are 2 psychotic whackjobs that need some serious therapy.

  55. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Maybe Joey is reliving 'The Tell-Tale Heart'... his past sins coming to haunt him... Joey, are you having guilt feelings about some of these things that maybe YOU did? Hmmmmmm................

  56. Miller claims his *disability* is hearing loss. He's seems to hear fine in his appearances and I certainly don't see a hearing aid. My father lost most of his hearing in Vietnam, and he doesn't get disability for that. As for the KTVA thing, the recording was a snippet of a longer conversation about possible scenarios that could happen and how the news crew would respond. Something any news crew covering an event would do bofore going into something that could end up confrontational (and with bozo's security, a real concern).

  57. Anon:1:43

    I have had PTSD as a result of domestic violence and am a fully functioning adult due to therapy. I can still have a relapse but I know the origin. In the case of Joe Miller, if he suffers from this and is not receiving help, this is the result. When you have PTSD, you look for the triggers.

  58. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I knew it was something sexual. Wow, way to point it out by refusing to speak to the media about anything in your past! You could see this coming a mile away.

  59. Anonymous4:20 PM

    To Anonymous at 10:03am. Let's try the facts...Despite Sarah Palin's accusations on Fox News Sunday that Alaska CBS affiliate KTVA "conspired to make up stories about Joe Miller", Dan Springer who is in Alaska reporting for Fox News told Megyn Kelly that he and his staff looked at some of KTVA's recent reporting and they could not find any obvious signs of bias or hit pieces against Joe Miller."

    You can even watch the video at

  60. Anonymous4:21 PM

    joe sounds paranoid schizo and the Borough could do a trace on his computer easily enough. Bringing up child porn is a "tell." Something is wrong with him. Can he be recalled? Does Sarah look older to anyone lately? She seems to have aged at least 10 years. Todd could be soon dating someone Bristol's age.

  61. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Joe is faking PTSD. But, he is creepy. He just read all of the symptoms. He likes the attention, like Palin. He loved being the circuit court judge although it paid nothing. He sees himself as a big fish in a little pond. Alaska is the last refuge for deadenders and creeps like Joe and Palin's Dad who cannot fit in anywhere else. Do you see Chuck palin actually working--he was just a temp and sports team volunteer and school bully. Anyone can do that. Ma Palin supported the family. By the way, that family sure is familiar with the word bastard! Isnt Track a bastard?

  62. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I worked with Mayor whitaker. He is a republican and an honorable man. If anyone should have been chosen as vice president material, it should have been him. The Borough is a sophisticated organization. Joe's problem was that it was too sophisticated to be bullied.

  63. pursang4:56 PM

    First off Andrew Breitbart is involved and if there is anyone on this planet that shouldn't be given a shred of credibility it's him. He and Palin cooked this up and that's that. Two liars concocting a story to highlight how bad the "lamestream" media is as well as give Miller some sort of cover for the story about his paranoia.

    Why anyone would believe Breitbart is beyond me. He's a drunk lying partisan hack who should be in jail for what he did to Shirley Sharrod.

  64. Anonymous5:06 PM

    If he truly is mentally ill, how sad and sick that so many people who you know have to be aware of it are standing behind his running for such a high political office. To me, it's different from Sarah, because in her case we have evidence that this has been how she is her whole life, and she wouldn't listen to good advice, anyway. I don't know, but the more I know about Joe Miller, the more compassion I have for him. I hope he finds some peace and wellness sometime soon, hopefully NOT while in any political office.

  65. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Joe is the top story on HuffPo!!

  66. Anonymous5:51 PM

    This is nothing so far. Wait until it really hits the fan. And it will. Have you heard about this other man that looks like he could be Track Palin's brother? A Senator Linda Menard intern from Wasilla/Palmer.

    All the old timer people in state and local government know what goes on. They weren't fooled by Joe. He is just another one to cover.

    Alaskan Senator Linda Menard's newsletter.
    Saying Farewell: Time flies when you’re busy, and July marked the last month for Sen. Menard’s summer intern, Palmer resident Dalton Benson. Dalton is heading back to Arizona State University to attend his final year of classes before earning a bachelor’s degree in political science.
    Here, in his own words, Dalton says goodbye:
    When I first arrived in that office at the end of the hall in Wasilla for my summer internship I really had no idea of what to expect. I was kind of nervous seeing as how this was my first step in politics and the only other thing I had done was work as a page in the House of Representatives in Juneau. The people in the office were nice and when I finally got to know them I thought that this political game wouldn’t be so bad as long as you have great people like Michael Rovito, Marilyn Lane, Brian Timblin, and Chuck Heath Jr. backing you up. I already knew that Sen. Menard was going to be a great senator, but I think that over the summer she has shown the state and the people what she’s really made of. My greatest achievement as an intern has to be the Orphan Moose Calf Rescue and Rehabilitation Bill work that I did. Even though the plans for it had to be put on temporary hold, it let me see first-hand how much work actually goes into a bill. It’s not just as simple as putting it in front of a senate and voting on it. There has to be months of work and tireless research that goes into every one of them. I appreciate the hard work and enthusiasm Sen. Menard and her staff have shown me, and I hope to be able to rejoin them again next summer. The experience I have gained will be a valuable asset in my further education and the rest of my career in politics. I thank everyone for their support over the duration of my internship and bid you all a humble farewell.

    Dalton gives a pensive look while working on a recent day in the office.

    Farewell Dalton, we’ll miss you!!

    • The 26th Alaska Legislature runs from Jan. 20 to April 19
    • There are 40 state representatives and 20 senators
    • The Mat-Su has two senators and four representatives
    • Sen. Menard has an office in Wasilla during the interim
    Getting in touch with Sen. Menard and her staff:
    Our office phone number is 376-3370.

    I would like to see the FBI take them all down for any cover ups as well.

  67. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Does anyone know if the conversation on the tape has any connection to the one about Miller being paranoid about being framed for having child pornography on his computer?

    Maybe the group was joking about the recent story of his paranoia, along with the false arrest of the reporter in addition to the other various October surprises from Miller, and were speculating about what other crazy stuff could happen at the rally. It seems pretty coincidental that 2 recent stories about Miller revolve about child (molestation)or pornography type situations.

    At least it looks like Fox is not backing Palin and is waiting for the facts to come out, that is until Beck and Hannity get involved and then they'll obsess about this story for a week or two. They'll get Palin back on to gin up more anger, tell all political candidates to never talk to the media, and will rehash all the shortcomings of the tea party candidates as the media's fault.

  68. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I wish everybody would lay off trying to diagnose Lyin' Joe's psychological problems. He definitely has "issues," the details of which are unnecessary to determine how unfit for office he is. He's clearly a shady character and has an inflated opinion of himself (like his protege Palin).
    I'd really like to know what aborted his service time, but don't think it's fair to speculate endlessly about it. Either we'll find out or we won't. In the meantime, we know enough to NOT VOTE FOR THE JERK. (Sorry for shouting, this guy pisses me off).

  69. Anonymous6:53 PM

    So the Quitter Queen is claiming that the lamestream media is trying to get poor Joe with claims of child porn?

    Lets try and sort this out:

    First - Why the smoke screen? Paylins must really OWE Joe for something to get this back-up after his failure to endores HER for president.

    Second - Why choose "child porn" as the distraction? This is very covers the computer issues that Joe had back in Fairbanks. But still...

    Is this going to be Sarah's reason for dumping him? Or is this a Freudian slip on Sarah's part?

    As for Joe suffering from PTSD? You better be able to proof that he was ever in battle first....otherwise maybe he is just mentally ill and therefor not suitable for the office of senator, but certainly eligible for treatment. If he really is the veteran that he claims to be, treatment should be coverd by the VA.

  70. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Agree with Anon@12:22 PM.

  71. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Paranoia, thy name is Joe Miller, the same goes for Sarah Palin.

  72. Anonymous7:19 PM

    One of my relatives has been diagnosed with PTSD after three high-risk tours in Iraq. Now, he enlisted in the Marines, rather than attending West Point for the Army, and he fought in this war, not Desert Storm. And maybe they do things differently now/ in the Marines/ for enlisted personnel. But this relative is finishing out his tour Stateside, with the guarantee of not seeing combat again on foreign soil. He's still in the Marines and still doing important work--they provided training for him to ensure this. So I question whether PTSD would be sufficient reason for the Army to dismiss a West Point-educated officer when other options are available.

  73. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Hold on. That's a very odd thing to e conccerned about. You either have kidde porn on your cmputer, or you don't. I can say that I dont. No wonder Kathleen Miller always looks beat up. She might be trying to protect the kids.

  74. Anonymous8:15 PM

    2:25 - and, CBS is where Katie Couric works. Due to that horrid interview, I'm sure Palin would love to see the network crash and burn.

  75. Anonymous8:44 PM

    It is obvious that the princess thinks she has found a way to deflect attention from what looks like a likely loss by her chosen candidate.

    She basically attacked the integrity of an entire network news organization. She has make some outrageous accusations and serious charges without showing any proof. A small clip of the middle of a conversation means nothing. If it did mean something, I remember some pretty interesting clips of Palin and spouse on troopergate.

    Sarah, release the tape. The entire tape.

  76. Anonymous9:21 PM


  77. Anonymous9:46 PM

    7:19, thanks for the excellent comment and perspective.

    i think someone else in this thread commented that miller was not released, but instead resigned his commission - another indicator that it was not PTSD.

    in addition, in this alaska dispatch article, his former supervisor at the borough, rene broker is quoted as saying: "That's wrong. That is not the case," she said. "This concept is unfair that he has some kind of service-related mental issue. People are just making that up."

    it is obvious miller has serious issues, but a "service-related mental issue" is probably not it.

  78. Anon at 11:42am said:

    "I don't know joe any better than you do so I can't form an opinion about his past but I know his supporters are good, honest people who work hard for their communities and show great characters. Bad people don't attract bad followers."

    That makes no sense. But assuming Anon meant "Bad people don't attract good followers," that statement is demonstrably false. Perhaps none of the millions of Germans who voted for Hitler was a saint, but in 1933 plenty of people who would have been described as "good, honest people who work hard for their communities and show great characters" thought he could be trusted temporarily with dictatorial power. Many religious people thought God had sent Hitler to save Germany from disorder, lawlessness, and godless Communism. Slightly more than twelve years later, bombed out and occupied by its enemies, Germany had ceased to exist. Halloween is a good time to remember that a very attractive mask can hide ruthless evil.

  79. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I think Joe also must stay away from sweets. It is clearly a bigger problem than anyone wants to admit. If a person has other mental health problems sugar can really take them over the edge. The wonderful allure of comfort food and Grandma backing cookies and cakes down on the farm is not all it is cracked up to be. Dance Bristol Dance "These are real cookies not computer cookies---Go get em Bristol--Have fun--Another sign siting in the kitchen" Sharon Benson
    There is an insidious side to her good intentions.

  80. Anonymous10:05 PM

    anon5:51, I believe this is the link to the newsletter with the pensive picture of Dalton (near the bottom)

    I put the link on two lines. Sometimes long URLs get distorted in the actual post.

  81. Anonymous10:09 PM

    pursang @ 4:56--And yet, ABC has given Breitbart a big role on election night. With DWTS manipulating the show to the benefit of the Palins and their pandering to Brietbart, I done with them. No more Disney trips either.

  82. Anonymous9:06 AM

    She is melting. Missy Palin has enough on her plate for now but it will be fascinating to learn more about the bond Heath and Palin have with families like Benson and Menard and how they have all worked to give us this monster. All wonderful down home folk I am sure, I was raised in an ag culture. There is nothing like growing your own, what you don't grow, hunt.

    Thanks, I think this link will work. Menard Newsletter.

    “We have the tape that proves it”...“We have the tape!”
    Is this it?

    Both Miller and Palin show signs of significant mental digression. It may seem minor but they must stay away from caffeine concoctions if they are to improve. No more Baileys, no more Red Bull. No more BULL.

    Red Bull mixes are all the rage but don't try Baileys with Red Bull before a Fox News interview or a speech.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.