Monday, November 01, 2010

The BBC comes to Alaska.

So as many of you have no doubt noticed, I don't do television interviews.

To be honest I don't get asked frequently or anything, but on the few occasions that somebody wanted to talk to me on film, I have politely refused.

However when the BBC contacts you and asks to speak with you, THAT felt a little different to me, and in an unguarded moment I agreed. (It should be noted that at first I thought it was a RADIO interview, and only found out later that it was for television as well.  By that time it seemed rude to pull out.)

The day before the interview I spoke to the producer about where they wanted to conduct it (That was also when I was first told  it was for television.) and they said they wished to come to my home and interview where I do my blogging and film me as I construct a post.  Uh oh.

Number one, I don't really have people I don't know come over to my house (Or as I call it "my liberal oasis"), and number two that meant I needed to tidy up a bit, since my office often looks like a tornado just touched down, and number three what could be more boring than watching me blog?

However I agreed, and set about making the place presentable.

The producer was quite lovely, and the interviewer Kevin Connolly, was quite humorous and behaved much like a fish out of water.

They interviewed me for about a half hour or so, but only used a small portion.

How did I do?  Beats me, you tell me.

Here is the television portion. And here is the somewhat longer radio interview. (As you can see they also managed to get the elusive Joe Miller to provide a brief interview.  I bet he is just thrilled to share this segment with me. ROTFL!)

Just so you know I am probably still going to avoid television for the foreseeable future.  Not that I think I came off badly, but just like Bristol Palin, it is definitely outside of my comfort zone.

Anyhow I welcome your feedback.

(And Palin-bots, just so you know, I will be deleting your snarky insults.)


  1. SME1318:51 AM

    I watched it on Friday and you did great G. You seemed very relaxed and natural.

  2. Interesting take on the whole situation...BBK made it seem like it was more about religion than any thing else
    Gryphen you did good :)

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    You did great!

  4. London Bridges9:02 AM

    Joe Miller has a very satanic looking crease between and above his eyebrows. I don't think you get these things from good, honest wholesome living. Is there an eyebrow crease expert/reader in the audience?

  5. GrainneKathleen9:07 AM

    great job, gryphen. you spoke well - also, nice tidy desk; well done. i also liked what the hunter had to say about sarah.
    london bridges - rotfl!

  6. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Woo Hoo Gryphen! (BTW, the office looked very nice and clean)

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM

    You did really well, Gryph! It's nice to see her inadequacies spotlighted.

  8. Gryphen you were very articulate, you should do more interviews.

  9. FEDUP!!!9:16 AM

    I agree with bws - they made it seem like it was more about politics than anything else - which is probably what it really IS all about...

    BTW: you did great, Uncle Gryphen !

  10. You did well, Gryphen. Your portion was pretty tiny, but at least they included other takes on the witch's persona by including this as well as the hunters who basically called her a liar. I wish more people listened to BBC News because the US "lame stream media" is Palin's best friend. They refuse to take her down, they refuse to report on anything positive the Democrats do and they are positively gleeful in their reporting that the Teabaglicans may sweep the midterms. Their bias isn't even thinly disguised.

  11. You seemed very casual and relaxed and, most of all, REASONABLE. Don't hesitate to accept those TV invitations anymore!

  12. G-Man - I haven't been commenting much lately, but this is from the heart.

    First you looked great, spoke in a measured fashion and you sounded intelligent. I understand your hesitancy about video, but I truly hope that you can work that out. Why? Because your voice will become more and more important. It is essential that intelligent Alaskans like yourself are heard as we head into 2012. I have a vision of a sort of traveling show made up of a diverse and ecclectic bunch of Alaskans such as yourself, Shannyn, AKM, Andrew Halcro, and many others. You could entertain and inform us about Alaska and also tell the world the truth about SP. THE WHOLE TRUTH. The books (Dunn and McGuiness) coming out next year will all support this effort. Think about it - it could include music, dance from Alaska's various peoples, history, natural beauty and TRUTH TELLING!!!

  13. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Gryphen your part of it was good but that was really a puff piece for Palin.She is such a phony,Thankfully it appears that she is just about ready to self destuct and if she doesn't it appears that the Republicans are about ready to do a hatchet job on her and that is one thing they do really well.Kind of wrote the book on it so to speak.

  14. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The view from the outside-Conservative Fundamentalism-would certainly describe the appeal of the DeMint teabaggers better than any silliness about budgetary matters. Did the BBC attend Gestapo Joe's desperate, all-is-not-lost, last chance rally?

    PS that's a mighty elegant basement!

  15. You were great G. No worries about the whole TV thing.

  16. Gryphen - Will you marry me?

  17. ManxMamma9:38 AM

    Great job Gryphen. Now will come tidy up my workspace? Pretty please.

  18. Anonymous9:41 AM

    You did a nice job, Gryph. No reason why you shouldn't do it again!

  19. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Off Topic:
    See how Lisa Murkowski's nephews dressed for Holloween.
    Too Funny.


  20. Anonymoose9:46 AM

    Did Kevin Connolly show any interest in the faked pregnancy story?!

  21. I thought you did really good! I wish you felt more comfortable doing it, so would do more in the future--you come across so nicely normal and as if you know whereof you speak.

  22. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Seriously, great job, Gryphen. I know how nerve-racking it can be.

    Now that you have a personal in with the BBC, how about throwing them some Babygate red meat?

  23. You did well, but it was so short!

    I did think to myself what a neat desk you had; now we know the truth.

    Hey, also, you don't seem to have any sort of accent. Have you always lived in Anchorage? Or is it only Wasillans who talk funny like Sarah? Or maybe, as I suspect, it's only Sarah who talks like Sarah?

  24. laprofesora10:03 AM

    Well done, Gryph!

  25. You interview well, Gryphen.

    I think the BBC got it right: It is about religion more than anything else. Palin has been in stealth mode lately, but that is her long-range goal - getting the Christian Mafia, Dominionists, and their ilk as the "ruling class" in America. And that truth isn't getting enough exposure in the press.

  26. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Gryphen - Great job! I agree with Celia - you should do more interviews

  27. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Great job Gryphen! You came across as an intelligent & reasonable individual. No strange accent. In fact, you sound like me (if I was male lol). Your desk was very tidy...did you straighten up the entire house or just your basement? Glad you changed out of your PJ's....oh, and you are quite cute.

  28. Facebook Lurker10:12 AM

    Uh, you look way better that old basketball head Bristol.

    You did great.

  29. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Looking mountains! : ) I used to want to visit Alaska, but once Palin happened : (

    It was HER in my head when I thought of Alaska and not the beauty all around you. You all are lucky to live there, even with Palin as your mascot
    Hope to see you in the news more....

  30. Virginia Voter10:14 AM

    How come no one else in Alaska has the weird accent that Sarah does?

    I like how the hunter dudes just laughed off the Sarah Palin moose dressing myth.

  31. I think you did fine! But we are always the hardest on ourselves. If you choose to be print-popular only, that's ok, too.

  32. Bravo, and well done, however brief your appearance was. You know, of course, that you speak for many of us who follow your blog. Your close-up Alaska take on the WGE is exactly the same as many of us down here in the lower 48.

    Thank you, and if I could, a big ol' Missouri hug.

  33. Chenagrrl10:24 AM

    Good job. I agree. Missy Palin has klieg-light fever. Good example was the Florida performance for the camera.

  34. Wow..this video was informative allowing viewers to form their own conclusions.....

    You did good Gryphen...I watched your body language, voice and facial expressions, also nice job on the cleanup!!!

    Lisa looked like she was scowling...and Joe came off as a nice guy. Nice touch by the hunters re: ability of a woman to haul tons of moose out of the wilderness to process. Sarah is no Ayla as in Clan of the Cave Bear!

  35. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Segment won't load.

  36. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Cannot get either the TV or the radio excerpts to work. Has it been shut down? Am using latest version of Firefox.

  37. NO MORE RED BULL10:47 AM

    Jolly good old Chap! You ROCK! I couldn't have said it better 'conscious at last.'

    It is a heck of a lot easier to leave your comfort zone if you nip a little Red Bull, not a recommendation, but it does work for some. What a BIG night for Wasilla's little darling. Cute interview with Bristol and Mark?

    dance baby dance

  38. Anonymous11:05 AM

    You did great Gryphen. I liked the hunter and his comments as well. The shots of the church service make me shudder.

  39. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Great job Gryph! It was strange to hear your voice. You have always sounded different in my head. I hope you do more interviews!


  40. Thanks for all of your positive feedback. I really appreciate it.

    I only received one negative comment from a Palin-bot so far and they essentially just called me a fag. That is always the fall back insult for these people since they literally cannot think of anything worse to call somebody.

  41. Nary a Twinkie wrapper nor multi cups of old, cold coffee in sight. Good interview 4 u!

  42. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Proud of you Gryphen, you were harmless and sounded rational.

    Dear God, how are we here? Sarah Palin an iconic representative of leadership qualities?

    I think we have to look past tomorrow's election results, the Right is going to make some gains, done. But at least we have two years to make them pay for this gain, by showing how ill equipped they are to handle responsibility, solutions and grasps of the legislative process and representing the people, not their narrow, personal views.

  43. Gryphen, you need not fear the telly. You were poised and well spoken. I wish they had aired more of your thoughts. Thank you for this blog and all that you do.

  44. Anonymous11:37 AM

    IMO, the BBC people were checking you out for future use - like when Palin implodes and BBC needs Alaska voices/faces to explain to the world audience how it came to be that Sarah Palin oozed her way into the VEEP candidate spot and beyond.

    You passed the test! And if Sarah Palin continues on her present trajectory, BBC will be checking back with you soon.


    My work area is "clean" when the mold/dirt is buried under books.

  45. Anonymous11:39 AM

    It was great not only to hear but also see you in that interview. You were well-spoken and looked like you do that every day.

    Don't be so bashful about those things in the future.

    You done good.

  46. Brenda the good witch11:55 AM

    You did superb and I would like to see and hear more of you in this fashion. The religion part does matter in this myth. More focus on the non-profits would be a good thing.

    BTW, how slow witted is Sarah Palin? What happened to Rebecca Mansour being so smart and all? "At last week’s revved-up Anchorage rally for Joe Miller I spoke to the independent (Alaskan Independent Party), inspired crowd about the need to change Washington so Alaska can finally develop our natural resources to help secure the union." ANGDA

    They want the change in Washington to stop those welfare checks that go to Alaska. HA! HA! Everybody will need New Beginnings and a non-profit to get rich.

    Lady Vantassel
    "And naturally I included a riff on the fact that you can actually see Russia from Alaska." People in the lower48 know but apparently Sarah doesn't get the nuance. Where is the proof and the picture from her porch? The proof is in her idiotic stuck on stupid rhetoric. Let it go, Sarah, you only look more crazy when you return from the dead.

    Mama Grizzly, don't forget to show what a hockey mom does. Be there and support your daughter! It is that simple. Stop hanging out with guys that look like dirty perverts.

    Tonight is the 200th Dancing with the Stars episode, and as such she will be part of something really big.

  47. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Well done, Gryphen, well done. You were so understated, so British, in your total beat down of Sarah. My, how easy it was to sum her up. Those BBC folks know what they´re doing.

    Hey, Sarah, eat doody! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL at you, Sarah.

  48. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Very nice! Of course, there's a lot that can be said about Palin, but I think they captured the essence: that essentially, she wants attention.

  49. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Nicely done, Gryphen.

    You really should consider including video posts on your website. Before too long, you'll feel like a pro!

  50. Bravo!
    I hope you will reconsider and start doing ALL interviews when they ask you. The more you speak out the better :)

  51. It was great to see a face to the name Gryphen. You appeared very assured and comfortable. The camera is very good to you. But tell leadfoot you are marrying me, I was first.

    Don't hesitate on any other offers you did it justice, believe me or I would tell you if you didn't. Thank you for agreeing to do the interview, maybe they will show more later on.

  52. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Gryphen you did great! Agree with should do more interviews, both TV and radio!


  53. Anonymous12:48 PM

    You did great, Gryph! Let your light shine.

    OT - Tomorrow and the election results. I hope the Dems don't lose control of congress but it's not looking so good. Even in my little area of the world early voting is double what it was the last election. What that means I don't know but this is a very repug area. However, historically when the controlling party loses control of congress the President gets re-elected. So, even if the Dems lose control all is not lost. Have a look.

  54. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Looks good Gryphen you came across very well. Nice office too :)

  55. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Get in line, Leadfoot.

    Gryphen, will you marry ME? Oh wait - I'm already married.

    What a great job you did! You should definitely accept more interviews. You are much easier on the eyes than the Thrilla from Wasilla. You spoke clearly, looked relaxed, and you have such an important message to get out there.

    More! More!

  56. icstraights1:12 PM

    GREAT job G-man! Way to call the "Attention Whore" out, with dignity!

    Yeah she is wealthy now but her 'Crack' is ATTENTION!!!

    I wish the media would 'Cold Turkey' the wretch!

    All in good time; when everyone has their pound of flesh I suppose...the parasitic-symbiotic relationship with the media is still making both parties tuns o' money...and I hope you do alright yourself for all the hard work you have put into exposing the fraud of the century!

    Thanks for doing the BBC interview!

  57. I'm joining the chorus of praise. Intelligent, rational, articulate, poised! Impressive, indeed!

    If only we could get more big US media interested in AK bloggers and open to discussing babygate/eargate. Bill Maher? Joy Behar? You'd do great!

  58. Anonymous1:21 PM


    You were supposed to say "it sucks" at some point. Or maybe, "it totally sucks". Or "I'm a single mom."

    You missed those. Silly you.

  59. I cannot see it either. Have tried all day. am using latest Firefox.

  60. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I agree with everyone else. You were great! Send some good vibes our way tomorrow and I'll send some back to you guys.


  61. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Good show on your part but the utter crap that was coming out of that brits mouth were like nails against a blackboard !!

    The Swag-Hag is like a 6 year old child...begging for attention and when she gets hit in the face with a 2 x 6 then she whines for hours sometimes days!! There is always ONE thing that will be her downfall - THE TRUTH.

  62. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I think they give her too much credit--as if the whole Republican turnout on Tuesday will be due to her efforts. That's simply not true and I think it is misleading. Sort of a simplistic take on American politics designed for a foreign audience, in my opinion. I think that explains the near total focus on religion. Europeans like to think of us as an entire nation of brainwashed Evangelical yokels and and this piece just plays into that bias.

    You did great, though and thank you for pointing out that this is about her pathological need for attention more than any patriotic motivation on her part.

  63. Anonymous2:35 PM

    You looked and sounded great. No need to worry. I would say you were succinct and a much needed antidote to the bits with (not bits of) the fundamentalists.

  64. Anonymous2:48 PM

    And "awesome." You forgot to say "awesome. Although you were awesome. Good job!

  65. Anonymous2:50 PM

    First, Gryphen, you were great! I had so wanted to meet you this weekend in DC, but it was not to be.

    But a few thoughts on the BBC and Sarah. My husband & I spend a great deal of time in the UK (as well as other parts of Europe). People in the UK are fascinated with Sarah - they way one is fascinated by a car wreck, house fire, etc. (We went to a BBQ in outer London this summer during which the "entertainment" was watching "Sarah blooper" YouTubes - like the turkey pardoning, Couric interviews, SNL parodies, etc. to hysterical laughter) The Brits think she is the biggest JOKE, and they spend a great deal of time trying to get their heads around her appeal in the USA. I think that they are too polite to assume that so many people in the USA have "collective insanity" in that they would give 5 seconds of time to Sarah. So, I believe they think, "Ok, it must be an American fundamentalist religion thing." That would explain the BBC making the religious connection.

    I hate to say it, but it's so embarrassing to be a US citizen in Europe these days, just like it was during the Bush years (when I pretended I was Canadian b/c I was just tired of saying "no, I didn't vote for him, yes he's a douche") Europeans cannot understand why so many of these obviously unqualified and just plain goofy candidates are getting any support...and they also question why our President gets so LITTLE support.

    I think the BBC's religious take was a result of the Brits wanting to say, "This is what happens when you let fundamentalist mentality rule your decision making process." - rather than, "The people in the USA are NUTS!"

  66. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Good interview!
    I must say, we should get a group of people who are musically inclined together and visit that church and get that congregation to clap on the beat! Or at least offbeat and together....oh wait... I guess they are already doing that. Sort of...also, too. har har.
    I'd love to see a post of the Bot-comments that you have deleted! That would be funny included, too also, what a dill!

  67. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Great job! Very cool and collected. Too bad you didn't have more time. I'm glad they chose you instead of one of the other Alaskan bloggers.

  68. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Yeah... I'm going to have difficult time calling you "Uncle Gryphen", now!

    Great job, G. You had a short, but well respected spot... bloody BBC for fark's sake!!

    Well done. Soon enough, the bitch is going down down down down -- DOWN. And you deserve a LOT of credit.


  69. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Wow, just a few secs there, but so fun to see u and where you were. Ya sounded 'rill smart fer an Alaskan, too ;-)

  70. Excellent job, Gryphen! Ya did good!

    Uh, maybe it is just me, but WTF is Miller doing giving BBC an interview while refusing to speak to any US media?! I bet the BBC made Miller promise to keep the handcuffs at home....

  71. I second the positive comments about your interview Gryphen.

  72. Was sorry that your interview segment was so short. You appeared calm, intelligent, and reasonable. It was a far cry from Sarah Palin describing Alaska bloggers as pajama clad morons. Am joining the chorus, you should do more interviews. Congrats!

    O/T Why did SP just given a last minute endorsement to Tom Tancredo? Is she sticking up her middle finger to the republicans who just dissed her?

  73. Anonymous9:59 PM

    You're a natural. Good Job! bt

  74. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Great job Gryphen! You did come across as relaxed, intelligent, and to the point.

    And yes, you are cute! :-D

    I loved knowing that you had to tidy up the office.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.