Monday, November 01, 2010

In blind rage over Joe Miller's flailing campaign Sarah Palin uses questionable recording to attack local news reporters and smear all of the Alaska media.

Look how agitated she is!  She has been looking for some reason to make this about the media, and not Joe Miller's lack of ethics and unhinged paranoia, since the negative news articles about him started coming out and now she thinks she can finally explain all of the damaging news stories on the fact that the media is "out to get" her butt-boy.

And isn't it just icing on the cake that she gets to blame CBS, the same news agency that employs her arch nemesis Katie Couric? You can almost see Palin rubbing her hands together and saying "Aha, I got you whole station now, and your little news anchor too!"

Sadly for Sarah that is not the case.

In fact while KTVA in Alaska DOES broadcast CBS programming, they are NOT owned by CBS.  They are owned by the Alaska Broadcasting Company.

Now add that to the fact that the tape in question is incredibly garbled and difficult to hear, and you realize that this is just another case of Caribou Barbie trying to build paranoid castles in the clouds again.

Here is what KTVA General Manager Jerry Bever said in response to the allegations:

“The perception that this garbled, out of context recording may leave is unfortunate, but to allege that our staff was discussing or planning to create or fabricate stories regarding candidate Miller is absurd. The complete conversation was about what others might be able to do to cause disruption within the Miller campaign, not what KTVA could do.”

Another point that Palin seems to gloss over is that the truly damaging reports about Miller have come, not from KTVA, but from the Alaska Dispatch.  So unless she is saying that ALL of Alaska's media is in collusion to try and crush Joe Miller know THAT is exactly what she is saying isn't it?

Here is a report from Mediaite, and a video from FOX News that also throws cold water all over Paln's allegations.

As my daughter would say, that is an "Epic Fail."


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    So glad you are back, Gryph! Was starting to lose it when Palin went into manic mode yesterday with our favorite watch dog on a plane.

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    This is absolutely ridiculous. If they were out to smear Miller, then where are the stories? Nothing has been fabricated about Miller, although I'm sure he wishes that were the case. I think this 'outrage' is a smokescreen to cover the new information about Miller's paranoia. That Alaska Dispatch article about how he told his coworkers that if they found child porn on his work computer they should know it was planted was extremely revealing. Only a pedophile or would-be pedophile would worry about that. Combine that with the fact that he seems to have erased everything on his work computer (including work emails that the borough needed) makes me think that we have something much worse than my previous assessment of him as the country's biggest hypocrite.

  3. laprofesora6:14 AM

    Wow, looking a little desperate there, Scarah. Oh and crazy, also too.

  4. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Here's wild and GOP leaders are on the same page...

  5. Aunt Snow6:29 AM

    So, Sarah's upset that someone might imply another person is a child molester?

    What kind of awful person would do a thing like that? (Sarah vs. Letterman, Sarah vs. McGinniss)

  6. Aunt Snow6:32 AM

    Palin: "It should trouble all Americans that any member of the media would attempt to purposefully smear a nominee for the U.S. Senate."

    Isn't Ms (former half-term governor)Palin a member of the media? And hasn't she spent the last year purposefully smearing nominees for the U.S. Senate all over the country?

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I just read that Miller is ahead in the polls in Alasaka. What is wrong with you people?

  8. Anonymous6:48 AM

    "Corrupt Bastards"
    "man up" yet again

    We are witnessing the end, it is unraveling. The bad attitude, the hate, the political miscalculations are bearing their fruit.

    Palin is done, by January she will be back in Wasilla, for good.
    A nobody, the phone will stop ringing, no more $100K speaking engagements, nothing.

    I did not think that the 'good ole boys and girls' from the deep inside the R's would have started on her so soon. I was thinking it would be next week.

    But no!, they are coming out swinging at SP, and like all fights against bullies, it will be a two second fight. They will land some really hard punches, and she will runaway.

    The R's can't afford to have her around, too nasty, too polarizing.

    Yes, it was just a matter of when, and it looks like when started on saturday Oct. 30, 2010. She is being shown the door.

    And none to soon!

  9. Gryphen,

    This is off topic, but I heard your interview on the BBC this morning. Good show old chap!

    They referred to your blog as anti-Palin, but I don't think that you are so much anti-Palin as you are against the the positions that she stands for and the ideology that she represents.

  10. Anonymous6:56 AM

    She is losing it, completely de-compensating.

    Why did Miller even put those ideas out there? Beyond strange.

    In response to the Politco story she told the writers to "man up" and not use unnamed sources. Always with this kind of language. I can't imagine what happened to her in her childhood that she spews this kind of stuff every time she feels threatened.

    Steele and Giuliani are doing damage control today, prior to election day. Don't want the GOP dirty laundry aired, particularly right now!

  11. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Will someone please shut Scarah Fucktard the hell up. Listening to her voice is like hearing fingernails on a chaulkboard.

  12. GrainneKathleen6:59 AM

    anonymous @ 6:12 am - my thoughts exactly (but better put). there is something very strange in denying you are a sex offender when no one is accusing you. innocent until proven guilty if you are accused and tried for a crime. but there is no accusation here that we know of - strange.

  13. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Time for Sarah to take her meds.

    She is so irrelevant it's a waste of time talking about her. In fact, I think if we just ignore her, that would hurt her and her ability to play the victim (her greatest role) the most. She loves attention and being in the spotlight, even negative attention. We need to quit giving her a platform.


  14. Anonymous7:12 AM

    She has no facts on her side. She has no strategy except her constant claims of victimhood and lame attempts to smear others. I keep thinking she's jumped the shark, and then she jumps it... again.

    It's unlikely that anyone could come up with a way to smear Miller that would be worse than what the truth surely is. What Miller said about what might be found on his computer says volumes to me.

    O/T, I was at the President's rally in Connecticut and it was great - no evidence of "lack of enthusiasm" among Dem voters there.

  15. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I think there is some real dirt on her boy that might come out and this is her way of making it the medias fault.

  16. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Love-love-love her Weirdly Greusome wig!
    She is so freakin esoteric!

  17. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Notice how megan forget so mention that the station is not a CBS station?

    She really is losing it.
    Wonder who took her kids Trick or Treating this year.
    I wonder when this 'wonderful' mother sees her kids?

  18. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I find it so strange that Sarah Palin, self-named speaker for the "conservative christian" movement, is such a POTTY mouth. This child should grow up. I'm pretty sure this kind of stuff was common in middle school.

  19. Anonymous7:28 AM

    The Grizzeled One MUST be in a state of panic....her make-up plastered face and crooked mouth are all over HuffingtonPost this morning. Squak! Squak!

  20. Anonymous7:29 AM

    There she goes again, gutteral reactionary response when a 'leader' with gravitas would take a serious and methodical look at her angle of attack without proof.

    She's still not eating it for this irresponsible and alarming attack on LSM - as usual, she gets a pass. Is it because Media feels sorry for her as a person with mental deficiencies? Or because she's such a guaranteed hit for viewership and views?

    Sarah Palin would escalate the hundreds of mild squirmishes around the world into all out war, just so she can apply her military prowess of "We win, you lose."

  21. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Miller never should have run for high office. Never. He never had the resume or the fortitude to make the cut or handle vetting. He snuck past the primary, and for that, he and Sarah want him rewarded with 1 of 100 seats in a powerful legislative body.

    Just because you want to be a doctor doesn't mean you can be one. Just because you want to be an astronaut, doesn't mean you get to be one. Just because you want to be V.P. and then President, doesn't mean you can be Sarah.

    And Sarah? Even Fox News gave up on peddling you as an Analyst - you are just a contributor. But Opinionator, and a bad one at that, is all you are.

    And Joe, you are too crazy, too paranoid and delusional to be in charge of anyone but your family.

  22. Pat in MA7:33 AM

    Welcome back! Sarah - FOX News doesn't even buy your story! Stop makin' stuff up, will ya?

  23. Anonymous7:36 AM

    We all know Miller was erasing the trail connecting him to his collusion with Sarah Palin. He was protecting her Corrupt Bastard fighting image. When they are themselves, the cream of the crop.

    CBC is alive and well, only they didn't sell out for mere thousands, they are landowners, multi-homeowners, and conservative talking heads.

    Their high stakes political gambling paid off unlike anyone before, they are not suited for public office, but they will forever ride the gravy train of aggrieved conservatives put upon by the liberal agenda. Nice work if you can get it. Ask Juan Williams.

  24. chenagrrl7:37 AM

    This is so crazy that I suspect everyone. It is from the candidate's staffer phone, so instantly suspect.
    How do we know that is the real recording?
    Did CBS aff record call, also?
    The dropouts in the call could be as significant as what can be heard.

    Anyone familiar with the video making the hard-right cosmos called Obama and teleprompter or Obama needs Teleprompter?

    This sounds very much like it.

    I would check it for Breitbart fingerprints!

    Besides, Miller has done more to smear himself than any backwoods affiliate could do.

  25. Anonymous7:40 AM

    CBS top lawyer need to send VanFlea a cease and desist letter and then lower the boom on $arah, on Fox and everyone else claiming that CBS had anything at all to do with it. The flea and his client, Our Lady of Perpetual Victimhood, won't know what hit em.

  26. I saw a trailer for the movie "Due Date" where Robert Downey Jr. tells Zach Galifianakis, "I hate you on a cellular level" (at least I think that's the quote). Anyway, that sums up my feelings for Paylin: I hate her on a cellular level.

  27. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I agree with others here- it's a smokes screen for dirt that is likely to still come out about Miller. I don't agree though that she is toast. Not yet. Too many people are invested emotionally and monetarily to let that happen. Yet.

  28. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I hope the North Star Borough has hired a computer forensic expert to check out Miller's old computer. He may have erased stuff, but any forensic person worth their salt can pull it back up.

    I'd bet dollars to doughnuts they will find evidence of child porn on that computer if they look for it. Joe was trying to get in front of THAT with his story of sabotage.

    I didn't think my opinion of him could sink any lower, but he fooled me.


  29. Anonymous8:11 AM

    What is the obsession with child abuse? A little Guilt?

  30. Rick Hill8:14 AM

    Funny how the only clear voices are what they want you to hear. Seems that taping this is unwarranted wiretapping as well.

  31. Anonymous8:18 AM

    It didn't stop fox and friends from telling the story verbatum this morning, including that it was a cbs station.

  32. Rick Hill8:19 AM

    Also interesting is how they are pointing out how the Alaskan station is digging into the backgrounds of supporters right after their on the ground man ambushing the editor at his home early in the morning. As if Fawks is above creating their own story or controversy.

  33. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Are some political journalists stupid? mean? or naive?
    Greta Van Susteren | November 1, 2010 9:13 AM | Share | 21 Comments
    Politics is not national security. There should not be deep secrets. It is about democracy and those with the drive to want to serve the nation and the American people. Those involved in politics (candidates or staffs) should have courage of conviction and should speak up and speak out - not run around to political journalists spreading gossip or rumor like high school.

    And what about the political journalists?

    I can't figure out why political journalists would continue to use anonymous sources in political reporting. What is served? gossip? does it personally advance themselves to pretend they are in the know when they are just being fed schoolyard gossip?

    I can't figure out if some political journalists are just plain stupid (they don't realize that using anonymous sources is only gossip when reporting about politics) or mean (they enjoy repeating nasty things said by people who just want to ambush) or naive (they are too stupid to realize they are being used.)

    Political journalists would take a pledge: no anonymous sources unless a matter of national security or some other really serious reason.

    and this is why Greta is the only journalist I trust

  34. London Bridges8:22 AM

    Everyone see this? It was on Yahoo.

  35. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I'm sure she's royally pissed about the Politico article. The GOP establishment think she's a loser.

  36. Enjay in E MT8:31 AM

    SP acted like a someone with a huge secret or wad of gossip ready to spew it out.

    And it's all a distraction - while her endorsee's are tanking....Rove is calling her out.. Politico article says the GOP wants her wings clipped ..... Looks like the former half gov has a big 'ole target and everyone is ready to "take her out"

    The GOP needs to remove her ambitions without pissing off the base, they'll make it look like it didn't come from their camp. And why not use anon. sources in the media? Or Bloggers?

  37. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Ya wanna talk about lopsided, what if a male Democrat said "Corrupt Bitches" what do you think the Republicans, Teabagging women and Sarah would say? They are nothing but drama queens.

  38. Anonymous8:38 AM

    What does Joe Miller have on Sarah Palin that makes her stand up for him even as he proves what a "corrupt bastard" he has been?

    It must be something pretty serious.

  39. Anonymous9:04 AM

    She is so enraged, it makes me wonder if Miller has dirt on her that might come out during an investigation of HIM?? Seems I read somewhere that authorities are investigating Palin about her free house, built with materials just like the sport center. Maybe Miller knows something about this?

  40. Anonymous9:12 AM

    @ 8:20:
    Greta is a lawyer, not a journalist.

  41. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Keep in mind, folks, with the onset of colder weather, the upcoming time change, and so forth, Sarah's already entered the down side of her bipolar swing. She will get nastier and more insane in the next few weeks. Fun!

  42. Anonymous9:58 AM

    At the very, very end of the Palin clip newsguy looks like he is totally laughing at her.

  43. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Anon 8:20. I studied journalism and wrote for several years. Anon sources are important because they give reporters information that they may otherwise be unwilling to do. Remember Deep Throat and Watergate? Detectives also have and use anonymous sources on a daily basis. The only thing a journalist must do is verify the facts given to them and of the veracity of the source. Otherwise, you seem to forget that reporters have gone to jail to protect their sources.

    Greta is no journalist. She has blurred the line between herself as a journalist and a fan of Palin A LONG TIME AGO. To most attorneys and journalists, she is a joke.

  44. Anonymous10:11 AM

    St. Sarah the Foresightless One lies as usual.
    She claims that the reporters were conspiring to create situations unfavorable to Miller.
    The spliced and edited version, which she conveniently forgets to mention is edited, does not show anything of the kind.

    It certainly does not show anything of a Dim, liberal, Lisa, MSM conspiracy against her sweetie pie Miller.
    So there is lie number two.

    It is interesting that she apparently has a direct pipe line to Breitbart. She got on this story and got the interviews lined up just too quickly for there not to have been collusion between Breitbart, Murdoch, and Sarah.

    Tying her self to Breitbart will probably be a bad decision. The tape is already under attack because is is edited and when he releases the entire recording, which he will have to for her accusations to be taken seriously outside of the TeePeers, she and Breitbart will probably take a hammering.

  45. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Self-aggrandizing whore, and nothing more.

  46. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Does the North Star Borough not back up it's computers at lease daily?

    That's pretty risky and systems can crash at a moment's notice.

    There are ways to block access to personal emails sites and other non work related sites, which personally I think is a good idea for any business.

    Also password protected access for employee access.
    Hey, even small towns have rat finks in the population.

  47. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Palin flails to the rescue of a flailing Joe Miller using well known media expert Breitbart.
    She is losing it. Epic Fail is right.

    No wonder the Politico article caused Mamma Grizz to respond!!

    She is attacked from all sides. She is not paranoid if they really are out to get her. Karl Rove on the attack means she is a target.

    The Republican party gets what they deserve-a case of buyers remorse. Thinking that the voters would be played by VP Sarah Dearest- and instead what has happened is that she has played them. Now they have to deal with that nutcase that they spent so much time telling us "she is too qualified" just a few short years ago. "IS TOO QUALIFIED! IS TOO! IS TOO!- SEXIST COMPLAINERS! LALALA".

    Not all Republicans were responsible for her nomination in 2008; but EVERY ONE that supported the ticket in 2008 IS responsible for the consequences of that support. That is the reason Tea Party Grizzly Mama is here today.

    The choice was either party first or country first. Party first is the wrong choice. The excuse that the endorsers had no clue may be true- but it is not a valid excuse AFTER they claimed she was qualified to Be a failed heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States.

    The questions about Joe Miller, Sarah Palin's support and endorsement of Joe Miller (not just for the current U.S. Senate race) and the ties between them and other groups and financiers will not go away.

    Grizzly Mama is playing the game of being a candidate for in 2012, and must run then as she is already looking long in the tooth. She will announce her candidacy shortly in all likelihood. She no doubt understands why she will be scrutinized in advance of her announcement. This will include those she 'pals around with'.

    What is left to be either found or released?

    Those who know whats up include bloggers and the unnamed Republican sources in the Politico story. Just like the recent AK Dispatch story about Joe Miller and what his co-workers witnessed- there is MUCH MORE that is known but not yet public.

    The pressure is on and the coming loss of control will be epic- whether Miller wins or loses.

  48. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:20, you've got Greta all wrong. She is sticking up for Sarah in the quote you shared. Sarah just went Apesh%t about anonymous sources within the Republican party saying there is a concerted effort to keep her from running in 2112 or finding a way to defeat her if she does run. Sarah started whining about the use of anonymous sources used in the politico story about it. Don't for a minute think Greta is anything but a shill for Palin. She and her husband are involved in whatever Sarah is involved in and have a lot invested in Sarah's brand.

    The Republicans are about to find out the meaning of the old saying, if you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Only with Sarah, you not only wake up with fleas, but you also wake up to find she drove the bus over you a time or two.

    The Repubs, to use a Halloween analogy, are finding themselves in the same position as Dr. Frankenstein when he realized he had to destroy the monster that he created.


  49. Megan Kelly, at the end, reitterates Breitbart's accusation, failing to mention that the "transcript" might be faulty, or that there could be another logical explanation for the purported words on the tape, if any part of it is actually accurate.

    But I don't expect her to be fair, because she does work for Fox News, whose motto is: We're Fairly Unbalanced. Close Enough.

  50. Anonymous12:08 PM

    WHY do you have an ad for SarahPAC on your site? And please don't tell us you have no control over ads, other blogs do not have such advertising.

  51. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I don't know what other sites you visit, but I find these crazy ads at quite a few sites. They make me I know they do not represent most of the people reading that blog.

  52. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Watch the interview with the sound muted and then ask yourself if this a visual of presidential timber.

  53. Anonymous2:01 PM

    The best part about the Sarah PAC and other ads- the money spent is wasted. Click through every once in a while to waste more of their money.

  54. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Bring 'er on!

  55. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Anyone know what is going on with her lips? It's like she is salivating or having side effects from her meds or something

  56. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Bwaaahhahhahaa, looks like she combed her wig!

  57. Anonymous3:59 PM

    HEY TODD, hide the cans of pork and beans. Your fella Sarah is about to have a fit and stroke tomorrow and ya don't wanna be in her line of sight when she starts chuckin' those cans..


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.